Visit: Your 2015 Missoula Horsemen’s Council, which governs the Missoula Equestrian Park and its policies, has a great team of new Board Members and many exciting ideas! I hope you’ll join us for our monthly meetings on the first Tuesday of each month (please check the Park’s website calendar for exact location and time). Additionally, we have formed several committees to help organize new and fun Equestrian Events and we would love for members to get involved in whichever areas interest you (see below for Committee details)! Don’t hesitate to contact any Board Member for more information: 2015 MHC Board Members: President: Lynn Thee: [email protected] Vice President: Sheila Mealey: [email protected] Treasurer: Vacant—this could be you! Secretary: Joan Scheffer: [email protected] Events Coordinator: Cindy Arnott: [email protected] Membership Coordinator: Rachel Ambrose: [email protected] Webmaster: Jennifer Kendall: [email protected] Vicki Balfour: [email protected] Ginny Fay: [email protected] Aneill Fisler: [email protected] Val Knudsen: [email protected] Lynn Lee: [email protected] Kim Stickler: [email protected] Spring 2015 Newsletter Membership: Your Missoula Horsemen's Council values all our members who support the Park each year. Please remember to display your new Member ID tag on yourself or your horse when riding at the Park. And keep an eye on your email for Event Announcements and Park updates that you won't want to miss! A membership form is in this newsletter or can be downloaded: embershipForm2015.pdf Our first volunteer work day is scheduled for April 11. Please mark your calendars and come with your work gloves and smiles to help prepare the Park for a busy spring and summer of events. For information please call Sheila Mealy at 406-210-4307 or email [email protected]. Thanks and we look forward to seeing you there! On the English riding front, we are happy to announce the addition of our new flatbed "Jump" trailer - thanks to a very generous donation from Missoula Dressage and Combined Training Association (MDCTA)! Jumps will be stored on the trailer, making for much easier set-up and tear-down before and after horse shows. Our first Mini Event is scheduled for April 25, with a clinic offered the next day by the dressage judge, Carol Nichols. Forms to sign up for these are in this newsletter and can be downloaded: mages/MiniEvent/MiniEventEntryForm2015.pdf sClinic2015.pdf Photo credit: Rachel Ambrose Photo credit: Deana Ross, youth rider Lindsey A Hunter/Jumper MHJA Sanctioned Spring Schooling Show is on the calendar for May 2, as well as a Dressage schooling show & clinic with Debra Spence May 30 & 31. Other dates to mark on your calendar: June 13 - Mini Event #2 and Sept. 5 - Mini Event #3, and August 7-9 for MHJA RATED H/J show! Keep an eye on the MEP website calendar for more English events and clinics in the coming months! Cross Country Course: Drue Kerns has been hard at work securing our new course designer Bert Wood from CA! Bert (of Rebecca Farms XC course fame) will be coming in June to give our course a face lift be ready for some new and exciting jumps out there! And please, as a reminder, if the ground is wet and muddy this spring, refrain from jumping as it will damage the footing and is unsafe for you and your horse. 6th and an Omoksee August 15. Watch the MEP calendar for dates and further information. The Missoula Horse Council is developing a license plate. The funds from this plate will be used to maintain and expand the Missoula Equestrian Park, providing essential open space and facilities for Montana's equestrians and non-equestrians alike. An annual percentage will also be donated to Montana organizations to advocate for horses, horse people, and youth riders throughout the state. The plate should be available beginning July 1, 2015. 2015 MHC Committees Photo credit: Deana Ross, youth rider Lindsey Want to help out but don't want to commit to being a board member? Perhaps you would like to serve on one of our sub committees. We value your input and assistance. Contact the committee chair (*) for more information. The Western Events Committee has been hard at work organizing some fun western events. They are currently in talks with the NBHA about having some sanctioned events, hopefully in the near future. There is a time only barrel race scheduled for June Western Events: Increase number of western events, outreach to other equine groups, possible clinics at the park, and create a 5-year plan as well as a plan for: electricity, arena footing, equipment purchase, storage and maintenance, and an arena rental plan. Board Members: * Kim Stickler, Joan Scheffer, and Lynn Lee PR/Marketing/Membership: Website management, Facebook presence, PayPal, Hats & T-Shirts, Electronic forms, signature and payment, sponsorships, fundraising, grants, PR materials, slogan revamp. Board Members: *Jennifer Kendall, Vicki Balfour Facilities & Grounds: Signage, payment box, rental documents, communicate directly with maintenance director, create a 5-year maintenance plan, events coordination, set requirements for event deposit returns. Board Members: *Cindy Arnott, Aneil Fisler. Lynn Lee English Events: Organize and produce Mini-Events, coordinate to attract or produce other events, hunter jumper, dressage and clinics, create a 5-year plan as well as a plan for storage of jumps, repair and maintenance of cross country course, outreach to other equine groups. Board Members: * Rachel Ambrose, Val Knudsen, and Jennifer Kendall Members: Drue Kerns, Carolyn Quinn, Mary Osellame, Janice Maurer Member Outreach: Work days, volunteer coordination, membership BBQ, non- horse related events (IE Give Local Missoula), parade participation, outreach to other horse related groups seeking alliance and participation, member newsletter. Board Members: *Sheila Mealy, Cindy Arnott We are working on our website. Please stay tuned for a much improved experience. In the meantime, we appreciate your patience with our growing pains. Please send thoughts and suggestions to our webmaster, Jennifer Kendall: [email protected] Friends meet friends at the Missoula Equestrian Park! We hope to see you there soon! Finance: Create a 2015 budget, review financial records, investigate the need for an accountant, taxes and audits, create 5-year business plan. Board Members: *Lynn Thee, Ginny Fay Photo credit: Rachel Ambrose April 25 May 2 May 5 May 16 May 17 May 24 June 6 June 13 June 27 June 27 June 28 July 5 July 25 July 26 Aug 8-9 Aug 10 Aug 15 Aug 29 Aug 29 Aug 30 Sept 5 Sept 12 Sept 27 Oct 3 Missoula Equestrian Park FlYing Colors Mini-Event SATURDAY - APRIL 25, 2015 Name Address City/State/Zip email 2015 Missoula Equestrian Park Member? ! Yes ! No Phone Your coach or instructor’s name Please fill out separate entry form(s) for additional horses Eq. Park Member ID Tag # Rider Age: Under 18____ or 18 & over_____ 2015 Cross-Country Member? ! Yes ! No Pre-Novice, Novice and Training event entries will ride USEA 2014 Test B for all event dates. Smurf event entries will ride USDF Introductory Level Test B 2011. All dressage tests can be found at MINI-EVENT Dressage, Stadium and Cross-Country fees enter your appropriate level and write in the name of your mount MEMBER $65/ENTRY NON-MEMBER $75/ENTRY MEMBER $95/ENTRY NON-MEMBER $105/ENTRY TOTAL SMURF MOUNT’S NAME PRE-NOVICE MOUNT’S NAME NOVICE MOUNT’S NAME TRAINING MOUNT’S NAME PRELIMINARY TEST MOUNT’S NAME MEMBER DRESSAGE TESTS Open or Western Dressage Please print the test list with tests marked that you plan to ride and include with entry $15× TEST NON-MEMBER $20× TEST Judges TBA. See tests on information sheet or at Available Friday prior to each Flying Colors Mini-Event No charge for 2015 Cross-Country Members, all others must pay fee FRIDAY SCHOOLING Cross-Country $15 Members and non-members must pay fee Stadium $15× ride(s) ride(s) STALLS, SHAVINGS AND HOOKUPS Stalls $20× 50 stalls are available. Tying horses to the bars of stalls is prohibited. One bag of shavings is included with each stall rental. Straw bedding is not allowed. Shavings $8× Hookup $10× night(s) bag(s) night(s) OFFICE FEE All entries that arrive after Monday prior to the event will be charged a late fee LATE FEE $25 NO REFUND WITHOUT VETERINARY OR MEDICAL STATEMENT TOTAL FEES DUE $20.00 Please make checks payable to Missoula Horsemen’s Council OFFICE USE ONLY Entry Number Check # STALL CLEANING DEPOSIT (WRITE SEPARATE REFUNDABLE CHECK) $20× Cash stall(s) Your cleaning deposit will be refunded after inspection and upon conclusion of the event if the stall is stripped and waste put in the cement bunker on the north side of the stalls. Thank you for helping keep our park beautiful! Please provide the cleaning deposit in a separate form of payment in order to receive refund. CLEANING DEPOSIT CHECK # For more information or questions please contact Drue at 406/240-3667 Mail entry form and checks to: Rachel Ambrose 1007 Richard St., Missoula, MT 59802 Entries must be mailed in with Payment / EMAIL entries will not be accepted. Assumption of Risk Agreement I, the undersigned, Missoula Equestrian Park Member __________________________________ herein request access and permission to occupy, use, enjoy and/or ride or handle horses on the premises of the Missoula Equestrian Park, hereinafter referred to as MEP. I understand and agree that whether I am participating in equine activities within the MEP premises or exposing myself to the inherent hazards or injuries associated with equine handling and activities on any part of the premises, I am doing so willingly with the understanding that horses are inherently dangerous. Further, I understand;; The purpose of MCA through 27-1-727 is to assist courts and juries in defining the circumstances under which persons responsible for equines may be found liable for damages to persons harmed in the course of equine activities. It is the policy of the state of Montana that a person is not liable for damages sustained by another solely as a result of risks inherent in equine activities if those risks are or should be reasonably obvious, expected, or necessary to persons engaged in equine activities. It is the policy of the state of Montana that an equine activity sponsor or equine professional who is negligent and causes foreseeable injury to a participant bears responsibility for that injury in accordance with