APR 2015 - 10th District

District Officers
Robin Dorf
10th District President
[email protected]
Dawne Juhl, 1st Vice
[email protected]
Linda Deschene, 2nd Vice
[email protected]
Jody Hassing, Exec. Member
[email protected]
Cathy Newman, Exec Member
[email protected]
Pam Hoshal, Secretary
[email protected]
Patty Gilbertson, Treasurer
[email protected]
Jan Walker, Chaplain
[email protected]
Lorinda Kies, Sgt. at Arms
[email protected]
Joanne Erickson, Historian
[email protected]
Beverly Otterness
[email protected]
Patti Coleman, Advisor
[email protected]
Kiana Coleman-Woods
Honorary Junior President
Tom Sanders
10th District Commander
Jeremy Copher
10th District SAL Commander
Jody Hassing
10th District ALR Director
10th District American Legion
Auxiliary Newsletter
Volume 7
April 2015
It is a busy time of the year for everyone and I would like to thank
you for your continued support of our veterans, military and their
families. Also, thank you to each of you for your support of the 10 th
District and our auxiliary programs.
Speaking of programs, it is that time again for annual reports which
are due to department office by April 15th. It is being encouraged that
each unit include a short paragraph with their reports to expand on
what your unit is doing within the program. Due to the feedback of you
the unit members, your voices were heard, the reports have been
changed back to the old reporting style. As the 10th District let’s get
100% of our units reporting!
Do not forget to take a look at our District Trophy and Awards list
that was printed in the November newsletter and apply for these
awards. You, the members, do so many good things with our programs
and you should “toot your horn.” Do not forget to also look at our
Department Trophy and Awards list. If you have any questions,
contact the District Chairman listed in the September newsletter for
each program or myself. My goal this year is that each of our District
trophies will go home with one of our great units within the 10 th
Osseo American Legion family did a wonderful job hosting the
National President Janet Jefford during her visit to Minnesota. She was
a remarkable speaker and very member friendly by stepping out from
behind the podium and speaking from the heart.
Thank you to everyone who attended the Department Membership
Rally in Royalton. It was a nice evening to spend with our Legion
family. Thank you to everyone who is working on our membership
program. I appreciate each of you and what you are doing to build our
membership. I am asking for your help. We need to push and renew
our members and ask potential new members. We are sliding, but I
know that with a positive attitude we can make this happen.
Membership has always, in my eyes, been a program that we all should
work on together and that is what I am asking of each of you. Please
consider asking someone to become a member or talk to your unit
membership chairman and see if you can help her get those last members.
Congratulations to our 10th District American Legion Auxiliary junior members! We should be so
proud of our junior program and our juniors. Honorary Junior President Kiana Coleman-Woods
led her Junior Conference with great poise. I am truly proud of this young woman and how she
presented herself this year. Congratulations to newly elected 2015-2016 Honorary Junior
President Courtney Rogat and the rest of the officers. The full list is in this newsletter under the
Junior Activities report.
District Convention planning is underway and I am looking forward to the North Branch
American Legion family hosting. They are planning a great day and are taking care of all of our
needs. I encourage you to attend this one day convention and celebrate a year of service to our
programs. The Call to Convention is included in this newsletter. Please note that the Joint
Memorial Service will begin at 8am, the processional practice at 8:45am, and the convention will
be called to order promptly at 9:15am at the Chisago County Senior Center in North Branch.
On Saturday, May 2nd the Monticello Unit 260 is hosting the testimonial luncheon for me. I am so
blessed to have such a wonderful group of friends and family that are honoring me with their time
and talents. Space is limited. The reservation form is in this newsletter for the last time and it is
also available on the District website. The deadline for paid reservations is April 15 th.
Robin Dorf
10th District President
A Wing and a Prayer
Under the wing of an angel, we feel protected
Through prayers to God, we feel connected.
Peace is said to be offered on the wings of a dove
Prayers can bring peace along with hope, faith, and love.
Wings of a jet plane provide steady flight
I pray you remain steady and strong through this fight.
Butterflies have wings to fly playfully free
And free from this monster is what I pray you'll soon be.
