Boca Raton Synagogue WEEKLY PARSHIOT TAZRIA-METZORA Stone Chumash Page 608 April 24 • May 1, 2015 • 5 Iyar • 12 Iyar 5775 RABBI EFREM GOLDBERG Marah D’asrah [email protected] RABBI PHILIP MOSKOWITZ Associate Rabbi FRIDAY NIGHT [email protected] DAVID L. WOLGIN, PHD President [email protected] RABBI DAVID SHABTAI, MD Rabbi, Sephardic Minyan [email protected] RABBI MORDECHAI SMOLARCIK Rabbi, BRS West [email protected] Plag Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat 6:15 pm Earliest Candle Lighting 6:28 pm Early Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat 7:00 pm Candle Lighting 7:31 pm Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat 7:35 pm RABBI JOSH BROIDE Outreach Rabbi [email protected] RABBI SIMMY SHABTAI Rosh Beis Medrash SHABBAT DAY Women’s Class 5:20 pm What Goes Up Must Come Down Mrs. Amy Horowitz [email protected] RABBI KENNETH BRANDER Rabbi Emeritus [email protected] MATTHEW HOCHERMAN Executive Director [email protected] RABBI GERSHON EISENBERGER Youth Director Rabbi’s Class 6:20 pm Kosher Switch: Glatt Kosher or Just Kosher Style? Rabbi David Shabtai, MD Shabbat Mincha 7:20 pm Ma’ariv/Havdalah 8:25 pm [email protected] RABBI ELI ZIANS Teen Director [email protected] ESTHER LUPIN, LCSW BRS/JFS Social Worker [email protected] KERRY PURCELL Editor-in-Chief of the Weekly FRIEND Friend us on Facebook Boca Raton Synagogue FOLLOW Follow us on Twitter @RabbiGoldberg @RabbiPhilip @Broide @MatthewJHoch SHARE Check out Jewish Pride Films for our latest videos [email protected] HAHN JUDAIC CAMPUS • 7900 MONTOYA CIRCLE N. BOCA RATON, FLORIDA 33433-4912 (561) 394-0394 • FAX (561) 394-0180 • WWW.BRSONLINE.ORG • [email protected] YOM HAZIKARON & YOM HA’ATZMAUT AT BRS Page 2 Boca Raton Synagogue Valuing Diversity • Celebrating Unity QUESTIONS PARSHAT Q & A TAZRIA 1. Who determines whether a person is a Metzora Tamei (person with ritually impure Tzara’at) or is Tahor? 2. What disqualifies a Kohen from being able to give a ruling in a case of Tzara’at? 3. Why is the appearance of Tzara’at on the tip of one of the 24 “limbs” that project from the body usually unable to be examined? 4. Why must a Metzora call out, “Tamei! Tamei! “? 5. If, after washing a garment, the signs of Tzara’at disappear entirely, how is the garment purified? METZORA 1. When may a Metzora not be pronounced Tahor? 2. How was having Tzara’at in one’s house sometimes advantageous? 3. When a house is suspected as having Tzara’at, what is its status prior to the inspection by a Kohen? 4. What happens to the vessels that are in a house found to have Tzara’at? 5. Which type of vessels cannot be made Tahor after they become Tamei? 3. 4. 5. METZORA 1. When may a Metzora not be pronounced Tahor? 14:2 - At night. 2. How was having Tzara’at in one’s house sometimes advantageous? 14:34 - The Amorites concealed treasures in the walls of their houses. After the conquest of the Land, Tzara’at would afflict these houses. The Jewish owner would tear down the house and find the treasures. When a house is suspected as having Tzara’at, what is its status prior to the inspection by a Kohen? 14:36 - It is Tahor. What happens to the vessels that are in a house found to have Tzara’at? 14:36 - they become Tamei. Which type of vessels cannot be made Tahor after they become Tamei? 14:36 - earthenware vessels 4. 5. TAZRIA 1. Who determines whether a person is a Metzora Tamei (person with ritually impure Tzara’at) or is Tahor? 13:2 - A Kohen. 2. What disqualifies a Kohen from being able to give a ruling in a case of Tzara’at? 13:12 - Poor vision 3. Why is the appearance of Tzara’at on the tip of one of the 24 “limbs” that project from the body usually unable to be examined? 13:14 - The Tzara’at as a whole must be seen at one time. Since these parts are angular, they cannot be seen at one time. Why must a Metzora call out, “Tamei! Tamei! “? 13:45 - So people will know to keep away from him. If, after washing a garment, the signs of Tzara’at disappear entirely, how is the garment purified? 13:58 - Through immersion in a Mikvah. PARSHAT SUMMARY Tazria: The Mother of a Newborn. After giving birth to a child, a mother was not permitted to enter the Sanctuary for a specified period, at the termination of which she brought burnt and sin offerings to the Sanctuary and was then considered ritually clean once again. Metzora: 1st and 2nd Aliyot: The purification process of the Metzora involving two Kosher birds, a piece of cedar, some crimson wool, a hyssop branch, fresh spring water, a clay bowl, a Kohen, the Mikvah, seven days, a haircut, and a Korban with its Mincha offering, is detailed. Tzara’at: The bulk of this week’s portion, Tazria, discusses various forms of Tzara’at, skin maladies, which are contracted as a result of engaging in forbidden gossip. 3rd Aliya: The Korban of a poor Metzora is described. 