Minnesota North District The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod INTERCOM/E-NEWS Volume 12, Issue 5 May, 2015 Page 1 Monthly Message 1-2 Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Hispanic Ministry 3-4 My mom lives in Worthington, MN. Most of the houses on the block, were built around 1900. Her house is a couple of blocks north of the Main Street. The two major employers in town when I was in high school was the Armour pork plant where my dad worked and Campbell’s Soup factory. The town was predominantly made up of white European peoples, but there were a few different races in town, but we all just kind of blended together. Ordinations/Installations 5 Children’s Ministry Wkshp/Valley Fair Day/ Fall Pastors’ Conf 6 Workshops 7 St. Paul’s School, Perham Colordash 8 Julie McManus—Kenya 9 Christ Serve Ranch 10-14 Bible Bowl Results 15 2016 NYG Coordinators 16 YMT (Youth Ministry Training) Gift Updates LCEF Programs Things have changed in Worthington, Minnesota since I graduated from High School in 1976. The population has grown from about 10,000 people to about 12,000 people. In 1980, Census figures show that Nobles County (Worthington area) had a Hispanic population of 134 people, which represented 0.6% of the total population. In 2013, there were 5,471 Hispanic people in Nobles County, making up 25.3% of the population. The old Main Street has lost the old familiar shops and they have been replaced with ethnic shops serving the diverse population in the community. When my mother-in-law taught in the public school in Worthington in the late 1990’s, she was told that there were 40 some odd first languages spoken in the homes of the public school children. 17-18 19 20-22 Miscellaneous 23 In Our Prayers. . . 24 Deaf Ministry Calendar 25 Prayer Calendar 26 District Calendar 27-28 Church Anniversaries 28 District Calls 28 Contact Us 29 There are some in the community that wish that “those people” would all just go home so they could have their community back. There are some that realize this is how we are changing and so we tolerate it. And then there are some who celebrate the change. If it were not for the ethnic groups, the Main Street would be filled with vacant shops again. The town would be dying. What about the church? The local church doesn’t look much different than it did in 1976, though there are fewer kids and the faces have aged. Where are the new faces in town? There are several mission churches in town that cater to specific ethnicities. There is the Hispanic Assembly of God church, there is a group of Hispanic Jehovah Witnesses that meet in a home across the street from my mom. We tend to think that the Hispanic are primarily Catholic, but according to the local priest, they come to the Catholic church to have children baptized and such, but they are not coming to worship. Sadly, there is a large unchurched population that is not being reached. In 1990, there were 53,844 people in Minnesota that identified themselves as Hispanic. In 2013, 270,545 identify themselves as Hispanic. In 23 years, the Hispanic population in Minnesota has increased 5 times. This is the largest growing ethnic group in the State. 1 in 20 Minnesota residents identify themselves of Hispanic origin. The average age of the residents of Minnesota is 38. The average age of the Hispanic population is 24. 62% of the Hispanic population of Minnesota are native born (born here in the U.S.). 