PROPERTIES & FACILITIES DEPARTMENT OLD AIRPORT, KALINA, SANTA CRUZ (E), MUMBAI 400 029 CABLE : AIRINDIA TEL : 2626 5609 FAX : 2615 7130 INTERNET: TENDER NO. : PF /E & M /02 /08 DATED :26/02/ 2015. Supplying, Installing, Testing and Commissioning of 40TR Air Cooled Air Conditioning unit/AHU type Mock Up, Old Air port, Kalina, Santacruz, Mumbai. NAME & ADDRESS OF THE CONTRACTOR : TELEPHONE NOS : OFFICE : __________________________ RESIDENCE : _______________________ MOBILE NO : __________________________ FAX NO : ____________________________ 1 PROPERTIES & FACILITIES DEPT. Tender No. PF/E & M/02/08 Date: 26/02/2015 TENDER NOTICE PROCEDURE FOR SUBMITTING OF TENDER The tender for the subject work shall be submitted in two separate sealed covers. The Tenderers are required to convey in writing in the “ Acceptance Letter” OR “ Regret Letter” which shall be issued in duplicate along with the tender, their unconditionally acceptance to Air India’s Tender Terms & Conditions in its entirety. The tenderers are also required to give an undertaking on “Service tax”. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to collect the “Acceptance letter” in duplicate and proforma of “Undertaking on Service tax” from the issuing authority, prior to submission of the tender OR “ Regret Letter” “ Cover No. 1” superscribed “Acceptance of Air India’s Tender Conditions regarding Tender for …..(as per the subject of the tender )…… and bearing on the bottom left corner the name of tenderer, will contain the following 1. Receipt of Ernest Money Deposit/Demand Draft/ bank Guarantee. 2. “Acceptance letter”in duplicate fully completed. 3. Appropriate undertaking of Service Tax duly filled in with signature & stamp of the tenderer. COVER NO. 1 SHALL NOT CONTAIN ANY OTHER DOCUMENTS “Cover NO. 2” to be submitted under separate sealed cover will contain only the Tender document and superscribed …..(as per the subject of the tender…..) and bearing on the bottom left corner the name of the tenderer. COVER NO. 2 SHALL NOT CONTAIN ANY OTHER DOCUMENTS 2 Both the seal Cover No. 1& 2 shall be properly pinned together and submitted. Tenders will be opened in the presence of any intending tenderers who may which to be present at the time on the date and at the place indicated. Only the sealed Cover No. 1 shall be opened first. The offer from only those tenderers, who have submitted in Cover No. 1 their letter of Acceptance, conveying their unconditional acceptance of Air India’s standard Conditions of Contract together, with the “ Undertaking on Service tax” and receipt of Ernest Money Deposit shall be considered valid and Cover No. 2 containing the tender quotation for the subject work from such tenderers only shall be opened. Those tenderers who do not fulfill the above requirements of Cover No. 1 or Cover no. 2 shall be rejected. The offers from those tenderers, who are unable to unconditionally accept Air India Standard Conditions of Contract will also be rejected. O R (in case not interested) You are requested to send us “REGRET LETTER” in the enclosed format on your Company’s letter head, duly signed with rubber stamp , well in advance, so as to reach us before the Tender Opening date. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, Air India Ltd. (K.C.Sahoo ) Manager-P & F Properties & Facilities Department 3 PROPERTIES & FACILITIES DEPT. ACCEPTANCE LETTER To, The Dy.General Manager, Air India Ltd., Properties & Facilities Department, Old Airport, S’Cruz (E), MUMBAI – 400 029 Sub : Supplying,Installing ,Testing and commissioning of 40TR Air Cooled Air Conditioning unit/AHU type Mock Up, Old Air port, Kalina, Santacruz, Mumbai. We hereby unconditionally accept the tender terms and conditions in its entirety for Tender No. Tender No. PF/E & M/02/08 Date: 26/02/2015 We also confirm that payment of Earnest Money Deposit has been made in the form of DD/ Pay Order and receipt of the same is enclosed. We understand that if RATES against each item of Schedule of Fees are not WRITTEN in both, FIGURES as well as in WORDS, the tender will STAND REJECTED. Date : ____________ Place : ____________ . SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER WITH RUBBER STAMP 4 REGRET LETTER ( to be sent under Tenderer’s Letter head ) To, The General Manager, Air India Ltd., Properties & Facilities Department, Old Airport, S’Cruz (E), MUMBAI – 400 029 Sub : Supplying,Installing ,Testing and commissioning of 40TR Air Cooled Air Conditioning unit/AHU type Mock Up, Old Air port, Kalina, Santacruz, Mumbai. Ref: Tender No. Tender No. PF/E & M/02/08 Date: 26/02/2015 Sir, We regret to inform you that we are unable to quote for the subject tender due to the following reasons: 1. __________________________________________________________ 2. _____________________________________________________________ Place : _____________ Date : ____________ SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER WITH RUBBER STAMP 5 