4th, 5th, 6th, & 7th Aliyot: The laws dealing with blemishes that appear on a house are detailed. Following the laws of Tzara’at, the Torah turns its attention to various laws dealing with bodily discharges that render the individual Tameh. BOCA RATON SYNAGOGUE DERECH ERETZ STATEMENT In the spirit of our mission “Valuing Diversity and Celebrating Unity,” we believe that a community is built on the collective engagement of individuals representing differing perspectives, whether religious, political, or social. As Boca Raton Synagogue is an environment where all of its members and visitors need to feel valued and welcomed, members are required to comport themselves in a manner which reflects mutual respect and a sense of inclusiveness. “Derech Eretz,” good and proper conduct, and mutually respectful dialogue are core values of the Synagogue community. These create a “safe place” for inspiration and spiritual growth, the central purpose of the Synagogue. It is a violation of Jewish law and ethics to use harsh language (vitriol) to demonize or to marginalize people with whom one may disagree. Uncivil expression reflects negatively on our Synagogue as well as on the individuals who engage in such behavior. In our Synagogue, we value debate about pressing issues. This is consistent with the American democratic tradition. Our sages saw the value of arguments conducted L”Shem Shamayim,“ for the sake of heaven, believing that great minds who engage in respectful debate will arrive at better solutions. They valued and welcomed alternate views, as do we. Boca Raton Synagogue expects its members to act and to speak with kindness and sensitivity to others. It is only in this fashion that a strong, vibrant, and harmonious community can be created and maintained. Adherence to this policy is a requirement for membership in good standing at the Boca Raton Synagogue. In line with our recently published Derech Eretz Statement, we mention some examples of how we can be more sensitive toward others and create an even better community. • Try not to stand and talk in doorways where it prevents the movement of traffic. • Please make an effort to return greetings and wish others a Good Shabbos. If you have a Mensch Message you would like us to promote, please email us at [email protected] Boca Raton Synagogue Valuing Diversity • Celebrating Unity Page 3 SHABBAT SCHEDULE B’H ELE FRIDAY NIGHT — OMER 20 CCOO TTEE E CCELEBBRRAA E M M Friday Night Live: Please invite someone to this Outreach Program 6:00 pm Early Sephardic Mincha (Sephardic Beit Midrash) 6:10 pm Plag MIncha/Kabbalat Shabbat (Social Hall) 6:15 pm Earliest Candle Lighting 6:28 pm Early Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat (Rand Sanctuary) 7:00 pm Sephardic Mincha (Sephardic Beit Midrash) 7:30 pm Candle Lighting 7:31 pm Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat (Social Hall) 7:35 pm LAG B'OMER commUNITY commUNITY Picnic and and Rally Rally Picnic SHABBAT DAY — OMER 21 Neitz Minyan (Sephardic Beit Midrash) 6:05 am Hashkama Minyan (Social Hall) 7:30 am Sephardic Minyan (Sephardic Beit Midrash) 9:00 am Ashkenazi Minyan (Rand Sanctuary) 9:00 am Sermon: Rabbi Philip Moskowitz Shtiebel Minyan (Shtiebel Beit Midrash) 9:30 am Teen Minyan (Berdugo Beit Midrash) 9:45 am Youth Tefillah Groups (Jacobs and Rubin Youth & Senior Center) 10:00 am Sof Zman Kriat Shema 10:04 am Early Mincha (Rand Sanctuary) 3:00 pm Women’s Class 5:20 pm What Goes Up Must Come Down Mrs. Amy Horowitz Rabbi’s Class 6:20 pm Kosher Switch: Glatt Kosher or Just Kosher Style? Rabbi David Shabtai, MD Sephardic Mincha (Sephardic Beit Midrash) 7:15 pm Ashkenazi Mincha (Rand Sanctuary) 7:20 pm Daf Yomi (Berdugo Beit Midrash) between Mincha/Ma’ariv Sh’kiah 7:44 pm Ma’ariv/Havdalah 8:25 pm Thursday, May 7th | 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Mizner Park Amphitheater Support Chabad to build at 770 East Palmetto FREE Lag B’omer - YES to 770 T- shirt Giveaways Join us wearing your 770 t-shirt at the Planning & Zoning meeting and vote at 6:30 p.m. at Boca Raton City Hall BRS WEST Rally of UNITY Sponsored by: Nominal fee for rides and food. Chabad of Chabad of Boca Raton Boca Raton (At the Hillel Day School, 21001 95th Ave. • (305) 725-2292 • FRIDAY NIGHT Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat Candle lighting 7:25 pm 7:31 pm Shacharit Youth Groups Kiddush follows Davening Mincha (Shabbat) Shabbat Ends/ Maariv 9:30 am 10:30 am SHABBAT DAY SHABBAT LEARNING Tefillah Insights will resume on May 2 Advanced Gemara Chabura 15 minutes after Hashkama Minyan Junior Congregation (Shechet Beit Midrash - Rooms 205 & 206) 10:00 am Youth Groups (Drop-off begins at 10:00 am) 10:30 am Sephardic Roundtable (Sephardic Beit Midrash) 11:00 am Avos U’Banim (Social Hall) 6:20 pm 7:20 pm 8:25 pm PARSHAT ACHREI MOS-KEDOSHIM Friday Night Live: Please invite someone to this Outreach Program 6:00 pm Early Sephardic Mincha (Sephardic Beit Midrash) 6:10 pm Plag MIncha/Kabbalat Shabbat (Social Hall) 6:15 pm Earliest Candle Lighting 6:30 pm Early Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat (Rand Sanctuary) 7:00 pm Sephardic Mincha (Sephardic Beit Midrash) 7:30 pm Candle Lighting 7:35 pm Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat (Social Hall) 7:40 pm Ma’ariv/Havdalah (Shabbat) 8:30 pm DAILY MINYAN TIMES Sephardic Shacharit SUNDAY MONDAY OMER 22 OMER 23 TUESDAY OMER 24 WEDNESDAY THURSDAY OMER 25 OMER 26 FRIDAY OMER 27 6:15 am Sephardic Beit Midrash 6:25 am Social Hall 7:00 am Social Hall 6:15 am Sephardic