free printable summer writing prompts for kids

All Rights Reserved © 2015
60 Writing Prompts for Kids to Think About This Summer
1. Today I feel...
2. If I could choose what year to be born in, I would choose...because...
3. One thing I like about myself is...
4. One thing I want to be better at is...
5. I wish...
6. I don't like...
7. Last night I dreamt...
8. I like to make/build...because...
9. Last school year was...
10. I wonder...
11. A new word I learned is...
12. If I could meet anyone from history (alive or dead), it would be...
13. If I could go to the future...
14. If I could go to the past...
15. Friends are...
16. My brother/sister is...
17. To me, family means...
18. Something I look for in a friend is...
19. My favorite color is...because...
20. A new food I want to try is...
21. Describe your family.
22. Think of a happy memory. Tell about it.
23. Think of a sad memory. Tell about it.
24. I get angry when/because...
25. My father is...
26. My mother is...
27. Something I like about my brother/sister is...
28. The color _______ makes me think of...
29. Next school year, I would like to (or am looking forward to)....
30. I feel happy when/because...
31. If I could travel anywhere in the universe (cost and safety aside), I would go to...
32. I would like to one day visit...
33. One of my favorite summer activities is...
34. What do you like to do together with your family?
35. When I feel sad, something that helps me feel better is...
36. My favorite holiday is...
37. My favorite season is...
38. Summer is for...
All Rights Reserved © 2015
60 Writing Prompts for Kids to Think About This Summer
39. I like my school because...
40. Last school year I challenged myself to...
41. One of my goals for next school year is...
42. Sometimes it's hard to talk about...
43. I would like to learn...
44. I enjoy reading books about...
45. My favorite author is...because...
46. A problem I need help with is...
47. I would like to learn how to cook...
48. Someone I admire is...because...
49. Describe yourself.
50. I wish school...
51. My friends often say I am...
52. Helping others is...
53. Learning about history is important because...
54. A historical event I want to learn more about is....
55. An outdoor activity I really enjoy...
56. In 5 years I will be...
57. Something I think should change about my school is...
58. If I was a teacher, I would...
59. If I become a mom/dad one day, I will...
60. Think beyond what you want to be when you grow up. What is one thing you wish to
accomplish in that profession?