PROPERTIES & FACILITIES DEPARTMENT UNDERTAKING FOR SERVICE TAX (FOR WORKS COSTING UP TO RS. 10 LAKHS ONLY ) Name of work : Supplying,Installing ,Testing and commissioning of 40TR Air Cooled Air Conditioning unit/AHU type Mock Up, Old Air port, Kalina, Santacruz, Mumbai. Tender No. PF/E & M/02/08 Date: 26/02/2015 We, M/s ____________________________________________,having our official address at _______________________________________________________, are not enveloped under the Service Tax Rules, as our turnover is not likely to exceed Rs. ____________________ Lakhs. We undertake all the responsibility of Service tax liability of this contract in case we exceed the turnover or gets enveloped under Service Tax bracket during the execution and completion of this work or any liability of Service Tax imposed on us for the concerned contract. In the event of any such occurrence, Air India Ltd. shall not bear any liability whatsoever, and we agree to keep Air India Ltd. indemnified on this count. Place : Date : -----------------------------------------------------SIGNATURE & SEAL OF THE TENDERER PROPERTIES & FACILITIES DEPARTMENT UNDERTAKING FOR SERVICE TAX (FOR WORKS COSTING RS. 10 LAKHS & ABOVE ONLY ) Name of work: Supplying,Installing ,Testing and commissioning of 40TR Air Cooled Air Conditioning unit/AHU type Mock Up, Old Air port, Kalina, Santacruz, Mumbai. Tender No. PF/E & M/02/08 Date: 26/02/2015 We, M/s ____________________________________________,having our official address at _________________________________________________,hereby confirm that our Service tax Registration No. with Central Board of Excise and Customs is _____________________. We also confirm that our rates are exclusive of Service tax and we shall claim the applicable Service Tax separately in our Running/Final bills. We also undertake the responsibility of payment of Service tax claimed from Air India Ltd. to the appropriate authority of Service Tax. Air India Ltd. shall not bear any liability whatsoever for any failure on our part to make said payments as may be required from time to time, and we undertake to keep Air India Ltd. indemnified on this count. OR We, M/s ____________________________having our official address at _____________________________________________ hereby confirm that we will submit our Service Tax Registration No. with Central Board of Excise and Custom to Air India Ltd. before the submission of our Bill. In case we fail to submit that same, Air India Ltd. may withhold our payment. We also confirm that our rates are exclusive of Service Tax and we shall claim the applicable Service Tax separately in our Bill. We also undertake the responsibility of payment of Service tax claimed from Air India Ltd. to the appropriate authority of Service tax . Air India Ltd. shall not bear any liability whatsoever for any failure on our part to make said payments as may be required from time to time, and we undertake to keep Air India Ltd indemnified on this count. Place : Date : SIGNATURE & SEAL OF THE TENDERER 6 PROPERTIES & FACILITIES DEPARTMENT CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION PROFORMA TENDER NO. PFD/ E&M / 02 / 08 DATED : 26 /02/ 2015 Sub: Supplying,Installing ,Testing and commissioning of 40TR Air Cooled Air Conditioning unit/AHU type Mock Up, Old Air port, Kalina, Santacruz, Mumbai. 1. Estimated cost of work 2. The Tender documents consists of the following: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) : Rs. 15.00 lakhs Contract Admin proforma Important Note Conditions of Contract (to be referred to on our web-site or in our Contract Admin. Office at OAP) Additional Conditions General & Technical Specification Schedule of Quantities Declaration 3. The Bidder is required to pay Earnest Money of Rs.37,500/- (Rupees Forty Three Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty Only) [ NOTE: EMD is to be paid in Cash only for amount of upto Rs.10,000/- which payment is to be made to the Cashier, Cash Section, Finance Dept., Old Airport, Santa Cruz (E), Mumbai 400 029. For EMD amount more than Rs.10,000/-, payment has to be made by way of DD / PAY ORDER payable to “Air-India Ltd” at Mumbai. ] 4. The completed Tender Documents in Cover no: 2, accompanied by the Earnest Money Receipt / DD / Pay Order and the Acceptance Letter in Cover no: 1, addressed to the General Manager – P&F Dept., Air-India Ltd., Santa Cruz (E) should be deposited in the Tender Box kept in Admin Office before 3:00 PM on 23.04.2015. 5. Tenders will be opened on the same day at 3:30 p.m. in the Office of the General Manager, Properties & Facilities Dept., Air-India Ltd., Old Airport, Santa Cruz (E), Mumbai 400 029 in the presence of any intending bidders who may wish to be present. 7 6. In case the Bidder does not wish to quote for the work, he may please send a regret letter on the date of opening of the Tender. 