The Light Milwaukie Lutheran Church April 2015 Help the Homeless in Clackamas County The Shepherding Committee, and Family Connections are partnering with the Women's group, MLCW, to provide an opportunity for our congregation and friends to participate in "Brown Bag Service Project Saturday", April 18, 2015. We will be ready to begin at 9:30 a.m. and plan to be done about 2:00 p.m. Stop by and lend a helping hand as it best fits your personal or family schedule. Our goal for this project is to help feed the hungry in our own backyard and share a volunteer experience with our youth. The result of this project will be as great or small as the number of people who turn out. We ask each individual or family bring ONE LOAF of BREAD and SANDWICH FILLER, meat, peanut butter, cheese, etc. No mayo fillers like tuna salad please. Everything else will be provided: bags, fruit, water, maybe even fresh baked cookies. Small children are invited to help decorate the bags with art work. Volunteer certificates will be available for youth/teens. Inside this issue: May 2, 2015 Day Retreat at the Griffin Center During the season of Lent, our mid-week services focused on different aspects of prayer. We would like to continue the conversation. On Saturday, May 2, beginning at 9:30 a.m. and ending at 2:30 p.m., we are offering a Day Retreat at the Griffin Center on Fuller Rd. here in Milwaukie. The cost for the retreat is a sliding scale of $20-$45 per person which will include lunch and snacks. (Some scholarships are available. Just ask the office.) Forms are available in your weekly bulletins, on the table in the Gathering space and online at Directions to the center and other pertinent info will be sent after receiving registration. Absolute deadline to register for the retreat will be Thursday, April 23 at noon. Women’s Lunch Out—April 20 at 11:30 a.m. Rivershore Restaurant in Oregon City—1900 Clackamette Drive. Men’s Dinner Out—April 20 at 5:30 p.m. Tebo’s on McLoughlin (it’s strawberry shortcake time!) Everyone Welcome!! Join together for food & fellowship. Art and Soul: Saturday, April 25 From the Pastor 2 News , News, and More News 3 & 4 Pictures 5 Youth News 6 Times Marches On 7 & 8 April Calendar 9 Light News Deadline Submissions due by April 15 at noon for the April edition. You can submit articles to: [email protected] or turn in items to the church office. 10:00am to Noon here at Milwaukie Lutheran Church. Project: "Word Dangles" using pen & colored pencils . Cost: $10 per artist. Ask anyone who's been to class, and they will tell you it's true; no artistic talent is needed! Ages 8 - 108, All are welcome! Bring a family member or friend ~ it's a work of art as soon as it's signed by you!! Page 2 Milwaukie Lutheran Church April 2015 •From Our Pastor• MLC familyPost-Resurrection blessings to all of you. I hope that your Spring seasons are all living up to your expectations. Just as new life is starting to blossom around us, we have new life springing up within our community! Of course, with new life always comes new things, which is also known by a four letter word: change. So as to avoid the pitchforks and torches, let me tell you about some of the new things that are happening around MLC. First and foremost, I know there have been a lot of questions about how we are moving things around with regards to coffee and fellowship time, as well as storage space and rehearsal areas. Let me explain the impetus behind some of what we’re doing. One of the major struggles that we have at MLC is that, even though we have a beautiful building, the general vibe of our space is more of a 1960’s hospital than a welcoming home. I am hoping to move the atmosphere of our space toward the direction of the latter. Toward that end, I want to create more gathering spaces, and less “institutional” spaces. By no means are we trying to force people to do certain things or to change how we gather in fellowship, but rather we are trying to provide opportunities for gathering/resting/sitting in other areas besides just our fellowship hall. As such, we are experimenting with different setups and different layouts. Now, I do realize that I may have stepped on some toes during this process, which is never my intent. However, as is often said, in order to make a cake you have to break some eggs. Combine this with the fact that we (and when I say “we”, I mean your leadership staff and committees) are currently still experimenting with different things, and I can understand why there may be some frustration. What I am asking for from you all is patience and feedback. No one is trying to hurt anyone else, and by no means are we (the staff) trying to alienate or frustrate any portion of this community. That being said, if you