AVULSION THE CASE OF FOR OPEN J. From THE R. REDUCTION WOOTFON, North ISCHIAL M. Sydney AND J. CROSS, Orthopaedic APOPHYSIS INTERNAL K. and W. Sports G. FIXATION HOLT Medicine Centre We report three cases of avulsion of the LSChiaI tuberosity with marked chronic disability after delay in and non-union of the fracture. All were treated by open reduction and internal fixation with return to full function, allowing in one case, athletic performances of Olympic standard. We also report one patient with an acute apophyseal avulsion treated by early reduction and internal fixation with restoration of full function. diagnosis The apophysis ischial may suffer avulsion from the innominate bone from around puberty up to 25 years of age, by which time it has generally fused (Milch 1926; Schlonsky 1981). and The contraction body Olix of the ofthe ligaments 1972; mechanism being to the sacrum and injury hamstrings ischium commonly engaged a high contraction Fernbach of is or adductor stabilised by the (Abbate 1945). Patients such as sprinting, long jumping or hurdling and Rida 1963 ; Schlonsky and Olix 1972). Martin and Pipkin into apophysiolysis (acute), and old doubt from Howard and Metzmaker ment leads than Piha 1965; the Where there the and (MacLeod and Lewin Pipkin 1957; Hamada is wide natural are fractures fractures and there is little and Rida 1963; Pipkin and Pappas 1985) that conservative to good results if displacement fragments, can quently surgical and Piha (1965) there is stretch avulsion Martin flexion 1957; manageis no more separation history is less of the certain 1929 ; Labuz 1946 ; Martin and Rida 1963; Howard and and Piha result 2 cm displacement fixation ; those Even (Hamada classified ununited avulsions previous reports (Hamada minimal. fracture (1957) (undisplaced), likely the sacrotuberous in strenuous activities where rate or a forceful hamstring I 98 1). While is more and Pipkin 1957; Schlonsky and Olix 1972); this painful, and may enlarge to form an ischial mass and Hinds 1972); significant weakness of knee sudden magnus, 1980 ; Fernbach and Wilkinson may occur, fibrous non-union (Martin is often (Barnes Wilkinson usually 1965 ; Wray bony union (Wilson 1976; intervention suggested needed with when 1976). operative less could a case Watts may be indicated that avulsions with more than reduction be treated for surgery Conse; Howard and conservatively. can be established, the actual technique has not yet been well defined, and too few cases have been reported to compare the results of internal fixation of the ununited fragment, with those of excision of the fragment and re-attachment of the hamstring this condition and Olix reduction origin. It is uncertain can recover fully 1972). and We therefore present internal fixation in disability marked report whether an athlete with after operation (Schlonsky a patient after with which early operation the three conservative treatment. wide displacement we now advise. CASE results of open patients with treated We also by the REPORTS 1. A 15-year-old male sprinter presented in 1977 following an injury sustained whilst sprinting six months previously. At the time of injury he heard two cracks Case J. R. Wootton, BSc, FRCS, Senior Orthopaedic Registrar Robert Jones & Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital, Oswestry, shire, SY1O lAG, England. K. W. G. Holt, Perth, Western FRACS, Australia. Orthopaedic Shrop- followed tuberosity. Surgeon M. J. Cross, FRACS, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Royal Shore Hospital, Sydney and Director of North Sydney Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Centre 286 Pacific Highway, Crows Nest, Sydney, NSW, Australia. North and Correspondence Street, Oswestry, Brook should be sent to Mr J. R. Wootton Shropshire SY11 2TB, England. © 1990 British Editorial Society of Bone 030l-620X/90/41 32 $2.00 J Bone Joint Surg [Br] 1990; 72-B : 625-7. VOL. 72-B, No. 4, JULY 1990 and Joint at 31 Upper Surgery had by moderately His initial subsided and then ever, he continued buttock and was activity. Clinical clinic demonstrated and a radiograph avulsed ischial severe treatment hamstring pain over the left ischial was rest until the pain rehabilitation. How- to have local pain in both groin and unable to run or undertake any sporting examination a gap showed tuberosity. on presentation to our in the proximal hamstrings gross displacement of the His left thigh was 4 cm thinner 625 J. R. WOOTFON, 626 than the measured right and the power in the hamstring by the Orthotron, was 30% less. We performed fixation of the injury, using subsequently became staples healed painless time the an open non-union over patient reduction after initial and a wire loop. by a short fibrous The fracture union which the during next regained six months, normal which thigh girth and hamstring power. He made a full return to competition achieving his previous levels of performance in the 100 to 800 m events. When reviewed two years later and again 12 years later, he was athlete, Wales State sprint apophysis playing internal the K. W. G. HOLD Case 3. A 17-year-old muscles, and 10 months M. J. CROSS, buttock He elsewhere over 30% at loss tenderness and torn hamstring was made When the we saw him hamstrings palpable of the A week later fixation. his hamstrings unaided weeks. and we performed Nine weeks were very tight with recovered his full standard the Australian 200 m title. sporting buttock activity due to weakness pain. Radiographs of the apophysis (Fig. union showed 1). Open reduction and 1 internal he was able to light to return operation. Despite tender with some good pain bony on persistent fibrous non- Case A displaced fixation. eight months after the injury months his pain on hamstring and a wide