7. EARNEST MONEY / SECURITY DEPOSIT : a) Earnest Money Deposit : Rs.37,500/- b) Additional Security Deposit to be made within 15 days of date of issue of WO : c) Retention Percentage from Running / Final Bill : 7½% ( Seven & Half %) d) Total Security Deposit : 10% (TEN PERCENT) ----------- 8. Time allowed for the execution of the work : Three Months 9. DEFECTS LIABILITY PERIOD: : 12 Months 10. Minimum value of work to be done between Two consecutive Running Account Bills For claiming by the Contractor : Rs. 2,00,000/- Likely period for Honouring Running Account Bill after proper submission : 01 Month Likely period for Honouring Final Bill after proper submission : 11. 12. 13. Percentage permitted in Rate Analysis for Extra / Deviated items to cover Overheads and Profits. 01 Month : 20% (TWENTY PERCENT) SIGNATURE OF ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE CONTRACTS SECTION 8 PROPERTIES & FACILITIES DEPARTMENT Tender no: PFD/E&M/02/08 Date: 26/02/15 Sub: Supplying,Installing ,Testing and commissioning of 40TR Air Cooled Air Conditioning unit/AHU type Mock Up, Old Air port, Kalina, Santacruz, Mumbai. ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS The Bidders shall be submitted in two sealed covers. The Tenderers are required to convey in writing their unconditional acceptance of Air-India Ltd. Tender Conditions regarding the Tender for ...(here mention the subject of the tender)............and shall bear on the bottom left corner the name of the Tenderer. Please mention the Tender Number on the cover. “Cover No.1” shall contain the following : 1. Earnest Money Deposit Receipt 2. Unconditional acceptance letter (in duplicate) “Cover No.2” is to be submitted separately and shall contain the Tender Quotations of the Contract superscribed “...............(as per subject in Tender Notice & Tender Number).........” and shall bear on the bottom left corner the name of the Tenderer. 3 The offers from those Tenders who are unable to unconditionally accept Air-India Ltd. Tender conditions duly stamped and signed, will not be considered and will stand rejected and Cover No.2 containing the Tender quotations of such Tenderers shall not be opened. 9 4 The offers from those Tenderers who are able to unconditionally accept Air-India Ltd Tender Conditions shall be considered for the work and Cover No.2 from such Tenderers only shall be opened. 5 Those Tenderers submitting Regret Letters are requested to kindly state on the envelope “Regret Letter for Tender No..........(here mention tender number and date).................. Tender no: PFD/E&M/02/08 Date: 26/02/15 ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS 6 The offer shall be valid for acceptance for a period of 90 (Ninety) days from the date of opening of the Tenders. 7 Escalation shall not be granted on any account over the rates quoted in Tender. 8 All entries in the tender documents must be made in English. They must be handwritten in INK and must not be typed. 9 NO ALTERATIONS, ADDITIONS OR ERASURES in any of the Tender documents are permitted and if they are made Air-India Ltd shall have the right to either disregard such alterations, additions or erasures or cancel the whole Tender as it may decide. the 10 The Organization shall remove from the premises its employee(s) who is/are found to be failing his/their duties or whose presence in the premises is otherwise objectionable in the opinion of Departmental Representative / Security Staff. 11 The successful bidder will have to enter into a service agreement with Air-India Ltd in such form as may be required by them for the performance of the work, which will be subject to these conditions and/or Terms & Conditions which may be considered necessary or expedient by Air-India Ltd. 12 It is suggested that the intending bidder / bidders of his representatives should visit the various areas to study the details and nature of services to be rendered before sending their quotations. The organization will be deemed to have 10 satisfied themselves as to the nature of the areas of work, local facilities of access and all matters and things in any way affecting their rendering services as per the agreement including Security requirements. No claims for extra charges shall be entertained in this behalf of any reason whatsoever. 13 Each tenderer must deposit with the Manager Air-India Ltd., Finance Department, Cash Section, 1st floor, Old Airport, Santa Cruz (E), Mumbai-400 029, Earnest Money Deposit in the form of DEMAND DRAFT / BANK GUARANTEE (of Nationalized Bank only) and enclosed the receipt thereof with the Tender Documents. No Tender will be considered if it is not accompanied by the Receipt of Earnest Money Deposit will be returned to the unsuccessful Tenderer and incase of the successful Tenderer, it will be retained by the Company to form the first part of the Security Deposit. Tender no: PFD/E&M/02/08 Date: 26/02/15 ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS 14 The Organization shall at their sole cost and expense furnish and provide all the materials, tools, plants, equipments mechanical and other gadgets required for tendering services covered by this agreement to the entire satisfaction of Air-India Ltd. The work shall be carried out on all week days and if required, on Sundays and Public Holidays also as specified on schedule at no extra cost to the Company. 