Officer delegated decision Decision due: 16 April 2015 Extension of Environment Rating Scales Programme for Registered Early Years and Childcare Providers Wards: All Report Authorised by: Carolyn Dwyer, Delivery Director Contact for enquiries: Alex Webber, Workforce Development Manager (Early Years), Preventative Services, [email protected] 020 7926 8783 Report summary Our aim is to • build capacity for self improvement in the maintained, private and voluntary childcare and early learning sector • Increase high quality provision for funded 2 year old early learning places. A+ Education Ltd provides specialist training in the use of Environment Rating Scales (ERS). ERS are evidence based tools for improving the quality of early years provision. We seek a waiver to extend the current one year contract with A+ Education for another year. A+ Education delivered this service for us in 2014/15 (after the 3 quotes process). Their quote represents the best value as they provide a bespoke service, including helping us to involve the sector as part of the project. A+ Education is the only capable supplier available and therefore it is demonstrably in the best interest of the Council to engage them again. Finance summary The planned one year extension to the current contract will cost £113,522. This cost will be met from Trajectory Funding for Two Year Old places to support the development of high quality funded early learning places for two year olds. This will also ensure the appropriate use of unspent grant funding. Additional costs are for venues and administration to deliver the training to the sector. This will come out of the service training budget for 2015/16, funded from the dedicated schools grant (DSG). Officer time is from the central staffing budget. No capital funding arises from this report. As required with extensions, the supplier has agreed to cost reductions of at least 5%. Recommendation (1) To waive the Contract Standing Order requirement for competition. (2) To extend the Environment Rating Scales programme for registered early years and childcare providers contract with A+ Education Ltd for 1 year from April 2015 for £113,522. 1. Context 1.1 It is government policy to provide funded early learning places for eligible two year olds. In Lambeth there is a good take up from parents but insufficient high quality places available. The local authority is committed to strategies to increase the capacity of popular settings and the number of high quality places with other providers. This includes improving the quality of existing providers. The local authority advisory team supports all early years providers to be good or better, depending on their level of need. The ERS is a tool which providers can use independently to evaluate and improve their own service. In 2015/16 we propose to expand the current programme with a focus on providers who are graded by Ofsted as Requiring Improvement. 1.2 References to the Community Plan 2013-16: our service is committed to improving the availability of high quality early learning and childcare, especially to disadvantaged children and families (“All young people have opportunities to achieve their ambitions”). Availability of childcare is also crucial to parents, especially mothers, being able to stay in or re-enter paid work (“People achieve financial security”). Childcare providers are mainly small businesses in the private and voluntary sector and self employed childminders. With 122 nurseries employing over 1,500 staff and 300 plus registered childminders in Lambeth, they are also a significant part of the local economy (“Lambeth plays a strong role in London’s economy”). 1.3 We have developed the project cooperatively with the childcare sector and other stakeholders. We have set up a Steering Group, with a stakeholder majority, to make decisions about the project (see Section 5 for more information). 1.4 This is a Procurement Single Report 2. Proposal and Reasons 2.1 We propose to extend the contract with A+ Education Ltd to July 2016. 2.2 Since the start of this project in July 2014, A+ Education has trained 25 Children’s Centre teachers and local authority advisers to support the use of the Environment Rating Scales. Seven of them have also trained as moderators, so they are able to participate in the training and reduce costs. 2.3 The current one year contract provides training for up to 160 managers/leaders (from 80 nurseries) and up to 60 childminders. The feedback from course delegates has been extremely positive to date. By the end of the current contract in July 2015, we will have provided this training to about half of all nurseries. 2.4 We have noted an increase in PVI nurseries moving from the Requires Improvement and Inadequate categories to at least Good, following inspection by Ofsted. The project commenced in July 2014, therefore it is too early to ascertain to what extent this improvement is due to this particular intervention. 2.5 The proposed waiver would ensure that the majority of early learning and childcare settings in Lambeth had been trained in the ERS which should equip them to improve the quality of their provision. 2.6 The project extension will provide sufficient training places for a further 160 delegates, prioritising nurseries which require improvement and schools which are developing places for 2 year olds. There will also be training for a further 80 childminders, targeting those that require improvement. 2.7 The contract extension will also provide continuing professional development and updating for the local authority advisers and Children’s Centre teachers responsible for supporting providers to use the scales. 2.8 We still need to enable all eligible two year olds to take up a suitable free early learning place. All children benefit from the increase in improving settings. Most settings which require improvement are in the more disadvantaged areas of the borough. Therefore this investment can potentially help narrow the gap. Significant resources have already been invested in this project (both funding and officer time). We want to build on this to make the maximum gains. 2.9 As part of our benchmarking activities we considered alternative quality improvement tools. We know that some local authorities buy in sector quality improvement schemes or have developed their own scheme. This is a costly, time-consuming approach which typically only engages the most motivated providers. It depends on the availability of local authority staff to operate the scheme and is not owned by providers. 