Art & Art Therapy - Mindful Art Center

Individual Art
Therapy Sessions
by appointment • Call for hours
• Sessions in person or online
weekly or twice monthly • visit www. for for
policies and more
Online Workshops
Ongoing - Topics include: • Stitch Therapy (abstract
embroidery for self-care),
Daily Visual Journal (art for
stress reduction and selfperception), and more
Choice-Based Art
Various times - see website for
• using a choice-based art
education model, participants
will develop creative problemsolving skills, self-initiative,
critical thinking skills, and
Art & Art Therapy
Mindful Art Center offers a variety of learning experiences
and art therapy sessions. I offer workshops and classes both online
and in the studio, ranging from choice-based art education classes
to online self-care art workshops. Classes and workshops are
designed to help you improve your personal self-awareness,
increase self-esteem and confidence, and reduce anxiety. Individual
art therapy sessions for kids through adults can be scheduled
during the week and will be designed specifically for your needs.
Call or email for a free consultation to find out how I can help you
achieve your goals and determine the best path for your success.
Our goal is to empower you through art to improve your overall
sense of well-being and to provide you with tools and resources to
improve cognitive, emotional, developmental, and perceptual skills
while having fun!
What is Art Therapy?!
“Art therapy is a mental health profession in which clients,
facilitated by the art therapist, use art media, the creative process,
and the resulting artwork to explore their feelings, reconcile
emotional conflicts, foster self-awareness, manage behavior and
addictions, develop social skills, improve reality orientation, reduce
anxiety, and increase self-esteem.”
~ American Art Therapy