いきものにぎわい市民活動大賞 Prize for Civic Activities to Protect Biodiversity いきものにぎわい市民活動大賞 募金事業部門 Fund Raising ローソン緑の募金賞 Lawson Green Fund Award Prize for Civic Activities to Protect Biodiversity 市民活動大賞とは 多摩動物公園 多様な生物の暮らす雑木林づくり Prize for Civic Activities to Protect Biodiversity 「いきものにぎわい企業活動コンテスト」は、企業の生物多様性 保全活動を対象としたコンテストではありますが、企業活動のみで はなく、市民活動も重要かつ必要不可欠なものであるという考えの もと、日頃から市民活動に対し、支援をしている当コンテストの協 力団体である、アステラス製薬株式会社、株式会社ローソン(ロー ソン緑の募金) 、( 公財 ) 損保ジャパン日本興亜環境財団、公益信託 富士フイルム・グリーンファンドにより高く評価された活動を、 「い きものにぎわい市民活動大賞」として、表彰式の場、当パンフレッ ト等を活用し、ご紹介させて頂くものです。 Contest for Corporate Activities on Biodiversity is a contest to recognize activities by companies and groups that have worked towards the preservation of biodiversity; however, in tackling the issues surrounding biodiversity, civic activities also play a crucial and indispensable part. From this standpoint, outstanding civic activities highly praised by our collaborative partners which have long continued to support to various civic activities (Astellas Pharma Inc.; Lawson Inc. (Lawson Green Fund); Sompo Japan Environment Foundation; Fuji Film Green Fund), were also given recognition with Prizes for Civic Activities to Protect Biodiversity, and their work introduced at the ceremony. The names of these groups and their activities are introduced in this pamphlet as follows いきものにぎわい市民活動大賞 Prize for Civic Activities to Protect Biodiversity アステラス賞 Astellas Award 苗木の森広場プロジェクト Tree Sapling Woods Project ●緑の環・協議会 Green Cycle Associates Creating Woodlands Diversity in Tama Zoo ●特定非営利活動法人 樹木・環境ネツトワーク協会 Environmental NPO "SHU" 2003 年に多摩動物公園内にて、暗い雑木林を保全管理し、かつて 里山の原風景の再生」という目標を掲げている。これを実現するた の里山の景観を呈した生物相の豊かな雑木林を復活させ、明るく開 め、当協会では動物園と連携し、雑木林の整備を行いながら、森と 放的で、散策やレクリエーション、憩いや教育の場として活用する 人とのかかわりについて学ぶことが出きる活力に富んだ森づくりを ことを目的に森づくりをはじめた。 行っている。 活動を行う「多摩動物公園」は、60 haの広大な敷地のなか、動 また、作業道や散策路の整備、樹木表示板の設置、野外学習会、 物たちが自由に動く様をみせることを目指して 1958 年に開設され 森を活用した環境イベントなど多彩な催しを行い、ボランティアや市 た日本有数の動物園であり、多くを占める樹林部分に対し、「人の 民の森林に対する理解を広め、深める活動も積極的に実施している。 手が加えられた、多様な植物や動物・昆虫が生息できる明るい樹林。 The project began in 2003 at Tama Zoo, with the aim to transform and restore its dark woodlands within the park into satoyama (human-influenced environments) with diverse biota, reminiscent of what once existed in the area, and to create a bright and open wooded area that could be utilized as recreational and educational areas for the public. Tama Zoo, one of the largest zoos in the nation, was established in 1958, with its immense premises covering 60 hectares of land. It set out to show its animals freely moving about, with a goal to create a light-filled woodland inhabited by diverse plants, animals, and insects, and to revive the archetypal satoyama scenery that once was seen in the area. To accomplish this objective, the association has worked closely with the zoo, engaging in dynamic woodland management through which one could learn about the close ties between people and the woods. The association has also helped to construct strip roads and walking paths in the woods, install informational signs on trees, proactively hosted numerous environmental education events in the woods, as well as events to promote deeper and wider understanding of woodlands to volunteers and the general public. ローソン緑の募金賞 Lawson Green Fund Award 学校緑化部門 School Greening 神田小学校・PTA・いぶきの会 東法園緑化事業 違法な山砂採取のために森が皆伐され大穴となった2ha の土地を い、地元の樹木のドングリから 1000 の苗を育てて植えましょうと 元の水源涵養林に戻す事が我々の課題だった。表土が消失し養分も いう企画だ。一方落ち葉は堆肥場に敷き詰め落ち葉のプールにして ない、資金も人手も無い環境で途方にくれたが、多くのご協力・ご 遊び、できた堆肥で不足する養分を補おうという試みだった。