Beit Midrash 6:15 am Social Hall 7:00 am Social Hall 6:15 am Sephardic Beit Midrash 6:25 am Social Hall 7:00 am Social Hall 6:15 am Sephardic Beit Midrash 6:25 am Social Hall 7:00 am Social Hall 6:15 am Sephardic Beit Midrash 6:15 am Social Hall 7:00 am Social Hall 6:15 am Sephardic Beit Midrash 6:25 am Social Hall 7:00 am Social Hall 7:55 am Berdugo Beit Midrash 8:00 am Social Hall 9:00 am Social Hall 7:55 am Berdugo Beit Midrash 7:45 am Social Hall 8:30 am Social Hall 7:55 am Berdugo Beit Midrash 7:45 am Social Hall 8:30 am Social Hall 7:55 am Berdugo Beit Midrash 7:45 am Social Hall 8:30 am Social Hall 7:55 am Sephardic Beit Midrash 7:45 am Social Hall 8:30 am Social Hall 7:55 am Berdugo Beit Midrash 7:45 am Social Hall 8:30 am Social Hall 2:00 pm Early Ashkenazi Senders Library Mincha Sephardic Mincha/Ma’ariv 7:30 pm 3:05 pm Sephardic Beit Midrash 7:30 pm Sephardic Beit Midrash 3:40 pm Sephardic Beit Midrash 7:30 pm Sephardic Beit Midrash 3:05 pm Sephardic Beit Midrash 7:30 pm Berdugo Beit Midrash 3:50 pm Sephardic Beit Midrash 7:30 pm Sephardic Beit Midrash Ashkenazi Mincha/Ma’ariv 7:35 pm Social Hall 7:35 pm Social Hall 7:35 pm Social Hall 7:35 pm Social Hall 7:35 pm Social Hall Late Ashkenazi Ma’ariv 9:30 pm Senders Library 9:30 pm Senders Library 9:30 pm Senders Library 9:30 pm Senders Library 9:30 pm Senders Library Ashkenazi Shacharit Ashkenazi Shacharit Sephardic Shacharit Ashkenazi Shacharit Ashkenazi Shacharit Sephardic Beit Midrash Page 4 Boca Raton Synagogue Valuing Diversity • Celebrating Unity MAZAL TOV SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS Brian and Huvie Gately on the birth of their daughter. AND to her proud siblings, Hunter, Hailey, Isabella, Joey and Rikki. Simcha (Richard) & Marlene Gordon on the birth of their grandson. Proud Parents are Tara and Blair Carey of Pardes Hanna, Israel. KIDDUSH Hashkama Minyan Kiddush sponsored by the Hashkama Minyan Kiddush Fund Sephardic Minyan Kiddush sponsored by the Sephardic Minyan Kiddush Fund Seudah Shlishiet co-sponsored by Dr. Jack & Rhoda Azar, Jean Cohen, Jonathan & Tamara Gritzman, Daniel & Sue Kaskel, Dr. Stuart & Hyla Levine, Bruce & Sandy Lilker, Jim & Beth Plotkin, and Samuel & Rita Rubin Guest Speaker: Josh Karsh, AIPAC WARREN WEINSTEIN Z”L While we have been praying every Shabbat for his speedy and safe release, BRS mourns the unfortunate and tragic loss of Warren Weinstein, the Jewish American aid worker held captive by Al Qaeda since 2011. AVOS U'BANIM The exciting Avos Ubanim father-son learning program on Shabbat afternoons will continue, this Shabbat, at 6:20 pm in the Social Hall. Come join your friends for great learning, and prizes! TAHARAT HAMISHPACHA REFRESHER COURSE Join Rebbetzin Yocheved Goldberg this Tuesday night, April 28 at 8:30 pm for part two of a three-part series presented by BRS and the Boca Raton Mikvah. This week’s topic is “Mikvah: Calming Water for a Chaotic Life.” Hosted at the home of Suri Winograd, 7376 Wexford Terrace in Thornhill Estates. The Mitzvah of Taharat Hamishpacha is one of the most sacred and holy Mitzvot in our tradition. Please take advantage of these opportunities to learn more about it and to review the details and meaning behind this important Mitzvah. FROM INDIA TO ISRAEL: A JOURNEY WITH THE BNEI MENASHE Join us on Sunday, May 3 at 10:00 am in the Social Hall. Who would believe that the Bnei Moshe, from a remote region in northeast India, are living as orthodox Jews and claim descent of the Ten Lost Tribes? Hear from Laura Ben-David, of Shavei Israel, as she describes the incredible, inspiring days she spent among them in the remote region they have called home for millennia followed by her return to Israel escorting 50 of them on their unforgettable Aliyah flight. The program will include beautiful slides from both India and Israel. Laura Ben-David is a marketing consultant, public speaker, writer and photographer. Originally from New York, she made Aliyah from Boca Raton, Florida in 2002. Before joining Shavei Israel as their director of marketing, Laura managed all social media at Nefesh B’Nefesh. Laura is the author of the book, MOVING UP: An Aliyah Journal, a memoir of her move to Israel, as well as numerous published articles both in print and digital media; her subjects of choice include Israel, Aliyah & social media - and sometimes all three at once. SHABBAT AFTERNOON WOMEN’S SHIUR A COMMUNITY-WIDE LEARNING OPPORTUNITY FOR WOMEN, BY WOMEN. THIS SHABBAT, APRIL 25, 5:20 PM with Mrs. Amy Horowitz “What Goes Up Must Come Down” It is with great excitement that we continue our Shabbat afternoon women’s class this week. The women’s class is a weekly communitywide learning opportunity for women, by women and continues throughout the summer months. The women’s class takes place two hours before Mincha on Shabbat afternoon in the Rand Sanctuary. GUEST SPEAKER – THIS SUNDAY RABBI MOSHE MILLER Rabbi Moshe Miller will be joining us this Sunday, April 26 at 10:00 am for a special lecture titled “The Return of the King: An Introduction to Megillat Ruth”. Rabbi Miller recently published a novel “Rising Moon: Unraveling the Book of Ruth” and it will be available for sale