“HELPING OUR KIDS ACHIEVE THEIR DREAM IN 2015” APRIL, 2015 PITTSBURG, KS Publication “164” Vol. 45 Issue No.2 A Publication of Mirza Shriners 2. The Mirzan “HELPING OUR KIDS ACHIEVE THEIR DREAM IN 2015” 2015 POTENTATE MESSAGE Hello Nobles, well here we are well into the year. As this is being written we have just completed our yearly Divan visitations to the clubs. This is always a good time as the Nobility gets their first look at the new Divan members. This year we have been very lucky to have had good weather when we were traveling from visitation to visitation. So, how do you like the new Mirzan? Your Divan has worked very hard to try to bring you a more informative and updated magazine. The Mirzan we have had in the past was alright and Dustin did a good job for many years but sometimes a change is needed to keep our Temple moving forward. So thank you Dustin and 4 State Printing for all you did for Mirza and the Nobility over the last several years. The Mirza Yearbook project has already started and if you haven’t been contacted to have your picture taken yet you soon will. There are several places to go around the Mirza jurisdiction and they will have several dates at each place, so I hope you will find a time that fits your schedule and be included in the history of our Temple in 2015. We have a lot of events coming up and I hope you will all join in to enjoy friendship and fellowship with your fellow Nobles and Ladies when these events happen. First off, on April 4th we will have our Family Easter party. On April 11th our Temple will have the Annual Potentate’s Ball. Dinner will be at 7 pm and music will be provided by the Gas Company at 8 pm. If you haven’t already made reservations call the office. On April 15th Mirza will have a Stated Meeting and following this meeting Mirza will hold mirza temple 2015 officers elected divan Ron Venus . . .................................................... Potentate Terry Quarles.............................................. Chief Rabban Mike Hammon...................................... Assistant Rabban Randy Ervin.................................. High Priest & Prophet Mike Carnes..............................................Oriental Guide Jerry Waltrip...................................................... Treasurer Keith Carr.......................................................... Recorder Paul Uttley, P.P.....................................Recorder Emeritus Larry F. Graham..................................Treasurer Emeritus APPOINTED DIVAN Rick Horn......................................1st Ceremonial Master Michael Hagerty, Jr...................... 2nd Ceremonial Master Rick Cummings................................................... Director Tom Zortz............................................................ Marshal Jeremy Marshall............................. Captain of the Guard Jeff Thyer.....................................................Outer Guard Marvin Long...................................................... Chaplain Next issue deadline on JUNE 20, 2015 the next issue will be out in JULY 2015 a Special Meeting for the purpose of looking into the past finances of the Temple. This special meeting is being held as a result of a motion made at the Annual election. April 23rd our Uniform Units will have a meeting at the Temple at 7 pm. President Tommy Tuggle has been very busy letting everyone know about the Uniform Units project this year. He has donated a half a Wagu beef cow. Tickets are being sold now and the drawing for the beef will be held at the Fall Ceremonial. April 26th is Mirza’s Shrine Bowl Players Banquet. We invite all the players and their families selected from the area to play in the Shrine Bowl to come the Temple and be honored for selection to play in this prestigious game. May is a very busy month and starts out with the Potentate’s Roast on May 2nd. Then on May 9th we have our Spring Ceremonial. We can only survive as a Temple as long as we replace ourselves and this is the time to bring in new Nobles to do that. If you know a good Mason that you think would enjoy sharing our fun and fellowship, there is a petition in this issue that you can use to apply for their induction into Mirza. May 16th is the Potentate’s Golf Tournament. As this is being written there are only a few team openings left. May 23rd is a Call Parade in my home town of Yates Center. I hope all the parade units will be able to come and show the diversity of Units in Mirza. Less than a week later we are off on the Potentate’s Trip to Alaska. We have 62 people who have signed up to go with us and we are all looking forward to a great time. June is the month for the annual Mirza Family picnic. This year the picnic will be at Lincoln Park in Pittsburg. Everything starts at 2 pm so bring your family out and enjoy the day with us. Also in June is the Oriental Band Continued on page 3 LIVING PAST POTENTATES Jack Overman . . . . . 1961 Kenneth Coulter. . . . 1968 Donald Badders. . . . 1989 Tommy Thompson. . 1991 Jerry Skidmore. . . . . 1992 William Senecaut. . . 1993 Francis DeMott. . . . . 1994 Tom McAdam. . . . . . 1995 Randy Vogts. . . . . . . 1996 Johnny Gillham. . . . 1997 Wayne Gaut. . . . . . . 1999 Warren Rhuems. . . . 2000 Paul Uttley. . . . . . . . 2001 Gerald Hardy. . . . . . 2002 Harold Bryan. . . . . . 2003 Jerry James . . . . . . . 2004 Darrell Orender . . . . 2005 Jerry Allison. . . . . . . 2006 John L. Lair. . . . . . . 2007 David Titus. . . . . . . . 2008 Stan Jahay. . . . . . . . 2009 Les Thomas. . . . . . . 2011 David Hensley. . . . . 2012 Jim Kepley. . . . . . . . 2013 David Smith. . . . . . . 2014 PUBLICATION 164 VOL. 45 ISSUE NO.2 The MIRZAN MAGAZINE is published quarterly by Mirza Shriners 110 W 5th • PO Box 776 • Pittsburg, KS 66762 Phone: (620) 231-4180 • Fax: (620) 231-4261 Email: [email protected] Website: www.mirzashriners.com Facebook.com/mirzashriners Ron Venus Illustrious Potentate • Keith Carr Recorder The Mirzan “HELPING OUR KIDS ACHIEVE THEIR DREAM IN 2015” Continued from page 2 golf tournament, the SEKCAT’s car show in Chanute, and the Bourbon County Family Picnic. That will bring us to the next Mirzan issue and we will go over those events then. As you can see there is something for everyone at Mirza, so all you have to do is get up and go. Thank you and I will see you at our events. 