Fig. Figure internal to undertake was performed (Fig. 2). Over the next stretching disappeared; running union sitting settled and at 12 weeks he remained of the six locally for 18 months. These he was able to return to their removal. Figure was 2 with acutely apophysis crack from symptoms eventually his pre-injury level of activity. Most of the local pain was from the region of the screws the heads of which could be felt, but he did not consider that the symptoms warranted ischium. of 80#{176} and rugby an with as he was straight mechanism hamstrings. of athletic open within one week, normal and achieved power. He of performance, player a subse- presented to us and avulsion fracture 3 cm displacement. the and time and our activity reduction rehabilitation league of injury was Because of the open but leg raise at 12 weeks, reduction sprinting at and running 2 After - a reduction a straight hamstring he had, Fig. fracture a programme 1 avulsion fixation 40#{176}. After 4. A 14-year-old of showed he began quently winning any he was still unable commenced. at the origin an open later leg raise the injury local of apophysis. straight after for two a radiograph six months of South four weeks with of power : a diagnosis only stretching the New ischial in the 2. An 18-year-old man was injured at long jumping. His initial management was by rest from running for two months followed by hamstring rehabilitation. When seen Case time avulsed his left He felt a crack and rehabilitation months a gap at three was 5 cm separation screw asymptomatic. to walk was unable and presented at that champion, rugby football. recalled of his right ischial He remembered a that ; presumably forceful displacement, experience his right leg therefore stretching his with the of high this the level injury, and internal fixation was performed and within 10 days he was asymptomatic and able to run. He returned to full activities months, and by then had full hamstring power. THE JOURNAL OF BONE AND JOINT after two At three SURGERY AVULSION months from operation an inter-school he broke the OF THE highjump record Nonoperative management with fibrous disability fractures prolonged Martin and Pipkin Wilson 1976 ; Watts comfortably, groin objective (Howard strate that Pappas 1985). be restored can occur also shown in chronically 1985). Restoration pain important on factors Excision hamstrings and Olix has these in regaining of the tuberischii been reported that 1972 ; Wray 1980) and and length and elimination normal function. to be pain no difficulty 72-B, No. 4, JULY 1990 disability and in any party the same full function. restore form have been related directly is it We believe 2 cm, In treatment can received or will be received or indirectly to the subject Barnes ST, Hinds RB. Pseudotumor ofthe of avulsion of the ischial epiphysis. 54-A :645-7. Ferubach fracture of the ischial 1945; 27 :716-7. Wilkinson SK, Hamada G, Rida a review from a of this JAMA Avulsion 137:581-4. apophysiolysis literature. C/in EF. Avulsion Lewin Pipkin JN, P. injuries of (IAL): report 1963 the pelvis and of a case and ; 31 :117-30. apophyses tuberosity Avulsion 1929; in adolescent athletes. : report of a case. J Bone of the epiphysis of tuberosity of 92:1597. G. Treatment of avulsion of the ischial tuberosity. AM. Pappas Avulsion fractures of the pelvis. Am J 1985; 13:349-58. Avulsion Surg ischial 1926; fracture of the HG. Fractures 1976; 7:615-24. tuberosity of the ischium. J Bone 8:832-8. SchlonskyJ, Olix ML. Functionaldisability of the ischial epiphysis : report [Am] 1972; 54-A :641-4. Watts J 1957; 10:108-18. SportsMed H. of the JAMA TA, Joint report. 1946; 28 :388-9. SB, ischium. Martin Orthop ofthe : a case 1965; 192:842-4. JointSurg Milch RH. A. Ischial ofthe tuberosity ischium : a late manifestation J Bone Joint Surg [Am] 1972; 1981; FM, Piha RJ. Fractures Howard Metzmaker in taken. gap injury REFERENCES objective Pain from local pressure, as in sitting, persisted in our patients for variable lengths of time. This eventually subsided and we do not know if the screws were responsible ; certainly in no case did the symptoms warrant their removal. VOL. cases with C/inOrthop if the fragment the hamstring a radiograph Avulsion BoneJointSurg (Schlonsky and apophysis cases with separation of more than and internal fixation is indicated. CC. Labuz but it has yet to be established suspected Abbate the of the ischial any and symptoms Macleod re-attachment to relieve that which has Pappas seem sought in acute reduction No benefits commercial article. of the ; after proximalfemur.AJR the apophysis. all be function patients that this method restores normal subjective power. Such treatment may be indicated is irreducible, but in our cases we found replacing ability demon- normal muscles and sit and absence of which (Metzmaker and disabled of hamstring stretching to early this applies even to elite athletes, a possibility previously been open to question(Metzmakerand of should relieve 1972; inability subjective despite treatment, the as a cause of failure We have Olix and reduced athletic Our first three cases a result conservative suggested been can such and 1976), including buttock pain, muscle weakness and Piha 1965). adequate has and Schlonsky separation palpable chronic of displaced ischial apophyunion may lead to significant (MacLeod and Lewin 1929; 1957; With always that open DISCUSSION 627 APOPHYSIS at meeting. seal and ISCHIAL of the pelvis of two in children. following cases. avulsion fracture J Bone Joint Surg Orthop Wilson JN. Ed. Watson-Jones:fractures andjoint injuries. Edinburgh, etc : Churchill Livingstone, 1976. Wray AR. Letter to the editor. Injury 1980-1981 ; 12:173-4. C/in Vol. North 2. 5th Am ed.
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