Cabinet Member delegated decision Decision Due: 13 May 2015 Phase A: Eamonn Fottrell Centre (Michael Tippett Annex) Phase B: Michael Tippett School Campus’ Ward: Herne Hill Report Authorised by: Strategic Director Delivery: Sue Foster Portfolio: Councillor Imogen Walker, Deputy Leader (Policy) Contact for enquiries: [email protected] Abdul Rob, Assistant Project Manager, BGR – Delivery Cluster, 020 7926 9186 Report summary This waiver report seeks authorisation to award the contractors Bolt & Heeks Ltd the contract for the Remodelling of Michael Tippet SEN School Main Site and Annex. The school is expected to be ready by October 2015. This is in line with the goals and aspirations of the Business, Growth and Regeneration cluster of the Council. The report details the procurement route followed, the market segment targeted, the e-tendering process and the results of the process. The main construction contract for works at Michael Tippet SEN School involves an extensive remodelling of the main site at Heron Road and remodelling of Eamonn Fottrell Centre at Weir Road formerly a disused NHS site. Finance summary The overall budget included in the Capital Programme as presented at Asset Management Cabinet Advisory Panel (AMCAP) in January 2015 is set out in part 2 of the report. This report seeks approval to appoint Bolt & Heeks Ltd as contractors for the remodelling of the Michael Tippet main site and remodelling Eamon Fottrell Centre known as the Annex for the contract sum of £1,220,425.34 plus a client held contingency as specified in part 2 of the report. The tender sum of £1,220,425.34 plus the client held contingency, and professional consultancy fees and other charges are all covered within the overall budget agreed for the project. The capital cost code allocated for this project is 915358. Recommendations 1. That Bolt & Heeks Ltd be awarded the contract in the amount of £1,220,425.34 for the Michael Tippet SEN School project. 2. That a client-held contingency is approved, details of which are included in Part 2 of this report. Reason for Exemption from Disclosure The accompanying part II report is exempt from disclosure by virtue of the following paragraphs of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972: Information relating to the financial or business affairs of a particular person. (Including the authority holding that information). 1. Context 1.1 There is no Gateway 2 report for this specific project; At the time, this project was progressed without a Gateway 2 report due to tight deadlines, therefore this report is a waiver. 1.2 The children attending The Michael Tippett School have a wide variety of needs including Severe Learning Difficulties, Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties, Austistic Spectrum Disorder, Epilepsy and other specific medical needs. 1.3 The Michael Tippet Annex project was the redevelopment of the disused NHS Eamonn Fottrell Centre to provide facilities that will support students in bridging the gap between the school environments to a more independent world. The budget for the Michael Tippet Annex is £622,750.00. 1.4 During the design stage of the Annex, the Borough wide review of SEN education was published that identified changes in the delivery of teaching and learning to SEN pupils. The school raised concerns that the delivery of services at the Annex could not be done in isolation to changes proposed at the main school site. 1.5 The Lambeth SEN consultant reviewed the project brief and recommended that the buildings (the annex and the main building) must be modified to allow better integration of support services and bring in the change in the delivery of teaching and learning to the pupils. 1.6 As a result of the review, this increased the scope of the project brief to include remodelling works at the main school site in Heron Road along with the original Annex works at Weir Road. The budget for the remodelling works are estimated at £965,000.00. The combined budget for main site and annex is £1,587,750.00 1.7 1.8 2.0 The Michael Tippett Annex will be a new facility that will provide a secure environment for up to 20 students with the most challenging behaviours supported by a multi-disciplinary team to assess students and implement individual programmes together with opportunities for respite care. The Annex was being developed to provide facilities that would support the students bridge the gap from a school environment to a more independent world by preparing them for social interaction and providing core skills of numeracy and literacy along with vocational skills. Proposal and Reasons 2.1 The Project involves the extensive remodelling of Michael Tippet SEN School Main Site and Annex and is to be contracted on a JCT Standard Building Contract without Quantities, without Contractor’s Designs 2011, incorporating client ammendments. Tenders submitted against a priced schedule of works, specifications and other relevant information. 