91% of the Hispanic population less than 18 years of age are born here in the United States. It is projected that the Hispanic population in Minnesota is going to continue growing. We can either love them in Christ as our neighbor, or we can shamefully turn our backs on them and wish they would just go back to where they came from. Perhaps there were a number of people that felt that way a little more than a hundred years ago when a bunch of Germans and Norwegians started settling in Minnesota too. (continued on page 2) Minnesota North District Intercom / E-News page 2 (continued from page 1) Last month, the Minnesota North District in convention passed resolution 1-2, “To Investigate Strategies and Resources for Ethnic Ministries.” Our MaCO (Missions and Congregational Outreach) Board will be gathering resources and strategies to help the local congregation minister to the new ethnic groups in our midst. If you have any good ideas on how to minister to the Hispanic people in our communities, we would love to hear them. Included in this E-News is an information sheet from the synod on Hispanic Ministry. Please investigate what they have to offer as well. May God lead us to be bold in our sharing of the Gospel to all people. Rev. Jeffrey A. Lee Mission and Ministry Facilitator, MaCO Minnesota North District of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod To view percentages by county click on the map below. You will be directed to a website page. Click on the county you would like to view percentages for. Many of the counties under 5% are very close to 5%. Minnesota North District Intercom / E-News page 3 Minnesota North District Intercom / E-News page 4 Minnesota North District Intercom / E-News page 5 INSTALLATIONS / ORDINATIONS Rev. Philip Hoppe from St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Ellsworth Kansas accepted the call to serve the dual parish of Peace Lutheran Church of Finlayson and St. Paul's Lutheran Church of Bruno, MN. He was installed at Peace Lutheran Church on Sunday, March 15th with all pastors from the circuit in attendance. They are as follows: Back row from left: Rev. Mark Maunula, Rev. James Groleau, Rev. Donald Fondow, MN North District President, Rev. Mark Freiberg, Sr., Rev. George Morris, Rev. Greggory Coop. Front row from left: Rev. Bradley Vogt, Rev. Glen Kleppe, Rev. Philip Hoppe, Rev. Daniel Galchultt, Rev. Don Polege. Rev. John Christensen from Trinity Lutheran Church in Cheyenne, WY accepted the call to serve Trinity Lutheran Church of Fergus Falls, MN. He was installed at Trinity Lutheran Church on Sunday, April 26. Attending pastors were: Back row from left: Rev. Jeffrey Lee, Rev. Kirk Lee, Rev. Tom Eaves Front row from left: Rev. Roger Lange, Rev. John Christensen, Rev. Noel Herr, Rev. Art Weidner Minnesota North District Intercom / E-News page 6 SAVE THE DATE: Children’s Ministry: “More than Sunday School” 2015 Fall District Pastors’ Conference at Lutheran Island Camp September 20-22, 2015 Host Circuit: Rum River Circuit The Minnesota North Division of Parish Life and Nurture (PLaN) invite all who care about children and ministry to children to come “More than Sunday School.” This will be at St. Paul in Perham on Sunday, May 17. The event will begin at 3:00 p.m. and conclude by 5:30 p.m. and will feature presentations by Paul Berg and Sandy Kephart from Peace Lutheran Church in Hutchinson. Fresh and new ideas will be shared as to how to bring children into your church so that they can learn about Jesus. You’ll be given tools that will help your Sunday School or VBS programs to become stronger. So, if you are a Sunday School teacher or Sunday School superintendents, a VBS Director, DCE or Pastor – if you desire to strengthen your congregation’s ministry to children and to their families – you’ll want to attend this event. Theme: “Speaking God’s Word… in the Legislative Process in the Public Square” The conference topics will be in response to District Convention Resolutions 2-7 and 2-8. Such discussion is most timely as the Supreme Court decision on marriage is due out at the end of June. There will also be a session in response to the third resolve in Resolution 4-2, that a Fall Pastors’ Conference study and discuss the constitutional phrase of “The Exclusive Use of Doctrinally Pure Agenda, Hymnbooks and Catechisms”. Pastor John E. Beck St John's