Mishkon Messenger Apr 30 – May 6

Weekly Messenger
April 30 – May 6
11 Iyar – 17 Iyar
Rabbi Dan Shevitz  [email protected]
This Shabbat, Saturday, May 1, at Mishkon
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Family Shabbat! 10:30 a.m. to Noon
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Sephardic Simcha Kiddush for April and May! Noon
“The night was created for Torah
Talmud, Eruvin 65a
Upcoming Events
Wednesday, April 29
12:30 – 3 p.m.
Career Counseling
with Liz Mohler
Saturday, May 2
10:30 a.m. - Noon
Family Shabbat
See more here.
Simcha Kiddush
Menu includes borekas, Moroccan cigars, Sephardic brisket, fijones, Sephardic eggs,
chicken nuggets, and dried fruit, all prepared beautifully and authentically by
Cynthia Hasday.
Healing Through Music with Jeff Prince! 1 to 2 p.m.
Shiru L’Adonai: Sing a New Song Unto God –
Finding Your Inner Voice, a part of the
Jewish Wisdom & Wellness Festival
Birthday and Anniversary
1 – 2 p.m.
Jeff Prince’s Singing Shiur for the
Jewish Wisdom & Wellness
See more here.
May 4 – 8
Teacher Appreciation Week
Saturday, May 9
11:00 a.m.
Learner's Service with Rabbinic
Intern Jeremy Szczepanski
1:30 p.m.
"Interning with Our Intern" with
Jeremy Szczepanski,
Career Counselor:
Liz Mohler
Attention, Job Seekers! The Ezra
Network is here to help.
Jewish Vocational Services
(JVS) Los Angeles
Helping Nepal
Here is a list of organizations collecting funds
for relief of the victims of the earthquake in Nepal.
Please be generous ̶ and prompt.
American Jewish World Service: https://secure.ajws.org
AmeriCares: www.americares.org
International Medical Corps: www.internationalmedicalcorps.org
Unicef: www.unicef.org
Habitat for Humanity International: www.habitat.org
The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee: www.jdc.org
Oxfam: www.oxfamamerica.org
Red Cross: www.redcross.org
United Nations World Food Program: www.wfp.org
Save the Children: www.savethechildren.org
The Jewish Federations of North America: https://securefedweb.jewishfederations.org/page/contribute/nepal-relief-fund
SOS: Children’s Villages International: www.sos-childrensvillages.org
Rabbi Dan
Social Worker Available:
Melissa Pottash
Please contact
[email protected] for more
Who Is
Our Rabbi?
Rabbi Dan Shevitz
Two Earthquakes. One Solution: Compassion
By Rabbi Dan
Do you remember the prayer of the High Priest, which we recall each Yom Kippur in
the Avoda service? After he offered a personal prayer for the welfare of the nation, he
added: “And for the residents of the Sharon he added, ‘May it be God’s will that their
homes do not become their graves.’”
[email protected]
Who Are Our Board
Melissa Tarsky
Vice President:
Itai Klein
Vice President:
Lonnie Friedman
Dayna Greenspan
Marvin J. Wolf
Board Members:
Phil Bell
Carol Felixson
Jeff Fleck
Cindy Goldstein
Judy Gordon
Rena Panush
Michele Prince
Whom Do We
Contact to Get
Adult Education:
Phil Bell [email protected]
Building & Grounds:
Stacy Feinberg
[email protected]
The Sharon is the coastal region of Israel, roughly from Tel Aviv to Haifa. In late
antiquity, it was prone to earthquakes (I don’t know if it still is). The High Priest
knew how precarious was life, and how in a moment our tranquil homes can become
rubble, or worse.
This week, there are two earthquakes that demand our prayerful attention. The first
is Nepal; the death toll is still climbing, and the injured, dispossessed and bereft are
countless. The victims had no hand in their tragedy except to suffer it. They did no
wrong; they did not receive their desserts. Many lay buried under the destruction,
and many have not been found.
The other earthquake is in Baltimore. Here, it is entirely of our own doing. Police
violence against minorities, and the unexplained and suspicious death of a young
man in police custody have rightly led the community to protest. But that protest
quickly degenerated into violence, looting, and mayhem. Again innocents will suffer
under the rubble of indignities and mob fury.
There is little short of prayer that can protect us from natural disasters but much we
can do to avoid the convulsions of institutionalized arrogance and unchecked rage.
As we reach for our checkbooks or on-line equivalent modes of contribution, let’s
also check our own community, neighborhood, and city, turn down the angry
rhetoric and turn up the compassion, so that our homes do not become our graves.
Wave of Gratitude
Special thanks to all of our volunteers!
“Let your heart rejoice in beautifying a mitzvah.”
Kala Rabati 4
We would also like to thank our recent donors:
Susan Fox Horn
Marcia and Bruce Mathason
Melissa and Brian Tarsky
Save the Date
Monday, May 11, 2 p.m.
How to Land a Job in Entertainment
Ben Singer [email protected]
Saturday, May 16, 1:30 p.m.
"The Neshamah (Soul) and End-of-Life Issues in Judaism"
Sunday, May 17, 10 a.m.
Annual Congregational Meeting
Andy Bender
[email protected]
Membership &
Book Club:
Rena Panush
[email protected]
Marvin Wolf
[email protected]
Social Action:
Aliza Wine
[email protected]
Jeff Gornbein
[email protected]
Marilyn Lewitt
[email protected]
Messenger & Galim:
Lisa Anne Klein
[email protected]
Office & Mailing Address:
201 Hampton Drive
206 Main Street
Venice, CA 90291
[email protected]
Office (310) 392 – 3029
Fax (310) 392 – 0420
Tuesday, May 26, 7:30 p.m.
Barbara’s Book Club
Sunday, June 7, 10 a.m.
Community Art Show
Friday, June 12, 6 p.m.
Our Musical Shabbat
Sunday, June 14, 10:30 a.m.
Yiddish Collage
Services at a Glance
6:30 – 7:30 p.m. Shabbat Evening Services
9:30 a.m. – Noon
Shabbat Morning Services
Shabbat Coordinator: Rena Panush
Parashat HaShavua:
Candle Lighting
Time: 7:20 p.m.
This Family Shabbat’s April and May
Sephardic Simcha Kiddush is graciously
prepared by Cynthia Hasday in memory of
the 27 Nisan yahrzeit of her beloved father,
Mordechai Hasday,
and generously sponsored
in honor of the anniversaries of
Jeff Gornbein and Fredricka Martin
Russell Schwartz and Susan Goland
Nathan Newman and Alicia Brown
Jessica and Michael Hochman
Sara and Raymond Goldstein
Adrienne and Selwyn Enzer
Rena and Richard Panush
in celebration of the birthdays of
Benjamin Goldstein
Michael Kunstler
Nathan Newman
Susan Fox Horn
Elizabeth Tarsky
Melissa Tarsky
Makayla Jones
Carol Felixson
Gerson Safran
Michelle Geil
Joan Harelik
Rena Panush
Ira Schreck
Zach Jones
Joy Jones
and in loving memory of the yahrzeits of
Peter Kunstler’s parents,
Mike and Eliane,
(also on behalf of his brothers,
Cliff and Daniel).
& Prayer
Ari Friedman
Loetitia Loberman
Nathan Newman
Jack Goldberg
Carol Felixson
Zach Jones
Gerald Katzman
Roberta Tishman
Nancy Cowen
Nicole & Robin Saacks
Mi Shebeirach
Ruth bat Chana
David ben Ruth
Don Morris’ dear friend Lynn Wolfe
If you would like to make a donation in honor of anybody on this week’s list, please
Click Here to Donate