2015 FIRST LADY MESSAGE I can’t believe we are already into April of our year as Potentate and First Lady. I guess it’s true that time flies when you are having fun, because we are having a lot of fun visiting the clubs of Mirza. This is being written before the First Ladies Luncheon has happened but from everything I have heard, Chief Rabban Lady Pam is working very hard with the other Divan Ladies to make sure the First Ladies Luncheon will be a wonderful event. I can’t wait to see what they have planned and I hope all of you ladies are planning to attend with me. I am also looking forward to the Family Easter party. Last year Lady Sheri and Illustrious Sir Dave started this event and to see all the kids with their eyes wide open running from station to station to see what they can do was really great. This year we will have the same event and all the Divan Ladies are pulling together to make sure the kids have as much fun as last year. This month is also the Potentate’s Ball and our Shrine Parents, Illustrious Sir Stan Jahay and Lady Debbie have put together a committee to make sure everything is in place. We are looking forward to getting together with our counterparts from the other Temples in the CSSA and all of you. The Gas Company band will provide the music for dancing after we have dinner. I would also like to mention that on April 19th, the Daughters of the Nile, Azrim No. 81, will hold their annual Queen installation. We want to congratulate Beth Hamman who will be installed as Queen and wish her a wonderful year. Every Saturday of May has a Mirza event beginning WANTED 3. with the Potentate’s Roast on May 2, the Spring Ceremonial on May 9th, the Potentate’s Golf Tournament on May 16th, a Call Parade in Yates Center on May 23rd and we will be on our Potentate’s Trip on May 30th. Another event I am looking forward to is the Mirza Family picnic at Lincoln Park in Pittsburg which will be held right after we get back from our Alaskan trip. Every year our kids have a great time at the picnic and I think everyone has a good time when you are at a picnic. Finally, I want to thank everyone again for the great honor of being Mirza’s First Lady this year. This is something that I will remember for the rest of my life and for this I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Mirza’s Easter Party for Kids! Saturday April 4, 2015 1:00 PM • Clowns with Balloons• • Photo with the Easter Bunny • • Magic Show • • Free drinks, candy and lots more goodies • Mirza Shrine Center 110 E. 5th, Pittsburg, KS 66762 Automatic Soil Service NO SPOT “MEMBERS for the COLOR GUARD” Carry the Nation’s Flag and the Shrine Center’s Flag while marching in Parades. (May carry other Nation’s Flags as requested). Required Uniforms: White Shirt, Black Pants and comfortable walking shoes. To join or for more information contact: Davis Purdy at 620-232-9335 or email: [email protected] Bob L. Scifers Bob R. Scifers 2502 N. Broadway 222 S. Broadway 306 N. Rouse Dan Huntsinger Pittsburg, KS Systems Inc. 4. “HELPING OUR KIDS ACHIEVE THEIR DREAM IN 2015” RECORDER’s CORNER By Keith Carr Noble’s the Spring ceremonial will be coming up soon. We need to commit to getting petitions so we can keep our membership numbers up, also we need to get busy and work on retention. If you have petitions, please bring them to the April 15th stated meeting. Spring ceremonial will be on Saturday, May 9th. The more candidates we have the better the Ceremonial will be. Just concluded our annual divan visitations to Mirza’s shrine clubs. It was great to see and visit with everyone. The hospitality was great everywhere we went. The Shrine Bowl office is currently sending out information to clubs and units on the Shrine Bowl activities which will be held in Hays on Saturday July 25th. Hope many of you can attend and enjoy the fine hospitality put on by our Uniformed Unit officers and ladies. The Kansas Shrine Bowl has a Players Banquet on Friday evening July 24th, Information is also being sent to the Clubs and Units as well. Mirza Kick-off club will also be hosting a Players Appreciation Banquet on April 26th at the Shrine Center in Pittsburg. This is Mirza’s way of showing our appreciation to the Area Players who will be playing in the Kansas Shrine Bowl in July. Make a reservation with one of the Kick-off club officers, more information is listed in the Mirzan. Thanks to everyone for all that you do for Mirza. CSSA CORNER The Mirzan Clay shoot MIRZA Sporting Clay Shoot at Flint Oak Saturday, August 22, 2015, 10:00 AM Contact Noble Tom Zortz for more Detail 620-249-1128 or 620-248-3579 or e-mail: [email protected] CSSA 2015 It’s the Central States Shrine Association Annual Convention in Golden Colorado August 26-29, 2015 MIRZA SHRINE has booked the Hampton Inn Denver West Golden 17150 W. Calfax Ave. • Golden, CO 80401 303-278-6600 ext. 112 Email: [email protected] GROUP CODE: MZA By Darrell Orender, PP, 4th VP CSSA & Les Thomas, PP, Get your reservations early and get ready for a fun time with Director General First, congratulations to our new Potentate Illustrious Sir all the Shrine Temples and Nobles in the Central States. Ron Venus on his ascending the throne of Mirza. In looking at his calendar, he has a dynamite year planned. Somewhere during the year there are activities that will appeal to every Noble and Lady. The more you participate, the more you will enjoy being a part of Mirza, so GET OUT THERE!! As this is written, the Mirza delegation has its reservations siNCE 1934 made and is preparing for the Business Session in Golden, CO. • catering any size party • Your officer along with your Director General and Assistant DG did a final review and a rehearsal of the presentation, so we feel ready to go. We are making preparations to launch the CSSA OPEN SUNDAYS: 11:00 AM - 8:00 PM 2018 website as soon as practical. The Business Session will have taken place by the time you read this and your Mirza 2018 WEEK DAYS: 4:00 PM - 8:30 PM team will be reporting for work. SATURDAY: 4:00 PM - 9:00 PM We will be reporting on the concluded Business Session and upcoming Ceremonial Session in the next Mirzan, but in the meantime, make plans to Take the High Road to CSSA 2015 in Golden, CO and join the fun in August. Chicken Annie’s Chaplain’s CORNER By Chaplain Marvin Long First Timothy 2:1-2 First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life. Being Chaplain for such a wonderful group of people is a great honor to me and my Lady Joyce. I gladly lift the Divan and their Ladies names in pray and ask that each Divan member, their lady, families, and friends may have a peaceful and quiet life. Then I ask that each Shrine member, their lady, families, and friends may also share in a peaceful and quiet life. But, equally important is the prayers that each of us lift up for our hospital children and all who work to make their lives better. May God Bless You. GIRARD ORIGINAL 620-724-4090 620-231-9460 LocatedLocated 4 Miles EAST of Girard 5 Miles NORTH of on Hwy K57 or 3 Miles 4th & Broadway West of Junction 69 & K57 3-3/4 Miles East (RFD 1) OPEN New Location THURS., FRI., SAT., SUN. CLOSED MONDAYS The Mirzan “HELPING OUR KIDS ACHIEVE THEIR DREAM IN 2015” BOURBON COUNTY SHRINE CLUB By Alec Beth The January meeting was attended by 15 Nobles. A check was presented to Potentate Ron Venus for $250.00. Past Potentate Stan Jahay spoke about Shrine Bowl player Alex Fink and coach Bob Campbell both from Bourbon County. The Club donated $1,000.00 to sponsor both player and coach. The Feb. Bourbon County Shrine Club meeting was held at the Hammond Community building. It was Mirza Divan visitation night. 