Lutheran Church 980 W 4th Street, PO Box 368 Rush City MN 55069 The cost per person is $10 payable the day of the event. To register, please call the Minnesota North District office (218-829-1781) and indicate you want to register for “More than Sunday School.” You will be glad you did! The date is set for the 34th annual LYF Valleyfair day— Monday June, 29th, 2015. This event is sponsored by the MN South DCE Association. LYF ticket booths will be selling tickets from 9:30 - 11:30 am. Tickets will be $30 each and you will receive 1 free ticket for every 15 purchased. If you have any questions or are planning on arriving after 11:30 am please contact Shannon Hecksel at: [email protected]. There will be no advance sales of tickets. Minnesota North District Intercom / E-News page 7 June 22-24, 2015 Reforming Christian Devotion Presenter: Rev. Herrmann Click church name or address for map: Zion Lutheran Church 300 Lake Street Alexandria Contact: David Hinz 320-763-4842 [email protected] Register Here Minnesota North District Intercom / E-News page 8 Minnesota North District Intercom / E-News page 9 Julie McManus Serving the Lord in Kenya I have officially received my green light to head to Kenya! I will be hopefully leaving now in July. I can't believe that the time is here already. Whenever I talked with people I told them I was hoping to be leaving by the fall and now it will be this summer! So now is crunch time. It's time to get my shots, get my new license, start finalizing all my plans, continue to visit churches and speak about my mission opportunity. There are so many more things for me to think about now, especially because I didn't think it would happen this quickly. 46 days after I gave my first presentation and officially started my support building I have the best news I could ask for! Thank you to everyone who has been praying for me and supporting me through this process already and I ask for you to continue to pray for the next few months as I start preparing to leave for my new home. LCMS Missionary to the ethnic Kazakh people of Mongolia/Kazakhstan, Rev. David Baker, will be on furlough in Minnesota in August and would be available for speaking engagements between August 9-12. You can contact Pastor Baker at [email protected] Minnesota North District Intercom / E-News page 10 Minnesota North District Intercom / E-News page 11 Minnesota North District Intercom / E-News page 12 Minnesota North District Intercom / E-News page 13 Minnesota North District Intercom / E-News page 14 Minnesota North District Intercom / E-News page 15 2015 Minnesota State Bible Bowlers Answer Questions on the Gospel of Luke 62 youth from 15 congregations in Minnesota made up the 19 teams who studied and inwardly digested the Gospel of Luke and came to the light boards at the 2015 Minnesota State Bible Bowl held on February 28th at Concordia University in St. Paul. Following the team and individual competitions there was the presentation of team trophies, closing prayer, the singing of the Common Doxology, and the trip home. Participants in the Bible Bowl and guests recalled Christ’s redeeming work was for us and the world. We are called to love Him with our whole being and our neighbors as ourselves. Concordia University provided the participants and fans with a delicious meal and a beautiful setting for the Bible Bowl. We were also blessed with the opportunity to see the handwritten St. John’s Bible on display in the library. Some participants also won a drawing and received a Concordia University t-shirt. All praise and glory be to the Father who created us, the Son, Jesus who redeemed us, and the Holy Spirit who enables us to believe and live our faith! Thanks be to God who blesses those who study, believe, and live His Word! Everyone in the Word is a winner! The 2016 Bible Bowl is March 12 at CSP. The topic will be made known later in the year. Please