do want to provide feedback, please come chat with me. I understand that, as a pastor, I am terrifying and intimidating, but I promise that I have curtailed my biting habits, and have removed the throne of skulls from my office. All kidding aside, not only will a conversation be much more effective and pleasant, but you get free coffee. Who can say no?!?! Alright, the second matter: I am really excited to announce that we are in the process of developing a partnership with Iglesia Shalon Adonai, a Spanish-language community that will be worshiping in our space on Friday and Saturday evenings. This is an in-process thing right now and they are currently in a “trying-it-out” phase; so again, I ask your patience during this learning period. However, this is amazing opportunity for us to connect with the Hispanic community in Milwaukie. They are currently a very small community (~30ish people), but are growing rapidly. They are all young families and are led by Pastor Edvin Calderon, who lives right here in Milwaukie. As I said, there is still some sorting-out to do, as we have some groups that meet in our space on Fridays, such as our regular card games, and several different concerts on Saturdays, but please know that these pre-existing events get priority. Iglesia Shalon Adonai will work around what we are doing. That being said, please please please make sure to schedule events with Sheryl Ann. As we continue to increase the usage of our building, it will be more and more important to get events on the calendar so that we don’t have conflicts or frustrations. Blessings, Pastor Jesse Milwaukie Lutheran Church April 2015 Page 3 Global Heath Emphasis for April, May and June Focus on Malaria: With World Malaria Day coming up on April 25, the Global Mission Ministry Team decided that this quarter we will focus on malaria. The ELCA Campaign Against Malaria has almost attained its goal of $15 million by 2015 for malaria treatment and prevention. Milwaukie Lutheran Church has been part of that, contributing a total of $2523 so far. Malaria is still one of the world’s leading causes of death and morbidity. Please Give What You Can to Help. You can mark “malaria” in the memo line of your check or use the envelopes marked “Global Mission” on the table in the gathering area and designate your contribution to malaria. Your yearto-date gifts to our global mission emphases for the first quarter are: Hunger - $1242.95. Disaster response $10. For Missionary support-$355 MLC Mission Endowment Fund Board Seeking Ministry Proposals Since 1998, the Board of the MLC Mission Endowment Fund has been providing funding for such local programs as Backpack Buddies, Camp Lutherwood, the Milwaukie Center Nutrition Program, Love, INC and many others. It is now time to make funds that were earned during the 2014 year available for distribution. The mission of the MLC Mission Endowment Fund is to fund “expanding ministry in Spiritual Growth, Education, and Outreach” apart from the regular operating budget of the church. If you know of a mission opportunity that you would like the board to consider funding, please contact one of the current board members or the church office for guidelines regarding your funding request. All requests for funding should be received by June 1, 2015. The board will then make its determination of the mission projects to be funded. If you have any questions, please contact any of the following board members: Henry Johnson, Beth Lillie, Mary Jo Hess, Dan North, or Don Wilsey. Local, Direct-Trade Coffee Being Served Did you know that MLCW has researched and helped fund a new coffee system here at MLC. We are still working out the “bugs” but there is great, locally processed, direct-trade coffee available on Sundays in the parish hall as well as the Gathering space. We are also providing coffee and cookies Monday-Thursday for the Preschool parents/grandparents. Some new bistro tables have been purchased and will be arriving soon. A new thing is happening and it is all part of the strategic plan that was voted on by the congregation. A Reminder to Readers and Communion Assistants Calendars are on the bulletin board by the office so you can check to see when you volunteered (you will also receive email reminders) and you can sign up for other times. Anyone interested in learning more about what readers/communion assistants do, check with the office and we will give you a brief intro and schedule a training. Thank you for supporting the ministry of MLC! Vietnam War Memorial to Come to Milwaukie The City of Milwaukie is proud to work with American Legion Post 180 to mark the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam War. The City and Legion have joined the United States Department