1. Introduction A new User Maintenance form has been designed to

Guidelines for new User Maintenance Form
June 2015
1. Introduction
A new User Maintenance form has been designed to replace the existing one.
Main changes have been made to the layout. However the functionalities have remained the same (i.e)
It allows Admin users to give access rights to General users on Menu Items and Companies
General users can only view their access rights
2. Login as an Admin User
One of the main role of the Admin User is to give access rights to General users to Menu items and
3. How to give access rights to General Users on Menu Items and Companies?
Admin user will have to login with his/her admin user login. User maintenance option is found under
Utilities menu. He/She will have to choose users from the list of users available under the same account.
Note:- For each account, there can be only 1 Admin user plus 1 or more General users.
After selecting a user and clicking on OK button, he/she will be directed to the following form.
Guidelines for new User Maintenance Form
June 2015
(1) Under tab Menu Access Rights (1), a list of all menu items available will be displayed
(2) Admin user can
(i) click on All (3) to give access to all menu items at one go.
(ii) click on None (4) to remove access to all menu items at one go.
(iii) click on individual check box (5) next to menu item to give access to specific options.
(3) Click on tab Company Access Rights (2) to get a list of all companies available under user’s account.
To give/remove access, same step as described in point (2) applies.
Guidelines for new User Maintenance Form
(4) User will have to click on Save button (6) to save changes.
4. Login as a General User
General users can only view the rights given to him by an Admin user.
June 2015