Covernment of the People's Republic of Bangladesh Min istry of Agricultu re Admn-3 No. From : To : Date: 04_05_2015 Amena Begum Deputy Secretary. Chief Accounts Officer Ministry of Agriculture CGA Bhaban, Segunbagich4 Dhaka. Sub: Government Approval to participate in the training on 'Phytosanitary Inspection and euarantine Regulation' in Thailand and Malaysia from 15-24 }4lay,2015 or a nearer date under Strengthening Phytosanitary Capacity in Bangladesh project. I am directed to convey the sanction of the Govemment of the People's Republic of Bangladesh in favour the following Officers to participate in the training course above mentioned in the subject. of 1. syed Ali Nasim Klaliluzzaman, Additional secretary, Ministry of Agriculture 2. AZi|{ Momtajul Karim, Director General, Deparlment of Agricultural Extension, Khamarbari, Dhaka. 3. Ram Krishna Banik, Director, Training Wing, Deparlment of Agricultural Extension, Khamarbari, Dhaka. 4. Balai Krishna Hana, Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture. 5. Sadeque Ibn Shams, Project Director, Strengthening Phy,tosanitary Capacity in Bangladesh project, 6. 7. 8. departrnent of Agricultural Extension, Khamarbari, Dhaka. Md. Ahsan Ullah, Consultant - PRA, Strengthening Phytosanitary Capacity in BangladeshProject, Department of Agricultural Extension, Khamarbari, Dhaka. Md. Abdul Muyeed, Deputy Director (Legal and Support Services), Administration and Finance Wing, Department of Agricultural Extension, Khamarbari, Dhaka. Md. Abdul Wazed, Deputy Director, Land Border Quarantine Station, Benapole, Jessore. 2. The terms and conditions are mentioned below: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (D 3. The duration of training including the transit time will be treated as on duty; They will draw their pay and allowances in local crrrency; All expenses in this connection will be borne by Strengthening Phytosanitary Capacity in Bangladesh project. They will leave from Bangladesh for Thailand and Malaysia on 14 May, 2015 or on a nearer date and leave Thailand/Malaysia for Bangladesh on 25 May, 201 5 or on a nearer date; They will not be allowed to stay abroad more than the approved period; They will have to submit a report to the Ministry of Agriculture within 7 (seven) days after retum from the training. This order is issued with the approval of the competent authority. b&l' (Amena Begum) Deputy Secretary. Tel : +8802-9540885 e-mai lc dsadmn320 1 [email protected] P.T.O a -L- No. 12.021 .025. 13.0 L00 1 .201 I - 188 Date:04-05-2015 Cooy forwarded for kind information and necessarv action : (Not as per senioritv) 1. Secretary" Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Segunbagicha, Dhaka. 6. Bangladesh. The High Commission of Bangladesh in Kuala Lumpur, I14, Jalan U-Thant, 55000 Kuala Lumpur, 2. Additional Secretary (Admn & Input), Ministry of Agriculture, Dhaka. 3. Additional Secretary (Extension/ Research), Ministry of Agriculture, Dhaka. 4. Syed Ali Nasim Khaliluzzaman, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture 5. The High Commissioner, High Commission of Malaysia, House # 19, Road # 6, Baridhara, Dhaka-1212, Malaysia. H.E. the Ambassador, The Royal Thai Embassy of Dhaka, Bangladesh. 18 & 20 Madani Avenue, Baridhara, Dhaka-1212. 8. The Ambassador, the People's Republic of Bangladesh, House no.727, Thonglor, Soi-55, Sukhumvit Road, Bangkok 101 10, Thailand. Director General, Department of Immigration & Passport, Agargaon, Dhaka. 10. Director General, (Consular & Welfare Wing), Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Segunbagicha, Dhaka. (With a request to issue a Note-Verbal in favour of the participating Officers). 11. A.Z.M. Momtajul Karim, Director General, Department of Agricultural Extension, Ktramarbari, Dhaka. 12. Joint Chief, Ministry of Agriculture, Dhaka. 13. Director, Hanat Shah Jalal International Airport, Dhak4 Bangladesh. 14. Ram Krishna Banik, Director, Training Wing, Department of Agricultural Extension, Khamarbari, Dhaka. 15. Balai Krishna Hazra, Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture. 16. Sadeque Ibn Shams, Project Director, Strengthening Phytosanitary Capacity in Bangladesh Project, Deparfrnent of A gricultural Extension, Khamarbari, Dhaka- I 2 I 5 . 17. ,};/.d. Ahsan Ullah, Consultant-Pl(A, Strengthening Phytosanitary Capacrty in Bangladesh Project, Departrnent of Agricultural Extension, Khamarbari, Dhaka-1215. 18. Md. Abdul Muyeed, Deputy Director (Legal and Support Services), Administration and Finance Wing, Department of Agricultural Extension, Khamarbari, Dhaka- I 2 I 5. 19. Md. Abdul Wazed, Deputy Director, Land Border Quarantine Station, Benapole, Jessore. 20. P.S to Minister, Ministry of Agriculture, Dhaka. 21. P.S to Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, Dhaka. 22. ProjectDirector, Strengthening Phytosanitary Capacrty in Bangladesh Project, Department of Agricultural z.Extension, Khamarbari, Dhaka. Progarrrmer, Ministry of Agriculture. 7. 9. a/. (Arnena e"gurnft{E Deputy Secretary. :.
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