OPENING SERVICE “Christians pray.” So began Rev. Dr. Robert Bugbee’s sermon in the opening Divine Service of the Convention on Monday evening, hosted by Rev. Murray Keith and St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, across the river from the convention hotel. The sermon, on the convention theme of “Lord, teach us to pray!” and reflecting the Synod’s theme of “Come To Him Who Answers Prayer” reminded the 165 in attendance, comprised of convention attendees and gathered Lutherans from Saskatoon and area that God invites and desires our prayers and promises to hear and answer them. Area LCC pastors took part in the service, which concluded with the solemn charge to the convention delegates. Other highlights of the evening included the choir, the congregational singing, the time of fellowship after service, and sharing the Sacrament of the Altar as a convention. GATHERED Newsletter #1 Wednesday April 15 The 10th (49th) Regular LCC Central District Convention Saskatoon, Saskatchewan April 13-16 2015 SESSION ONE Pastor James Vosper (Holy Cross, Saskatoon) began Tuesday morning with a devotion based on the Introduction and first two petitions of the Lord’s Prayer. Business began in earnest Tuesday morning, with standing rules and agenda adopted. Synodical President Dr. Bugbee welcomed the new rostered church workers into the District as they signed the constitution. Greetings were brought from the Central District LWMLC by President Arlene Kish and the Central District LLL-C by Pastoral Advisor Rev. Daryl Solie. REGISTRATION REPORT Committee #1 reported that the Central District currently consists of 70 parishes totalling 88 congregations. 55 parishes have representation by 48 lay and 47 pastoral delegates, for a total of 95 voting delegates. There are also 11 members of the Board of Directors as advisory delegates, 2 pastoral advisory delegates, 7 emeritus, 6 official guests, 2 other rostered church workers, and a number of other staff and Editor: Rev. Alex Klages volunteers. Photos: Rev. Jason Schultz ELECTIONS BANNER President 92 ballots cast, 1 spoiled. T. Prachar (incumbent) 48; D. Haberstock 43 1 ballot spoiled. T. Prachar re-elected. The banner for this year’s convention was prepared by Janice Otto of Winnipeg. Vice Presidents 1st Ballot — 91 ballots cast. Regina — J. Kreutzwieser 86 Saskatoon — J. Vosper 90 Thunder Bay — D. Haberstock 91 Winnipeg — R. Beinert 32; H. Borchardt 25, A. Klages 34. H. Borchardt dropped from ballot. Yorkton — G. Anderson 24; A. Gust 67. Elected: J Kreutzwieser, J. Vosper, D. Haberstock, A Gust. 2nd Ballot — 90 ballots cast. Winnipeg — R. Beinert 40; A. Klages 50. Elected: A. Klages. Board of Directors - Lay Members 1st Ballot — 84 ballots cast. Regina — R. Nixon 81 Saskatoon — E. Harper 39; D. Walter 44 Thunder Bay — M. Maunula 82 Winnipeg — J. Robins 36; E. Turner 47 Yorkton — G. Rathgeber 80 Elected: R. Nixon, D. Walter, M. Maunula, E. Turner, G. Rathgeber. 2nd Ballot — 87 ballots cast, 7 spoiled. Director at Large: E. Harper 48, J. Robins 32. Elected: E. Harper. FREE TO A GOOD HOME From Peace, Kamsack, SK: 2 individual cup communion trays and cover and base 1 paten and cover Contact Pastor Barry Wood for more information. LORD, TEACH US TO PRAY The essayist for our convention this year is Dr. Jim Gimbel, president of Concordia Lutheran Seminary in Edmonton, Alberta. He led off his three-part essay entitled “Lord, Teach Us To Pray” with an exploration of prayer in the Old Testament. Beginning with Adam and the Lord’s observation that “it is not good for the man to be alone”, Dr. Gimbel traced out the need for communication between people and God and the role of prayer as part of that communication throughout the Old Testament. CLWR Executive Director Robert Granke brought greetings from CLWR and gave details of CLWR’s various projects in Africa, Asia, and Central America. RESOLUTIONS LCC Report 2015-5-01: To Amend the Central District Bylaws Regarding CUCA Board of Directors Membership. CARRIED. 2015-5-02: To Merge the Katepwa & Qu’Appelle Circuits. CARRIED. 