keep the Bible Bowl in your prayers. For additional results click here. Bible Bowl contacts: Pastor Rudy Maurer, St. John Lutheran Church, P.O. Box 37, Good Thunder, Minnesota 56037 (507) 278-3169 e-mail: [email protected] Pastor Steve Breitbarth, Grace Lutheran Church, 508 9th Street NW, Chisholm, Minnesota 55719-1453 (218) 254-3466 e-mail: [email protected] These are the teams and individuals who placed 1-6. Individuals from LEFT TO RIGHT: First Place: Noah Leraas – Trinity Lutheran Church, Faribault Second Place: Sam Nyhus – Trinity Lutheran Church, Faribault Third Place : Peter Wunderlich – Trinity Lutheran Church, Faribault Fourth Place: Daylin Paulson –Holy Cross & Immanuel Lutheran, Cold Spring & Albany Fifth Place: Dylan Holtmeier – Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd, N. Mankato Sixth Place: Roxie Thies – Bethel Lutheran Church, St. Paul No Picture: First Place Team - Trinity Lutheran Church, Faribault Team A: Ava Castro, Billy Chouy¸ Sam Nyhus, Coach Philip Simonson LEFT TO RIGHT Second Place Team - Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Cold Spring & Immanuel Lutheran Church, Albany: Coach Laura (Joseph) Woltmann, Travis Woltmann, Zach Woltmann, Sam O’Hara¸ Natalie Paulson, Daylin Paulson, Coach Paula Paulson. LEFT TO RIGHT Third Place Team - Grace Lutheran Church, Hibbing: Bethany Kuusisto, Hannah Kivela, Ayla Staudahar, Coach Connie Stage No Picture Fourth Place Team – Trinity Lutheran Church, Faribault Team C: Aaron Benson, Noah Leraas, James Wunderlich, Coach Philip Simonson No Picture— Fifth Place Team - Trinity Lutheran Church, Faribault Team B: David Benson, Hannah Leraas, Peter Wunderlich, Coach Philip Simonson LEFT TO RIGHT Sixth Place Team – Mount Olive Lutheran Church, Duluth: Coach: Rev. Robert Franck, Elizabeth Franck, Rachel Franck, Jacob Franck, Jesse Robison, Coach Teresa Koivula Minnesota North District Intercom / E-News page 16 YMT: Youth Ministry Training at Lutheran Island Camp in Henning, MN Friday and Saturday, October 2 & 3, 2015. This two-day learning, networking, and encouraging event designed for all those who have a passion to serve the young people of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod in the Minnesota North District. The keynote speaker for this event is Craig McCourt, a 25 year youth ministry veteran and founder of GodPonders ministry. He will focus on the use of media in youth ministry and discuss ways that we can connect our youth to our congregations, especially for congregations who do not have youth ministers on staff. You can learn more about Craig at http://godponders.org/ A majority of the cost for this event is being underwritten by the Minnesota North District Parish Life and Nurture (PLaN) Committee and Lutheran Island Camp. We are asking for a suggested donation of $25 per participant to help offset the cost. Use the printable form on the following page or click here to register for this event: http://goo.gl/forms/x8N8iFFQKA by September 25. Tentative schedule: Friday, October 2 6:30 - 7:00 p.m. Registration 7:00 p.m. Opening devotion and group-building 8:00 p.m. LCEF sponsored fellowship time Saturday, October 3 8:00 a.m. Breakfast 8:30 a.m. Morning devotion 9:00 - 11:30 a.m. Keynote speaker: Craig McCourt 12 noon Lunch 12:45 p.m. Breakout session #1 1:30 p.m. Breakout session #2 2:15 p.m. Breakout session #3 3:00 p.m. Closing worship Minnesota North District Intercom / E-News page 17 Minnesota North District Intercom / E-News page 18 2016 LCMS National Youth Gathering - Minnesota North District Coordinators We are pleased to present Christopher and Shari Brown as the Minnesota North District Co-Coordinators for the 2016 LCMS National Youth Gathering which will be held July 16-20 in New Orleans, LA. Christopher serves at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church and School, Perham as Director of Christian Education and will be