70 Nobles, Ladies and Widows were in attendance and a good time was had by all. The meeting was called to order by President Neil Underwood who led in the flag salute. The prayer was given by Mirza Chaplin Marvin Long. After a wonderful meal President Neil called on Chief Rabban Terry Quarles who then introduced Potentate Ron Venus who in turn introduced various dignitaries and the Divan members. As the members of the Divan spoke about their duties and projects an A.A. meeting broke out. It is unknown as to the number, if any, that were converted. If you are not getting the meeting information and would like to get it call me at 629-224-6884 and I will put you on the list. CHANUTE SHRINE CLUB By: Sorry NO ARTICLE Submitted. CHEROKEE COUNTY SHRINE CLUB By: Sorry NO ARTICLE Submitted. COFFEYVILLE SHRINE CLUB By: Sorry NO ARTICLE Submitted. CRAWFORD COUNTY SHRINE CLUB By Noble Jeremy Marshall, President Fraternal Greetings from the Crawford County Shrine Club. 2015 has started in grand fashion at the Crawford County Shrine Club. At the time of writing, we have had two regular meetings this year. The food, fellowship, and FUN have been outstanding. All Crawford County Shriners are encouraged to attend these meetings, you will enjoy them. We meet on the fourth Wednesday of the month at the Temple in Pittsburg. Our doors open for social time at 5:30pm with our dinner at as close to 6:30pm as possible. The Ladies of Azrim Temple, Daughters of the Nile also meet this night and are always welcome at our dinners. Attendance is on the rise and the fellowship is extraordinary. In addition to all the fun that comes with fellowship with all the Nobles and their Ladies, we have a lot to offer a Noble and especially all New Nobles. As part of our responsibility as Mirza Shriners, I would like to extend an invitation to all Shriners to attend our meetings, but more especially any New Noble of Mirza Shrine who currently live in Crawford County. Members – I challenge you to “phone a friend” and bring a guest with you at our next meeting. Don’t forget to RSVP so we have enough groceries for all who attend. You can RSVP to President Jeremy Marshall at korbysdad@ gmail.com or at (620) 687-7500. If you would like to be added to our e-mail list, let the President know. We are doing good work for Mirza and its philanthropic efforts. We recently have supported the Shrine Bowl Hall of Fame Banquet by being a sponsor. We have also committed ourselves to supporting the Uniformed Units by buying $100.00 worth of tickets for the ½ Wagu-Kobe beef that will be given away at the Fall Ceremonial in November. Come to our meetings and donate for a drawing to win a book of five of these tickets. That would be a great way to win a couple hundred pounds of beef for you and your family. Our meals are always delicious. Recently they have been provided by Bill Moody and we certainly are appreciative of his efforts. The menus this year have been Chicken Parmesan in January, Meatloaf in February, and Corned Beef & Cabbage in March. We’re always trying new things to keep our dinners at top notch levels. If you want to request a menu just show up and let your voice be heard. The Assistant Rabban (CCS) has already requested stuffed bell peppers for one of our meetings, and he’s not even a Crawford County Shrine Club Member. If he’s willing to drive to Pittsburg from Toronto to have these peppers, you’ve got to know they’re good. Noble Mike Hamman, rest easy, I’ll make sure you’re informed of pepper night. We are fortunate to have the Marshal of Mirza Temple as our club representative. Welcome to Crawford County Shrine Club Noble Tom. Come out and let Noble Marshal Tom Zortz fill you in on all the latest news, the happenings, events, and opportunities available to you within Mirza Shrine. Our refreshment bar is open before and after each meeting. I want to express our deepest gratitude to one of the best bartenders in all of shrindom, Noble Director Rick Cummings. In my opinion, Rick and his helpers always provide one of the best refreshment stations in Mirza. Come on out and see for yourselves. We were pleased to have the 2015 Mirza Divan visit us at our February meeting. Illustrious Sir Ron Venus and his Divan officers were cordial, informative, and a lot of fun to have at our meeting. They are a great bunch of guys, (but I’m a little biased). These guys are truly “SHRINERHOLICS,” they love the Shrine and are leading by example. Thank you Illustrious Sir for bringing your Divan and 5. allowing us to get to know you better. Remember our mission at Mirza, “Having fun with a purpose”, so come out and have some fun with the Crawford County Shrine Club – you won’t be disappointed. INDEPENDENCE SHRINE CLUB By Marvin Long Independence Shrine Club is an active club in Montgomery County that holds its regular meetings in the Masonic Temple at 2000 Laurel. We meet the first Monday of each month with the doors opened at 6:00 p.m. and dinner served at 6:30 p.m. Our meeting are started by 7:00 p.m. Throughout the years we have hosted our Ladies several times with different dinner occasions. One of the most important is Divan Visitation when all the Ladies are invited and everyone gets to meet our new Divan. This year the Divan visited our club the first Monday of March. As money making projects we support Mirza in their onion sales and their candy sales. Locally we sell raffle tickets for a bottle from the bar to make money. The monies we make go to sponsor a football player, a band member, or a coach for the East/West Football game. We also host the Oasis for Shriners following the Neewollah parade. Officers serving this year are: Noble Danny Henisey, President; Noble Jon Johnson, Vice-President; Noble Jacob Glover 2nd Vice-President; Chaplain Marvin Long, Secretary; and Noble Lee Cain, Treasurer. KICK-OFF SHRINE CLUB By Keith Carr The Kick-off club started the year with the Silent/Live Auction at the Coffeyville Shrine Club Sweetheart Dance. Our Kick-off Club quilt maker came through again with an award winning quilt. Thanks Charlene Merriman for making the quilt. A big thank you to Coffeyville Shrine Club for allowing us to hold the Auctions during their Sweetheart Dance. March meeting was held in Chanute with several of the area clubs and units combining their meeting with ours. The meal, and fellowship was great. Thanks Chanute for the great place to meet. On April 26th, we will hold the Mirza Shrine Bowl players Banquet at the Mirza Shrine Center. Get your Reservation in now for the Mirza Players Banquet. The June meeting will be in Parsons, KS watch you mail for the post card giving the location. This year, Kansas Shrine Bowl will be in Hays, KS we will have a great and busy year. Be sure and get you reservation form for the Shrine Bowl Players Banquet to be held in Hays. The Banquet sells out fast, also see Kick-off club officers for the flyer on the motels available in Hays. Come join the fun. 6. “HELPING OUR KIDS ACHIEVE THEIR DREAM IN 2015” MIRZA SHRINE TEMPLE PRESENTS The Mirzan THE LIVERPOOL LEGENDS BEATLES EXPERIENCE! September 12th, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. PITTSBURG MEMORIAL AUDITORIUM Don’t miss this smashing performance by one of America’s premiere groups. They will take you back to the 60’s and 70’s with the BEATLE’S greatest hits. This show is fun for fans who were there and the fans who will be taken back there to hear and see John, Paul George and Ringo perform live. Tickets: Pittsburg Memorial Auditorium; VIP section that includes a greet and meet photo op with the group for $100 each. The 2nd and 3rd row of the auditorium is $50 each and the rest of the auditorium is $25 each. Mirza Stated Meeting Dinner Wednesday • April 15 • 2015 beginning at 6:15 p.m. Plan to join your Shrine friends at Mirza