翌年 支援で少しずつ自然を取り戻しつつある。企画のひとつ「1000 の の 5 月にはたくさんの親子が苗木を持ってかけつけてくれ、落ち葉 苗プロジェクト」では、参加者に地元の公園や裏山でドングリと落 堆肥の中からはたくさんのカブトムシの幼虫がみつかり子供たちに ち葉を拾ってもらった。ドングリは苗ポットに播いて参加してくれ 喜んでもらえた。人の背ほどに育った苗木もあり、苗木ばかりの新 た子供さんに持ち帰ってもらい苗として育てる里親になってくださ しい森の形が見えてきた。 The most challenging mission for the Green Cycle Associates was to restore a 2-hectare area in the woods to its original state as a watershed protection forest. The area was a gaping hole produced as a result of land clearing for illegal extraction of mountain sand. The condition of the land, completely stripped of topsoil and nutrients, was extremely poor in addition to the lack of funding and manpower. The group was completely overwhelmed with this enormous task in the beginning. However, thanks to tremendous cooperation and support from many individuals, Green Cycle Associates could continue to work on the land. Slowly but surely, the land began healing to its natural state. One of our efforts was The 1000 Saplings Project, in which participants 17 were asked to gather acorns and fallen leaves from their local parks and hills. The collected acorns were planted in sapling pots and given to the participating children. At their home, these children and their family were expected to grow acorns into 1000 saplings to eventually be planted on the damaged site. The collected fallen leaves were spread in a large compost leaf pool for the children to play, in due course turning into nutrients much needed for the land. In May of the following year, a great number of parents and their children returned with the saplings they grew. In the compost many beetle grubs were found, much to the delight of the children. Some of the saplings grew as tall as a person and these young saplings now comprise a new forest, giving a preview of a lush forest to be seen in the future. Kanda Elementary School, PTA, Ibuki no Kai’s Tohoen Greenery Project ●山口県下関市立神田小学校 Kanda Elementary School, Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi Prefecture 山口県下関市立神田小学校は、学校教育の一環として、積極的に緑 ナミズキ・レンギョウ・シャクナゲ・サザンカ・サクランボ等 19 種 化活動に取り組んでいる。 「花いっぱいコンクール」や「学校緑化コン 67 本の植樹を行い、児童が植物を守り育てる環境づくりを保護者・地 クール」に毎年応募し、優秀な成績をおさめている。 域住民の協力により実施した。 今回の事業では、学校林(東法園)を理科学習、環境学習、特別学 習の教材として有効活用することや校庭の環境整備を一層推進するた 学校・保護者・地域住民などが一体となり、この事業に取り組んだ ことで地域交流の輪を広げることができたモデル的な活動である。 めに学校林(東法園)の樹木の枝払い、剪定、手造り遊具の整備、ハ Kanda Elementary School has long been active in various greenery activities integrated into the school curriculum. Every year they have entered into such contests as Hana Ippai (Full of Flowers) Contest and School Greening Contest, and have received high achievements. In this project, together with parents and area residents, the school took on the task of grooming Tohoen, a woodland on their property, by pruning trees, installing hand-built playground equipment, and planting 67 trees in 19 varieties (dogwood, forsythia, alpine rose, camellia, cherry, etc.) to maximize its use for science and environmental education for their children, as well as for other special educational purposes, and to further improve school grounds. The result yielded a wonderful environment for school children to protect and nurture a wide range of plant life in Tohoen. The project is considered a model activity, in which a tight intra-community relationship developed among the school, parents, and area residents through their cooperative effort. 18
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