Last date for submission is 23rd March, 2015

F. No. D-21031/01/2008-GA
Government of India
Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs
Room No. 924, Akbar Bhawan,
Chanakya Puri, New Delhi-110 021
Dated: 4th March, 2015
Tender Notice
Sealed tenders on behalf of the President of India, are invited under TWO BID
SYSTEM i.e. Techno-commercial Bid and Financial Bid from reputed, experienced and
financially sound Manpower Companies/Firms/Agencies for award of Annual Job Contract for
Housekeeping, Cleaning, Dusting, etc. of the premises falling under the control of the Ministry
of Overseas Indian Affairs (including rooms, toilets, lobbies, stairs, corridors, etc.) at 9th and
10th Floors of Akbar Bhawan, New Delhi for a period of one (1) year extendable on
satisfactory performance and mutual consent on the same terms and conditions on yearly
basis by another two years.
Complete Tender Document can be downloaded from the website of the Ministry
htpp:// and
The interested registered, reputed, bonafide and experienced Companies/Firms/
Agencies having at least 5 years in the relevant fields in Ministries/Departments of the
Government of India or Semi Government Organizations/Public Sector Undertakings and
those interested to provide housekeeping services to the Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs
on the terms and conditions at Annexure – I, are requested to send their quotations in sealed
cover marked “Quotations for Housekeeping Services” along with all the requisite
documents. The last date of receipt of tender is 25.03.2015 at 2.30 p.m.
Eligibility Criteria:
The bidder should have the following qualifications for bidding:
The bidder (Firm / Company) must be registered as company under the Indian
Companies- Act. 1956 or as a firm with appropriate authorities as Integrated
Building Management Service Provider / Integrated Facilities Management
Service Provider / House Keeping Service Provider which can provide the
facilities as defined at page 8-9 – para E. The bidder will submit proof of
registration as a company or firm as the case may be.
(ii) The said Service Provider must be in existence for a minimum period of 5 years
as on 31.12.2014 from the date of registration as a firm / company. The bidder
will provide proof of the date of incorporation / registration. [A certified copy of the
date of incorporation/ registration is to be attached.] The tender shall be rejected,
if the bidder fails to submit the documents in support of their registration as firm /
(iii) The bidder should have average annual turnover of Rs. 50.00 lakh during the
past three financial years. The bidder may attach attested copies of annual
turnover for the last three financial years along with copies of audited financial
statement for the last three years.
(iv) Experience of the bidder must include providing of integrated building
management/ facilities/ housekeeping services to large and modern Government
office complexes, as defined in „Scope of Work‟. Company must have minimum
of 3 years experience in providing Housekeeping services in Government
Offices/ Departments as on 31.03.2014.
The bidder must have satisfactory arrangements for training of its workers.
Confirmation in this regard is to be given.
The bidder shall provide precise profile of its key clients along with satisfactory
performance report from at least three of them for services provided by them.
The list of clients including clients in Government sector must be provided with
The bidder must have modern equipment, latest technical expertise for
management of buildings and related facilities, as has been defined in „Scope of
Work‟. Machinery, equipment, implement, material and consumables proposed to
be used should be clearly indicated. List of equipment owned by the company
may also be furnished with the bid.
The bidder should be ready to give performance guarantee of 10% of Annual
Contract amount.
The bidder will have to ensure compliance of all mandatory labour laws /
regulations laid down by the Government of NCT of Delhi. This will include
payment of minimum wages, PF / ESI [Employees‟ State Insurance]. Providing
other benefits like bonus, leave, Labour Welfare Fund, cost of uniform etc. to
bidder‟s each employee will solely be the liability of the bidder only,
The bidders must have all applicable appropriate licences [ESI / PF / PAN/ TAN /
Labour Licence / Service Tax etc.] in their own name.
The bidder must also provide the proof of registration of PF and ESI. Copies of all
relevant registration documents are to be submitted with the bid. Preference shall
be given to companies having multiple presences in Delhi and NCR.
Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) of Rs. 50,000/- (Rupees Fifty Thousand only)
should accompany the Techno-commercial bid document. The EMD shall be paid in the
form of Demand Draft/Banker Cheque/Bank Guarantee from any Nationalized
Bank/Scheduled Commercial Bank in favour of Pay & Accounts Officer, Ministry of Overseas
Indian Affairs, payable at New Delhi. Such EMD shall not carry any interest. Any bid not
accompanied by requisite EMD shall be deemed to be invalid and will be summarily rejected
by the Ministry.