2.10 The ERS have the advantages of being evidence based and are internationally recognised tools for improving the quality of the learning environment. The correlation to child outcomes is stronger than with Ofsted grades: see “Improving Quality in the Early Years” (2012), We also preferred the ERS as it supports self-assessment and reflection by practitioners and by leaders/managers, rather than relying on external inspectors, local authority advisers or sector experts. This is in line with the local commitment to co-production and offers better value for money. For further benchmarking activity see 5.3. 3. Finance 3.1 The funding for the first contract was from the 2013/14 Trajectory Funding for Two Year Old places (grant funding). This funding can be used to address workforce development needs of the sector, to enable providers to offer suitable high quality places for funded two year olds. 3.2 The requested extension will use the same funding carried forward from 2014/15 (cost centre: D13202) to pay the training provider. Other costs (e.g. training venues) will come out of the annual training budget for the private, voluntary and independent (PVI) sector, paid from the the dedicated schools grant (DSG). Officer time is from the central staffing budget. 3.3 The training service for early years and out of school providers has improved efficiency and productivity in the last three years with the switch to an on-line booking system, online payment for any charges and the introduction of a fee to access training. 4. Legal and Democracy 4.1 The Council has delegated the authority to enact this report’s recommendations to a Director or Strategic Director. Before exercising that authority, the approval of the Procurement Board should be obtained. 4.2 The Contract Standing Orders contain provision allowing officers to waive the requirement to competitively tender contracts valued at £100,000 and more where, among other things, there is only one provider capable of performing the Council’s specification. 4.3 Under the Public Contracts Regulations 2006, contracting authorities may negotiate contracts without prior publication of a notice in the Official Journal of the European Union where the subject matter of the contract can be supplied only by a particular economic operator. 4.4 The Council’s Constitution requires that all key decisions, decisions which involve resources between the sums of £100,000 and £500,000, and important or sensitive issues, must be published on the website for five clear days before the decision is approved by the Director or Cabinet Member concerned. Any representations received during this period must be considered by the decision-maker before the decision is taken. 5. Consultation and co-production 5.1 The project was initiated with a planning workshop in July 2014 to which all Early Years Sub Group (EYSG) representatives, Children’s Centre teachers and managers and service representatives were invited. Discussion groups identified many benefits such as the development of a shared understanding and approach in relation to quality provision. 5.2 The training was launched at open sector meetings in October 2014. Some childminders questioned aspects of the Family Child Care ratings scales. In response we organised an open meeting for childminders with an A+ Education director who is a leading authority on the ERS. The debate was open and constructive. As a result we changed the message to childminders about the purpose of the scales, making it clear that they can be used to “evaluate and improve your whole service, not just what you do in your own home”. In addition childminder representatives became very good ambassadors for the training, so that the first childminders’ course was over subscribed. 5.3 As part of our benchmarking activities, we benefited from several discussions with other local authorities using the scales. For example, we spoke at length to Tower Hamlets local authority, which used the same supplier to deliver a similar scheme with good results. 5.4 We also hosted the England wide ERS Local Authority Network meeting in December 2014. This helped develop our understanding of the ERS and how we could make best use of the training in Lambeth. 5.5 As a result of the planning workshop and using the cooperative approach, we established a project Steering Group. It includes representation from all areas of Lambeth and from different types of provider, to reflect the diversity both of the sector and of Lambeth. The Steering Group directs the ERS project, with local authority support. 5.6 A majority of the members are non-local authority representatives, including early years managers from the PVI and maintained sectors, childminders, schools, Children’s Centres and NHS representation. 5.7 Table: membership of the ERS Steering Group Name Job title Organisation Julie Warner Manager St Michaels Pre school (voluntary sector) Alex Webber Workforce Development Manager Preventative Services, LB Lambeth Anne Jacobs Preventative Services, LB Lambeth Christine Shoruna Doreen Barton Early Years and Quality Improvement Team Leader + moderator Owner/ Manager Childminder Fatemeh Mozaffari Children's Centre teacher Clapham Manor Primary School and Children's Centre (Children’s Centre) Katalin Ladoczki Hedgehog House EYSG representative: childcare on domestic premises Lynnsey Fitzgerald Kathryn Shaw Nursery Manager Head of EYFS and Childcare St Patricks Montessori (private sector) Preventative Services, LB Lambeth Rachel Palmer Nursery Manager Henry Fawcett Community Nursery (Not for profit) Sandra April Health Visitor Nurse Manager Health Visitor Team Leader CC Strategic Partnership Manager NHS Yolandie JacobDavid Childminder EYSG representative Ludmilla Rajnath School and Education Improvement Consultant Preventative Services, LB Lambeth Jo Smith Children's Centre teacher Woodmansterne Primary School and Children's Centre (Children’s Centre) Viveen Ashman Tom O'Flynn Little Angels (private sector) Early Years Sub Group (EYSG) representative NHS Hitherfield/ Primary School and Children's Centre / maintained sector and EYSG representative Nicola McGarrell EYFS lead Wyvil School (maintained sector) The Steering Group has met twice so far and has enabled us to define the project goals and address current issues. The next meeting of the Steering Group will address project evaluation and impact assessment. 