Permission Slip-Apr2015 - Calvary Church | Minnedosa, Manitoba

Calvary Church J.U.S.t Youth
Youth Field Trip April 2015
Permission Slip
Dan Macaulay: Concert of Praise
Free Concert sponsored by Bethel Christian Assembly
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Leaving at 5:15 pm sharp from Calvary Church
Concert: 6:30 to 9 pm at the latest
Arrive Minnedosa on or before 10 pm at Church. We will drop off where possible.
$2 for gas, please. And maybe some snack money, just in case. The event is free.
(We won’t have time to stop for supper, so please ensure your child has had supper
before we leave.)
Lorraine Kaczor, Youth Pastor, home 204.867.5342, if parents have questions
or text 204.868.6969
on or before Wednesday, April 29, 2015
We just found out about this exciting opportunity to connect up with another youth group for a
Christian music concert and short teaching about praise and worship by Dan Macaulay, all with a
youth focus.
Dan Macaulay is an acclaimed Canadian worship leader, singer/songwriter and eight-time GMA
Canada Covenant Award nominee. Dan’s songs are sung in churches and played on radio around
the world. His passion is seeing churches and individual believers grow in worship, in both song
and action, as a response to God's goodness. Dan has served as a pastor for 8 years, and has led
worship in venues across Canada, the U.S. and internationally for 20 years.
For more information about the Dan Macaulay: Concert of Praise, visit the Bethel website at:
There will be a minimum of three adult chaperones on this trip. We will be driving with our own
personal vehicles.
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Please cut along dotted line and return to Lorraine on or before Wednesday, April 29, 2015.
My child(ren)’s names is/are ______________________________________________________________.
_____ I grant permission for my child(ren) to attend the Calvary Church J.U.S.t Youth trip to
Brandon to attend the Dan Macaulay: Concert of Praise event as described in this
information sheet. I have included $2/child.
(Parent/guardian signature and printed name)
Parent’s/guardian’s emergency contact information is:
Phone Number: ________________________________ (please indicate if this is home, cell & do you text?)
Date: ________________________________