2015 Funding Opportunity - Active Outdoor Play Letter of Intent submission deadline: Tuesday, July 14, 2015 at 1:00 pm EDT Email this completed form to [email protected] Late submissions will not be reviewed. Do not include any additional attachments. ORGANIZATION INFORMATION Organization Address Website Charitable B/N BRIEF ORGANIZATIONAL PROFILE (100 words) ORGANIZATION’S KEY REVENUE SOURCES (50 words) List up to 5 major funding sources CONTACT INFORMATION Contact Name Title Email Phone PROJECT Project Title Start Date End Date Total Time Frame Years & Months PROJECT LEADERSHIP AND COLLABORATIONS (50 words) Please list TARGET POPULATION AND GEOGRAPHIC REACH (150 words) including how the community will be engaged in the project ISSUE TO BE ADDRESSED AND COMMUNITY CONTEXT FOR PROJECT (150 words) PROJECT DESCRIPTION (350 words) Please include major project milestones and broad timelines FUNDING REQUEST TO THE LAWSON FOUNDATION Amount Requested $ LAWSON BUDGET SUMMARY – Must be equal to funding request above Expenses (no decimals) Budget Notes Staffing $ Activities $ Materials $ Communications/ knowledge translation $ Evaluation $ Admin (appropriate and reasonable) $ Other $ Other $ TOTAL (equal to funding request) $ TOTAL PROJECT BUDGET – Including Lawson and any additional funding Total project budget $ NOTES ABOUT ANY ANTICIPATED ADDITIONAL FUNDING/PARTNERS (150 words) RATIONALE TO FUND THIS PROJECT (200 words) i.e. How does the letter of intent address the funding criteria?
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