Birds spread their wings as they may leave their nest
We're spreading our prayers that you'll always be blessed
Go fight and win this battle you didn't start
On the wings of an angel and prayers from my heart
By Michelle Butler
Please remember to fill out the sheet for you deceased members in your annual reports.
Jan Walker, 10th District Chaplain
Secretary’s Notes
We still need an endorsement for 10th District Executive Committee Member for 2015-2016. Any units
that received trophies at the 2014 District Convention need to turn the trophies in at President Robin’s
luncheon on Saturday May 2nd at Monticello. If you cannot attend the luncheon, contact me at the phone
numbers or email listed below so arrangements can be made to pick up the trophies.
You can call me at 763-972-2269 (home) or 763-670-2269 (cell) or email me at: [email protected].
Pam Hoshal, Tenth District Secretary
Tenth District Past Presidents Address Changes:
Evelyn Starr -- 1145 Mississippi Avenue, Duluth, MN 55811
Email [email protected]
Brain Sciences Center
As the Auxiliary year starts to draw to a close, has your Unit made a donation to the Brain Sciences
Foundation? This is a wonderful program and it’s on the approved program donation list!
The donations made will fund scholarships for young scientists working on the various ongoing studies at
the Brain Sciences Center which include:
Gulf War Illness
Gender and Development
Healthy Brain Project
Neurological Disease
PTSD – Brain Function
PTSD – Women Veterans
To learn more about the Center and these projects, go to their website http://brain.umn.edu/
Thank you for your support!
Sue Nunnelee, Department Brain Sciences Foundation Committee
2014-2015 Parliamentary Annual Report
Bev Otterness, 10th District Parliamentarian, has asked that each Unit Parliamentarian send her a
narrative report explaining what their unit has done this year.
The narrative report can be sent to:
Bev Otterness
10th District Parliamentarian
35844 Grand Avenue
North Branch, MN 55056
The 10th District is in 6th place, after a two-way tie for 4th. The Department of Minnesota, however, is in
the top five in the Northwest Division. I believe Kansas is the only Department ahead of us.
I know the 11% increase was a tough blow; some units have a goal that's higher than their All-TimeHigh. Do your best and be proud of it. One thing that can help is to be sure your bar/club employees are
aware of non-members and ask them if they're members--whether at your Post or not. The biggest
reason I've heard for not being a member is that they've never been asked. Happy Easter/Passover and
let's hope Spring is here to stay!
Dawne Juhl, Membership Chairman
Call to Convention
The 95th Annual Convention of the Tenth District American Legion Auxiliary, Department of Minnesota is
hereby called to be held at the Chisago County Senior Center in North Branch, MN on Saturday, May 30,
The convention will be called to order at 9:15am for the purpose of:
1. Reports from the District Chairmen and District President
2. Presentation of Trophies and Awards
3. Election of District Officers
4. Election of Delegates to the National Convention
5. Installation of District Officers
6. For the transaction of such other business as may be brought before the Convention in conformity with
the provisions of the National, Department and District Conventions.
REPRESENTATION: Unit by-laws, Article VII: Representation at the annual District Convention shall be
on the same basis as representation at the Department Convention. District dues shall be paid thirty days
prior to the District Convention.
District Convention, Article IV, Section 2: Representation at the annual District Convention shall be on
the same basis as representation at the Department Convention. Each Unit shall elect alternates to serve
in place of delegates in case of their absence; such alternates may speak in the convention but not vote if
the delegates are present. The alternates shall serve in order elected. The vote of each Unit shall be equal
to the total number of delegates. The vote of any delegates absent and not represented by an alternate
shall be cast by the majority vote of the delegates present. There shall be no voting by proxy except as
her provided.
Article IV, Section 3: Members of the District Executive Committee shall be seated as Delegates of the
District Convention and entitled to vote.
Article IV, Section 5: All Past District Presidents, as long as they remain members in good standing of a
Unit in the District over which they presided, shall be delegates-at-large to the District Convention at
which she is voting. However; no person is allowed two (2) votes; i.e. she may vote with her Unit if she is
a Unit delegate, or she may vote in her capacity as a Past District President or a member of the District
Executive committee, but she may not vote as both. If your Unit has in its membership a District
Chairman or a District Officer (who is not on the District Executive Committee) it is a courtesy to elect her
as a delegate to the District Convention.