after the lecture. Please note, Rabbi Miller will have the ability to accept credit cards. Rabbi Moshe Miller was ordained at the Ner Israel Rabbinical College in 1974 and embarked on a career of over thirty-five years as a Jewish educator. He has held the position of principal in schools in Santa Clara, California; Providence, Rhode Island; Atlanta, Georgia; and Miami Beach, Florida. Most recently, he was the Rosh Kollel of the Boca Raton Community Kollel. He and his wife made Aliyah in 2010, where he is currently a lecturer at Michlalah Jerusalem College. WHATSAPP CHESED GROUPS Our community often has Chesed opportunities such as driving someone to a doctor or making a meal that requires responsiveness in real time. Additionally, we sometimes have Shiva homes that struggle to get a Minyan. We have created two WhatsApp groups for individuals to be alerted to Chesed opportunities in real time and to volunteer to help. If you would like to be part of the BRS Chesed Group or the BRS Shiva Minyan Group on WhatsApp, please contact the Shul office indicating which group and your WhatsApp cell phone number. Rabbi Goldberg spending time with BRS students in Israel. GUEST SPEAKER – NEXT TUESDAY LAYAH KRANZ LIPSKER Layah Kranz Lipsker will be the guest speaker for Fay Greene’s monthly class on Tuesday, May 5, 12:30 pm at the home of Sylvia Pruzansky, 7942 Tennyson Court in Boca Hamlet. All women are invited to attend. Her topic will be: “Gender Equality in Jewish Tradition: Exploring gender issues through the prism of the Agunah crisis and Shul participation.” RSVP to Sue Lowenkron at [email protected], or call Fay at 338-0579. Refreshments will be served. LAG BA’OMER, WEDNESDAY NIGHT - MAY 6 Join BRS for an authentic Lag Ba’Omer celebration on Wednesday night, May 6, at 8:30 pm. We will have a BBQ, Bonfire, Chagiga, and Kumzits. The bonfire lighting will be at 8:30 pm on the BRS front lawn. Many thanks to our co-chairs Rubi Elmakies and Shloime Lugassy. Boca Raton Synagogue Valuing Diversity • Celebrating Unity Page 5 YOM HASHOAH LAST WEEK AT BRS LIFE CYCLE BIRTHDAYS Richard Ehrlich Shani Muschel Gary Krasna Rabbi Moshe Mintz Paige Rackman Netanel Cohen Cheryl Mirsky Simcha Stadlan REFUAH SHLAYMAH For members of BRS Community. For all other Refuah Shlaymah needs, please call Linda at (561) 394-0394 Moshe Applebaum Moshe Zvi ben Rachel Leah Yosef Chaim ben Faiga Merv Jacobs Meir ben Sarah Stuart Silverman Yeshaya Moshe ben Nacha Sarah Nachum Gedalia ben Sara Baila Mordechai ben Malka Jonathan Abrams Yonatan Chaim ben Yehudit Chazan Mark Helpern Moshe Ephraim ben Mindle Leah Michael Lupin Michoel Yonah ben Leah Helen Ijac Alta Haita bat Devorah Joan Noven Rochel Tova bat Malka Ariella Berman Ariella Sarah bat Elisheva Malka Beverly Kassirer Briendle bat Pessel Chana Guta bat Rochel Ruth Malinowitz Rivka bat Freyda Noa Maya Carmel Noa Maya bat Devora Rachel Perel bat Chaya Sara Jacquie Padow Ya’akova Chava Rus bat Beyla Or Ester bat Dina Rivka Wendy Wasserstrom Zehava bat Chaya Lily Lerman Libi Chana bat Golda Chava Beth Plotkin Bayla Risel Elisheva bat Esther Revalah YAHRZEITS Jerry Kaminetzky in memory of his father Rachel Bensimon in memory of her mother Stuart Silverman in memory of his father Philip Landau in memory of his mother Rabbi Samuel April in memory of his mother George Saks in memory of his uncle Adam Ballew in memory of his grandfather Shirley Eschwege in memory of her mother Irving Falik in memory of his father Dr. Jack Mermelstein in memory of his mother Rosa Golish in memory of her grandmother Chanie Zwiebel in memory of her father Jonathan Gritzman in memory of his sister Jean Cohen in memory of her father-in-law Beth Plotkin in memory of her brother Dr. Stuart Levine in memory of his father David Zwiebel in memory of his mother Tammy Clarke in memory of her father Susan Kaskel in memory of her father Dr. Cynthia March in memory of her mother Benjamin Saketkhou in memory of his mother Ruth Bleiman in memory of her husband Rabbi Joel Morris in memory of his mother Jean Cohen in memory of her mother Barry Bard in memory of his mother Renee Rosenberg in memory of her father Esther Abrams in memory of her mother Rita Rubin in memory of her grandmother Helene Amar in memory of her mother Sandra Augenbaum in memory of her father Murray Eisenberg in memory of his father Rhoda Azar in memory of her father Chaya Berdugo in memory of her grandmother Dan Waldman in memory of his mother Jeff Janock in memory of his daughter Beth Janock in memory of her daughter Page 6 Boca Raton Synagogue Valuing Diversity • Celebrating Unity Rev. Morris Kaminetzky, 5 Iyar Emily Abikhzer, 5 Iyar Orion Silverman, 5 Iyar Linda Landau, 5 Iyar Fanny April, 5 Iyar David Gluck, 5 Iyar James Tinsley, 6 Iyar Myrtle Hudes, 6 Iyar Ben Falik, 6 Iyar Margaret Mermelstein, 6 Iyar Heshmat Benhaim, 7 Iyar Simcha Moshe Malevi, 7 Iyar Carolynne Cohen, 7 Iyar Arthur Cohen, 7 Iyar Jay Pepose, 7 Iyar David Levine, 7 Iyar Mindel bat Dovid, 8 Iyar Dr. Michael Bleiman, 8 Iyar Sanford Levine, 8 Iyar Esther March, 8 Iyar Molouk Saketkhou, 8 Iyar Dr. Michael Bleiman, 8 Iyar Anne Morris, 9 Iyar Miriam Cohen, 9 Iyar Freda Bard, 10 Iyar Sam Kissel, 