participating in his fifth Gathering, third as District Coordinator for MNN. Shari is currently a part time teacher at St. Paul’s Lutheran School, Perham where she teaches both Kindergarten and grades 3-4. This will be Shari’s first ever Gathering! Christopher and Shari have been members at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Perham for 16 years and are the proud parents of four boys: Isaac, Jackson, Peter and Samuel. They are looking forward to preparing and taking their oldest son Isaac to his first National Youth Gathering. There is a lot of work to be done for the district in preparation for the Gathering and Christopher and Shari hope that as a husband/wife team they can, with God’s help, do the best job they can to serve congregations across the district. More communications will be coming soon via the E-News, MNN District LCMS National Youth Gathering Facebook page (please “like it”), and more. Some of the responsibilities Christopher and Shari have are: Praying for our member churches in the Minnesota North District whom we serve Communicating and guiding our district congregations through the process of registration for the Gathering and preparation to attend the Gathering. Coordinate MN North District transportation to the Gathering. Coordinate a special MN North District Event in New Orleans. Coordinate a MN North District Booth at the Gathering. Assist in equipping our Adult leaders in the district through communications and training meetings. Assist in placing individual youth seeking to join a “community group” in order to attend the Gathering. Much more! In April Christopher and Shari attended the District Coordinator Training held in St. Louis and are now ready and prepared to serve the Minnesota North District. For more information on the 2016 LCMS National Youth Gathering go to www.lcmsgathering.com, like our facebook page at MinnesotaNorthDistrictLcmsNyg . Christopher and Shari Brown can be contacted at [email protected]. Call Christopher 218-346-7725 (St. Paul’s Perham) or cell 218-457-0479. Pictured below: All District Coordinators Minnesota North District Intercom / E-News page 19 Received to date (5/12/15) for Project 24 $97,615.72 Received to date (5/12/15) for 1001 Orphans $12,850.04 The CROSS Appeal Received as of 5/12/15 $20,948.49 Pastor Kollie Education Fund Received to date (5/12/15) $29,645.55 Gifty Student Aid Received to date (5/12/15) $2,214.23 Basic Goal $1,350,000 [$900,000 Lutheran Island Camp; $450,000 International Projects] Year-To-Date (5/12/15) Pledges: $652,541.41 Cash Received: $600,098.21 Cotton Tree School Received to date (5/12/15) $47,597.31 Minnesota North District Intercom / E-News page 20 Minnesota North District Intercom / E-News page 21 Minnesota North District Intercom / E-News page 22 Minnesota North District Intercom / E-News 2015 IRS Mileage Rates (click here) Links to Other Information Camps and Campgrounds As your family travels this summer, remember there are lodgings available at Lutheran camps around the country. Visit http://nloma.org/ campdirectory.html to find one near your destination. Contact camps to see if there are cabins, campgrounds, or hotel rooms available! MAYO Clinic Services Available MNS LCMS Chaplain Services at Mayo— Rochester LCMS chaplain services are available at Rochester Mayo Clinic hospitals. Rev. William Otte is making visits on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Please ask parishioners to identify themselves as LCMS members, or call Chaplain Services, 507-255-5780, or e-mail Pastor Otte to request a visit. MNS TLCare Ministry—Rochester, MN Will you or someone in your congregation be receiving care at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota? Trinity Lutheran Church of Rochester offers their TLCare ministry to out of town medical guests. Click the link below for additional information: [email protected] RURAL & SMALL