22 International Journal of Modern Agriculture, Volume 4, No.1, 2015 Copyright © Zohdi Publisher ISSN: 2305‐7246 CLUSTER ANALYSIS, GENOTYPIC AND PHENOTYPIC CORRELATION AMONG YIELD CONTRIBUTING TRAITS IN BREAD WHEAT (Triticum aestivum L.) GERMPLASM Arshad Jamil*1, Shahjahan Khan1, Ubaidullah1, Muhammad Zeeshan1, Muhammad Zulfiqar Ali2. 1 Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics Faculty of Agriculture Gomal University Dera Ismail Khan, Pakistan Huazhong Agriculture University, China *Corresponding author (e-mail: [email protected]) 2 Abstract Wheat is the world’s second main source of food energy and nutrition. Sixty different genotypes and two bread wheat cultivars i.e. Gomal-08 and Hasham-08 were used in this study. Randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications were used. Results showed that Grain yield plant-1 has highly significant positive correlation with days to maturity, number of tillers plant-1, peduncle length, number of grains spike-1 and 1000grains weight, while spikelets spike-1 had significant positive correlation with grain yield plant-1 at both phenotypic and genotypic levels. Significant positive correlation were observed between flag leaf area and grain yield plant-1 at phenotypic level. Grain yield plant-1 showed significant negative correlation with days to 50 % heading and spike density at phenotypic level while the same two parameters had highly significant negative association with grain yield plant-1 at genotypic level. The 60 genotypes were separated into six distinct cluster by keeping 10 as linkage distance. According to this comparison, Cluster-III is important for number of tillers plant-1, plant height, number of spikelets spike-1, grain yield plant-1 and 1000-grain weight because these characters showed their highest value in this cluster. Number of grains spike-1 and spike length showed their highest values in cluster-VI and hence can be preferred for the given parameter. Such study can be helpful in breeding programs for wheat improvement. Key words: Cluster Analysis, Correlation, Germplasm, Triticum aestivum, Yield traits. characters are associated (Inamullah et al., 2006; Abu-Amer et al., 2011). Direct selection for yield is often misleading in wheat because wheat yield is controlled by many genes (Akash and Kang, 2010). For effective utilization of the genetic stock in crop improvement, information of mutual association between yield and yield components is necessary. It is, therefore, necessary to know the correlation of various component characters with yield and among themselves. The correlation coefficients between yield and yield components usually show a complex chain of interacting relationship Majumder et al, (2008). But grain yield is greatly affected by two main factors i.e. genetic factors as well as environmental alterations. So in that regards direct and independent selection for yield could be useless in wheat breeding programs, therefore for making meaningful selection, it does Introduction Wheat is purely a self pollinated crop. It is considered to be originated in South East Asia. It is the world’s second main source of food energy and nutrition. In Pakistan, bread wheat is consumed widely and is considered as one of the most important cereal crop of the country. As grain yield is complex inherited trait, therefore, wheat yield fluctuates on a wide scale because of its interaction with environment. Grain yield directly or indirectly affected by many factors. Grain yield can be increased by the development of better performing varieties. Effective selection for grain yield can be made if required amount of genetic diversity is present in the parent material. Genotypic and phenotypic correlations are important in determining the degree to which various yield contributing International Journal of Modern Agriculture, Volume 4, No.1, 2015 23 Where rp =Phenotypic correlation PCovxy= Phenotypic covariance of x and y character. PVx=Phenotypic variance of x character. PVy=Phenotypic variance of y character. Genotypic correlation Genotypic correlation refers to the heritable association between two characters. Formula of the genetic correlations (rg) between two characters is depend upon the knowledge about genetic variation and also the inter-relationship of grain yield with various morphological traits (Akash et al., 2009; Ullah et al., 2011). The purpose of this study was to find out the interrelationship among different yield contributing traits towards grain yield. This information may help wheat breeder’s in future breeding program. Materials and Methods Sixty different genotypes of bread wheat were kindly provided by National Agriculture Research Center (NARC), Islamabad to conduct this research and the two bread wheat cultivars i.e. Gomal-08 and Hasham-08 which were used as check, were brought from Agriculture Research Institute (ARI) Dera Ismail Khan. The research was carried out Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, Faculty