15 The Organization shall provide all their employees with identification badges with photographs and timings approved by Air-India Security. The staff employed by the Organization shall be required to wear these badges at all times, plainly visible to the Air-India Security Watchmen and Staff. Any such staff failing to do so shall, upon request of the departmental representative / Security Staff, be taken off the duties and shall not be reassigned these duties by the Organization in Air-India premises. 16 The Organization shall be fully responsible for the acts of omissions of the workers engaged by him and shall indemnify and save Air-India Ltd from and against any harm and all losses and expenses thereby caused. 17 Any complaints received in connection with the services shall be attended to by the Organization immediately. 18. The Organization shall be responsible for compliance with provision of all 11 applicable laws including Minimum Wages Act particularly Labour Laws in connection with the services to be rendered under this service agreement and in relation to the employees of the Organization. It is clearly understood that this service agreement and in relation to employed engaged for rendering these services. The Organization shall hold Air-India blameless in respect of any claim pertaining to or made by employees of the Organization. It is clearly understood that this service agreement there under, shall not constitute any relationship of employer / employee between Air-India Ltd on one hand and employees of the Organization on the other hand. Tender no: PFD/E&M/02/08 Date: 26/02/15 ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS 19. The Organization shall affect all such insurances, as may be required by the provisions of the applicable laws. 20. The Organization shall not enter into any sub-contract. 21. CONTRACT LABOUR ACT : The Contractor shall comply with all the labour rules and regulations for the time being and from time to time in force. He shall comply with the Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, of 1970 and the rules framed there under and the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 and the rules framed there under. The Contractor shall comply with all applicable laws, ordinance, rules and regulations in respect of this contract and the employment of the workers, provided by him and shall obtain all such Municipal and other Government Permits, licences and inspections as may be necessary and shall pay at his own cost the charges in connection therewith. If Air-India is required to make any such payments, initially Air-India shall recover the same from the Contractor immediately from their monthly bills. 22. CONTRACTOR LABOUR LICENCE : 12 The Contractor shall be governed under the Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970 and he should obtain the Contract Labour Licence from the Labour Commissioner’s Office within 15 days from the date of issue of Works Order. 23. RENEWAL CONTRACT: The Contractor shall renew the Contract Labour Licence from time to time and inform the Departmental Representative accordingly. 24. EMPLOYEES STATE INSURANCE SCHEME: Contractor’s Workmen are required to be insured under the Employees State Insurance Act, 1948. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for payment of employees contributions and also for all expenses and payments whatsoever in connection therewith, including the cost of expenses required to be incurred in connection with the preparation and submission of returns, etc. it will be the responsibility of the Contractor to obtain the necessary code Nos. as immediate Tender no: PFD/E&M/02/08 Date: 26/02/15 ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS employers payment of contributions at appropriate time to the ESIS authorities and also to ensure the availability of the facilities under ESIS to the employees. The Contractor shall keep Air India completely indemnified having of all factors and aspects of Employees State Insurance Act and to the extent it may be applicable to this Contract. 25. All disputes and differences of any kind whatsoever arising out of or in connection with this contract, or in the interpretation of any of the clauses herein which cannot be resolved by agreement of the parties shall be referred for arbitration to Managing Director. Air India or any Officer nominated by him in accordance with the provisions of the Indian Arbitration Act 1970 of any statutory modification or re-enactment thereof for the time being in force. The venue of arbitration shall be Mumbai. The award of the Arbitrator shall be final, conclusive and binding on all parties to the Contract. 