TOW N MISSION page 23 Minnesota North District Intercom / E-News page 24 In Our Prayers. . . . WE PRAY for the family of Avis Vessey, wife of General John W. Vessey, who was called home to be with her Lord Saturday, April 18. for the family of Martin Laue, father of Mary McManus (wife of Rev. Dennis McManus-St. Mark Lutheran Church, Benson) who was called home to be with his Lord Tuesday, May 5. for the family of Rev. Bernard Gorentz, emeritus Park Rapids, who was called home to be with his Lord Saturday, May 9. for the family of Ardis Esala, widow of Rev. Toivo Esala, who was called home to be with her Lord Tuesday, May 12. for the safety of Kristen Weber, daughter of Rev. Dr. Karl and Mary Weber-St. John Lutheran Church, Ottertail, as she is in Nepal providing humanitarian relief after the earthquakes. (click here for link to Perham Focus newspaper article.) for Carla Scheffert, Parish Nurse, who is recovering from open heart surgery Friday, April 17. for Melinda Cloose, wife of Rev. Anthony Cloose—St. Paul Lutheran Church, Frazee—who is undergoing treatment for thyroid cancer. for Rev. Carl Noble, St. Paul-Perham, who is recovering from shoulder surgery. for Rev. David Cloeter, em who has been dealing with ongoing medical issues. for Rev. David Bode, em., Perham (District President Emeritus) who is recovering from surgery. for Rev. Larry Harvala who is dealing with ongoing medical issues.. for Karen Lee, wife of Rev. Kirk Lee (Immanuel Lutheran Church—Parkers Prairie) who is undergoing treatment for colon cancer. for Mrs. Janet Wendzel (wife of Rev. Linden Wendzel), Bagley, who is undergoing treatment for pancreatic cancer. for Rev. Phillip Meyer, St. John’s, Buffalo, MN, [former DCE at Our Redeemer, Moorhead] who has ALS. for Patton Douglas, infant grandson of Rev. Kirk and Tammy Douglas, Trinity New York Mills, who is undergoing treatment for leukemia. for Mary Hughes, daughter of Rev. & Mrs. Martin Langemo, who has hyperacuses which attacked her hearing and causes her to be home bound. for Barb Hertling (DCE—Lutheran Student Fellowship, St. Cloud), who is undergoing treatment for breast cancer. for Dayni Imdieke, daughter of Rev. Dan & June Abrahams, Detroit Lakes, who is battling pancreatic cancer, her husband Kyle and children– Logan, Luke and Drew. for Rev. Ron Mahnke, em. (St. Cloud) who is experiencing ongoing health issues. for the safety of those serving in the military & chaplaincy and part of our District family: Ensign Emily Geddes, granddaughter of Virginia Ansorge—US Navy Chaplain Vincent Bain—Military Chaplain LCMS, Fort Leonard Wood, MO Joshua Bonk, son of Rev. John & Linda Bonk, Ely/Babbitt—US Army Rev. Steve Breitbarth, Chisholm, police & fire chaplain SFC Jonathan Fondow, son of Pres. Don & Connie Fondow, Park Rapids—US Army Timothy Milo, son of Rev. Frank & Sue Milo, Gloria Dei, Pequot Lakes—MN National Guard Joshua Noble, son of Rev. Carl & Betsy Noble, St. Paul’s, Perham—US Army, Black Hawk helicopter pilot Chaplain John Thomson – Active Duty Chaplain—US Navy 1st Lt. Micah Uhrinak, son of Rev. Les & Susan Uhrinak, Crosslake—Air Force Nathaniel Vrudny, son of Rev. Matthew & Bonnie Vrudny, Finlayson, Army Reserves Duluth Unit—Heavy Equipment Operation Kurt Weber, son of Rev. Dr. Karl & Mary Weber, St. Paul/St. John, Ottertail, Richville, MN Active Duty—Army National Guard Nathan Wendzel, son of Rev. Linden & Janet Wendzel, Bagley, serving in the Iowa Army National Guard. Presently at Ft. Rucker, AL – Blackhawk Pilot Training Paul Wendzel, son of Rev. Linden & Janet Wendzel, Bagley, serving in the Iowa Army National Guard. Now deployed to Kuwait - Blackhawk helicopter pilot Lt. Col. Steven Wilke, son of Rev. Don & Joanne Wilke, Sauk Rapids, US Northern Command, Petersen Air Force Base and Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado Springs, CO, in the J4 (Logistics Directorate) as planner within the Joint Logistics