of Agriculture, Gomal University Dera Ismail Khan, during 2012-2013. The sixty wheat genotypes were sown in the third week of November, 2012 during Rabi season. The experiment was conducted using RCBD having three replications. The size of the plot was kept 18 m × 5 m with 60 lines per replication, and each line was kept 5 meter long and 30 cm apart. Data of different parameters viz., Number of fertile tillers plant-1, Plant height, Number of Spikelets spike-1, Number of grains spike-1, Grain yield plant-1 and 1000 grain weight were recorded from five randomly selected plants (rg) = GVx .GVy Where rg =Genetic correlations GCovxy= Genetic covariance between x and y character. GVx= Genotypic variance of x character. GVy= Genotypic variance of y character. Results and Discussions Number of tillers plant-1 Many important factors are involved in the improvement of crop yield and number of fertile tillers is one of them. Because as the number of fertile tiller increase, the number of grain increase which ultimately affect the crop yield, especially in what it is very important character. It was observed from the results that number of tillers plant-1 indicated highly significant positive correlation with length of the spike, number of spikelets spike-1, grain yield plant-1 and 1000 grains weight at both genotypic and phenotypic level. Which mean that more the number of tillers plant-1 will result in more number of spikelets spike-1 which will ultimately result into greater grain yield plant-1. Ashraf et al. (2012) also find the same effects. At genotypic level number of tillers plant-1 exhibited highly significant positive correlation with number of grains spike-1 while non significant positive correlation was seen at phenotypic level. At genotypic level significant positive correlation was seen with plant height while at phenotypic level highly significant positive correlation was observed (Table 1). These results lead us to give preference to number of tillers plant-1 during selection program. Ashraf et al. (2012), Khan et al. (2012) encouraged these findings. Statistical Analysis The data recorded were subjected genotypic and phenotypic correlations among the parameters through ANOVA and ANCOVA. Cluster analysis was performed by using Wrad’s method (1963). Phenotypic and Genotypic correlation: Gentypic (rg) and phenotypic correlations (rp) between two characters were estimated according to Kwon and Torrie (1964). Phenotypic correlation Phenotypic correlation (rp) refers to the observable association between two characters. Formula of the phenotypic correlation (rp) between two characters is (rp) = GCov xy PCov xy PVx .PVy International Journal of Modern Agriculture, Volume 4, No.1, 2015 24 Table 1. Phenotypic correlation and Genotypic correlation for twelve quantitative characters of sixty wheat genotypes Parameters NTP PH SL NSS NGS GYP 1000 GW Number of tillers plant-1 0.69** 0.23* 0.52** 0.97** 0.74** 0.36** NS NS Plant Height 0.08 0.03 0.23** 0.23* 0.30* -0.66** Spike Length Number of Spiklets Spike-1 Number of Grains spike -1 0.50** 0.46** 0.01 NS 0.01 NS 0.68** 0.20** -0.01 -0.09 Grain Yield plant 0.58** -0.54** 0.07 NS 1000-Grain Weight 0.35** 0.24** -1 0.08NS 0.46** 0.10NS -0.07NS -0.02NS 0.48** 0.23* 0.19 NS 0.35** 0.04 NS 0.35** 0.17* 0.09 NS 0.36** 0.08 NS 0.77** 0.78** observed with plant’s yield for grains and weight of the 1000-grains both genotypically and phenotypically (Table 1). Khan et al. (2012) showed similar inter-relationship. Shah et al. (2007) reported significant positive inter-relationship between spike length and 1000-grains weight. These differences may be either due to the difference in plant material or due to environmental change. Number of spikelets spike-1 The number of spikelets spike-1 was found to have highly significant positive correlation with number of grains spike-1 at both levels. Number of spikelets spike-1 showed significant positive correlation with grain yield plant-1 and non significant positive correlation with 1000 grains weight at both genotypic and phenotypic levels (Table 1). The significant and positive relation between number of spikelets spike-1 and grain yield plant-1 suggests that selection of wheat genotypes with more spikelets spike-1 will give more yield as shown by Bangarwa et al. (1987); Kinyua and Ayiecho (1991) and Akram et al. (2008) in their studies in wheat. It may be concluded from the present study that number of spikelets spike-1, number of grains spike-1, 1000 grains weight and number of tillers plant-1 contributed to final grain yield. Therefore, indirect selection for these traits may be effective in developing high yielding wheat cultivars. Number of grains spike-1 It is one of the most important factors which directly affect the grain yield. It depends upon the number of spikelet’s and spike length. As the spike length and number of spikelet’s high, the number of grains will also high that automatically increase the grain yield. It was found from the