13 26. The Contractor shall also ensure that the Contract Labour is medically fit and of sound health. The Contractor shall ensure that the workmen and supervisor employed by him shall not be of minor age. 27. The contractor shall also note that the work has to be carried out in the existing mock-up with all safety measures and very careful manner without any damages to the existing mock-up. In case of any damages it will be carried out by you for the damages. The risk will be at your cost & risk. ----------------------- Tender no: PF/E&M/02/08 Date: 26/02/15 Sub : Supplying,Installing ,Testing and commissioning of 40TR Air Cooled Air Conditioning unit/AHU type Mock Up, Old Air port, Kalina, Santacruz, Mumbai. 14 …………………………………………………………………................... Estimated cost : Rs.15.00 lakhs. ……………………………………………………………………….......... GENERAL & TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS INTRODUCTION This specification covers the minimum requirements for the engineering, procurement, installation and commissioning of the Air Conditioning system to be provided at Mock up inflight training service, Old Airport, Kalina, Santacruz, Mumbai-400 0029. 1.0 STANDARD SPECIFICATION 1.1 Scope of Work The complete scope of work shall cover supply, erection, testing and commissioning of the entire Air Conditioning system as detailed under specification. 1.2 Basis of Design The entire system has been based and designed on climatological data available as given under Basis of Design and Scheme. Tender no: PFD/E&M/02/08 1.3 Date: 26/02/15 Terms and Definitions The followings terms have been used in the tender specifications, drawings etc. 15 ISI : Bureau of Indian Standards. HZ : Hertz. H.P. : Horse Power SAG : Supply Air Grills. SAD : Supply Air Diffuser. SAF : Supply Air Filters. FD : Fire Damper. VCD : Volume Control Damper. RAD : Return Air Damper. FAD : Fresh Air Damper. RH : Relative Humidity. DB : Dry Bulb Temperature. WB : Wet Bulb Temperature. DP : Drain Point. Tender no: PFD/E&M/02/08 1.4 Date: 26/02/15 The codes, regulation as detailed below shall be followed in this contract :16 1. Safety code for air-conditioning (revised) amendment 1 : IS 659 : 1964 (reaffirmed 1991) 2. Safety code for mechanical Refrigeration : IS 660 : 1963 (reaffirmed 1991) 3. Testing of refrigeration compressors : IS 5111 : 1993 4. Air cooled heat exchangers (amendment 1) : IS 10470 : 1983 (reaffirmed 1991) 5. Packaged Air-conditioner(amendment 1991) : IS 8148 : 1976 (reaffirmed 1991) 6. Thermostats for use in refrigeration etc. : IS 11338 : 1965 (reaffirmed 1991) 7. Metal Duct Work : IS 655 : 1963 (reaffirmed 1991) 8. Steel for general structural purpose : IS 2062 : 1992 9. Refrigeration 10. Hot Dip Zinc Coated Steel Tubes : As per ASHRAE / ISI Airconditioning &Refrigeration Air-conditioning instituteStandards. 11. Colour code for the identification of pipe lines : IS 4736 : 1968 12. Specific requirements for the direct switching of the individual motors. : IS 2379 : 1963 13. PVC insulated ( HD) Electric Cables for working voltage up including 1100 Volts. : IS 4064 ( Part II) 1978 : IS : 1554 ( Part I) IS 2208 : 1976 14. HRC Cartridge fuse links upto 650 Volts. 15. Starter : 16. Inspection and testing of installation : IS 8554 ( Part I) 1979 17. Galvanized steel wire for fencing : IS 732 ( Part III) 1979 18. Three phase induction motors : IS 277 : 1977 19. PVC insulated ( heavy duty ) cables for working : IS : 325 voltage up to 1.1. KV and up to 11 KV Grade respectively. : IS 1554 : 1981 Part I & II 20. Code for practice installations. for 21. Code for practice for earthing electrical wiring : IS 732 : 1989 : IS 3043 17 Tender no: PFD/E&M/02/08 22. Specification for single phase small A/C & universal motors : IS : 996 23. Circuit breaker A.C. Contactors for AC for voltage upto 1100 : IS 2516 : 1980 Part I & II 24. V. : IS 2959 : 1975 25. Low voltage switch gear and control gear assemblies. : IS 8623 : 1993 Part I & II 26. AC induction motors : IS 3914 27. Specification for cables glands : IS 4821 28. Code for selection, installation & maintenance of switch gear and control gear. : IS 10118 : 1982 Part I to IV 29. Conduits for electrical installations : IS 9537 : 1981 Part I to lV 30. Permissible limits of noise level for rotating electrical machines. : IS 12065 : 1987 31. Code of practice for installation and maintenance of motors. : IS 3106 : 1966 32. HRC catridge fuse links upto 650 volts PVC insulated (heavy duty) electric cables : IS : 2208 33. Working voltage upto & including 1100 watts 34. Method for testing Panel type air filters for AC purposes. 35. Unbounded glass wool for thermal insulation (1st Revision) 36. 