of Defense's (DOD) Commemoration Program as Commemorative Partners, and will organize special events and programs to observe the 50th anniversary in 2015, 2016, and 2017. The partnership's goal is to honor the men and women who responded to our nation's call to service in Vietnam, Southeast Asia, and on the home front. July 23-26, 2015 the half-sized Wall will be in Milwaukie at Milwaukie High School. Volunteers are needed for this event. Your support is encouraged. A volunteer form and more information is available on the bulletin board by the church office. What’s Up with Our MLC Book Club The MLC Book Club meets the last Tuesday of the month at 1:00 p.m. in the library. All are welcome. The selection for April is: The School of Essential Ingredients by E. Bauermeister. The date is: Tuesday, April 26. Page 4 Milwaukie Lutheran Church April 2015 Thank Yous Thank you to everyone who attended the recent benefit concert for Backpack Buddies. Jeff Johnson did a great job of organizing the event for his Eagle Scout project. We received food items to make about 300 lunches (we pack 58 per week) and another $694 in monetary donations. We will be sending lunches home through the end of the school year, so keep those donations coming. A list of needed items can be found on the red tub marked for Backpack Buddies. Thank you for the many acts of kindness show to me at Evelyn’s death. Thanks to Jesse for the personal message, to Owen for the music, Sheryl Ann for her help, and to the women who served the luncheon. The service touched many and was a tribute to a lady who was all about love and care for others. God’s blessings to a church family who truly cares. ~Helen Rhode Thank you to the Shepherding Ministry Team and Migon Fleming for the Easter Baskets prepared for our In Home Care parishioners. Thank you to Sue and Jerry Prosa and Sue and Paul Roeger for decorating the sanctuary for Easter. It took a great deal of your time and please know how much you are appreciated and how great it looked! Thank you to the Altar Guild for preparing for our extra services this Lenten and Easter Season. You are a blessing to the staff and congregation! A special thank you to Owen, Maya, the Praise Ensemble, the Chancel Choir and the Bell Choir for helping make our Lenten and Easter worship very special. Thank you to everyone who helped with the Easter Breakfast this year. The purchasing of food, the donations of food, set up, the cooking, serving and clean up– all of you people were amazing as usual!! Did you know that we have been doing an Easter Breakfast Fundraiser for 30 years? And for most of that time, Elmer Lampe has been the guiding force...Elmer has decided that this year was his last year. We want to thank Elmer for his many years of faithful service to MLC & to our Youth. Yours will definitely be big shoes to fill. We remember in our prayers this day: Marta G, April R, Earl J, Myra C, Dick P, Todd K, Faith C, Jean and Carl A, Charity C, Dean S, Mark and Dawne H, Gladys G, Dennis D, Leona A, Andy S, Alan, Darend, Andrea, Griffin B., Robbie, John D., Tom D., Kyle K., Russ G., Keith C., Helen H., Deanne V., David P. The President of the United States and our elected officials. All countries facing war and strife, poverty and illness, famine and disaster. All people around the world in military service for their country. Especially at this time, Jordan, grandson-in-law of Barbara F., in Afghanistan. For Pastor Scott Dunfee as he serves our country as military chaplain. We pray for those serving Christ around the world: Pastors Colin and Jeni Grangaard and their daughter, Josephine—West Bank/Jerusalem; Marian Hungerford—Cameroon (who hopes to return to Cameroon soon) Church Staff Jesse Christopherson....................................... Pastor Email: [email protected] Crystal Larsen-O’Connor…… ………….….Youth Pastor Email: clarsen-o’[email protected] Sheryl Ann Waage…………. Administrative Assistant Email: [email protected] Maya Story.......................................Pianist/Organist Owen James...............Choir Director/Contemporary Music Director Kari Liebert....................................Bell Choir Director Carolyn Schoenemann……………………….Bookkeeper Migon Fleming…….Family Connections Coordinator Karen Hicks..................................Volunteer Librarian Patty Shilling..........................Volunteer Parish Nurse Leadership Council Dolores Vilstrup ……………..……President Dennis Bourdette.............Vice President Debbie Helgerson.....................Secretary Jeff Bandelow...........................Treasurer Migon Fleming..........................Advocate Geoff Jenks….............................Advocate Jim Johnson...............................Advocate Beth Lillie…………......................Advocate Nate Westerlund…………..