results that number of grains spike-1 showed highly significant positive genotypic and phenotypic correlation with grain yield plant-1 Plant height Plant height showed non-significant positive correlation with grain yield plant-1 at both genotypic and phenotypic levels. Plant height possessed non significant positive genotypic association with spike length. This insignificant positive inter-relationship indicated that plant height did not have any remarkable effect on grain yield. But commonly short stature plants are considered well for lodging resistance. Work of Khan et al. (2012) and Asharaf et al, (2012) revealed that plant height possessed highly significant negative relation with grain yield plant-1. Plant height indicated significant positive genotypic correlation with 1000 grains weight while at phenotypic level highly significant positive correlation was noticed. Findings of Akram et al. (2008) showed similar results for plant height with 1000 grains weight. This parameter possessed significant positive correlation at genotypic level with number of spikelets spike-1 while at phenotypic level non significant positive correlation was observed between the two. Highly significant negative correlation with number of grains spike-1 was recorded at both phenotypic and genotypic level which indicates that higher plant will produce spikes having less number of grains (Table 1). Ali et al. (2008) also showed the similar results which encouraged these findings. Spike length Genotypically non significant positive correlation was seen with spikelets number spike-1 while phenotypically it correlated positively and highly significantly. At genotypic level length of the spike showed non-significant positive inter-relationship with grains number spike-1 whereas highly significant positive correlation was observed at phenotypic level. Non significant and negative association was International Journal of Modern Agriculture, Volume 4, No.1, 2015 25 accessions were placed into six distinct clusters by doing analysis of genetic diversity through cluster analysis on the basis of Euclidian dissimilarity distance by keeping 10 as linkage distance using Ward’s (1963) method. (Figure.1) Cluster analysis divided the sixty accessions into six distinct clusters. The details of these genotypes in each cluster are given in (Table 2). Cluster-I was comprised of 18 genotypes and was divided into two subgroups out of which one sub group contained seven accessions while the second sub group contained eleven accessions (Figure 1). Cluster-II comprised of total eight accessions which were further classed into two subgroups one out of two subgroups consisted on six accessions while the second one had two accessions (Figure 1). Cluster-III possessed minimum most number of accessions that was two (Figure 1). Cluster-IV was also comprised of eight accessions having two subgroups containing six accessions in one subgroup while two in the other (Figure 1). Cluster-V enclosed four accessions which on further division got two subgroups with two genotypes each (Figure 1). Cluster-VI was found the densest group of all the six groups due to the presence of twenty accessions in it which were further subdivided into two subgroups one out of two contained thirteen accessions while the second one had seven genotypes (Figure 1). (Table 1). This result matched with the findings of Ahmad et al. (2010), Akram et al. (2008), Zeeshan et al. (2013) and Tabbal et al. (2012). Non significant positive correlation was noticed with 1000 grains weight at both phenotypic and genotypic levels. Ali et al. (2008) witnessed the same inter-relationship. Positive associations suggest that increased grain yield could be achieved if the selection is based on grains spike-1. 1000 grain weight It is very important factor which have direct impact on yield as well as harvest index. But the effect of this character is unpredictable due to grain health and composition. It mainly depends upon the environmental conditions. However, in this study, 1000-grains weight was reported to have highly significant positive correlation with grain yield plant-1 at both phenotypic and genotypic levels (Table 1). 1000 grains weight was reported to have strong significant genotypic inter-relationship with grain yield plant-1. These effects were encouraged by Khan et al. (2012). Cluster analysis Genetic variation is the main weapon to develop new varieties and right information about the material is very important. Cluster analyses play important role in the selection of right material. In this study, sixty Table 2. Detail of sixty accessions in six clusters S. No Cluster I Cluster II Cluster III Cluster IV Cluster V Cluster VI 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 10760 11030 11173 11152 11451 12863 11492 11192 12854 12871 11199 11424 11791 24738 12853 11420 12857 11493 11133 11300 11164 12882 12895 12948 11171 12894 11144 12846 11153 11520 11567 11166 11179 11180 11194 11198 11158 11160 11177 11178 