2.2 The Tender Documentation was sent Electronically using EU-Supply to the following 6 contractors, all of whom were drawn off the Construction Line Suppliers list and indicated a willingness to tender, with a tender return due date of 27/03/2015. 1. Bolt & Heeks Ltd 2. HA Marks Limited 3. Lambourn contracts ltd 4. Lengard Limited 5. ME Construction Ltd 6. Sherman and Co (Ealing) Ltd 2.3 One bidder failed to submit a tender by the due date, subsequently advising this was due to other commitments and workload pressure. Five bids were returned by the due date, however two bids were discounted due to incomplete tender returns. 2.4 The Contract is to be awarded on the Most Economically Advantageous Tender (MEAT) on a price/quality ratio of 50:50. This criteria was selected with a mind of the importance placed on the cost given the prevailing economic conditions and the similar importance of selecting a contractor with appropriate experience and resources to undertake a high cost/short programme delivery in a live school environment. A 50% cost and 50% quality criteria recognised the balance of these two important considerations. 2.5 Each tenderer’s price was analysed and evaluated by Potter Raper Partnership (cost consultants) on the basis of individual scores from the available 50% ratio in relation to the Lowest Priced Tender. Any anomalies or omissions were highlighted and tenderers were asked to confirm and clarify their bid in each case. 2.6 Bolt & Heeks Ltd received the highest scores on the written Quality submission, a total score of 44.25% out of the total 50% maximum in this section and received highest score on Price submission, a total score of 50% out of the total 50% maximum in this section. The total score for Bolt & Heeks Ltd for both price and quality is 94.25%. 3.0 Finance 3.1 The overall budget for the Michael Tippett Project as reflected on the CIP is £1.1m. A budget of £488k will be transferred from the SEN (60 of 70 additional places) project budget with project code 915358 and an available budget of £6.5m. The transfer will bring the overall budget for the Michael Tippett project to £1.588m which is enough to accommodate the construction cost of £1.22m which is the subject of this report. 4.0 Legal 4.1 The Council has delegated the authority to enact this report’s recommendations to the Relevant Cabinet Member in consultation with the Leader. Before exercising that authority, the approval of the Procurement Board should be obtained. 4.2 Pursuant to the Contract Standing Orders, contracts valued at £100,000 and more must be competitively tendered and this report sets out how this condition has been complied with. The Orders also approve of candidates for works contracts being sourced from Constructionline. 4.3 The EU procurement regime applies to this tendering exercise by virtue of the Public Contracts Regulations 2006. Under the regulations, contracting authorities must publish a contract notice in OJEU only if the estimated value of the works contract exceeds £4,348,350. The European Commissioners advise that all contracts should be competitively tendered to provide fairness and transparency, and to ensure that there is no discrimination against an applicant from another EU member state. 4.4 Provisions in the Local Government Act 1988 oblige the Council to provide a written explanation to any person who has been excluded from a list of persons entitled to tender for work to the Council or has not been awarded work for which they tendered within 15 days of a written request to do so. Democracy 4.5 This proposed key decision was entered in the Forward Plan on 28/04/15 and the necessary 28 clear days notice has been given. In addition, the Council’s Constitution requires the report to be published on the website for five clear days before the proposed decision is approved by the Cabinet Member. Any representations received during this period must be considered by the decision-maker before the decision is taken. A further period of five clear days - the call-in period – must then elapse before the decision is enacted. If the decision is called-in during this period, it cannot be enacted until the callin has been considered and resolved. 5.0 Consultation and co-production 5.1 Consultation has been held with key stakeholders including the School Headteacher and Management Team, the Governing Body resulting in formal sign-off at relevant design stages. In addition, statutory consultation with the Planning Department has taken place and planning documents were submitted on 3rd February 2015. 