……..Advocate Milwaukie Lutheran Pre-School Phone: 503.659.9881 Barbara Johnson……Preschool Administrator Email: [email protected] Milwaukie Lutheran Church April 2015 Easter 2015 Page 5 MLC YOUTH NEWS Here are the dates for Spring 2015 youth group meetings & exciting events. Please stay tuned for possible updates and additional events. April 19th - Youth Group with MPC at 6-8PM May 3rd - Youth Group at 6-8PM 17th - Youth Group at 6-8PM 31st - Hiking at Silver Falls with EPC June 7th - Youth Group at 6-8PM 14th - End of the year celebration event with EPC Youth Pastor: Crystal Larsen-O’Connor - Email: clarsen-o’[email protected] “TIME MARCHES ON” A Conference for Seniors Needing to Make New Life Decisions Milwaukie Lutheran Church 3810 SE Lake Road Milwaukie, Oregon 97222-6021 Thursday, May 7, 2015 beginning at 10 AM Program Topics include: 1. Changes in our housing requirements 2. Conversations on end-of-life care 3. Estate Planning 101 Lunch will be served. Reservations are required for lunch planning. Please call: Sue McKenzie 503 694 8545 or Patty Shilling 503 654 8525. ~This conference is sponsored by the Health Ministry Team at MLC in conjunction with a grant received from the Oregon Synod of the ELCA.~ “TIME MARCHES ON: A Workshop for Seniors” May 7, 2015 Milwaukie Lutheran Church. 3810 SE Lake Road, Milwaukie, OR 97222-6021 Too many seniors experience anxiety related to aging issues, or even worse, fall victim to predators seeking to take advantage of them. The HEALTH MINISTRY TEAM at Milwaukie Lutheran Church seeks to reduce the confusion and stress experienced by seniors as they need to make new life choices. The workshop will feature three professional speakers: Our first speaker, Linda Seals, Senior Advocate, will address the "stuff" we accumulate during our lifetime. Sometimes we get overwhelmed over the prospect of dealing with our “treasures” so we postpone the necessary decisions. Linda will help get some organization to how we approach the task of downsizing. Downsizing and simplifying are initially attractive concepts as we age, but the realities of letting go can be challenging. Those possessions we worked hard to acquire or came to us by way of inheritance may or may not have the same importance to our children. What challenges face us as we release our "stuff" and how might we talk with our children about important topics as we journey through this last third of our lives? On a deeper level, one of the important conversations we can have about aging is one most people never get around to--the discussion of end-of-life-care. We may fill out advance directives with doctors and powers of attorney with lawyers, but never sit down to talk with our family about what we want. You will leave this conference with a "Conversation Starter Kit" to guide you in thinking through and talking about what matters most to you at end-of-life. Our speaker for this portion of the program is Debbie Kohler, a pastoral counselor at Milwaukie Lutheran. She will be available for a few pre-arranged 30 minute consultations following the workshop. Many of us have never got around to writing our Will or have not updated it for many years. Now here is a chance to do so! A fellow Lutheran and member of Milwaukie Lutheran, attorney Laura Schroeder, is presenting “Estates 101.” As part of the class, Laura will present information on the difference between a will and a trust, drafting a simple will, and answer basic questions or calm your fears about estate planning. As part of her ministry, Laura will waive her fees associated with writing a simple will if you agree to make a bequest of at least $500 per individual or $1,000 per couple to your church or a Lutheran non-profit entity of your choice. If you prefer not to make a bequest, these services are available for $500 for an individual or $1,000 for a couple. Laura has graciously agreed to make herself available for a limited number of prescheduled 30 minute estate planning interviews after her presentation on a first come, first served basis. Please contact Jim Johnson, immediately, if you would like to set a time to meet Laura on May 7, as there are only four time slots available on this date. Following the seminar, appointments can be made to meet with Laura in her Portland Hollywood area office to discuss your will. Lunch will be served at 12 noon. Reservations are required for lunch planning. Reservations must be made by May 1, 2015, by calling either Sue McKenzie at 503 694 8545 or Patty Shilling at 503 654 8525. This event is sponsored by the Health Ministry Team at Milwaukie Lutheran in conjunction with a grant from the Oregon Synod of the ELCA.
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