10 Iyar Doba Barash, 10 Iyar Yospa Kupietzky, 10 Iyar Aida Podrizki, 10 Iyar Harry Medwied, 10 Iyar Harry Eisenberg, 10 Iyar Dr. Joseph Miller, 11 Iyar Ruthe Peyser, 11 Iyar Gitel Waldman, 11 Iyar Carrie Janock, 11 Iyar Carrie Janock, 11 Iyar WEEK AT A GLANCE DAILY DAF YOMI (Sunday - Friday) with Rabbi Ben Sugerman at 7:00 am in Rooms 211/212. • MISHNA BERURA YOMI (Sunday - Thursday) 15 minutes before Mincha • NIGHT BEIT MIDRASH (Sunday - Thursday) community learning in the Senders Library at 8:00 pm • NIGHTTIME DAF YOMI (Sunday - Thursday) with BRS Rabbinate at 8:40 pm in Rooms 104/105 • THE 2014-2015 PILLAR SOCIETY CAMPAIGN PILLAR SOCIETY 2014-2015 EMERALD Daniel & Caroline Katz Paul S. & Lynn H. Pariser PLATINUM Leo & Heni Ehrlich Martin & Ileana Flics Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky Lothar & Carlyn Mayer Dr. William & Debbie Rand Michael & Jill Rose Larry & Deborah Silver Harry & Marilyn Wanderer MONDAY • • HEBREW POETRY with Hassia Yehuda will resume in the Fall MEN’S AFTERNOON KOLLEL will resume in the Fall (Monday only) GOLD TUESDAY • • Daniel & Dr. Liora Adler Dr. Albert & Evelyn Begas Howard & Bonnie Block Dr. Steve & Yael Charlap Donny & Dr. Freyda Cohen Drs. Eli and Orlie Cohen Dr. Hillel & Chayi Cohen Dr. Meyer & Laura Cohen Nachman & Jamie Feig Dr. Mark & Tilda Fisher Dr. Ben & Cara Freedman Michael & Barbara Frenkel Hensha Gansbourg Rabbi Efrem & Yocheved Goldberg Murray & Basheva Goldberg Glen & Rosa Golish Drs. Charles & Simone Griff Stanley & Ana Haar Dr. Larry & Debra Halperin Dr. Chanoch & Rachel Harow Ben & Hanna Henschel Dr. Moshe & Shari Hirth Yanki & Lauren Hofstatter Dr. Mervin & Elaine Jacobs Dr. David & Sharona Kay Gary & Judi Krasna Yaakov Kronfeld Drs. Joseph & Seema Loskove Stephen & Linda Melcer Bob & Penny Pearlman Dr. Michael & Dana Petrover Dr. Daniel & Rachel Rudensky Mike Senders Dr. Leor & Gabriela Skoczylas Dr. Zorik & Ellen Spektor Teddy & Linda Struhl Dr. Jonathan & Suri Winograd Drs. Allen & Amy Wolnerman Michael & Risa Zimmerman Anonymous Anonymous PARSHA CLASS with Rabbi Philip Moskowitz at 9:30 am in the Social Hall SEFER DANIEL CLASS with Rabbi Philip Moskowitz will not take place this week WEDNESDAY • • • • CUP OF JOE & KNOW with Rabbi Efrem Goldberg will not take place this week IN-DEPTH STUDY OF BOOK OF SAMUEL I will resume on May 6 MEN’S AFTERNOON KOLLEL 3:00 - 5:00 pm in the Social Hall UNIVERSAL TRUTHS, ETHICS AND VALUES FOR AN EMPOWERED LIFE, AS SEEN THROUGH THE LENS OF JEWISH SPIRITUALITY... with Anne Shoshana Deakter at 7:30 pm in Room 101 THURSDAY • • AVIGAIL ROCK with Rabbanit Avigail Rock will resume in the Fall WEEKLY SHMOOZE at 9:45 pm in the Senders Library BRS AUXILIARIES, ETC. BIKUR CHOLIM In his excellent book, Visiting the Sick, Rabbi Aaron Glatt, M.D. states that one must be extra careful about talking in the presence of a sleeping, debilitated, or comatose patient. Medical science really does not understand “coma,” and numerous first-hand accounts exist of patients being able to recall verbatim conversations that transpired around them while they were under anesthesia, comatose, or incapacitated. Never say anything you would not say if the patient were awake, alert, and able to hear. SAPPHIRE Dr. Mark & Helen Cohan Rabbi Simcha & Anna Freedman Elaine Trachtenberg Dr. Neal & Bonnie Weinreb Anonymous SILVER PLEASE SUPPORT THE COMMUNITY ERUV The Eruv is a vital necessity to our community. It is that time of year and, once again, our funds are dangerously low. This makes maintaining the Eruv almost impossible. In order to continue the upkeep of our Eruv, please send a donation as soon as you can. Checks should be made payable to Boca Community Eruv Inc. and sent to Boca Raton Community Eruv, Inc. 7653 London Lane, Boca Raton, Fl 33433. The Eruv needs your caring support…JUST DO IT!! FREE SAT/ACT PREP COURSE Jewish Family Services is offering a free SAT/ACT prep course to students whose families reside in Boca Raton, Delray Beach, and Highland Beach and who financially qualify. Courses begin in the Spring and run through the Summer. For more information and to check eligibility, please contact [email protected]. Dr. Avraham & Elana Belizon Evan & Orly Shapiro Dr. Josh & Stephanie Stern Dr. Ashi & Chava Weisstuch Anonymous List in formation NEW PILLAR SOCIETY CATEGORY We have added a new $4,000 Pillar Society level this year called Sapphire. This is for BRS Members that at least one spouse is 70 years old or over. The Sapphire Level members will receive all of the same benefits of the Silver Level as well as a Half Page Ad in the Annual Journal. Pillar Society brochures with additional information are available in the lobby. To join the Pillar Society for 2014/2015 please contact Matthew Hocherman at [email protected] or (561) 394-0394. Boca Raton Synagogue Valuing Diversity • Celebrating Unity Page 7 ISRAEL UPDATE SOCIAL ACTION From Rabbi Steve Gutow, President of the Jewish Council for Public Affairs: This has been a difficult year for those who love Israel. The summer war in Gaza; the painful and partisan rhetoric surrounding Prime Minister Netanyahu’s speech to Congress; and our doubts and concerns about the Iran nuclear