1.5 Date: 26/02/15 Expanded polystyrene for thermal insulation Purposes (1st revision) Safety Codes The following IS codes shall be followed : Safety code for mechanical refrigeration Safety code for airconditioning : IS : 1554 (Part I) : IS : 7613 : 1975 (reaffirmed 1991) : IS : 3690 : 1974 : IS 4671 : 1984 (reaffirmed) : IS 660 : IS 659 18 Tender no: PFD/E&M/02/08 Date: 26/02/15 Safety code for scaffolds & ladders : IS 3696 Code of practice for fire precaution in Welding & cutting operations : IS 3016 Code for safety procedures and practices in electrical works : IS 5216 19 Tender no: PFD/E&M/02/08 Date: 26/02/15 Code of practice for safety and health Requirements in : IS 3696 electrical & gas welding And cutting operations. 2.0 DESIGN CONDITIONS The design parameters to be used for detailed design of the air conditioning system as follows: 2.1 Outside Ambient Conditions Summer : DB: 40oC (105oF) & WB: 28.33oC (83oF). Monsoon: DB: 32.2oC (90oF) &WB: 30oC (86oF). Equipment performs to the above ambient conditions and not fail in conditions of 43oC DB (dry bulb). 3.0 NOISE AND VIBRATION CONTROLS The air conditioning contractor must take all necessary precautions to have minimum noise generation and its transmission. Minimum vibration as permitted by IS relevant code shall be ensured. A few points for guidance only are given below: a) Double fire retardant flexible connections shall be provided from air discharge to outlet of air-handler to the duct. b) Vibration isolation pads of suitable thickness commensurate to loading for isolation of vibration shall be provided under all equipments. in consultation with manufacturer for proper selection of vibration isolators c) Flexible conduit connections of minimum diameter of 50mm to motors shall be provided. All loops should be large enough to allow connections to remain flexible. d) All conduit connection where conduits are 60mm or larger shall be made of 1.2 meters minimum length conduit installed in the shape of U and grossly slack to provide maximum vibration isolation. e) The floor supported piping shall be mounted on pipe supports with 7.5mm ribbed neoprene pads between the base plate of the pipes and the floors. f) All items suspended from false ceiling shall be isolated on separate hangers. g) In case of ducts, conduits, pipes & tubes the annular space between construction and penetrating element shall be sealed with sand cement plaster. 20 Tender no: PFD/E&M/02/08 Date: 26/02/15 h) The supply duct starting from air handling unit & plenum shall be provided with 12 mm thick acoustic lining as indicated in the tender drawings. i) The air-conditioning contractor shall take all other precautions or shall make his own arrangements even if not specified in the tender documents for eliminating high noise levels & shall minimize vibrations in all mechanical equipments without any additional cost. 4.0 GENERAL DESCRIPTION SYSTEM PROPOSED AND SPECIFICATION OF THE The air-conditioning shall be based on the air cooled Floor MountedType AHU unit for Mock up area. The Mock Up area shall be air-conditioned by the Condensing unit with compressor air conditioning unit. The Installed capacity of the A. C. Unit shall be 44 TR (approximately) (4 Nos 10/11 TR Air Cooled Scroll Package Unit ) The Condenser unit shall be located outside the building and on a MS structure. Double skin DX type AHU of 40 TR capacity suitable for the Condenser Units with compressor of 10/11.0 TR capacity Air cooled with sufficient Static head pressure and CFM for supplying the cooled air upto second floor level of Muck up.The AHU also includes the canvas connections and suitable dampers, base tray and acoustic insulation and powder coating painting,drain line etc all complete. Following Protections should be considered for Each Package unit: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Single Phase & Phase reversal protection High Pressure Cut out Low pressure cut out. Over Voltage & Under Voltage Protection. Over load trip . 21 Tender no: PFD/E&M/02/08 Date: 26/02/15 Condenser The Air Cooled Condenser should be 10/11.0 TR capacity Air cooled of Blue Star/ Voltas/ Carrier/ LG/Samsung or any equivalent ISI Std make suitable for DX type AHU with all accessories like Expansion valves, Driers/strainers and hand shut off valves Refrigerant Pipe: The indoor &outdoor unit to be connected with the hard drawn copper pipe of minimum 18G thickness. All the elbow & reducer should be with the same thickness of the pipe. The size of the refrigerant pipes to be done by the vendor based of actual pipe length etc. The Refrigerant pipes should be Pressure tested at 400 PSI / 200 PSI and shall hold the pressure for 24 hrs. Proper Vacuuming should be done before charging of the refrigerant. Pipe Supports All refrigerant piping shall be supported to prevent deflection, bulking and vibration. Piping shall be supported at all changes in direction and at intervals of not more than 1.2 meters on straight runs. Pipe supports and clamps shall be subject to approval of consultant. Pipe work on roofs and floors shall be supported on off-set clamps, floor. The Pipe support stands