MESSIAH LUTHERAN CHURCH AND PRESCHOOL 2727 Five Mile Rd. NE Grand Rapids, MI 49525 Rev. Tom Bartzsch, Pastor Pastor’s Home phone: 884-5131 Pastor’s Cell phone: 616-490-7315 Mr. Richard Krueger, Parish Assistant 616-363-2553 Facebook: E-mail: [email protected] Pastor’s Twitter: @MessiahGRPastor E-mail: [email protected] January 11, 2015 IN OUR PRAYERS: Those with immediate prayer concerns: Phil Tillotson; Bruce Coleman; Tammy Ahrens; Arlene Woosley; Alexis White, granddaughter of Rev. & Rosy Masih; Jimmy Edwards, friend of Matt VanEtten; Wanda Mitchell, friend of Victor VanEtten; Simon Leavit, grandson of Bob & Jan Ringel, former members; Barbara Feorene, sister of Elaine Jingles; Dawn Feorene, niece of Elaine Jingles; Maryann Northcott, friend of Marcie Merkle; and Sharon Lemune, friend of Judy Spencer. Those with ongoing prayer concerns: Bill Navarre; Duane Parks; and Peter VanLente, nephew of Judy Spencer. Joe and Becky Buss, and their new little son, for God’s protection and a safe and a speedy return as they travel to China to pick him up and bring him home. Melissa, Madison and Josiah Nall; our Salvation Army Congregational Partnership Program family, that Melissa is able to return to being self-supporting with God’s guidance and Messiah’s help and encouragement. (Please pray for the above in your prayer time at home. If there are additions, deletions or changes to the above list, please inform the church office by Wednesday noon.) THE WORLDWIDE FLOOD - Some people don’t want to believe it ever happened. Some people believe there was a flood, but only a local one. We’ll look at the flood and its effects as we continue our study of NOAH. Join us at 9:45 AM in the Fellowship Hall. Next week (January 18th) we’ll finish up our discussion of the flood and look at its aftermath. THE BAPTISM AND TEMPTATION OF JESUS serve as the lesson focus for Sunday School this week. Jesus is baptized into and takes on our sin, and faces our temptations so we, in Baptism, would receive His goodness, His holiness, and His purity. Parents could ask, “Why is it important that Jesus was baptized? Why is it important that we are baptized?” THINKING OF BECOMING A MEMBER OF MESSIAH? – Want to know more about the Lutheran faith? Pastor Bartzsch is offering LUTHERANISM 101 again. Classes will start this Saturday, January 17th from 10-11:30 AM, and run Saturday mornings until mid-March. Sign up at the Welcome Center. MiB RESUMES! – Men Into the Bible resumes this Saturday, January 17th, at 8:30 AM. Join us as we continue our study of the Formula of Concord and nosh on some good breakfast together! GARDEN GETAWAY WOMEN'S RETREAT The deadline to register for the women's retreat Garden Getaway is January 15. Please mail your check for $15 made payable to "Messiah Lutheran Church" with name and phone number of participant to: Messiah Lutheran Church, "Garden Getaway”, 2727 5 Mile Rd NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49525 . Your payment is your registration. Join us for a time to relax with friends, share laughter and spend time with God. It will be held 4 miles from church at: Leisure Village Community Building, 5305 Circle Drive, Belmont, MI. Saturday, January 31, 2015. 10 am - 4 pm. SANCTITY OF LIFE SUNDAY is next Sunday, Jan. 18th. Following both services there will be an offering collection to go to Lutherans for Life and support all the work they do: life education, training, counseling, and materials from a Lutheran perspective. Due to Thrivent’s new “neutral” policy towards life issues, LFL is facing a funding gap. Your help is greatly appreciated. CARES our Wednesday morning Ladies Bible Study continues: “Is God Listening: Lord Teach Us to Pray.” Join us on Wednesday mornings at 9:30 am THE OUT TO LUNCH BUNCH will meet on th Thursday, January 29 at noon for lunch at the Rio Grande restaurant. We will discuss plans for the year of 2015. Please RSVP to Jackie Cobb by Monday the 26th. THANKS SO MUCH for all of your warm wishes for us at Christmas, along with your generous thoughts, prayers and gifts. We are truly blessed to be members of this body of Christ, and we pray that God blesses each and every one of you in the coming year! Rick & Deb Krueger THANK YOU for the beautiful cards, thoughtful gifts and especially for your prayers and friendship. Millie Rathbun WE WOULD LIKE TO SAY THANK YOU for all the prayers and well wishes you have given us over the past year. We are so excited to be heading to China to bring our little boy home. We leave on Jan 14 and return on the 30th. Once home the 3 of us will spend our time together bonding and allowing our little guy to adjust to his new world. We appreciate your continued prayers as we travel, become a family, and experience those first months of adjustment. God’s blessing to you all. Joe, Becky, and little boy Buss HEAD WEST . . . Exemplary . . . Affordable . . . Christian Education . . . West Michigan Lutheran High School announces the following Open House dates: January 14th, 2015, January 21st, 2015 and January 27 from 5 to 7 PM. A light meal will be provided HAVE YOU EVER CONSIDERED becoming a pastor or deaconess? If so, Rev. Bill Wrede from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis would like to meet with you at West Michigan Lutheran High School on nd Thursday, January 22 between 9:00 am and 1:00 pm. Rev. Wrede is interested in meeting with prospective students of all ages – elementary school age through adults. Appointments are individual, informal, and family/friends are welcome to come with you. Appointments are not necessary but encouraged. If you are interested in scheduling a specific time, please contact Rev. Wrede at 314-505-7221 or [email protected]. WIN-SOME WOMEN.ORG. THURSDAY/FRIDAY, MAY 14-15. Messiah will once again be putting together a group. This women's Christian retreat is held overnight at the beautiful Grand Hotel, Mackinac Island. Look for more information about both retreats in the January newsletter or call 364-8776. MOUNT CALVARY LUTHERAN CHURCH IN GREENVILLE is sponsoring a Be A Match Marrow Donor Registry Drive, on th Tuesday, January 20 fron 3 pm to 7 pm with a light lunch provided, inspired by our pastor’s wife, Grace Wilhelm. See her story on the bulletin board across from the kitchen. We are seeking committed donors between 18 and 44 years of age and in good general health to complete a consent form and do a simple cheek swab for the registry. This adds your tissue type to the registry; it is NOT a donation, but we seek folks who would be fully committed to donate to someone they didn't know if they are found to be a match some day. THIS WEEK AT MESSIAH: (January 11 – January 18, 2015) TODAY Circuit Forum @ St. James........ 2:00 pm MONDAY WOW – Women Of the Word... 11:00 am Trustees Meeting ....................... 7:00 pm TUESDAY Lifelight .................................... 10:30 am Evangelism Callers Meeting ...... 2:00 pm WEDNESDAY CARES ...................................... 9:30 am Jr & Pre Confirmation ................ 6:00 pm Lifelight ...................................... 6:00 pm Choir.......................................... 7:00 pm THURSDAY Preschool Internal Enrollment begins Parish Guild ............................. 12:30 pm Garden Getaway Retreat committee meeting in fellowship hall ........... 4:00 pm FRIDAY Pastor’s & Rick’s Day Off SATURDAY MIB – Men Into the Bible ........... 8:30 am Lutheranism 101 ................... 10:00 am SUNDAY Sanctity of Life Sunday Door Offering for Lutherans For Life Worship/Communion .... 8:30 & 11:00 am Classes ..................................... 9:45 am Bowling League ......................... 3:00 pm PERSONS INTERESTED IN MEMBERSHIP AT MESSIAH are encouraged to speak with the Pastor or call the church office (363-2553) for more information. SERVING THE LORD TODAY: Presider: Rev. Tom Bartzsch Organist: Mr. Richard Krueger Rhythm Section Dave, Tammy & Andrew Ahrens, Jonathan Chaffer, Larry Goodlander, & Singers: Sheryl Keller, Deb Krueger EARLY LATE Elders: Mike Slimmen, Randy Gerke Mark Hoogerhyde, Bill Brinkman Ushers: Pat Wheeler, Jim Hoffman, Dan Hula, Bill Legate, Jon Hoffman, Ken Stayton Mike Khodl Acolyte: Kate London Natalie Tyson Nursery: Megan Kearney Allie Gadziemski 9:45 - Kendal Khodl Greeters: Jerry & Kay Tiedt JoAnne Gillette Coffee Host: Legate Team 1: Carol Mushong, Tammy Wanhatalo, Laura Altemann, Marcie Merkle Altar Guild: SERVING THE LORD NEXT WEEK: EARLY LATE Elders: John Lueders, Jim Hoffman Larry Goodlander, Rick Domine Ushers: John Lueders, Dan Bohlinger, John Wanhatalo, Rick Domine, Rick Quackenbush, Lee Cobb, Glen Ottenjan Joe Buss Acolyte: Andrea Glenn Kendra Veitengruber Nursery: Sarah Ahrens Kaylee Sheridan 9:45 - Marian Meehleder Greeters: Pat & Diane Wheeler Chris & Rae Sheridan Coffee Host: Mushong Team 2: Shirley Hoese, Lori Kearney, Sandy Hoffman, Rae Sheridan Altar Guild: THE ALTAR FLOWERS THIS MORNING: were placed to the glory of God and in Loving memory of Diane’s dad, Rudy, by Randy & Diane Oppenneer. OUR DISCIPLESHIP LAST WEEK Worship Attendance January 1 .................................................................................. 23 Worship Attendance January 4 ................................................................. 125 (49 & 76) Adult Bible Classes.................................................................................................... 47 Sunday & High School Classes ........................................................................... 12 & 5 Offerings 12-31 .............................................................................................. $2,140.00 Offerings 1-1 & 1-4 ........................................................................................ $5,063.00
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