6. Risk management Risk Changes to employer’s requirements impacting on cost and programme Discovery of unidentified asbestos Activities arranged by Schools that affect running of works contract Health & Safety risks and issues for construction site operatives pupils & staff during the construction phase. Contractor does not perform as required per contract to programme and cost. Risk Rating High Countermeasure Review Contractor’s Proposals and sign-off with School. Client held contingency to cover additional design development variation items. Additional time contingency to cover programme. High Mitigate with contractor pricing for programme risk. Client contingency for cost impact. Medium Consultation with schools on planned activities and potential impact on construction programme. High The Contractor to provide an approved Construction Health & Safety Plan to be in place before works commence on site. Mutual agreement on phasing and CDM monitoring regime. Medium Management of contract by the appointed contract administrator and Client PM to ensure contractor delivery. Liquidated damages in place to cover contractor delays.. 7.0 Equalities impact assessment 7.1 No Equalities Impact Assessment of this specific Contract has been undertaken, but a programme-wide assessment of the department’s capital projects was undertaken in an overall low assessment. 8. Community safety N/A 9. Organisational implications Community Benefits There is an opportunity for the Annex to provide a valuable community facility either stand alone or through links with WERA. There are catering facilities, mainly expected to be for serving rather than a working kitchen and a flexible main space on the ground floor with smaller rooms that could be used for events, surgeries, workshops etc. Apprenticeships As part of the initial tender submission Bolt & Heeks Ltd had to demonstrate they comply with LBL requirement on apprenticeships. Bolt & Heeks Ltd have confirmed that they have apprenticeships scheme planned for this project. Living Wage As part of the initial tender submission Bolt & Heeks Ltd had to demonstatrate they comply with LBL requirement on London Living Wage. Bolt & Heeks Ltd have confirmed that they pay London Living Wage to their staff/operatives and will ensure their sub-contractor(s) comply with clients requirements. a. Environmental N/A. b. Staffing and accommodation N/A. c. Procurement N/A. d. Health N/A. 10. Timetable for implementation No Item Description Date 1 Procurement Board meeting 23/04/2015 2 Appoint Contractor 21/05/2015 Commence works – Annex 26/05/2015 Commence works – Main Site 01/06/2015 Practical Completion – Annex 02/10/15 Practical Completion – Main Site 02/10/15 End of defects period and release of retention sums 28/10/2016 3 4 5 10.1.1 The contract administration services including valuations, certification and cost monitoring will be provided by Potter Raper Partnership in accordance with the terms of their consultancy agreements. Lambeth’s BGR Programme Manager and Design Team will attend regular site meetings, make regular quality visits, and hold regular progress meetings, the outcomes of which will be reported to the monthly BGR Programme review meetings. Audit trail Consultation Name/Position Sue Foster Mike Pocock Alan Fleming Peter Dawes Finance clearance – Solomon Akuffo Legal clearance – Michael O’hora Democratic Services clearance – Henry Langford Councillor Imogen Walker (Policy) Procurement Board Lambeth cluster/division or partner Strategic Director – BGR Delivery BGR Delivery Director BGR Programme Director BGR Delivery Lead Business Partnering Date Sent Date Received Comments in para: 29.4.15 1.5.15 cleared 17/04/15 08/04/15 23/04/15 08/04/15 Throughout Throughout 08/04/15 09/04/15 08/04/15 15/04/15 Throughout 3 Enabling: Integrated 09/04/15 Support: Legal Services Enabling: Corporate 09/04/15 Affairs: Democratic Services Cabinet Member: 17/04/15 10/04/15 4 13/04/15 4 28/04/15 Throughout Procurement Board Members 23/04/15 Report history Original discussion with Cabinet Member Report deadline Date final report sent Report no. Part II Exempt from Disclosure/confidential 23/04/15 15/09/14 23/04/2015 N/A Yes accompanying report? Key decision report Date first appeared on forward plan Key decision reasons Background information Appendices Yes 28/04/15 Expenditure, income or savings in excess of £500,000 N/A APPROVAL BY CABINET MEMBER OR OFFICER IN ACCORDANCE WITH SCHEME OF DELEGATION I confirm I have consulted Finance, Legal, Democratic Services and the Procurement Board and taken account of their advice and comments in completing the report for approval: Signature ______________________________________ Date ________________ Post Abdul Rob Assistant Project Manager I confirm I have consulted the relevant Cabinet Members, including the Leader of the Council (if required), and approve the above recommendations: Signature ______________________________________ Date ______________________ Post Councillor Imogen Walker Deputy Leader (Policy) Any declarations of interest (or exemptions granted): Issue Interest declared
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