Operations Center Chaplain Aaron Bell, former Associate Pastor at Holy Cross-St. Cloud and son-in-law of Pastor Tom and Mary Brinkley (St. Matthew, Esko) – Active Duty Navy, Gulf Port, Mississippi. PRAISE be to God for the three seminary candidates coming to the MNN District. AND GIVE THANKS for the birth of Calvin Rodney Swenson to parents Steve and Leah Swenson, sister Peyton and brother Cole. Grandparents are Glen and Bev Olsen (MNN District Office). Minnesota North District Intercom / E-News page 25 Minnesota North District Intercom / E-News page 26 Minnesota North District Intercom / E-News page 27 CALENDAR OF EVENTS 2015 May 15, 2015—MACO meeting at District Office. May 16, 2015—Treasurer’s Workshop at District Office. May 16-17, 2015—125th Anniversary—St. John’s, Vergas (Saturday evening organ recital and German meal / worship service and meal on Sunday. May 17, 2015—125th Annniversary—Holy Cross, St. Cloud. May 17, 2015—Children’s Ministry—”More than Sunday School” at St. Paul, Perham—3:00 pm May 25, 2015—District Office closed. June 1, 2015—MN North District Board of Directors Meeting at the District Office. June 2, 2015—Ministerial Health meeting at the District Office. June 8, 2015—Principal’s meeting—at Pastor Strohschein’s . June 13, 2015—St. Paul Lutheran School colordash at Pioneer Grounds and Arvig Track in Perham (see page 11 for more information) June 14, 2015—125th Anniversary—Trinity, Sabin. June 14, 2015—5th Anniversary—Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church, Callaway—Dinner to follow 2:00 pm Anniversary Service. June 22, 2015—Investigative Team meeting—District Office. June 22-24, 2015—Reforming Christian Devotion by Rev. Erik Hermann at Zion Lutheran Church, Alexandria. June 25-28, 2015—LWML Convention in Des Moines, IA. June 29, 2015—34th Annual LYF Valleyfair Day. July 3, 2015—District Office closed. July 12, 2015—75th Anniversary for St. Mark’s Benson. July 14, 2015—LWML MN North BOD meeting at District Office. July 18-19, 2015—125th Anniversary—St. John’s Lutheran Church, Sauk Rapids (Popple Creek), (evening camp-in and music/worship event Saturday evening / Sunday worship service). July 19, 2015— 125th Anniversary—Our Savior’s Lutheran Church and School, Crookston—special services on Sunday, July 19, at 8:00 and 11:00 AM, followed by a catered dinner and program. All are welcome to join us! August 1, 2015—Quilt Auction at LIC. August 7-9, 2015—LWML Retreat at LIC. August 9, 2015—125th Anniversary —St. John’s Lutheran Church, Villard. Service at 10:30 am with catered lunch and program following. August 12-13—New Workers’ Orientation Retreat at District Office. August 15-16, 2015—125th Anniversary for —Zion Lutheran School, Alexandria. August 22-23—125th Anniversary for First Lutheran Church, Ely. August 20, 2015—MN Kota Teachers Conference—Zion, Alexandria. August 23, 2015—100th Anniversary for St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Bertha. August 28—30, 2015—Dedication—Christ Serve Ranch. August 31-September 1, 2015—Circuit Visitors Conference at the District Office. September 7, 2015—District Office closed. September 12, 2015—District LLL/LHM Convention—St. John's, Corliss, Perham, MN September 20-22, 2015—Fall District Pastors’ Conference—at LIC. September 24-26, 2015—Church Workers Wives Retreat @ LIC. September 27-28, 2015—MN North District Board of Directors Meeting at the District Office. October 2-3, 2015—YMT (Youth Ministry Training) at LIC. October 4, 2015—100th Anniversary for Immanuel Lutheran Church, Walker. Service details will be announced in the future. October 13, 2015—LWML MN North BOD meeting at District Office. October 30-31, 2015—LFL National Conference—Petersburg, Kentucky. November 26-27—District Office closed. December 5, 2015—District LLL/LHM Christmas Meeting (Location to be determined) December 6-7, 2015—MN North District Board of Directors Meeting at the