for a complimentary dinner and fellowship before the stated meeting. Mirza Stated Meeting Official Call of the Potentate Wednesday • April 15, • 2015 • 7:00 p.m. Notice is hereby given that the scheduled Stated Session of Mirza Shriners, will be held at the Shrine Center for the transaction of such business as may come before the Shrine Center. Ron Venus, Potentate, Keith Carr, Recorder Mirza Special Meeting OFFICIAL CALL OF THE POTENTATE Notice is hereby given that a SPECIAL MEETING for the purpose of discussing the Finances of the MIRZA Shrine Temple will be held on APRIL 15, 2015 following the Regular Stated meeting on the same date at the MIRZA SHRINE CENTER. ALL NOBLES OF MIRZA ARE WELCOME TO ATTEND AND PARTICIPATE IN THIS SPECIAL MEETING. Ron Venus – Potentate, Keith Carr - Recorder The Mirzan “HELPING OUR KIDS ACHIEVE THEIR DREAM IN 2015” LABETTE COUNTY SHRINE CLUB By Don Clark Lots of Shriners in Labette County looking for a good club. We are Looking for a place to have our first meeting to reorganize this club. Any suggestions for a meeting place please contact Don Clark Notice will be sent out to those interested as to when and where Thanks LINN COUNTY SHRINE CLUB By: Sorry NO ARTICLE Submitted. PAST MASTERS SHRINE CLUB By: Sorry NO ARTICLE Submitted. TRI-COUNTY SHRINE CLUB By Rick Horn Nobles and Ladies, Greetings from the High Grounds of MIRZA! It is with great anticipation that we have began another great year in Mirza under the Leadership of Illustrious Sir Ron Venus and First Lady Rhonda. Tri-County Shrine Club had the distinct honor of being the first club visitation of the 2015 Divan, it was held in Illustrious Sir’s hometown of Yates Center, Kansas with an incredible turnout of shriners and their ladies, thanks to all for making this a great event. By the time this article will be published, TriCounty will have met in Iola with another ladies welcome meeting and in Piqua with a stag meeting, all of these under the great leadership of our new club President Mike Byers and his lady Mary Lou. Tri-County will be having a golf tournament in September, details will be published in the next MIRZAN. Anybody that wishes to receive monthly emails from TriCounty please contact Rick Horn at rhorn@ ckt.net Tri-County meetings are held on the 4th Tuesday of each month throughout the Allen, Woodson, and Anderson County areas. C-K CLOWNS By: Sorry NO ARTICLE Submitted. MIRZA CHEFS By: Sorry NO ARTICLE Submitted. COLOR GUARD By David Purdy We need Color Guards to March in the Parades. White Shirt, Black Pants & good walking Shoes. Strong desire to carry our Nation’s, Shriner’s National Flags and Mirza Flag. Talk to David Purdy about what to do and when & where parades are held. Thanks CHANUTE FIRE DEPT. By: Sorry NO ARTICLE Submitted. DIRECTORS STAFF By Mirza Director’s Staff is looking forward to a fun year. We are also looking forward to seeing as many nobles as possible at the jOHN d. iSON fINANCIAL aDVISOR 2597 S. Broadway, Suite B Pittsburg, KS 66762 Bus: 620-231-8604 Fax: 888-293-5731 Outside KS: 1-800-835-0136 Toll-Free KS: 1-800-362-0396 [email protected] www.edwardjones.com 7. Spring Ceremonial on May 9, 2015. We hope to have many “new” nobles come into Mirza Shrine at that time as well. The Director’s Staff will also be raffling a shotgun to be given away at Spring Ceremonial. Be sure to find a member and get your chance to win. The annual lake party will be held at Farlington Lake on June 13. This is always a fun time. All members of the Director’s Staff, Past Potentate’s and Divan are invited and encouraged to attend. If you are interested in learning more about being a part of the Director’s Staff, contact John Bousfield, President or one of the other officers. HARDLY ABLE By Johnny Gillham, PP Hardly Able did not meet during Jan and Feb as President Bill McAdam was out of town. Our usual schedule has us missing the Jan meeting but weather has also played a factor in our inactivity. We will meet in Iola for March and will do some planning for this years parades and travels. Fire truck cleaning day will be coming before too long. We congratulate Illustrious Sir Ron Venus on his election and look forward to the coming year which includes several Call Parades. Until we meet, let the winds always be favorable and the sunshine of the Shrine keep us. HILLBILLIES CLAN#116 Love Bugs for Sale Have four bugs, one wrecker, and a “two bug” trailer for sale Will only sell as a “package” to a group of Mirza Shriners that will parade them. Not interested in selling to any nonShriners or on an “individual bug at a time” transaction. This deal will include a sixth bug at no cost in the package. Couple of the the bugs need some mechanical small engine TLC. Interested Shriners can contact me at [email protected]. Our collaboration with DISNEY – ABC continued as Shriners Hospitals for Children® was woven into the storyline of General Hospital. This storyline brings increased awareness of the advanced medical care Shriners Hospitals provides. Where children are able to receive care regardless of their families’ ability to pay! Bo’s 1 Stop ICE - BEER - POP CONOCO GAS BAIT & TACKLE 1116 w. 4TH •pITTSBURG, ks 66762 Full Line Food Service Distributor PO Box 600 Pittsburg, KS 66762-0600 www.marronesinc.com Phone: 620-231-6610 Fax: 620-231-6719 8. Oriental Band “HELPING OUR KIDS ACHIEVE THEIR DREAM IN 2015” Independence Shrine Club Coffeyville Shrine Club 3Wheelers Hospital Dads DOTN Queen Installation Shrine Bowl Players Banquet Provost Shoot Oriental Band Bourbon Co. Shrine Club Sultans of Swing Mirza Chefs Hardly Ables Tri County Shrine Club Independence Shrine Club Sultans of Swing Coffeyville Shrine Club Mirza Chefs and Hardly Able Bourbon County Shrine Tri-County Shrine Club 3-Wheelers Jokers – Mounted Patrol Independence Sultans of Swing Shrine Club Family Picnic Coffeyville Shrine Club Bourbon County Family Picnic 3-Wheelers Jokers – Mounted Patrol Bourbon County Shrine Mirza Chefs and Hardly Able The Mirzan By: Sorry NO ARTICLE Submitted. JOKERS By Marvin Long The Joker unit of Independence is a prime example of the Shriners need for younger Membership Family Chanute Fire members who are able to carry on the work Meeting Easter Party Dept. started by others before them. The Jokers are the oldest unit in Mirza Shrine. The Jokers were started in 1969. We still have a charter Linn Co. Hilbillies Potentate’s Ball member, Noble Lee Cain and his Lady Ernie, sekcats Shrine Club CK Shrine serving with us. Noble Harold Parker and his Club Lady joined in 1971 and are still active. CK Clowns Bourbon Co Stated Provost We meet once a month at local restaurants Krazy Karts Prospect Night Meeting 6:30 Director’s Staff in Independence. We did enjoy having dinner in Fredonia and touring Wilson County Old Uniformed Iron Park. This year our officers are: President Crawford Co, Units MG’s Shrine Club Chaplain Marvin Long; Vice-President Noble Meeting Harold Parker; and Secretary/Treasurer Noble Lee Cain. KRAZY KARTS By: Sorry NO ARTICLE Submitted. LEGION OF HONOR By: Sorry NO ARTICLE Submitted. MG’S By Herb Matlock Our last parade to finish the year was Fall Ceremonial and it was well attended by Potentante’s the MG unit. We had our annual Christmas Roast party at Yates Center with a lot