Tuesday in Review - Minnesota North District

2015 Minnesota North District
Convention Newsletter
Tuesday in Review
Greetings and News from Synod
On Monday the Convention welcomed Rev. Dr. Herbert Mueller, Jr., who represented Synodical President Matthew Harrison and greeted us on behalf of our church body. In his report he
highlighted a number of points, including:
welcoming those in our district who have joined the Synod since the last district convention
a Bible Study on Matthew 16:13-27 on Jesus' identity as Rock of Salvation, which will be
the theme for the 2016 National Convention.
shared an update on the efforts and developments around our Synod
Convention Extras
After the passage of Floor Committee Resolution 3-6, to give thanks for faithful church
workers, Bud Rinke addressed the convention.
He expressed thanks for the opportunity to
serve the District in so many ways over the
years. He also gave thanks for the gifts he had
received from God that enabled him to serve:
life, joy and peace.
Rev. Dan Abrahams, outgoing vice-president
of the Park Region, also took the opportunity
to thank the convention for the chance to serve
the District for so many years.
Convention Devotion, Day 2: Our
Confidence in the LORD
Dr. Raabe began the devotion by stating that
ancient Zion's desire to become like the nations around them mirrors today's Church
move toward the world. This desire to be
like the world is born out of pride, selfreliance and the worship of other gods.
There is constant temptation to find peace in
alliances (compromises) with the world
when the only true refuge is in Yahweh.
Just as God's people were destroyed when
they trusted in alliances of this world, so the
Church will fall if she trusts the world.
However, trusting in the True God and built
on the Rock who is Christ, the Church cannot fail for Christ has promised and will defend her. Zion's story is a stark reminder of
this truth for us today.
Tuesday Election Results
The first vote of the day was for District
Secretary. Rev. Walter Brill was re-elected.
As there was only one candidate for Treasurer, the vote was held by acclamation.
Mike Uran was elected.
The third vote was to ratify the election of
Circuit Visitors around the District. This
vote was also done by acclamation. The entire slate was ratified.
Lay Member elections to the District Board
of Directors used the following procedure:
of the nominees, two of the slate would be
elected. Nominees were eliminated either
by percentage of votes (<15%) or lowest
number of votes.
The Park Region was the first conference to
vote for a lay member of the District Board
of Directors. Timothy Browning was elected on the first slate. Mark Kading was
elected on the second ballot.
The Lake-Land Region voted next. Ray
Moldenhauer was elected on the third ballot. Delano Meyer was elected on the
fourth ballot.
The Arrowhead Region elected Gary
Schroeder on the second ballot and David
Mowrey on the third.
Election of District Nominating Committee
Minister of Religion - Ordained Park Region Conference: Rev. Matthew
Vrudny was elected
Arrowhead Conference: Rev. John Beck
was elected.
Lake-Land Conference:
Rev. Donald Wagner was elected.
Election of District Nominating Committee
Lay Member - Park Region Conference:
Marvin Kading was elected.
Lay Member - Arrowhead Conference:
Ronald Eichoff was elected.
Lay Member - Lake-Land Conference:
Randy LaVoie was elected.
Election of District Nominating Committee
Commissioned Minister At Large: Commissioned Minister At Large - Barb Hertling,
DCE—St. Cloud State University
Election results for the Lutheran Island Camp
Board of Directors:
Elected as the Minister of Religion for the Lutheran Island Camp Board, Park Region Conference, was Rev. Steve Benson (116-99), Zion, Brainerd.
Elected as the Minister of Religion for the Lutheran Island Camp Board, Arrowhead Region
Conference, was Rev. Jeff Walter (137-75), St.
Matthew’s, Esko.
Elected as the Minister of Religion for the Lutheran Island Camp Board Lake-Land Region
Conference was Rev. Justin Hesterman (12392), Immanuel, Eagle Bend, and St. Matthew,
Elected as the Minister of Religion for the Lutheran Island Camp Board Park Region was
James Walburg of Faith Community, Zimmerman. Rev. Walburg was voted in by acclamation.
Convention Essayist, Day 2
The Challenge of Islam
Dr. Francisco gave a brief explanation as to how we as a society came to be where we are in relation to
Islam. In the past, history was largely organized around wars. In 1992 Francis Fukuyama wrote a
book that claimed a changing world meant that the rise of democratic governments and their attendant
philosophy and economies across the globe would lead to fewer and fewer large scale conflicts in the
twenty-first century.