negotiations have made American Jews of all political persuasions uneasy and even angry. As we progress through the Jewish year from our liberation at Pesach to the giving of the law at Shavuot, we are reminded again that to be an American Jew often feels optional, a matter of choice. Yet we hold to this sacred cycle of holidays and life events because it is a positive statement about who we are and what matters to us. Likewise, to acknowledge the modern holidays of Yom HaZikaron and Yom Ha’Atzmaut is also to make a positive statement about who we are and what matters to us. We may be tired or depressed or troubled by the events of the past year. Nevertheless, we must continue to support the Israeli people and Israel as a Jewish and democratic state dedicated to the rights and liberties of all its citizens. This is a life-affirming choice that recognizes that Israel is not just another country but the home to millions of our brothers and sisters. PLEASE KEEP IN YOUR PRAYERS JONATHAN POLLARD Your letters - the only ray of light in Jonathan’s dreary cell. Write to him today: Jonathan Pollard #09185-016, c/o FCI Butner, P.O. Box 1000, Butner, North Carolina, U.S.A 27509-1000. Yehonatan ben Malka - Jonathan Pollard. Jonathan Pollard has been imprisoned in the United States since 1987. While working as an American civilian intelligence analyst, Pollard admitted to passing classified information to Israel. Although even his most ardent supporters agree that he was in the wrong and guilty, the nature and length of his imprisonment is disproportionate and unparalleled. Join a multitude of prominent politicians, officials from the national intelligence world, and the legal world who have called for Pollard’s sentence to be commuted. For more information and to sign a petition, visit ROBERT ALAN “BOB” LEVINSON Is an American private investigator and retired DEA and CIA agent. He was taken hostage on March 9, 2007 when visiting Iran’s Kish Island and is currently the longest held hostage in American history. ISRAEL DEFENSE FORCES (IDF) PARENTS AND GRANDPARENTS OF IDF SOLDIERS The Emek Learning Center in Baka has a program that offers support to IDF Soldiers without families in Israel. If your child or grandchild is in the IDF and would like the center to reach out to them, please send Linda their name and contact information and it will be forwarded to the center. If you want to learn more about the center, the website is Linda can be reached at [email protected] or by calling (561) 394-0394. Please have in mind children and grandchildren of members of our community currently serving in the IDF: Amiel Abir, Asher Kaplan, Adam Barel, Shayna Bender, Daniella Borenstein, Yosef Brander, Stav Gare, Menachem Kaplan, Shabtai Kaplan, Daniel Louis, Albert Lupin, Charlie Pollack, Yakov Simcha ben Moshe Yisroel, Yehuda Strauss, Elad Shachar, Liel Reinfeld, Ron Hirschhorn, Yehoshua Page 8 Strauss, Amichai Berman, Dov Lieber, Leo Loeffler Chanan Wolfson, Eitan Yitzchak ben Etel Rochel, Noam Bar Yakov, Yuchiel Shlomo Lowenstern, Amir Tsarfati, Reuben Gladstone, Zoe Gladstone, Dean Tansman, Joshua Weiss, Hannah Katz and Zachary Solomon. If you have children or grandchildren currently serving in the IDF, please let us know their names so we can include them. Please have in mind our missing-in-action Israeli Soldiers. Boca Raton Synagogue Valuing Diversity • Celebrating Unity BEIS MEDRASH of BRS AVOS U’BANIM The exciting Avos Ubanim father-son learning program on Shabbat afternoons will continue, this Shabbat, at 6:20 pm in the Social Hall. Come join your friends for great learning, and prizes! SUNDAY NIGHT: HALACHOT OF DAILY LIFE CHABURA Join Rabbi Simmy Shabtai on Sunday nights, 8:00 – 8:45 pm in the Senders Library for group learning on the Halachot of day-to-day life (Tefillah, Brachot, Etc.). TUESDAY NIGHT: 7TH & 8TH GRADE GEMARA CHABURA Come to the Senders Library on Tuesday nights, 8:00 – 8:45 pm and join your 7th and 8th grade friends for guided learning in Masechet Brachot by Rabbi Simmy Shabtai. THURSDAY NIGHT: PARSHA CHABURA Join Rabbi Simmy Shabtai on Thursday nights, 8:45 – 9:30 pm in the Senders Library for roundtable learning and insights on the weekly Parsha. THURSDAY NIGHT: MUSSAR SCHMOOZE & BBQ WINGS Come to the Senders Library after the 9:30 pm Ma’ariv to hear words of Mussar and inspiration from various rabbinic personalities from within our community. Famous BBQ wings from Chef Gersh will be served. This week we will have the privilege to hear from Rabbi Netanel Chait. DIRSHU REVIEW EXAMS COMING TO BRS The popular Dirshu review program will begin at BRS this Sunday. Tests will be offered on the Daf Yomi limud of Maseches Kesuvos (47-77), as well as on the Mishna Berura Yomi limud which began its new 6 year cycle this past month (Orach Chaim Simanim 1-8:8). Financial rewards are given to those with high grades. Please contact Rabbi Shabtai to sign up for the tests or for more information For more information about any of the programs taking place as part of the Beis Medrash of BRS or to be set up with a Chavruta, please contact our Rosh Beis Medrash, Rabbi Simmy Shabtai at [email protected] All levels welcome