Agenda For enquiries on this agenda, please contact: Jean Cousens tel. 020 8547 5023 e-mail:[email protected] This agenda is available on: Published on 1 May 2015 South of the Borough Neighbourhood Committee Date: Thursday 14 May 2015 Time: 7:30 pm Place: Hook Centre, Hook Road, Chessington KT9 1EJ Members of the Committee Chessington North & Hook Ward Councillor Andrew Day Councillor Margaret Thompson Councillor Clive Chase Chessington South Ward Councillor Patricia Bamford Councillor Shiraz Mirza Councillor Rachel Reid (Chair) Tolworth & Hook Rise Ward Councillor Lorraine Rolfe (Vice Chair) Councillor Thay Thayalan [one vacancy at the time of the agenda publication ] Community Advisers Simon Jakeman Paul Pickhaver Everyone is welcome to attend the meeting This agenda is available to view on: You can also access this agenda through the app or by scanning the QR code with your smartphone. Agenda 1. APPOINTMENT OF CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR FOR 2015/16 Pending the Annual Council meeting on Tuesday 19 May, the Neighbourhood Committee is asked to confirm that the current Chair and Vice Chair will continue in the role until the next Neighbourhood Committee meeting on 16 June, with the intention to formally appoint a Chair and Vice Chair for the 2015/16 municipal year at that meeting. EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURES A. PUBLIC QUESTIONS 30 minute question and answer session –advance notice of questions is encouraged B. PRESENTATION: New Roads and Street Works Allan Pike Lead Officer - Network Operations will attend to give a brief presentation on the New Roads and Street Works Act, Traffic Management Act, London Permit Scheme, and statutory guidance and codes of practice which govern the management of road works. C. MOOR LANE CYCLE TRACK Sue Johnson, Sports Commissioning Manager, will attend to give a brief update on the Moor Lane cycle track project.' 2. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 3. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests and any nonpecuniary interests (personal interests) relevant to items on this agenda. 4. MINUTES To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 15 April 2015. 5. PETITIONS To receive any petitions submitted by councillors or members of the public. 6. NEIGHBOURHOOD MANAGER'S REPORT The Neighbourhood Manager will report on issues arising. 7. OBJECTIONS TO THE TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT ORDERS (TMOS) FOR BEVERLEY CLOSE AND MAY CLOSE, CHESSINGTON Appendix A To consider objections which have been raised to the TMO’s to introduce sections of new waiting restrictions in Beverley Close and May Close to assist safe pedestrian and vehicular access. 8. NEIGHBOURHOOD GRANTS Appendix B To consider a request for contribution towards a Neighbourhood Grant allocation. 9. COX LANE BUS GATE RISING ARM BARRIER SCHEME Appendix C To inform the Committee of the work undertaken to progress the implementation of a barrier and Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) camera system at the Cox Lane Bus Gate to prevent unlawful use of the bus gate by vehicles other than buses and to determine the way forward. 10. URGENT ITEMS AUTHORISED BY THE CHAIR To consider any items which, in the view of the Chair, should be dealt with as a matter of urgency because of special circumstances in accordance with S100B(4) of the Local Government Act 1972. 11. INFORMATION ITEMS Appendix D 1. Potential forthcoming business 2. Youth service update 3. Restriction on the tabling of new information by members of the public at Planning meetings 4. Five Acre Farm – enforcement update 5. Planning Appeals update 6. Traffic Schemes Updates: (a) RBK schemes 7. Community Plan update Welcome to this meeting. The following information explains the way some things are done at the meeting and some of the procedures. Information about the South of the Borough Neighbourhood Committee The Committee is made up of your local elected Councillors and is responsible for making decisions about local services, which can be tailored to the local area. Accessibility • • • • All meetings have access for people who may have mobility difficulties. If there are stairs, a lift or stairlift is available.. Disabled parking spaces are available on site. Toilet facilities will be easily accessible from the meeting room. For people who are deaf or have hearing impairments, there is an induction loop (depending on the building, this may only be available in the first 2 or 3 rows). A large print copy of the agenda can be requested in advance. Emergency evacuation arrangements - If the fire alarm sounds, please leave the building by the nearest exit. If you require assistance please remain seated and an Officer will assist you from the building. Recording of the meeting - This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be available on the web site ( with the agenda and minutes. Filming - Residents and journalists/media wishing to film meetings are permitted to do so but are asked to give advance notice of this and respect any concerns expressed by people on being filmed. Information for members of the public - Details on access to the meeting, asking questions, speaking on items, call in and other information are just after the list of items. There is a Question Time of up to 30 minutes from 7.30pm – 8pm. Running order - Items may be taken in a different order depending on the interests of the members of the public present at the meeting. Please fill out a green form, available at the start of the meeting, if you would like to request that a particular item is heard earlier. Contact for further information - For further about Council Committees and meetings please contact: Jean Cousens tel. 020 8547 5023, e-mail:[email protected] More meeting information Public participation during the meeting - During the course of the meeting, the Chair, at his/her discretion, may allow contributions, on items listed on the agenda. To attract the Chair’s attention please raise your hand. Do you want to ask a question or are you here for a particular item? - There are green slips available that can be used to ask a question or to ask for an item to be taken earlier in the meeting. Please fill in the relevant part and hand this in to the Committee Secretary at the top table. Question time - Questions may be submitted in writing before the meeting or handed in at the start of the meeting on the green forms provided. For enquiries please contact Jean Cousens tel. 020 8547 5023, e-mail:[email protected] Where a full reply cannot be given at the meeting, a written reply will be sent to the questioner, members of the Committee and the local press. The Chair may disallow any question which, in his/her opinion, is scurrilous, capricious, irrelevant or otherwise objectionable. Speaking at meetings - Speaking at a meeting can be a daunting prospect and every effort is made to make this as easy as possible. Speech friendly arrangements will take account of people who may have a speech impairment, e.g. they may have a stammer. If you have any individual requirements or feel that standing or addressing the meeting may present a difficulty, please let us know beforehand. Arrangements will be made to help you as far as reasonably possible. Phrases used at meetings - Like all organisations, the Council has its own ‘jargon’. On the agenda and during debates you will see/hear the following phrases: Interests - Councillors must say if they have an interest in any of the items on the agenda. Interests may be personal or pecuniary. Depending on the interests declared, it might be necessary for the Councillor to leave the meeting. The detail on interests is in Part 5A of the Constitution - Members’ Code of Conduct. Minutes - The minutes briefly summarise the item and record the decision. They do not record who said what during the debate. Dates and venues of future meetings Tuesday 16 June 2015 Thursday 16 July 2015 Wednesday 9 September 2015 Thursday 8 October 2015 Wednesday 11 November 2015 Wednesday 9 December 2015 Tuesday 12 January 2016 Wednesday 10 February 2016 Tuesday 22 March 2016 Tuesday 19 April 2016 (Southborough School) (Tolworth Girls School ) (Hook Centre) (Chessington Methodist Church) (Hook Centre) (Chessington Methodist church) (Tolworth Girls School ) (Hook Centre) (Tolworth Girls School) (Hook Centre)
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