Simon Huntington argued that this outlook was far too optimistic. There would continue to be wars,
not based around political differences (such as communism versus democracy/capitalism) but rather
around ideologies. He pointed out that the globe is comprised of civilizations with differing religions,
worldviews and cultures. He highlighted civilizations most ripe for conflict as Western (Europe and
North America), China and Islam. Huntington was severely criticized for the assertion that Islam
would be a major source of conflict, but time has proven him prescient.
As Islam is getting stronger in terms of power and influence, it behooves Christians to gain insight into
the tenets of Islam, especially because it so different from Christianity.
Islam begins with the same ontological assumption that Christians and Jews hold, namely that they
begin with the assumption that all the universe is created by God. Their epistemology (their source of
knowledge), however, gives pride of place to revelation as found in the Koran and the "perfect" moral
example of Mohammed. Islam founds out its worldview by ordering life according to a totalitarian
ideology that clings to abstract beliefs regarded as immutable truth. Thus, the ideological system must
be adhered to and defended at all costs.
With the appearance of the Islamic State, the two principles necessary for a properly organized Islamic
political entity are in place: 1) a designated caliph with a caliphate and 2) Sharia is established as the
law of the land.
Islam as a whole has been pressing for a wider acceptance in the Western world. To this end, an organization called "Common Word" was founded in 2007. The organization sent a letter to numerous
heads of Christian denominations and recognized leaders. The letter claimed that dialogue and cooperation were possible between Islam and Christianity because of their inherent similarities. This was a
subtle attempt to get Christians to affirm some tenets of Islam as true. This follows the Koranic principle that calls Christians and Jews to a "common word" in order to undermine the significant differences between the religions and thus promote Islam. Christians need to be aware of this and on guard
for such advances.
Corrections and Additions
In Monday’s article on the Treasurer’s Report it was incorrectly stated that when a particular congregation gives offerings over their pledge, that extra is divided 50-50 between the District and Synod. Mr.
Uran clarified that when total contributions to District are above the total YTD pledged by the congregations, 50% of the overage is sent to Synod instead of 42%.
Tuesday Floor Committee Resolutions
Before Floor Committees began for the day, a resolution was narrowly passed from the floor to have
Committees only read the "Subject Line" and "Resolved" portions of each proposed resolution.
Floor Committee #1 Resolutions
4. To Increase our Support of Synod's Work through Time, Talent and Proportional Giving
The motion passed without discussion.
7. To Encourage Congregations to Continue to Participate in the Mission of Lutheran Church Extension Fund
The resolution was passed without discussion.
9. To Designate the Monday Evening Worship Offering 50% to the CROSS Appeal and 50% LCMS
Global Seminary Initiative
The vote passed.
Floor Committee #2 Resolutions
1. To Identify the Year of our Lord 2015 the Year of Ministry to Children
The convention voted overwhelmingly to place a special emphasis on ministering to children in our
congregations with more information and resources to come out of Parish Life and Nurture [PLaN] to
help our people carry out this focus.
2. To Encourage Use and Advance the Ministry of Lutheran Island Camp (LIC) and Christ Serve
Ranch (CRS)
Following a point of clarification and a friendly amendment to line 15 of the resolution, which identified the Board of Directors as those of LIC, the resolution passed with a majority vote.
3. To Continue the CROSS (Congregations Reaching Out to Support Schools) Appeal
After an admonition from the floor for congregations to carry through on this resolution by encouraging delegates to bring this appeal before their congregations and several pleas to pass this for the sake
of building our children up in the faith, the convention overwhelmingly voted to continue the CROSS
4. To Encourage the State of Minnesota to alter its education funding guidelines to avoid biasing parents against choosing a Christian school for their child(ren).
Rev. Fredric Hinz, a member of the Minnesota South District staff and policy advisor for the Minnesota North and Minnesota South Districts, spoke to provide background information regarding this resolution. After considerable discussion, the convention adopted the amended resolution.
5. To Seek Funding for Continuing Education for the Professional Church Workers of the District
The resolution passed without discussion.
6. To Provide Resources that Equip the People of the LCMS to Confess the Faith in their Daily Vocation
President Fondow clarified the rationale for this resolution is that it was brought forth as an overture,
and therefore, the floor committee was obligated to address it. The resolution passed.
Resolutions Continued
Floor Committee #3 Resolutions
1. To Suggest Synod Priorities for the Triennial Planning Process
After brief discussion and two friendly amendments, the convention adopted the amended resolution.
2. To Memorialize Synod to Increase Funding of its Two Seminaries for the Upcoming Triennium
After much conversation, delegates moved to memorialize the Synod to increase funding to our seminaries.