shall be bolted to the concrete slab or steel members. Vertical pipe work shall be supported with trapeze hangers with rods suspended from inserts.Condensate drain pipe supports shall be capable of vertical adjustment after installation of piping. All pipe works passing through the walls, floors and roof slabs shall be provided with pipe sleeves of adequate size to allow the passage of insulation. Electrical Cabling All the connected Power cable should be with Al/Cu Ar. Cable of 1100 V grade & control cable should be with Cu. Ar. Cable of 1100 V grade. The incoming supply of the MCC should be with MCCB & all outgoing feeder should be with MCB & for compressor MCCB of suitable rating. The Outdoor Structure should be such that proper maintenance is possible and isolators to be provided near condensers with necessary interlock with package unit, so that for maintenance / emergency condensers can switch off. Noise Levels 22 Noise level inside the conditioned area resulting from the units shall not exceed the following: - NC 35 for office area All running equipments shall be isolated from the building structure and the support isolated from other items of equipment. All the units shall have anti-vibration mountings of approved make and these shall be subject to approval of the consultant. All the Air distribution system should be designed in such a way so that inside noise level should be within NC 35. Tender no: PFD/E&M/02/08 Date: 26/02/15 Vibration Isolators All plant shall be isolated from the building structure and the support isolated from other items of equipment. The package units’ shall have anti-vibration mountings of approved make subject to consultants approval. Multi-layer rubber pads with square grid convolutions on both sides, spaced with steel shims and of a thickness to suit the points of uniform loading of the plant item but of a minimum thickness of 32 mm shall be spaced not more than 750 to 1000 mm apart.piece having these fittings. Dampers shall be installed in duct at all required locations. TESTING The complete duct system shall be tested for air leakage & complete air distribution system shall be balanced in accordance with air quantities indicated on the approved drawing STANDARD SPECIFICATION OF THERMAL / ACOUSTIC INSULATION This section deals with supply and fixing of thermal / acoustic insulation of ducts, pipes etc. as per the specification given in this section. MATERIAL OF INSULATION The insulation material of the following kind shall be used for cold insulation. 23 FOR DUCT INSULATION WITH CLASS O ANTI-MICROBIAL TYPE 13MM NITRIAL RUBBER HAVING FOLLOWING SPECIFICATION: a) - Insulation material shall be Closed Cell Elastomeric Nitrile Rubber - Density of Material shall be between 40 to 60 Kg/m3 - Thermal conductivity of elastomeric Nitrile rubber shall not exceed 0.033 W/mK at mean temperature of 0°C - Insulation material shall have anti-microbial product, Tender no: PFD/E&M/02/08 - Date: 26/02/15 It shall give enhanced level of protection against harmful Microbes such as bacteria, mold, mildew and fungi and should confirm to following standards: - Water vapour permeability shall not exceed 1.74 x 10-14 Kg / (m.s.Pa), i.e. Moisture Diffusion Resistance Factor or ‘µ’ value should be minimum 10000. - The Insulation materials should be with self adhesive type and with Al. Foil Faced to protect against mechanical damage. The Thermal conductivity values in W/m. K of fiberglass shall confirm to following: Mean Temperature oC Density in Kg/cmt Thermal Conductivity W/m.k 32 0.032 32 0.035 For Duct Lining 25 oC o 50 C The sample of insulation material shall be submitted for approval to the Engineer in Charge and the sample shall be tested for thermal conductivity values by the contractor at his own expense. Adhesive used for setting the insulation shall be non-flammable, vapor proof, CPRX compound. Special Notes: 24 1. All the party should submit the Equipment rating chart at different temperature / outside condition. 2. Compressor ratting chart should be submitted along with tender for proper technical evaluation of the capacity offered. 3. Vendor should submit the technical Data Sheet & Shop drawing within 7 days from date of issue of order for necessary approval by consultant before physically start the work at site. 4. After Commissioning vendor should conduct performance testing of the entire system for 72 hrs. 5. Vendor should submit the complete operation & maintenance manual containing As Built Drawing, Do’s & Don’t, Operation procedure, Set points of different parameters, Catalogue & Technical details etc. 25 PROPERTIES & FACILITIES DEPARTMENT Tender no: PFD/E&M/02/08 Date: 26/02/15 Sub: Supplying,Installing ,Testing and commissioning of 40TR Air Cooled Air Conditioning unit/AHU type Mock Up, Old Air port, Kalina, Santacruz, Mumbai. SCHEDULE OF QUANTITIES PART-A Sr. No . 