BEIS MEDRASH of BRS Located in the BRS Social Hall Presents Free of charge. Refreshments provided MEN’S AFTERNOON KOLLEL Wednesdays 3:00-4:00 Gemara Pesachim (10th perek) with Rabbi Efrem Goldberg A Weekend with Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz Rabbi of Beis Haknesses of North Woodmere, Rebbe at the DRS High School, and popular lecturer May 1-3, 2015 Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz will be Speaking 5 Times: Friday Night Chabura The Issur of Tattoos Not Just for Motorcycle Gangs 4:00-4:40 Hilchot Aveilut with Rabbi Simmy Shabtai at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Avi Belizon 7478 Dublin Drive, Thornhill Estates Shabbos Morning Chabura after the Hashkama Minyan 4:40-5:00 Sefer Yona with Rabbi Simmy Shabtai Shaving off Peyos - A Medical Dilemma Rabbi’s Class Shabbos Afternoon From The Rabbi’s Desk - How Halacha Deals With Reality That is Stranger Than Fiction Seudah Shlishiet Dvar Torah Holiness in Numbers Sunday Morning Chabura after the 8:00 am Shacharit Minyan Kareis for Bris Milah For more information contact Rabbi Simmy Shabtai at [email protected]. For more information, please contact the Rosh Beis Medrash, Rabbi Simmy Shabtai, at [email protected] or 347.439.7031 Young Israel of Deerfield Beach Boca Raton Synagogue • Hahn Judaic Campus 7900 Montoya Circle N. • Boca Raton, Florida 33433-4912 Congregation Torah Ohr Boca Raton Synagogue Valuing Diversity • Celebrating Unity Page 9 WEEK 2 PICTURES From ISRAEL We Hope YOU Can Join US in ISRAEL!! CATCH THE SPIRIT AND JOIN US ON A MISSION LIKE NO OTHER! The Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County is proud to announce the “Spirit of Israel” Community Mission. Make incredible memories and friends and catch the spirit of heritage, history, technology, adventure, Israeli culture and democracy. We will experience the best of what Israel has to offer, see unforgettable sites, meet people who are transforming the country and share the magic of our homeland. • See the Innovation Nation • Meet with security experts • Attend sessions with government officials • Enjoy food, wine and culture • Experience outdoor adventures PRICE: $3,200* per person – land only, double occupancy *$500 subsidy per person available For more information, contact Barbara Kabatznik at 561.852.6050 or [email protected]. COME & HEAR ABOUT THE TRIP ON MAY 5 AT BRS @7:30PM BRS YOUTH PROGRAMS RABBI EISENBERGER’S MISHNA CLASS IS CANCELED THIS SHABBAT: We will resume next shabbat (Parshat Acharei Mot-Kedoshim) May 2 JUNIOR CONGREGATION Daven with your friends each and every week with Boca’s all star Rebbe, Rabbi Matan Wexler. Great stories, singing, Parsha, and special treats!!! Begins at 10:45 am 5TH GRADE SEUDAH SHLISHEIT: This week, April 25 at 7:25 p.m. at the home of Shoshana Stadlan, 22155 Trillium Way in Thornhill Green. Walking group meeting at 7:15 p.m. at BRS lead by Sara Schandelson. Remember pick up is at the conclusion of Shabbat. Boca Raton Synagogue Valuing Diversity • Celebrating Unity Page 11 PAID ADVERTISEMENTS B”H Isaac J. Reich M.B.A. 305-926-8045 | [email protected] Make your DREAM HOME a REALITY Full Service Firm including: Real Estate, Remodeling, Upgrading and Home Improvement services Let me help you MOVE or IMPROVE! Don’t let them walk alone Step up and HELP meet the SOLDIERS immediate needs NOW Be an important part of the Helping Israel Fund Israel Excursion May 3 – May 10 Write a heartfelt letter to our soldiers. Your letter will be delivered personally by our BRS members who are participating in the trip when they visit our soldiers at bases in Israel For more information please see Glen R. Golish, Steve Cohen, Alan Berger or Phil Landau To donate visit 561-869-4606 [email protected] The Helping Israel Fund is a 501(C) 3 public charity with the sole purpose of raising funds for the soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces F L O R I D A ’ S F I N E S T Glatt Kosher Supermarket M O R E T H A N J U S T O N E S T O P K O S H E R S H O P, A UNIQUE SHOPPING EXPERIENCE. LANDSCAPER AVAILABLE •Lawn Maintenance • Landscaping • Clean-Up • Tree Service • Hurricane Prep • Sprinkler Repair • Sod Installation • Mulch • Walks & Patios • Flower Beds • Shrub Designs • And so much more! Many recommendations available from people living on the Circle 2 2 1 9 1 P O W E R L I N E R D. , B O C A R AT O N, F L 3 3 4 3 3 CATERING BY CIRCLE CATERERS 561.367.1902 W W W. K O S H E R M A R K E T. C O M | 561.391.3318 CALL VAZQUEZ & SONS (561) 255-0091 PAID ADVERTISEMENTS Rabbi Eliyahou Rabovsky Rabbi Efrem Goldberg Rabbi Yaakov Gibber Dr. John Aker, DD min Lori Dahan & Jeff Korentur Gary Uber Along with 18 years of long standing community friendships Invite you to Join a Kick Off Event with Joseph “JB” Bensmihen Candidate for Congressional District 22 Thursday, April 30, 2015 6 – 7pm The Venue @ Asia 7600 Camino Real West Boca Raton, FL Contributions are welcomed, but not required RSVP to: [email protected] Paid for by Joseph “JB” Bensmihen for Congress BRS UPCOMING EVENTS SHABBAT AFTERNOON WOMEN’S SHIUR A COMMUNITY-WIDE LEARNING OPPORTUNITY FOR WOMEN, BY WOMEN Parashat Shemini • April 18 