11156 11421 11487 24739 11183 11422 11795 11790 24740 24741 12844 12849 12957 11193 11197 11195 11573 11574 12955 12947 International Journal of Modern Agriculture, Volume 4, No.1, 2015 26 10760 11030 11173 11152 11451 12863 11492 11192 12854 12871 11199 11424 11791 24738 12853 11420 12857 11493 11133 11300 11164 12882 12895 12948 11171 12894 11144 12846 11153 11520 11567 11166 11179 11180 11194 11198 11158 11160 11177 11178 11156 11421 11487 24739 11183 11422 11795 11790 24740 24741 12844 12849 12957 11193 11197 11195 11573 11574 12955 12947 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Linkage Distance Figure 1. Cluster analysis of 60 accessions of wheat for 6 morphological characters using Ward’s (1963) method. International Journal of Modern Agriculture, Volume 4, No.1, 2015 27 maximum value for 1000-grain weight having cluster-II on second number. After getting results from cluster analysis mean values of a cluster were compared with other clusters for all the traits. According to this comparison it becomes clear Cluster-III is important for number of tillers plant-1, plant height, number of spikelets spike-1, grain yield plant-1 and 1000-grain weight because these characters showed their highest value in this cluster. Number of grains spike-1 and spike length showed their highest values in cluster-VI and hence can be preferred for the given parameter (Table 3). Means of different traits for all the clusters are shown in (Table 3). Numbers of tillers plant-1 were recorded with maximum value in cluster-III leaving cluster-I just behind it. Cluster-III was also found having highest value for plant high followed by cluster-V. Spike length showed its highest value in cluster-IV followed by cluster-I. Number of spikelets spike-1 was found maximum in cluster-III while the accessions of cluster-IV were at number two. ClusterVI had such accessions which witnessed maximum value for the number of grains spike-1 while cluster-II was next smaller group. Grains yield plant-1 had highest value in cluster-III followed by the accessions of cluster-II. Accessions of cluster-III showed Table 3. Grouping based on mean of different clusters of sixty wheat genotypes Parameters Cluster-I Cluster-II Cluster-III Cluster-IV Cluster-V Cluster-VI NO of Tillers Plant-1 10.56±.43 10.1±0.72 12.1±0.3 10.4±0.29 9.78±1.49 8.78±0.47 Plant Height 124.86±2.87 91.42±1.41 137.4±14.8 120.40±3.95 130±2.97 99.17±2.23 Spike Length 10.99±0.19 8.35±0.23 9.61±0.23 12.51±0.23 10±0.29 12.30±0.23 19.53±0.22 19.93±0.65 24.1±0.1 21.19±0.31 19±0.57 21.19±0.39 No of Grains Spike 48.19±1.62 59.85±2.41 58.2±17.6 41.58±1.76 28.35±1.43 60.76±1.99 -1 Grain Yield Plant 21.13±1.20 23.84±2.11 33.4±0.14 12.77±0.85 6.61±1.35 14.07±1.31 1000-Grain Weight 41.72±1.43 44.34±1.05 64.87±11.93 32.22±1.72 21.63±2.35 29.17±2.32 No of Spiklets Spike-1 -1 is further suggested that grain/ spike and tillers per plant may be used a criteria for single plant selection in the early segregating generation derived from the multiple crosses among the selected genotypes. So, hybridization between genotypes of divergent cluster will lead to accumulation of favourable genes in a single variety and also suggested to create variability for developing the varieties involving a large number of different lines instead of closely instead of closely related ones (Kumar et al., 2009). For successful breeding program, the proficient genetic information is very important for the evaluation and selection of genotypes especially in wheat to improve the grain yield. But to increase the breeding efficiency, the more important is the availability of correct information about the traits on which the yield of a crop depends (Khodadadi et al., 2011). The assessment of the genetic diversity of different wheat lines is very important to get the useful information about the competent genotype (White et al., 2008). Based on cluster means, the cluster have been identified for selecting parents for future hybridization programme. The genotypes superior in the cluster may be involve in a multiple crossing programme to recover transgressive segregants with high genetic yield potential. It is observed that grains per spike and number of tillers per plants are showing positive significant relationship with grain yield. So it Conclusion It was concluded that information about characters that correlate with the grain yield is very important. Cluster analyses to select the best group of genotype are also play important role. The genotypes in the group III can be used for breeding purpose to further studies. International Journal of Modern Agriculture, Volume 4, No.1, 2015 28 component analyses for breeding strategies. Asian Journal of Agriculture Sciences 5(1):1724. Kinyua MG, Ayiecho PO. 1991. Correlation studies to facilitate the selection of bread wheat varieties for the marginal area of Kenya. 7th Regional Wheat Workshop for Eastern, Central & Southern Africa. 125-130. 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