1 Description of work Qty Supplying ,Fixing,Testing and commissioning the of Condenser Unit with compressor of 10/11.0 TR capacity Air cooled of Blue Star/ Voltas/ Carrier/ LG/Samsung or any equivalent ISI Std make suitable for DX type AHU with all accessories like Expansion valves, Driers/strainers and hand shut off valves etc with all necessary Taxes(except service tax which will be paid extra), Transportation etc all complete.(MS stand for fixing above units and GAS charging will be paid extra) 4 At Unit Amount (Rs.) Nos. RATE IN WORDS. 2 Supplying ,Fixing,Testing and commissioning the of double skin DX type AHU of 40 TR capacity suitable for the above Condenser Units with compressor of 10/11.0 TR capacity Air cooled with sufficient Static head pressure and CFM for supplying the cooled air upto second floor level of Muck up.The AHU also includes the canvas connections and suitable dampers, base tray and acoustic insulation and powder coating 26 painting,drain line etc all complete. Job include supplying all the material with all Taxes( except service tax which will be paid extra) Transportation etc all complete.(Existing duct modification ,connection and insulation will be done by Air India ltd. 1 No. 4 Nos. 75 Mtrs. 1 NOs RATE IN WORDS. 3 commissioning of the above Condenser Units with compressor of 10/11.0 TR capacity Air cooled with testing with Nitrogen Gas and charging with latest Refrigerant gas like 123A/R407C. RATE IN WORDS. 4 Supplying, Fixing, suitable Refrigerant Copper piping for suction and delivery line with insulation and along with copper cable for above Condenser Units . RATE IN WORDS. 5 Supplying, Fixing, Manual electrical control panel for operating the four condenser units separately with all safety controls like ELCB/MCB/Osdolators etc all complete.Job includes supplying the suitable size main cable from the existing Air India Panel to the AHU room which is upto 5 mtrs length is also included in this item. RATE IN WORDS. 27 6 Supplying ,Fixing,Fabricating and commissioning the MS stand for the fixing the condenser unit with MS Angles/Channels with fixing arrangements with suitable holes and also supplying necessary hardwares etc all complete.The MS stand should be painted with one coat of red oxide and two coats of synthetic enamel approved colour as per direction of EIC. The job also includes minor civil works for foundation etc all complete. 50 kg 15 mtrs. 3 No. 3 Nos. 2 Nos. RATE IN WORDS. 7 Supplying ,Fixing, Fabricating and commissioning the GI Tray of suitable size for laying copper piping all complete. RATE IN WORDS PART-B (REBATE ITEMS) (_) Removing /Dismantling carefully the following items and taking away the same from the Air India premises after giving scrap values 8 20TR compressors along with all accessories/valves etc. RATE IN WORDS.. 9 20 HP motors RATE IN WORDS. 10 10 HP motors RATE IN WORDS. 28 11 5 HP motors 4 Nos. 3 No. Lot Ls 2 No 1 Nos 2 Nos 12 months 12 months. 12 Months 12 months. RATE IN WORDS. 12 Condenser units RATE IN WORDS. 13 4” MS pipe line along with valves attached with the sustem RATE IN WORDS. 14 Pump RATE IN WORDS 15 AHU 40 TR RATE IN WORDS 16 Cooling towers RATE IN WORDS. PART-C ( AMC CONTRACT) 17 Annual Comprehensive maintenance Contract for the above units after defect liability Period of one Year. st I)1 year RATE IN WORDS. nd ii)2 year RATE IN WORDS. iii)3rd year RATE IN WORDS. iv)4th year RATE IN WORDS. 29 Sub Total( A-B+C) Rebate if any for Part -(A &C) GRAND TOTAL In words (Rupees ) Service tax as applicable shall be shown separately in bills for comparison of tender bids. Service tax will not be included and the quoted amount (exclusive of service tax) only will be compared. Place Date : SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER WITH RUBBER STAMP 30 PROPERTIES & FACILITIES DEPT. Tender No. PF/E&M/02/08 Date: 26.02.2015 DECLARATION Name of Work: Supplying,Installing ,Testing and commissioning of 40TR Air Cooled Air Conditioning unit/AHU type Mock Up, Old Air port, Kalina, Santacruz, Mumbai. 1. 2. 3. 4. I/We hereby declare that I/We have read and understood the scope of services, General Conditions of Contract, Conditions for Services & Schedule of Fees etc. and hereby agree to abide by them. In token thereof I/We have signed below and at the end of Schedule of Fees. I/We also understand that otherwise this tender is liable to be rejected. I/We understand that our Tender will not be considered, if the rates for items are not written both in FIGURES AND WORDS. I/We hereby confirm that only the relevant entries asked for have been made within the Tender documents issued to us. I/We also confirm that in the even of any entry in this Tender document, other than the relevant entry, shall make this Tender invalid. I/We agree to submit to Air India Ltd. necessary reports and returns as required for compliance of regulations. Place : Date : __________________________________ SIGNATURE OF TENDERER WITH RUBBER STAMP 31
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