other applicable law. Further, the undersigned, acknowledges that I have had the opportunity to inspect the premises and surrounding conditions for inherent hazards associated with the nature of the premises (including icy winter conditions) each time I occupy said premises as a member, participant, spectator or invitee and therefore wish to make this acknowledgment and agreement perpetually binding from the date herein signed. ________________________________ ______________________________ ______________ Print Name (Clearly) Signature Date Address ___________________________________________________________________________ Phone_____________________ Cell_____________________ Email__________________________ . Emergency contact names and numbers (require at least one): _____________________________________________ Tel No. ____________________________ Name of Contact Person _____________________________________________ Tel No. ____________________________ Name of Contact Person Supervising a minor: The below signed herein certifies I am a parent or legal guardian having full authority and acknowledge that the minor above named, understands and accepts that they are assuming inherent risks associated with equine activities they are involved in on the premises above named. Signature of legal guardian _____________________________ Date _________ Age of minor _____ FlYing Colors Mini-Event ADDITIONAL INFORMATION We encourage members who enter the Park from South Ave. to use 31st (just east of Big Sky High School) instead of 35th. This will decrease traffic for our neighbors on 35th. Please remember to include and sign an assumption of risk form for every horse/rider team for every show. We are required to have a new one on file for each event. Thank you! Ride times will be posted the Friday before the event at the Missoula Equestrian Park show office. Our show staff will do their best to call you with your ride time by the Friday before the event, however, if you need your ride time before that please feel free to call Drue at 406/240-3667 and she will give you the block of time your division will be riding. Rides times will also be on the website by Friday evening. OPEN DRESSAGE SCHOOLING SHOW Judges: TBA will be posted on the website as they confirm for each of the three dates Entry Fees are $15/test for MEP members or $20/test for non-members. TEST MENU Eventing 2011 USDF Intro Level A 2011 USDF Intro Level B 2014 USEA Pre-Novice Test A 2014 USEA Pre-Novice Test B 2014 USEA Novice Test A 2014 USEA Novice Test B 2014 USEA Training Test A 2014 USEA Training Test B 2014 USEA Preliminary Test A 2014 USEA Preliminary Test B 2014 USEA Intermediate A 2014 USEA Intermediate B Open Dressage 2011 USEF Training Level 1 2011 USEF Training Level 2 2011 USEF Training Level 3 2011 USEF First Level 1 2011 USEF First Level 2 2011 USEF First Level 3 2011 USEF Second Level 1 2011 USEF Second Level 2 2011 USEF Second Level 3 Western Dressage WDDA Intro Test 1 WDDA Basic Test 1 WDDA Basic Test 3 WDDA Level 1 Test 2 WDDA Freestyle Level 1 Other Tests on request only SAFETY VESTS & HELMETS ARE MANDATORY FOR CROSS COUNTRY . Carol Nichols Clinic After the April Flying Colors Mini-Event, take advantage of a great opportunity to ride with Dressage Judge & Eventing Trainer Carol Nichols! When: April 26, 2015 Where: Missoula Equestrian Park Dressage or XC Jumping About Carol: After graduating with a BA in Sociology, Carol directed and taught several college equestrian programs in the eastern United States throughout her twenties and thirties. She competed successfully through Intermediate Level in Eventing, took opportunities to learn from Olympic riders and traveled to England and Germany for intensive riding and teaching courses. Carol worked extensively with Sally Swift in Centered Riding and with Cindy Sydnor and Cathy Connelly in dressage. Later, Carol managed her own horse ranch in New Mexico and created a local chapter of Pony Club while she continued to teach privately. For more information, go to: NOTE: Because of limited space, you must first contact Rachel Ambrose at 406-544-8779 if you are interested in riding in the Carol Nichols Clinic. Carol Nichols Clinic Entry Form Clinic limited to 8 Riders. Cost is $65 for a 45 minute private lesson (plus daily fee for non-MEP members). Rider Name: _____________________________________________________ Discipline / level you wish to ride: ___________________________________ Phone: ______________ Email: _____________________________________ MEP Member Tag ID # _____________________________________________ CAROL NICHOLS CLINIC COST AND FEES Clinic Cost MEP Member Discipline: Dressage or Cross Country MEP Member without XC Pass Discipline: Cross Country Non-MEP Member Discipline: Dressage Non-MEP Member Discipline: Cross Country MEP Daily Pass Fee* MEP XC Use Fee* TOTAL $65 $65 $15 $65 $15 $65 $15 $15 • Please make checks payable to: Carol Nichols. • Non-MEP members must sign and submit the MEP Membership Form and Release located on the MEP website at: *Avoid the MEP daily use fees for all events in 2015 by becoming a member of the Missoula Equestrian Park!
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