of stealing gifts from each other and toys for the Shrine Hospital which was a very enjoyable evening. Spring Chanute Hillbillies Ceremonial Shrine Club Potentate Ron Venus asked the MG’s to host his reception after installation of officers. We were very pleased to be asked and would Linn County Potentate’s Krazy Karts SEKCATS Shrine Golf Tournament like to thank anyone that helped with it. Our January & February meetings were held at B CK Shrine & b Café in Iola. February has not been very Club CK Clowns good for our members, Past Potentate Don Call Parade Provost Yates Center Director’s Staff Mohler, Jim Oler and Jim Lewis passed away. Our thoughts and prayers are with Bernie, Betty and Kay. Our March meeting will be with Crawford County Shrine the Kick-Off Club in Chanute on March 17th. Club Spring is just around the corner so it is time we get them little cars out and see what has to be done so we can start with parades. We have the pleasure of being asked to escort the divan at the call parades this year. We would encourage anyone that would like to join us and there are some MG’s for sale if anyone is Chanute Membership Shrine Club Linn County Shrine Meeting SEKCATS Hillbillies Oriental Band Golf Tournament Kick-Off Club CK Shrine Club CK Clowns Provost Director’s Staff Krazy Karts SEKATS CAR SHOW Tri-County Shrine Club Crawford County Shrine Uniformed Units Meeting Club MG’s The Mirzan “HELPING OUR KIDS ACHIEVE THEIR DREAM IN 2015” interested. MIRZA LOVE BUGS By Don Wheeler Please see For Sale ad in the Mirzan. MOBILE NOBLES By Johnny Gillham, PP Winter weather has kept our units in storage and the cold weather has not done much to increase our interest. However the sun is out today and fair weather is forecast which will start the spring fever bug. Always lots to do to get ready for the season. We will meet during March for an informal dinner to look at plans for the upcoming season. Since our group is mostly retired we have started camping during the week rather than over a weekend. This allows some sightseeing which might not be available over the weekends. We do have the first campout scheduled for April 21 thru 23 at the Feuerborn Ranch in Garnett, KS. Always a great start to the camping season. Cards and conversation will keep us entertained. We also look forward to having Bernice Buell and Donna Wilmoth come for some of the activities. Hope to see all along the byways of the good old USA and may the brotherhood of our fraternity keep us close. MOUNTED PATROL By Terry Quarles Looking for more riders. ORIENTAL BAND By Gary Yackle The Orietnal Band is getting ready for the 2015 parade season. At our February meeting we made our parade list. Made some plans for our Golf Tournament June 13 at the Country Club, Gas City, Ks We are going to have a work day when we find good weather and several members able to help. As Oriental Band we will be helping at the Mirza Potentates Golf Tournament in Chanute, May 16. Our first parade is May 9-our Spring Ceremonial. Our monthly meetings are the first Sunday at Rick’s Bar in Colony. However, April falls on Easter, so no meeting. And with May meeting will be at the ceremonial. Hope to see a lot of you there. Our parade list through July are: May 9 Ceremonial, May 25 Yates Center, July 4 Blue Mound, July 18 Erie, July 21 Garnett, July Shrine Bowl-Hays. RITUALISTIC TEAM By: Sorry NO ARTICLE Submitted. PROVOST GUARD By: Sorry NO ARTICLE Submitted. SEKCATS By: Sorry NO ARTICLE Submitted. SULTANS OF SWING By: Sorry NO ARTICLE Submitted. THREE WHEELERS By Alec Beth Not much going on, just waiting for it to get warm. The members are looking forward to parading. There are a few 3 wheelers that would enjoy making you look good in the parades. WIND WIZARDS By: Sorry NO ARTICLE Submitted. JUNE 6TH @ 9:00 AM MIRZA TEMPLE Sponsored by Azrim Temple #81 Daughters of The Nile For mor information call: Beth Hamman 620-583-0290 Lindsay Deringer 620-249-9822 April 26, 2015 MIRZA SHRINE BOWL PLAYER APPRECIATION BANQUET 5:00 PM AT THE MIRZA SHRINE CENTER 110 W. 5TH PITTSBURG, KS Come out and support our Shrine Bowl Players and their families 9. The 42nd Annual Kansas Shrine Bowl will be held at Fort Hays State University in Hays, KS on July 25th, 2015. Kickoff is 7: 00 p.m. at Lewis Field Stadium. There are many fun events with the Kansas Shrine Bowl this year that are open for participation. (Listed below): July 24th: 8 a.m. - Golf Tournament: Fort Hays municipal golf course. $60.00 includes green fees, cart fees, and lunch! 6 p.m. - Participant Appreciation Banquet: Held at Ellis County Fairgrounds. $25.00 each or $75.00 for sponsorship that includes two tickets. July 25th: 7 a.m. - Walk for Love: 5k Run/1.5 Mile walk - $25 race fee includes, T-shirt and one general admission ticket to the game, starting at Lewis Field Stadium! 9 a.m. - Screening Clinic: Opportunity to refer children who could be benefited from treatment at Shriners Hospital for Children. 10 a.m. - High School Combine: Provide high school football players with a valuable tool for their own use and for evaluation by colleges wishing to recruit players. (Check in at 9am) $50.00 includes T-shirt and ticket to the game! 10 a.m. - Parade: Through downtown Hays. 7 p.m. - 42nd Annual Kansas Shrine Bowl game. Kick-off! Please be aware that the Kansas Shrine Bowl player appreciation banquet tickets do sell out quickly, and it is recommended to purchase them early. Pricing for the banquet is $25.00 per person, or $75.00 for a sponsorship that includes two tickets. Kansas Shrine Bowl game tickets will be mailed to the Noble’s homes. If Noble’s are not able to use their tickets, the Kansas Shrine Bowl asks that they be sent back to the office (9080 Parkhill St. Lenexa, KS 66215) or feel free to purchase and donate the tickets. For ticket purchase or questions please call the Kansas Shrine bowl at 800-5305524 or Email [email protected] Stay up to date through our website www.kansasshrinebowl.com and through our social media! Facebook: Kansas Shrine Bowl, Instagram: ksshrinebowl, and Twitter: @KSShrineBowl. See you in Hays! 10. The Mirzan “HELPING OUR KIDS ACHIEVE THEIR DREAM IN 2015” Mirza Uniformed Units Cut Metal Collectible Pieces Get them while you can. Contact Mirza 620-231-4180 They can be picked up at the Shrine Center. All Proceeds Benefit Mirza Shrine Uniformed Units. Brenner Mortuary, Inc. 114 East 4th Street Pittsburg, KS 66762 STEPHEN WARD Funeral Director Tel (620) 231-5600 Fax (620) 231-5601 Mike & Beth Hamman 444 90th Road Toronto, KS 66777 800.704.4313 [email protected] www.huntlonepine.com We Cater To Parties Phone 620-232-9260 Pichler’s Chicken Annies Inc. ® “Chicken Eaters Paradise”® Route #3 Langdon Lane Pittsburg, Kansas 66762 Tues. thru Fri. 4:00 - 8:30 p.m. Saturday 4:00 - 9:30 p.m. Sunday 11:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. CLOSED MONDAY FRANK D. DUNNICK Chairman and CEO Columbus 620-429-1873 Girard 620-724-4911 St. Paul 620-449-2225 Mirza Shrine Uniform Units Fundraiser 1/2 Wagu-Kobe Style Beef (cut to your specifications) Drawing on November 14, 2015 $5.00 donation per ticket or 5 for $20.00 Proceeds benefit Mirza Uniform Units (need not be present to win) Contact Tommy Tuggle – 913-795-2931 WELDING • INDUSTRIAL AUTO BODY Thompson Bros. Supplies Inc. 2319 W. 8th Street Coffeyville, Kansas 67337 Over 65 Years Sales and Service Rick Thompson – Nick Thompson – Ryan Thompson 620-251-1740 Picture Days We are creating a yearbook & it will not be complete without you. For an appointment to have your picture taken (free) Noble’s, Nobell’s, Clubs and Units, Now is your chance for a good picture and be published in 2015 Mirza Shrine Yearbook Call Now: 1-877-764-4535 and Select Option 1 2520 South Rouse Pittsburg, KS 66762 620-231-0300 BROADWAY ELECTRONICS, INC. TELEVISION AND VIDEO SERVICE Audio & Video Custom Wiring Specialist 1010 S. Broadway Pittsburg, KS 66762 Rick Casey 620-231-5780 Business Dick Casey The Mirzan “HELPING OUR KIDS ACHIEVE THEIR DREAM IN 2015” 11. 