District Office. December 24-25, 2015—District Office closed. December 31, 2015—District Office closed. (continued on next page) Minnesota North District Intercom / E-News page 28 CALENDAR OF EVENTS 2016 January 1, 2016—District Office—closed. March 12, 2016—Bible Bowl at CSP. Topic will be announced early this fall. June 20-22, 2016—LWML MN North Convention, Willmar Convention Center. July 9-14, 2016—LCMS Convention in Milwaukee. July 16-20, 2016 National Youth Gathering in New Orleans, LA. 2017 June 22-25, 2017 LWML Convention in Salt Lake City, UT. 2015 May 16-17, 2015—St. John’s Lutheran Church, Vergas 100th Anniversary May 17, 2015—Holy Cross, St. Cloud 125th Anniversary June 14, 2015—Trinity, Sabin 125th Anniversary June 14, 2015——Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church, Callaway 5th Anniversary July 12, 2015 — St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, Benson 75th Anniversary July 18-19, 2015—St. John’s Lutheran Church, Sauk Rapids (Popple Creek) - 125th Anniversary July 19, 2015—Our Savior’s Lutheran Church and School, Crookston 125th Anniversary August 9, 2015—St. John’s Lutheran Church, Villard 125th Anniversary August 22-23 , 2015—First Lutheran Church, Ely 125th Anniversary August 23, 2015—St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Bertha 100th Anniversary PASTORAL VACANCIES MINNESOTA NORTH DISTRICT-LCMS (Listed Alphabetically) CALLS ACCEPTED AVON, SonRise – Called SMP Vicar Jeffrey Manthe. Ordination/Installation on 6/7/15 BRAHAM, St. Stephen’s – Rev. Tim Renstrom, Appleton, MN, accepted Call. Installation on 5/21/15 ELY/BABBITT, First/Good Shepherd - Received Seminary Candidate Jonathan Varns (CSL) HERMANTOWN, Peace in Christ (Assoc.) – Received Seminary Candidate Kevin Richter (CSL) MELROSE, St. Paul’s – Received Seminary Candidate David Mommens (CSL). ST. CLOUD, Love of Christ (Assoc.) – Rev. Stephen Klemp, Rockford, IL, accepted Call. Installation date TBD. CALLING CONGREGATIONS ALEXANDRIA, Good Shepherd – (Vacancy Pastor – Rev. William Moeller, Sr.) – Rev. Duncan McLellan, Bridgeville, PA, declined Call. BAXTER, Prince of Peace (Vacancy Pastor – Rev. Micheal Bitz) BRECKENRIDGE, Grace (Vacancy Pastor – Rev. Anthony Ahrendt) – Called Rev. Jordan McKinley, Bennett, IA. CAMBRIDGE, Joy (Vacancy Pastor – Rev. Donald Mulfinger) – Called Rev. Duncan McLellan, Bridgeville, PA. CLOQUET, Our Redeemer (Vacancy Pastor – Rev. Mark Neumann) – Called Rev. Matthew Kohl, New Haven, IN. COHASSET, Our Redeemer (Vacancy Pastor – Rev. Bill Zeige) CORLISS TWP.(Perham), St. John’s – (Vacancy Pastor – Rev. Ron Jobe) THIEF RIVER FALLS/WARREN, St. John/Zion – (Vacancy Pastor - Rev. Leo Deitemeyer) – Rev. Greggory Coop, Mora, MN, declined Call. WILLMAR, Redeemer (Senior Pastor) – Called Rev. Dr. Bradley Stoltenow, Centennial, CO. 5.15.15 Minnesota North District Intercom / E-News page 29 TO CONTACT YOUR DISTRICT: Mail: PO Box 604, Brainerd, MN 56401-0604 Phone: 218/829-1781 800/482-5022 Fax: 218/829-0037 e-mail: [email protected] website: http://www.mnn.lcms.org Webmaster: [email protected] E-Mail addresses: Rev. Dr. Don Fondow, District President Bev Olsen, Admin. Ass’t Mission & Ministry Facilitator: Rev. Dave Strohschein Rev. Jeffrey Lee Cathy Wright, Admin. Ass’t George Miller, LCEF/Office Manager Bookkeeper - Angie Ringstrom LCEF Care for Church Workers & their families: Rev. Ed Behling 866/732-3778 (toll free) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Congregational Care Counselor: Lutheran Witness Editor: Rev. Paul Dare (320/251-8416) [email protected] Gift Planning Counselor: Mr. David Priebe [email protected] District Secretary: Rev. Walter Brill (218/895-5882) [email protected] District Treasurer: Mr. Mike Uran [email protected] Committee on Constitutions & District Memberships: Rev. Ron Carnicom, Chairman (218 / 675-6532) [email protected]
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