Mrs. Gita Guttman Parashat Nasso • May 30 Mrs. Danielle Grajower Parashat Devarim • July 25 Mrs. Meira Federgrun Parashat Tazria/Metzora April 25 Mrs. Amy Horowitz Parashat Beha’alotcha • June 6 Mrs. Gita Guttman Parashat Vaetchanan • August 1 Mrs. Jorie Lyons Parashat Shelach • June 13 Mrs. Chana Reeva Opoczynski Parashat Eikev • August 8 Mrs. Sharona Kay Parashat Korach • June 20 Ms. Elana Kaminetsky Parashat Re’eh • August 15 Mrs. Aliza Schulman Parashat Chukat • June 27 Mrs. Rina Lanner Parashat Shoftim • August 22 Mrs. Esther Lupin Parashat Balak • July 4 Mrs. Michal Zisquit Parashat Ki Teitzei • August 29 Dr. Deena Grant Parashat Bamidbar • May 23 Mrs. Jessica Weiss Parashat Pinchas • July 11 Dr. Ahava Oppenheimer Parashat Ki Tavo • September 5 Mrs. Shoshana Deakter Shavuot • May 25 Mrs. Amy Horowitz Parashat Matot/Masei • July 18 Mrs. Jessie Brownstein Parashat Nitzavim • September 12 Mrs. Fay Greene Parashat Achrei Mot/Kedoshim May 2 Dr. Rebecca Solomon Parashat Emor • May 9 Mrs. Vivian Kestenbaum Parashat Behar/Bechukotai May 16 Mrs. Leah Rosen THE BOCA RATON SYNAGOGUE AND BOCA RATON MIKVAH PRESENT A 3-PART SERIES… Taharat Hamishpacha Refresher Course With Rebbetzin Yocheved Goldberg The Mitzvah of Taharat Hamishpacha is one of the most sacred and holy Mitzvot in our tradition. Please take advantage of these opportunities to learn more about it and to review the details and meaning behind this important Mitzvah. If you would like to learn about the Mikvah in a smaller group or one on-one or if you would like to arrange a tour of the Mikvah, please contact Linda at the Shul office at (561) 394-0394. The women’s class takes place two hours before Mincha on Shabbat afternoon in the Rand Sanctuary. If you are interested in giving a future class, please contact Rabbi Moskowitz at (561) 394-0394 or [email protected] To sponsor any Shiur for $100 in memory of a loved one or in honor of a special occasion, please contact Jamie at [email protected] or (561) 394-0394 Hahn Judaic Campus • 7900 Montoya Circle N. Boca Raton, FL 33433 Tel. (561) 394-0394 - From India to Israel: A Journey with the Bnei Menashe Sunday, May 3 — 10:00 am, Boca Raton Synagogue — Social Hall Who would believe that the Bnei Menashe, from a remote region in northeast India, are living as orthodox Jews and claim descent of the Ten Lost Tribes? Hear from Laura Ben-David, of Shavei Israel, as she describes the incredible, inspiring days she spent among them in the remote region they have called home for millennia followed by her return to Israel escorting 50 of them on their unforgettable Aliyah flight. The program will include beautiful slides from both India and Israel. About Shavei Israel: Shavei Israel is a unique non-profit organization dedicated to assisting descendants of Jews and the Lost Tribes of Israel to reclaim their roots. Active worldwide, Shavei Israel is the starting point for anyone with Jewish heritage or ancestry who yearns to return. Bio: Laura Ben-David Laura Ben-David is a marketing consultant, public speaker, writer and photographer. Originally from New York, she made Aliyah from Boca Raton, Florida in 2002. Before joining Shavei Israel as their director of marketing, Laura managed all social media at Nefesh B’Nefesh. Laura is the author of the book, MOVING UP: An Aliyah Journal, a memoir of her move to Israel, as well as numerous published articles both in print and digital media; her subjects of choice include Israel, Aliyah & social media - and sometimes all three at once. Light Refreshments Sponsored by Jewish National Fund Boca Raton Synagogue • Hahn Judaic Campus 7900 Montoya Circle N. • Boca Raton, Florida 33433-4912 Hahn Judaic Campus 7900 Montoya Circle • Boca Raton, Florida 33433 (561) 394.0394 • LAG BA’OMER Wednesday Night, may 6 Begins at 8:30 pm Join BRS for an authentic Lag Ba’Omer celebration BBQ BONFIRE CHAGIGA AND KUMZITS Bonfire lighting at 8:30 pm BRS Front Lawn With many thanks to our co-chairs Rubi Elmakies and Shloime Lugassy Hahn Judaic Campus • 7900 Montoya Circle • Boca Raton, Florida 33433 • (561) 394.0394 • GUEST SPEAKER RABBI MOSHE MILLER This Sunday, April 26 at 10:00 am in the Social Hall of the Boca Raton Synagogue Rabbi Moshe Miller will be joining us Sunday, April 26 at 10:00 am for a special lecture titled “The Return of the King: an Introduction to Megillat Ruth”. Rabbi Miller recently published a novel “Rising Moon: Unraveling the Book of Ruth” and it will be available for sale after the lecture. Please note, Rabbi Miller will have the ability to accept credit cards. Rabbi Moshe Miller was ordained at the Ner Israel Rabbinical College in 1974 and embarked on a career of over thirty-five years as a Jewish educator. He has held the position of principal in schools in Santa Clara, California; Providence, Rhode Island; Atlanta, Georgia; and Miami Beach, Florida. Most recently, he was the Rosh Kollel of the Boca Raton Community Kollel. He and his wife made Aliyah in 2010, where he is currently a lecturer at Michlalah Jerusalem College. Boca Raton Synagogue • Hahn Judaic Campus 7900 Montoya Circle N. • Boca Raton, Florida 33433-4912
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