12. “HELPING OUR KIDS ACHIEVE THEIR DREAM IN 2015” IT’S AN HONOR TO BELONG THE LEGION OF HONOR INVITES All Nobles who are veterans of the Armed Forces, Reserve Units, World War II, Merchant Marine, or currently active service to join this Unit. If your interested in joining please contact the office for more information. hospital dads meeting When: Sunday, April 19th Where: Mirza Shrine Center Time: 2:00 p.m. COFFEE & DONUTS Every Wednesday 8:30 A.M. All Nobles Welcome! Mirza Shrine Center The Mirzan Memorials When Allah calls then our friends obey, And fold their tents and and steal away To the land where the crystal waters flow, Where the beautiful Palms of Allah grow. These We Do Not Forget 1. Jerry D. Watson Coffeeville, KS 2. Marvin A. Armstrong Pittsburg, KS 3. Robert Roy Duncan Coffeyville, KS 4. Gary Burr Coffeyville, KS 5. Earl Kennedy Coffeyville, KS 6. Donald Mohler Humboldt, KS 7. James (Jim) Oler Yates Center, KS 8. Russell Duff Pittsburg, KS 9. Raymond Tripp Fort Scott, KS 10. Lawrence “Sonny” Zibert Jr. Arma, KS 11. George Kilgore Grove, OK 12. Dewey “Jim” Lewis Iola, KS 13. George H. Cameron Frontenac 14. Philip McGilvra Ft. Scott, KS 01/05/2015 11/14/2014 * 01/22/2015 01/30/2015 02/02/2015 02/08/2015 02/13/2015 02/14/2015 05/21/2014** 02/19/2015 02/14/2015 02/21/2015 03/08/2015 01/13/2013*** *Office notified 1/23/15, **Office notified 2/18/2015, ***Office notified 03/11/2015 POTENTATE’S ROAST Joe Naylor - Funeral Director May 2nd, 2015 Bath-Naylor Funeral Home Social 6:30 pm - Dinner 7:00 pm Roast starts at 7:30 PITTSBURG & Crematory WEIR COLUMBUS 522 South Broadway 104 W. Main 611 S. East Avenue Pittsburg, KS 66762 Weir, KS 66781 Columbus, KS 66725 620-231-4700 620-396-8266 620-429-4114 Fax: 620-231-0038 Fax: 620-396-8486 Fax: 620-429-4116 email: [email protected] • www.bathnaylor.com Mirza Shrine Center $10 per person For Tickets contact Jeremy Marshall, or any Divan Member or call the office 620-231-4180 You Didn’t See Your Article?! We did not get it or it came after the deadline. Please e-mail articles and pictures to: [email protected] Event Facility The Ballroom accomodates up to 400 Two Rental areas to choose from The Lower Level accomodates up to 300 Both levels have handicap accessible rest rooms and kitchens. 2 Perfect for: Wedding Receptions, Anniversary Parties, Class Reunions, Alumni Parties, Dances, Birthday Parties and any other memorable Occasion! 2 For viewing appointments, pricing or reservations please call the Mirza Shrine Office at (620) 231-4180 Monday - Friday 9 am to 4 pm or stop by the office at 110 West 5th Street, Pittsburg, Kansas If it is sent some other way there is no telling where it is at. Next deadline is June 13th. Pictures tell a good story without words - if you have some current pictures that go with a story PLEASE Send them in. We will try to put them on facebook if there is not room in the paper. The Mirzan “HELPING OUR KIDS ACHIEVE THEIR DREAM IN 2015” 13. MIRZA SHRINERS PETITION FOR MEMBERSHIP TO THE POTENTATE, OFFICERS AND NOBLES OF MIRZA SHRINERS, SITUATED IN THE CITY OF PITTSBURG, STATE OF KANSAS: I, the undersigned, hereby declare that I am a Master Mason in good standing in ____________________________________ Lodge #_______A.F. & A.M. located at ____________________________________________________________________________________________ CITY STATE which is a Lodge recognized by or in amity with the Conference of Grand Masters of North America. Furthermore, I have resided at my current address for not less than 6 months, as required by the bylaws of Shriners International. I hereby make application to become a Noble of the Order, and a member of your temple. If granted membership, I promise to conform to the articles of incorporation and bylaws of Shriners International and the bylaws and ceremonies of your temple. Have you previously applied for admission to any temple of the Order? ___ Yes ___No If yes, what temple?____________________________________ When?_______________________________ Profession/Occupation______________________________________________________________ Birthplace____________________________________________ Date of Birth__________________ Residence:_______________________________________________________________________ Street County City State Zip Home Phone:___________________________________Email:_____________________________________ Business Phone:________________________________Email:_____________________________________ Lady's Name__________________________________________ Fez Size:__________ Date:__________20___ Signature__________________________________________________________ PRINT FULL NAME HERE (initials are not sufficient):_____________________________________________ Recommended and vouched for on the Honor of: NOBLE: (Sign & Print)_______________________________________________________Member No.__________ NOBLE: (Sign & Print)_______________________________________________________Member No.__________ Official Use: Fee: $__________ Paid:_________________________(Cash/Check/CC) 14. The Mirzan “HELPING OUR KIDS ACHIEVE THEIR DREAM IN 2015” or sk F rza A : Mi OW L N E at the esk L A C T eD NET ruis LYN iner ’s C -6806 el Shr 0-869 c.trav 80 @chk ette lynn There is still time to join Ron & Rhonda, and fellow Shriners aboard Celebrity Cruises “Celebrity Solstice”. 7 night Alaska Cruise + Airfare • May 29-June 5, 2015. SHRINERS INTERNATIONAL BENEFIT BUDDY BASS TOURNAMENT APRIL 25 & 26, 2015 OPEN TO ALL SHRINERS AND MASTERS IN GOOD STANDING SHELL KNOB SHRINE CLUB First 200 Fisherman receive a Lew’s Rod & Reel Combo. John Deere Gator 8251 Top Prize for Big Fish! Over $50, 000 in Cash and Prizes to be given away! Contact: Tournament Chairman Steve Good at 417-858-2304 or [email protected] or www.SHELLKNOBSHRINECLUB.COM WANTED Mirza’s Bourbon County Shrine Club Presents: A MEAL AND A DEAL Saturday, November 21st, 2015 Mirza Shrine Center, 110 W. 5th Street, Pittsburg, KS $3,000 GRAND PRIZE NEW NOBLES $1,000 FOR 2ND PRIZE AND $1,000 FOR 3RD PRIZE 13 TICKETS WILL WIN $75 EACH Need not be present to win ONLY 200 TICKETS AVAILABLE Meal Begins at 6:00 pm Music and Dance after the meal TICKETS ARE a $75.00 per couple donation Get tickets from any Bourbon County Shrine Club or Mirza Divan Member. This is a fundraiser and all proceeds are for Mirza Shrine Center and the Bourbon County Shrine Club. Tickets are not tax deductable. The Mirzan “HELPING OUR KIDS ACHIEVE THEIR DREAM IN 2015” 15. BOOSTERS HONOR ROLL This space features names of person’s who have made a