6. Risk management 6.1 The main risk is that we have insufficient officer time to support the embedding of the use of the scales by the sector. This risk is mitigated by training Children’s Centre teachers as well as LA officers, to increase the capacity for support and work with childcare providers. 6.2 There is also the risk that the programme will not have the desired impact on quality improvement, even if we achieve the project goals as defined by the Steering Group. This risk is mitigated by evidence that the tool has been effective in addressing quality improvement in other boroughs. 6.3 There is a risk that the settings most in need of improvement will not attend the training or participate in the programme. This will be addressed by the local authority team charged with supporting settings which require improvement (as identified by Ofsted or the team). The Steering Group enables us to have a better understanding of the concerns of the sector and different ways to respond to them. The training provider is willing and able to be flexible in their delivery according to our local needs. For example we are considering offering a course specifically for group settings which require improvement and have not yet attended the training. 7. Equalities impact assessment 7.1 LBL Full Equality Impact Assessment Report (2013) Outcomes-based budgeting – All young people have opportunities to achieve their ambitions. Services in this workstream include: Improving the quality of early years provision in the private, voluntary and independent sector. The procurement of this training will improve the quality of early learning and childcare provision in the private, voluntary and independent sector. 8. Community safety There is no negative impact on Community Safety. 9. Organisational implications 9.1 Environmental - None 9.2 Staffing and accommodation - None 9.3 Procurement Waiver Demonstrable Best Interest This is demonstrably in the Council’s best interest as A+ Education Ltd have been found to be the only supplier capable of delivering the required service to our specification. An internet search for training providers at the time of the original commission only found A+ Education Ltd. They have a good national reputation in part because one of the company directors is a leading researcher in this field at Oxford University. They have also supported the development of a national network of local authorities and other organisations which use the Environment Rating Scales. Further enquiries were made via the London local authority training network and other training providers to get two more quotes. There were substantial differences between the quote from A+ Education and the other two suppliers in terms of value for money. A+ Education trainers have significant vocational and academic experience. Health – not applicable 10. Timetable for implementation 10.1 Timetable 10.2 Activity Deadline Procurement Board 19/03/15 Raise POs to pay for work; supplier to invoice so funds accrued to 15/16 March 2015 Agree new work plan with stakeholders / Steering Group April Agree new contract with supplier May 2015 Commence planned work July 2015 Review contract progress (after 90 days) October 2015 List of measurable aims and outcomes with the date by which they should be achieved. Our aim is to build the capacity for self improvement in the maintained, private and voluntary childcare and early learning sector Outcomes: 1. An increasing number of Lambeth settings are using an Environment Rating Scale as an evaluation tool 2. An increasing number of Lambeth settings are using an Environment Rating Scale as a way of improving the quality of their setting (ERS Steering Group 27/01/15) 3. All course evaluations are at least good or better, with evidence from participants or advisers about the positive impact of the programme on settings. All above outcomes to be achieved and reported on in January 2016, when the project will have been running for 18 months. 10.3 Delivery will be managed by the Workforce Development manager as follows Monitor take up and attendance (by checking online booking system and course registers) - monthly Monitor written course evaluations and any informal feedback – after every course Meet training provider to review progress and address any problems – at least 6 monthly or sooner if needed Refer any significant issues to the project Steering Group – meets half termly. Audit trail Consultation Name/Position Carolyn Dwyer Delivery Direcor CHE Stella Clarke Vikram Lall Mike O’Hora, Wayne Chandai, Democratic Services Officer Lambeth cluster/division or partner On behalf of Strategic Director / Delivery Cluster Programme Director, Preventative Services Associate Director, Commissioning Business Partnering Enabling: Integrated Support Enabling: Corporate Affairs Councillor Jane Pickard Internal Officer Board Procurement Board External Project Steering Group Date Sent Date Received 6/03/15 6/03/15 5/03/15 6/03/15 6/03/15 6/03/15 13/03/15 9/03/15 6/03/15 11/03/15 and 23/03/15 9/03/15 6/03/15 Date of meeting 19/03/15 17/03/15 Report history Original discussion with Cabinet Member Report deadline Date final report sent Report no. Part II Exempt from Disclosure/confidential accompanying report? Key decision report Date first appeared on forward plan Key decision reasons 23/02/15 n/a No No Not applicable Not applicable Comments in para: 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 4.4 Background information Policy doc: Lambeth Council’s Community Plan 2013-16 Government advice: Free early education and childcare: Appendices None. APPROVAL BY CABINET MEMBER OR OFFICER IN ACCORDANCE WITH SCHEME OF DELEGATION I confirm I have consulted Finance, Legal, Democratic Services and the Procurement Board and taken account of their advice and comments in completing the report for approval: Signature ______________________________________ Date ________________ Post: Alex Webber Workforce Development Manager (Early Years) I approve the above recommendations: Signature ______________________________________ Date ________________ Post: Sue Foster, Strategic Director - Delivery Any declarations of interest (or exemptions granted): Issue Interest declared
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