UNIT PLACARD: Please bring a 6”X18” placard with the name of your Unit and attached to a six (6) foot
pole. The pole should be placed in a standard, or bring strong tape to tape the pole to a chair.
RESERVED SEATING: Front right side of the hall will be reserved for chairmen, Unit presidents or
anyone waiting to go up to the podium to give their report.
entries at the convention by 9:00 am on Saturday, May 30th. Judging will begin at 11:00 am. Please make
sure you have checked the rules, published in the District Bulletin. District chairmen are responsible for
getting the winning entries to the District President at the close of the convention. The Unit President or
her designated representative must pick up all entries. The district will not be liable for any missing
UNIT REPORTS: Each Unit President will be asked to give a two (2) minute report of one or two
outstanding accomplishments of her Unit. Unit Presidents A - L will give their reports on Saturday
morning and Units M - Z will give theirs on Saturday afternoon. If the Unit President is unable to attend,
please have someone assigned to give your report.
UNIT COLORS: Please bring your Unit Colors to Convention and carry them in the processional. Each
unit must have their own color bearers and their attire will be: white blouse, navy blue slacks or skirt,
blue shoes, no jewelry except watch, rings, auxiliary pin and small earrings. Rehearsal of pages, color
bearers will be at 8:45 am on Saturday, May 30th at the Chisago County Senior Center. Your colors will be
lined up in the order in which your unit reached membership goal. Units not at goal will be by highest
percentage to goal, as of April 15, 2015. Americanism Chairman Claudia Vold and Sergeant-at-Arms
Lorinda Kies are in charge of the Processional.
DISTRICT STANDING RULES: UNIT PRESIDENTS - please make copies of the District Standing Rules for
your Unit’s Delegates and Alternates to bring to the convention. The rules were printed in the September
newsletter. There will be NO extra copies available at Convention.
FLAGS: Please take your flags and equipment to the designated room upon arrival. Please be dressed
and ready by 8:45 am. Please be reminded you are to stand at attention, with eyes on the flag and right
hand over your heart with nothing in your hands during the processional, Pledge of Allegiance, rendition
of the National Anthem and recessional.
DISTRICT CHAIRMEN: Please pick up the trophies and plaques for your respective program from the
District Secretary in the Chairman’s room at 8:45 am on Saturday, May 30th.
RESOLUTIONS: If your Unit has resolutions to come before the District Convention, please type and
double-space each resolution on a separate sheet of paper. Send to District President Robin Dorf at
[email protected] or PO Box 1236, Monticello, MN 55362 marked “resolution” by two weeks prior
to convention.
VOTING: Unit Delegation Chairman is the Unit Outgoing President.
Membership Delegates Alternates Membership
Past President’s Parley
Just a reminder to consider nominating someone from your Unit for the Unit Member of the Year Award.
It is open to any Senior member who has not held an elected or appointed leadership role higher than
Unit President. I’m sure you have many deserving members, so why not take a few minutes to write a
short description of how one of them helps make your Unit successful. Please include their name,
address, email and phone number along with the Unit name and number.
Please submit these narratives to me when you do your annual reports. I will forward them to the
Department PPP chairman, Linda Kropuenske. One member from each Department will be honored at
the Auxiliary National Convention.
Sue Nunnelee, District Past President’s Parley Chairman
Junior Activities
Renee Suess, Chairman
10th District Honorary Junior President Kiana Coleman-Woods proceeded over the 59th Annual Junior
Conference in Monticello. Congratulations Kiana for a job well done!