contribution toward making our MIRZAN MAGAZINE - the finest in Shrinedome. To be added to the list for one year mail $5.00 per name to: Mirza Shriners: PO Box 776, Pittsburg, KS 66762 Thank You for your support! AZRIM MARTHA JERRY MIDORI WILLIAM MARVIN EVERETT JO JAMES HELEN PAUL ALEC ANNE DON TERRY CRYTAL DOROTHY HARRY KEITH LEONARD SUSAN PAULA RICK DON JANET VERNON LAURA DEBRA RICK GLENN ANN RICHARD ROY LINDSAY JEREMY JOHN CHERYL DAN NADINE RANDY ARNOLD L. MERWIN GRO WILLIAM SUE JOHNNY LORRAINE GERALD TRACY TROY BARLEY JOHN VICKIE TEMPLE #81 PITTSBURG 164 ALLISON INDEPENDENCE 164 ALLISON, PP INDEPENDENCE 164 ALLRED COFFEYVILLE 166 ALLRED COFFEYVILLE 166 ARMSTRONG PITTSBURG 167 BABCOCK DEARING 173 BABCOCK DEARING 173 BAILEY IN MEMORY 170 BAILEY GARNETT 170 BENNER, SR. LAWRENCE 165 BETH FT SCOTT 171 BETH FT SCOTT 171 BRIGHT ARCADIA 166 BRIGHT ARCADIA 166 BURCH FORT SCOTT 167 CANTRELL GALENA 171 CANTRELL GALENA 171 CARR PITTSBURG 163 CARNES FT SCOTT 167 CARNES FT SCOTT 167 CHANEY PARSONS 167 CHANEY PARSONS 167 CLARK ALTAMONT 165 CLARK ALTAMONT 165 CORRELL OSWEGO 166 CORRELL OSWEGO 166 CUMMINGS ARMA 167 CUMMINGS ARMA 167 DARLINGTON BRONAUGH, MO 166 DATSON COFFEYVILLE 164 DATSON COFFEYVILLE 164 DAVIS FRONTENAC 169 DERINGER FRONTENAC 164 DERINGER FRONTENAC 164 DIEHL LAWRENCE 187 EDWARDS YATES CENTER 167 EDWARDS YATES CENTER 167 ERVIN CHANUTE 164 ERVIN CHANUTE 164 FLOTTMAN, JR. PITTSBURG 167 FRYE BELLA VIST, AR 166 GIFFORD GARNETT 167 GIFFORD GARNETT 167 GILLHAM HUMBOLDT 167 GILLHAM HUMBOLDT 167 GILLMING GALENA 167 GILLMING GALENA 167 GLASGOW COLUMBUS 167 GLASGOW COLUMBUS 167 GOODWIN OVERLAND PARK180 GOODWIN OVERLAND PARK180 GREGORY PITTSBURG 164 JOE GREGORY PITTSBURG 164 LARRY GRAHAM PITTSBURG 167 BARBARA GRAHAM PITTSBURG 167 DANIKA HAGERTY FRONTENAC 171 MICHAEL HAGERTY FRONTENAC 171 BILL HAGMAN, JR. NAPLES, FL 169 BETH HAMMAN YATES CENTER 168 MIKE HAMMAN YATES CENTER 168 RUEBEN HAMMAN YATES CENTER 168 ALI HAMMAN YATES CENTER 168 LUTHER HAMMAN WAMEGO 167 SHERRY HAMMAN WAMEGO 167 CHARLENE HARDY PLEASANTON 168 GERALD HARDY, PP PLEASANTON 168 ART HARTSHORN PITTSBURG 167 MARIAN HARTSHORN PITTSBURG 167 DANNY HENISEY COFFEYVILLE 166 CATHY HENISEY COFFEYVILLE 166 DAVE HENSLEY, PP COLUMBUS 164 GRACE HENSLEY COLUMBUS 164 MEMORY OF FRANK HEY INDEPENDENCE 169 KAREN HEY INDEPENDENCE 169 BEANITA HILL FORT SCOTT 167 ROBERT HILL FORT SCOTT 167 JODY HINES PARKER 167 BARBARA HINES PARKER 167 RICK HORN COLONY 167 ED HUGHES CHANUTE 171 VICKI HUGHES CHANUTE 171 MARY HUGO INDEPENDENCE 171 TERRY HUGO INDEPENDENCE 171 CLEO JAHAY HAZELTON 177 DEBBIE JAHAY ARCADIA 173 STAN JAHAY, PP ARCADIA 173 JERRY JAMES, PP ARCADIA 169 MARILYN JAMES ARCADIA 169 MAXINE JAMES ARCADIA 167 OBIE JAMES (DECEASED) ARCADIA 167 GARY JOHNSON CHANUTE 171 SHARON JOHNSON CHANUTE 171 BETH JONES BRONAUGH, MO 164 NORMAN JONES BRONAUGH, MO 164 EARL KENNEDY COFFEYVILLE 165 DAREN KELLERMAN OTTAWA 169 JENNIFER KELLERMAN OTTAWA 169 DESIREE KEPLEY CHANUTE 169 JIM KEPLEY, PP CHANUTE 169 JOHN KETTERMAN PITTSBURG 166 RUTH KETTERMAN PITTSBURG 166 JULIE KIBBLE FT SCOTT 166 STEVE KIBBLE FT SCOTT 166 MARY LEWARK PITTSBURG 167 MIKE LEWARK PITTSBURG 167 JOANNE LINDBERG SAVONBURG 182 LARRY LINDBERG SAVONBURG 182 MEMORY OF RAY LINDBLOOM DENVER, CO 167 BETTY LINDBLOOM DENVER, CO 167 JOYCE LONG CHERRYVALE 167 MARVIN LONG CHERRYVALE 167 JODI LUCKE CHANUTE 167 MIKE LUCKE CHANUTE 167 LESA LUSK DERBY 164 ROGER LUSK DERBY 164 JOHN MANLEY MULBERRY 164 JOYCE MANLEY MULBERRY 164 HERB MATLOCK CHANUTE 168 SHARON MATLOCK CHANUTE 168 BONNIE MCADAM MORAN 169 TOM MCADAM, PP MORAN 169 DON MCCARTY OVERLAND PARK166 LINDA MCCARTY OVERLAND PARK166 LEWIS MILLEMAN PITTSBURG 168 STEVE MILLEMAN WICHITA 168 AMANDA MITCHELL PARSONS 165 MATT MITCHELL PARSONS 165 BERNIE MOHLER HUMBOLDT 167 DON MOHLER, PP HUMBOLDT 167 AMANDA MORRISON FRONTENAC 164 STEVE MORRISON FRONTENAC 164 LARRY NELSON CHANUTE 175 DARRELL ORENDER, PP WEBB CITY 168 SHERRI ORENDER WEBB CITY 168 BOYD OSHEL MAPLETON 172 GEORGIA OSHEL MAPLETON 172 CHARLES M. PARKER FORT SCOTT 167 OREN PATTERSON CHANUTE 199 DAVID PURDY PITTSBURG 170 MEMORY OF SHIRLEY PURDY PITTSBURG 170 JOHN RAUSCH CHANUTE 180 JANET RAUSCH CHANUTE 180 BARBARA REED FORT SCOTT 170 RALPH REED FORT SCOTT 170 LARRY REEDER WEBB CITY 167 DEAN REDD ORONOGO MO 166 SARAGENE RHUEMS FRONTENAC 167 WARREN RHUEMS, PP FRONTENAC 167 TONYA SHAUGHNESSY COLONY 167 NORMA SHIFFLET ORONOGO MO 166 AARON SATTERFIELD BRONAUGH, MO 166 BETTY SATTERFIELD BRONAUGH, MO 166 KEITH C SHERMAN CHANUTE 166 ROSEMARY SHERMAN CHANUTE 166 COLLEEN SLAGLE ENTERPRISE, AL 171 EARL SPLECHTER YATES CENTER 167 TAMMY SPLECHTER YATES CENTER 167 MARK STAPLETON OSWEGO 167 VICKI STAPLETON OSWEGO 167 JOHN SUTHERLAND MOUND CITY 165 MAUREEN SUTHERLAND MOUND CITY 165 LENNET THOMAS GARNETT 167 LESA THOMAS GARNETT 167 DAN THOMPSON CHANUTE 171 SANDY THOMPSON CHANUTE 171 LINDA THOMPSON COFFEYVILLE 168 TOMMY THOMPSON, PP COFFEYVILLE 168 SUSANNA THYER PITTSBURG 167 JEFF THYER PITTSBURG 167 JAMES TILTON EUDORA 170 BETH TINSLEY BRONSON 164 PAUL TINSLEY BRONSON 164 DENISE TITUS GALENA 167 DAVID TITUS GALENA 167 ALICE TRIPP FORT SCOTT 173 MEMORY OF RAY TRIPP FORT SCOTT 173 KAREN TUGGLE FT SCOTT 167 TOMMY TUGGLE FT SCOTT 167 NEIL UNDERWOOD GARLAND 166 TAMMIE UNDERWOOD GARLAND 166 GLENDA UTTLEY FRONTENAC 166 PAUL UTTLEY FRONTENAC 166 GARY VANBUREN COFFEYVILLE 167 JEFF VANBUREN COFFEYVILLE 167 DEBBIE VANDERPOOL FRONTENAC 166 TERRY VANDERPOOL FRONTENAC 166 RHONDA VENUS YATES CENTER 164 RON VENUS YATES CENTER 164 DON WALKER CALABASH, NC 165 MARILYNN WALKER CALABASH, NC 165 JERRY WALTRIP PITTSBURG 168 PAT WALTRIP PITTSBURG 168 ALLEN WARREN FT SCOTT 171 JACKIE WARREN FT SCOTT 171 GOLDA WASHBURN CHANUTE 165 HERBERT WASHBURN CHANUTE 165 BARBARA WELSH GARNETT 185 THOMAS WELSH GARNETT 185 MIKE WILLIAMS WICHITA 170 DONNA WILMOTH PARSONS 164 COLE WITTUM PITTSBURG 167 BILL YOOS BRONAUGH, MO 166 CAROLE YOOS BRONAUGH, MO 166 ROSE YOOS CENTERTON AR 166 WILLIAM YOOS CENTERTON AR 166 BOB ZIMMERMAN CENTERVILLE 169 IRENE ZIMMERMAN CENTERVILLE 169 DEE ZORTZ FRONTENAC 169 TOM ZORTZ FRONTENAC 169 Mirza Shrine Center Booster Honor Roll Mirza Name: __________________________________________________________ Uniform Units Meeting name: __________________________________________________________ TOWN: __________________________________________________________ $5.00 per name for (4) issues (one Year) Please send this slip with your check to: Mirza Shriners, PO Box 776, Pittsburg, KS 66762 April 23, 2015 7:00 PM Mirza Shrine Center 16. “HELPING OUR KIDS ACHIEVE THEIR DREAM IN 2015” MIRZA’S SPRING CEREMONIAL Saturday, May 9th, 2015 Schedule of Activities 8:00 - 8:30 am 9:00 am 10:45 am 11:00 am Registration & Welcome Welcome & Presentations Parade Formation Parade 12:00 pm 12:45 pm 2:00 pm Nobles’ Program Lunch ($5.00 for Nobles, Complimentary to Novices) Presentation of Ritual to Novices Second Section Nobles & Ladies Nobles & Ladies 6th & Pine Broadway 12:00 pm 3:00 pm Ladies Program Luncheon & Program, Memorial Auditorium $15.00 Make Lunch reservations through the Recorder’s Office at 620-231-4180. Deadline is May 7th. (Complimentary to Novice’s Ladies) Return to Mirza for Fezzing Ceremony Nobles & Ladies Fezzing Ceremony - Lower Level Club/Unit Hospitality - Lower Level 3:15 pm 3:30 pm Come Welcome our New Nobles! Enjoy a Day of Fun and