2015-5-03: To Request the CCMS to Propose Changes to the LCC Structure. Referred back to Committee. The largest part of the afternoon session was the LCC report. During this time slot, President Bugbee, Mission Executive Dr. Leonardo Neitzel, Treasurer Dwayne Cleave, and Director of Communications Mathew Block took turns exploring various dimensions of the work of the Synod. Dr. Bugbee observed that our Synod finds herself at a crossroads in terms of the cultural milieu of the church CHAPLAIN The convention chaplain is Rev. Rudy Pastucha; if you have any prayer requests or spiritual needs, please contact him! and the crises we face, such as the ABC District CEF/DIL struggle and such. Yet, there are also many good things happening; Christ is still the Risen One who can also bring His church back from seeming death. He cited Cambodia and Russia and Ukraine as examples of God’s Word bringing new life and hope to what seemed to be spiritually dead parts of the world. Dr. Neitzel spoke on the five mission lessons which our Synod has learned: 1) Listening for God’s Calling 2) Being Prepared to Act 3) Looking for Opportunities 4) Preaching the Word 5) Trusting the Lord to Provide He gave examples throughout of how God has worked through His Word and Sacraments to teach our Synod these lessons both at home and internationally. Mr. Cleave’s presentations focussed on the overall monetary and giving trends in Synod and also on the strengths, weaknesses, and struggles facing the WBP. He reminded us to trust in the Lord to provide. Mr. Block challenged the gathered delegates to examine their use of technology, and especially the Internet, as an analogue to the invention of the printing press shortly before Luther’s day. This technology can be a big help in the church’s work of sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. Especially with the 500th anniversary of the Reformation on the near horizon, he believes there will be a resurgence of interest in Lutheran teaching and history; an interest LCC is well-positioned to take advantage of. Dr. Bugbee closed off the LCC presentation by reminding the delegates to cling to Christ and be fervent in prayer, trusting that God is not silent and will help His church. MISSION MOMENT # 1 The first of the scheduled Mission Moments focussed on Street Reach in Thunder Bay. Pastor Neil Otke summarized the purpose, mission, and outreach of the Street Reach organization while a slideshow of photos from Street Reach’s work was displayed. LUTHERAN FOUNDATION CANADA The Lutheran Church— Canada Financial Ministries, better known as the Lutheran Foundation-Canada, was represented by its Central District Gift Coordinator, Mr. David Friesen. He spoke about the importance of planned giving and the reason why as Christians and as LCC it is important to plan and to work proactively for the future of our congregations and our Synod. DISTRICT PRESIDENT’S REPORT President Prachar’s report, based on the theme, “teach me to pray” reflected on how he had learned the value of prayer throughout his life and his ministry, especially through the ups and downs of his first 15 years of being District President. He announced that this will be his final term as president. He also gave some statistics of the seminaries and the current status of candidates and vicars. REMINDERS All scheduled meals are held in the Battleford Ballroom on the Mezzanine Level.... The District Convention Office is also on the Mezzanine Level (M), across from the elevators. If you have not yet picked up an expense voucher, please do so. They can be mailed back to the CD Office in Winnipeg following convention if you have any late expenses (eg. lunch Thursday).... The Adam Ballroom on the Conference Level (C) is the site for all sessions, with the display hall to the right as you exit the elevators on level C. “M is for Meals, C is for Convention”.... Please take the time to visit the various displays and the Sperling Christian Supply store between sessions and during breaks! SCENES FROM MONDAY AND TUESDAY
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