October 26, 2014

Better Together Food Drive - Friday, October 31st. Watch for your bag from the Moose
Jaw Times Herald and fill it with non-perishable food items only. Volunteers will go doorto-door gathering bags from 6-9:00 PM on Oct. 31st. If you are not going to be home, please
drop off your filled bag at either Conexus location or at Hillcrest Church. There is a need
for volunteers to help go door-to-door collecting filled grocery bags. Sign up online at
www.hacmj.ca or call Hillcrest church office at 306-692-5600.
A lady had recently been baptized. When she went to work, one of her coworkers
asked her what it was like to be a Christian. She was caught off guard and didn’t
really know how to answer, but when she looked up, she saw a jack-o-lantern on
the desk and answered, “Well, it’s a lot like being a pumpkin.” The worker asked
her to explain that one. “Well, God picks you from the patch and brings you in
and washes off the dirt on the outside. Then God removes all the yucky stuff from the
inside. He removes all those seeds of doubt, hate, greed, etc. You feel really great. He
carves you a new smiling face and then, He puts His Light inside you to shine for all to
We received the following note from MaryAnn Gooding who moved to Medicine Hat midSeptember: “My new email address is [email protected]. Thinking of you and missing
the fellowship and familiar faces! Have a great day and God bless you all for your
fellowship and kindness over the years and before I left. I am doing fine here and know that
God is with me as I establish a new life in Medicine Hat. In Christian love, MaryAnn”
MaryAnn’s new mailing address is: 32-200-13 SE, Medicine Hat, AB T1A 3P9.
One Halloween a trick-or-treater came to my door dressed as “Rocky” in boxing gloves and
satin shorts. Soon after I gave him some goodies, he returned for more. “Aren’t you the
same “Rocky” who left my doorstep several minutes ago?” I asked. “Yes”, he replied, but
now I’m the sequel. I’ll be back three more times tonight too.”
October 26, 2014
Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost
Emmanuel Lutheran Church of Moose Jaw
Pastor: Rev. Dr. John Kreutzwieser 306-684-2080
Parish Worker: Barb Dick
Church Office Hours: 9:00 AM- Noon (Monday-Friday)
Church Office Phone: 306-692-9078
Address- Box 1376, 15 Paul Drive, Moose Jaw, SK S6H 4R3
Email Address: [email protected]
Web page: www.emmanuel_lutheran_moosejaw.worthyofpraise.org
Lutherans Living Christ
Our Vision:
To be an active group of people serving Moose Jaw and surrounding area
with a Lutheran spirituality.
Our Mission:
To engage people in authentic Biblical worship leading to growth in
Christian living.
9:30 AM
Care & Share (Crafts)
7:00 PM
See note in newsletter
10:00 AM
6:00 PM
7:00 PM
8:00 PM
Bible Study with Pastor John (Daniel)
Bible Study with Pastor John (Daniel)
2:00 PM
3:00 PM
6:30 PM
7:45 PM
Pastor John has service at Extendicare
Pastor John has service at Chez Nous
Lutheranism 100
10:30 AM
Gospel Singers Practice
Next Sunday
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
10:00 AM
11:00 AM
2:30 PM
Bible Study with Pastor John
“KEEP” (Kids Early Education Program)
Divine Service
Youth Retreat
Gospel Singers at Mulberry Estates
Readings for the Week:
The Lutheran Hour You can listen to the Lutheran Hour on radio station CKRM 620AM
Regina next Sunday at 7:30 AM or CJWW 600AM Saskatoon at 7:00 AM November 2:
"Blessed in Hard Times"Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Gregory Seltz During hard times,
God is still with you and at work for you. (Matthew 5:1-12)
Psalm 46
1 Thessalonians 2:1-13
Leviticus 19:1-2, 15-18
Matthew 22:34-46
Special Requests:
We praise and thank God for a successful surgery for Roxie Rolke. Pray for a
speedy healing in the days to come.
Inga Grams, Leonard Gram’s sister-in-law, from Moose Jaw has pancreatic cancer. We
pray for God’s comfort and strength to deal with the pancreatic cancer in its final stages.
If you have prayer needs, please leave a message at the church to be given to our prayer
All ladies are invited to the LWMLC event on Tuesday, October 28th at 7:00
PM. Debbie Rinas will present the topic “The Journey of Life”–a bend in the
road is not the end of the road. Come for an evening of inspiration, and of
course refreshments! There will also be an ingathering that evening of toques,
scarves and mitts that will be taken to several elementary schools in Moose Jaw
A five-session study on the Book of Daniel will be offered at the MidWeek Bible Study with Pastor John. The studies begin this Wednesday,
October 29th and are offered at two times: 10:00 AM or 7:00 PM. Pick
the time that works out best for you and join our study whenever you can.
The Eternity Candle on the altar burns to remind us of the presence of the Spirit of
God in the life of his people.
This week the candle burns in celebration of Loretta Schick’s birthday which was on
Saturday, October 25th.
If you would like the candle to burn in celebration of an event or in memory of someone in
November-December 2014, please sign the sheet posted at the church info centre