Fellowship! The Mirzan The Mirzan “HELPING OUR KIDS ACHIEVE THEIR DREAM IN 2015” Kansas Shrine Bowl Hall of Fame Inductees 17. Coach Craig Crespino who gave his life to helping kids. Ray became a Shriner because of the work that they continuously do to help the children seeking care, the Shrine continues to be a large part of his life and he is honored to be a Mason and Shriner. There isn’t a thing he wouldn’t do to help not only the children receiving care at the Shrine Hospitals but also the kids that play in our game. YOU ARE INVITED TO THE MIRZA FAMILY PICNIC Bio’s below are in the order of appearance in photo (left to right) Meritorious Award winner, Mike Cook was President of the Kansas Shrine Bowl Board of Directors in 2005 and went off the board in 2009. However his work did not stop there. Mike became involved in the Shrine because of his wife Sally, she encouraged him to join the Shrine after attending a meeting where Tommy Williams was talking about the Shrine and Shrine Dads, it wasn’t long before Mike was involved in both. With Mike being a former football coach and AD, the Shrine Bowl was the perfect place for him to get involved, he thought it was fun to work at the games but he also knew it was a revenue stream for the transportation fund. Mikes most memorable moment to date was going to ST Louis with the players and getting to witness them interact with the patients and see the hospital for the first time. He was able to watch life changing moments in front of his own eyes as the players always came away with a new and different feeling about the Shrine and the Shrine Bowl purpose. It is obvious that Mike has a passion for the purpose of the Shrine and continuing the success of the Kansas Shrine Bowl. Gene Dayton was the 1985 Kansas Shrine Bowl East Squad MVP, he set a new rushing record that year. Gene Dayton played out of Pittsburg Colgan High School and claims that the Shrine Bowl was one of the most fun games he ever played in. The trip to the St Louis Hospital made a lasting impression on him and truly gave a brand new meaning to our game from his perspective, a day he will never forget. Dayton continued with his gift in football at Coffeyville Community College. His Sophomore year he was voted All-American and led the nation in scoring, he also set the National Junior College single game scoring record with 7 touchdowns in a single game. He finished his college career at Arkansas State University where he received a Degree in Business. Unfortunately Dayton’s record didn’t hang around the Shrine Bowl for long as Barry Sanders came and broke it the following year. However still today he holds the record at Coffeyville for most points and touchdowns scored in a single game. Gene is still able to stay involved with the Kansas Shrine Bowl as he is part owner of Pittcraft Printing in Pittsburg, Kansas they have printed a majority of the Shrine Bowl programs over the years. Gene is married to Stacy and has three children of his own Meghan, Conner and Drew as well as four step daughters, Rheid, Ryan, Rhylee and Regan. Meritorious Award winner, Ray Terrell was the 2008 Shrine Bowl Board President who not only served twelve years as a board member but also was a fourteen year camp director. After volunteering at the game in Emporia in 1998, Ray was asked to become Camp Director and felt it was a real pleasure after seeing all of the work the Shrine Bowl did to help the Shrine Hospitals. Each year was full of memorable moments for Ray as he met the new set of Coaches and Players- he still stays in touch with many of the participants and will never forget JUNe 7, 2015 PITTSBURG’S lINColN PARK 2:00 PM BRING THE WHOLE FAMILY FOR A FUN DAY OF FOOD AND ACTIVITIES Pat Waltrip, Rhonda Venus and Joyce Long at the last Divan Visitation of 2015. The occasion was the visitation to the Kick-Off Club in Chanute 3-17-15. 18. “HELPING OUR KIDS ACHIEVE THEIR DREAM IN 2015” You are cordially invited to the The Mirzan 2015 Mirza Shrine Potentates Ball Illustrious Sir Potentate Ron Venus and his Lady Rhonda Request the pleasure of your company Saturday, April 11th, 2015 Mirza Shrine Center, 110 West 5th Street, Pittsburg, Kansas 66762 6:00 PM – Cocktails 6:30 PM – Presentation of Divan and Guests 7:30 PM - Dinner 8:30 PM – Dance to the Music of “The Gas Co.” Banquet and Dance: $75.00 per couple • Dance Only: $35.00 per couple • Dance only - admitted after 8:30 PM Mail or call Mirza Shrine, PO Box 776, Pittsburg, KS 66762 • Phone: 620-231-4180 Requested attire is formal or coat and tie (no Jeans) The Mirzan “HELPING OUR KIDS ACHIEVE THEIR DREAM IN 2015” The Mirza Potentate’s Annual Pheasant Harvest 19. MIRZA PROVOST GUARD WHEN: Sunday April 26th, 2015 WHERE: Chanute Elks Lake - Chanute, KS Lone Pine Hunting Preserve, Toronto, KS. The wind blew (again!) and the pheasants flew (too fast!)...over the trees, past the pond...and beyond! A few of them anyway. On Saturday March 14, 50 Shriners, friends, and family gathered at our European Harvest circle--26 gunners in the morning, 24 gunners in the afternoon. With much laughter, good natured ribbing, and obviously very good aim, over 400 pheasants were harvested.... destined to grace many dinner tables. Plenty of laughter and fellowship also filled the clubhouse--card games, party planning, and the the best thing: good old-fashioned ‘visiting’---something we don’t seem to do like we ought. All in all--an awesome day! Over $5000.00 was raised for Mirza. A heartfelt thank you to all who helped put on the harvest--too many to name but each and every one much much appreciated! AND many thanks and kudos to the gunners--without you there would be no event--you are the best!! TIME: 10:00 a.m. (Registration @ 9:00) FEE: $60.00 per person (3 man teams) 100 Rounds-5 Mulligans Available *Lunch and beverages will be provided for all shooters registered. There will be a $5.00 fee for all non-shooters. *Awards presentation following lunch. All proceeds benefit Provost Guard Unit Kick Off Club Day After Clean Up Hunt The ‘Day After’ clean up hunt was a big score for the Kick Off Club--eight men from the Coffeyville area came to enjoy a day of hunting together in the field, harvesting a total of 30 birds. According to the lunch table conversation the dog work was exceptional. The guide and dog handler-Mike Hamman-agreed! This is the second year for this group of gentlemen-and they were gentlemen-to purchase the hunt at the Kick Off Club Auction. I think I heard some talk of trying for a third time next year! Beth Hamman NEXT CEREMONIAL MAY 9, 2015 MIRZA YEARBOOK PHOTO SHOOT Make Your Appointment Today! 1-877-764-4535 ext 501 March 30 @ Coffeyville: The Shrine Barn, Junction of Patterson & 7th April 3 & 4 @ Independence: The Masonic Temple, 2000 W Laurel St, Independence Lisa Johnson Summerfield Studios/My Church Family Album Kansas Shrine Bowl Poster $5.00 donation Contact the Kansas Shrine Bowl Office 800-530-5524 Or mail check to Kansas Shrine Bowl 9080 Parkhill • Lenexa, KS 66215 110 West Fifth • PO Box 776 • Pittsburg, KS 66762 Phone: (620) 231-4180 • Fax: (620) 231-4261 www.mirzashriners.com Ravin Printing PRSRT STD Non-Profit Organization US POSTAGE PAID Pittsburg, KS 66762 Permit # 8
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