3. To Provide an Alternative Method for Certifying Congregational Delegates in Synod President Elections
Following discussion the resolution passed with a majority vote.
4. Lutheran Island Camp
This resolution was submitted in response to other LCMS Districts' decision to sell property without
bringing it before their District Conventions. The resolution carried with a great majority.
5. To encourage congregations to call chaplains and missionaries.
The resolution passed without discussion.
6. To Express Appreciation for Faithful Service
The convention wholeheartedly voted to show appreciation for the faithful service to our district of Bud
Rinke, Virgil Gerber, Rev. David Cloeter, and Rev. Dan Abrahams.
7. To Enable Circuit Visitation
The assembly requested clarification of the monetary component of this resolution. The floor committee
announced that, prior to bringing this to the assembly, they received approval from the district treasurer
for the inclusion of the financial component, as it calls for special funds to be utilized to offset travel expenses for the circuit visitor. Following discussion, the resolution passed
8. To Evaluate the Breezy Point Chapel Ministry and Recommend a Course of Action
A motion was made using the Behnken rule to consider the substitute motion as presented on pages 101102 of the Convention Workbook. The motion to discuss the original motion as presented in the workbook passed. The delegates voted in favor of the resolution.
Floor Committee #4 Resolutions
1. To Encourage Pastors and Lay Leaders to Make Caring Visits to Promote Regular Worship
After no discussion, delegates voted to encourage both pastors and lay leaders to make caring visits, especially to inactive members.
2: To Address the Exclusive Use of Doctrinally Pure Agenda, Hymnbooks, and Catechisms within the
A lengthy discussion preceded the vote. Time for discussion expired at noon and the resolution was held
over for further debate later in the convention.
Discussion of the resolution was resumed in the evening. An amendment was approved to change the
wording in line 32 from institute to explore. Further discussion ensued. The resolution passed by a vote of
151 to 50.
Tuesday Afternoon Greetings
Rev. Dr. Tom Ries, president of Concordia University St. Paul, brought greetings from the university and mentioned such topics as mission, enrollment, faculty developments and projects,
student aid, and a Reformation celebration.
Rev. Dr. Dean Nadasdy, president of the Minnesota South District, brought greetings from
MNS and offered encouragement to the assembly as our districts work together.
Rev. Fred Hinz, Public Policy Advocate for Minnesota North and Minnesota South Districts,
brought greetings and shared information regarding the work being done which focuses on
three areas: life issues, marriage and family issues, and religious freedom.
Mrs. JoNette Brogaard, president of the Minnesota North District Lutheran Women’s Missionary League, brought greetings from the LWML and shared information and stories regarding
upcoming convention and rallies.
Mr. Gene Prause, president of the Minnesota North District International Lutheran Laymen’s
League [Lutheran Hour Ministries], brought greetings from the LLL and shared information
regarding the resources and opportunities of the organization.
The President's Address
Pres. Don Fondow spoke Tuesday afternoon. He acknowledged that the world we live in today
is a challenging one. From the relativity of modernism to the changeable spirituality inside of
people, the abandonment of absolute truth has led to chaos and disorder in the world.
He pointed us to the absolute Truth who was made incarnate for us, lived and was crucified.
This Man rose again and gained our salvation. This is Truth. It is undeniable. The knowledge
of this Truth is a gift from God through the Holy Spirit.
Pres. Fondow encouraged us to continue to continue speaking this Truth to the world with vigor. As there is no other name under heaven given by which we must be saved, we must share
this Truth no matter the challenges. The reality of our salvation compels us speak Truth to
those around us. Though times change, our God does not and has promised to be with us to the
end of the age, and He is the same yesterday, today and forever. This is our privilege and honor, to share in this Truth and message. It is the power of God for salvation to all who believe.
Lutheran Island Camp Report
DCE Ken Erlandson gave a presentation about the benefits of LIC and opportunities for the district to support the camp. As part of the presentation, Rev. George Sagissor shared information
regarding the dedication of Christ Serve Ranch on August 28-30.
Photos from Around the Convention
Above: Rev. Dr. Tom Ries addresses the Convention
Below: Mrs. JoNette Brogaard of the MNN District LWML
Rev. Fredric Hinz, Public Policy Coordinator for MNN
and MNS Districts, gives his report
Above: Janna Kietzman at the CROSS Appeal display
Below: Gene Prause, District LLL
Rev. Dean Nadasdy, president of MNS, greets the