Congratulations to the following Poppy Contest winners:
Poppy Centerpiece
Poppy Corsage Contest
Class II First Place Emily Suess, Monticello
Class II First Place Emily Suess, Monticello
Class II Second Place Ashley Koehn, Monticello
Class II Second Place Ashely Koehn, Monticello
Poppy Donation Container
Poppy Jewelry/Accessories Contest
Class II First Place Ashley Koehn, Monticello
Class II First Place Ashley Koehn, Monticello
Class II Second Place Emily Suess, Monticello
Class II Second Place Emily Suess, Monticello
Poppy Hat Contest
Class II First Place Emily Suess, Monticello
Congratulations to the following award winners:
Merriman Americanism Trophy Lino Lakes
Dorf Outstanding Jr of the Year Ashley Bruzek,
Congratulations to the elected 2015-16 Honorary Junior Officers:
Courtney Rogat, Bloomington
1st Vice President
Megan Bruzek, Delano
2nd Vice President
Emily Suess, Monticello
Kiana Coleman-Woods, Lino Lakes
Ashley M. Bruzek, Delano
Ashley Koehn, Monticello
Sarenity Westvik, Bloomington
Sgt. at Arms
Tiffany Olson, Delano
Philesha Pfeifer, Bloomington
North Branch American Legion Auxiliary Unit 85 endorses Michelle Still for the office of Tenth District
Executive Board for the 2015-2016 year. Michelle has belonged to the ALA several years and is currently
serving her second year as Unit President.
Michelle has worked for a firm of lawyers, for the county and for the school district. She is tireless
volunteer in her church and in the American Legion Auxiliary. What she does, she does well and with
great results.
Unit 85 is proud to endorse Michelle and is sure that she will do an outstanding job in the office of an
Executive Board member of the Tenth District ALA.
Beverly Otterness, Secretary
North Branch American Legion Auxiliary
Upcoming Events
April 10th-11th
April 18th
Dept. Junior Conference
Auxiliary Executive Committee Meeting
11:30am Start
April 18th
ALR District Membership Rally
April 25th
2-3pm turn in
3:30 program
May 2nd
Dept. Spring Round Up
Membership Rally
Past Commanders/Presidents Dinner
District President's Luncheon
May 3rd
District Commander's Testimonial
11:30 am Social
Noon Dinner
4pm Social
5pm Dinner
May 30th
July 16th-18th
Aug. 28-Sept. 3
District Convention
Department Convention
National Convention
North Branch
Redwood Falls
Delano American Legion Auxiliary Unit 377 and American Legion Riders 377
Omelet Breakfast
On Sunday April 11, 2015, Delano American Legion Auxiliary and American Legion Riders will holding an
omelet breakfast at the Delano American Legion from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. The auxiliary will also be
having their annual bake sale. For more information, contact Pam Hoshal at 763-972-2269 or email
[email protected].
When: Saturday, April 25, 2015
Time: 11:30 am
Where: Lynde’s Restaurant, 209 County Road 81, Osseo, MN 763-424-3696
We will be able to order from the menu. Following the meal, we will hold our meeting. If you have
agenda items, please notify me or Pam. Please let me know if you will be able to attend or if you have a
transportation problem. You can call me at 763-370-8524 or email me at
[email protected]
Sue Nunnelee, Past Presidents Parley Chairman, 10312 109th Ave. N., Champlin, MN 55316
Reminder to 10th District Chairman:
Please make sure to review the 10th District Trophy and Awards list to see if your
program has an award to present at District Convention. Make sure to do your report that
is required for Department and to forward any unit reports that are eligible for
Certificates of Merit.
10th District American Legion Family
National President Janet Jefford
The junior steal my camera?
Commander Tom and President Robin
with our 10th District Juniors
the American Legion Family at the Junior Conference
Some of us oldies thought we could give a selfie a try?
Osseo American Legion Family
Legion Birthday Dinner
Pam Hoshal
10th District American Legion Auxiliary
7776 Brighton Ave SE
Delano, MN 55328
April 18th
Dept. Junior Conference
Auxiliary Executive Committee Meeting
April 18th
ALR District Membership Rally
April 25th
Dept. Spring Round Up Membership Rally
May 2nd
10th District President Robin’s Testimonial
May 3rd
10th District Commander Tom’s Testimonial
11:30am Start
2-3pm turn in
3:30 program
11:30am Social
Noon Lunch
4pm Social
5pm Dinner