This Ministry reserves the right to amend or withdraw any of the terms and conditions
contained in the Tender Document or to reject any or all tenders without giving any notice or
assigning any reason. The decision of the Joint Secretary (A), Ministry of Overseas Indian
Affairs in this regard shall be final and binding on all.
The bids are to be sent in two parts – one sealed enveloped superscribed as
“Techno-commercial Bid” giving details in the format as per Annexure-2 and the second
sealed envelope superscribed as “Financial Bid” in the format at Annexure-3. The two
sealed envelopes as above will be placed in another sealed envelope super scribed as `BID
FOR HOUSEKEEPING SERVICES’. The bids shall be signed by a person duly authorized
on behalf of the bidder firm and shall be sent to:Mr. Sami Ahmed Khan
Under Secretary (Admn.),
Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs
Room No. 924, Akbar Bhawan,
Chanakyapuri New Delhi-110 021
1. The Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs located at 9th and 10th Floors Akbar Bhawan,
New Delhi requires the services of reputed, well established and financially sound
Manpower Companies/ Firms/ Agency to provide 9 numbers (1 Supervisor and 8
housekeepers/cleaning staff).
2. The contract period of the selected Company/Firm/ Agency will be initially for a period
of one (1) year. The period of the contract may be further extended provided the
requirement of the Ministry persists at that time or may be curtailed/ terminated earlier
owing to deficiency in service or substandard quality of manpower deployed by the
selected Company/Firm/Agency. The Ministry, however, reserves right to terminate
this initial contract at any time after giving two month‟s notice to the selected service
providing Company /Firm/ Agency.
3. The selected Company/Firm / Agency shall provide 1 supervisor and 8 cleaning staff
required for carrying out the work. He shall ensure discipline amongst his staff and
restrict unnecessary movement/assembly of their personnel in corridors, etc. The
contractor shall ensure proper supervision of the duties of his staff through his own
4. The selected Company/ Firm / Agency shall be responsible for the conduct/integrity of
his personnel and shall also be responsible for any act of omission and commission or
their part. He will vouch for their character and integrity. He shall submit the
photographs and detailed particulars of the staff provided to the Ministry. The selected
Company/Firm/Agency shall abide by the Labour Laws in respect of the cleaning staff
provided for the purpose. Any type of loss by thefts or damage by the cleaning staff
shall be recovered from the selected Company/Firm/ Agency from his bills/ Security
5. Service Charges: If a firm / company quotes ‘Nil’ charges / consideration, the bid shall
be treated as unresponsive and will not be considered, as per Ministry of Finance,
Department of Expenditure order dated 28.01.2014.
6. The EMD shall be forfeited:
If the bidder withdraws his bid during the period of bid validity.
In the case of successful bidder, if he fails to furnish the required Performance
Guarantee within the specified time limit.
7. The EMD of successful bidder shall be retained towards making of the security for the
performance of the contract and shall only be discharged after submission of the required
Performance Guarantee.
8. The bid shall remain valid for a period of 3 months from the date of receipt of the bid.
9. Tender must be submitted in original and without making any additions, alternations,
and as per details given in other clauses given hereunder. The requisite details shall be
filled in by the Bidder in the Tender Document wherever required.
Ministry reserves the right for termination of the contract at any time by giving one month
written notice, if the services are found unsatisfactory and also has the right to award the
contract to any other agency at the cost, risk and responsibilities of bidder and excess
expenditure incurred on account of this will be recovered by Ministry from Security
Deposit or pending bill or by raising a separate claim.
11.1 The successful bidder shall furnish a performance guarantee for an amount of
10% of the Annual Contract value within 15 calendar days from the date of acceptance of
the bid for due and proper fulfillment of contract.
11.2 EMD of successful bidder shall be discharged after receipt and acceptance of the
Performance Guarantee towards full Security Deposit in the valid format. EMD of
unsuccessful bidders shall be discharged after award of work to the successful bidder
and signing of contract thereof.
11.3 The performance guarantee provided by the successful bidder may be in the form of
a bank guarantee from a Nationalized Bank/Scheduled Commercial Bank which should
be valid for the period of contract from the date of issue or Demand Draft in favour of Pay
and Accounts Officer, Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs, New Delhi.
In event of any dispute or difference between the parties hereto, such disputes or
differences shall be resolved amicably by mutual consultation. If such resolution is not
possible, then the unresolved dispute or difference shall be referred to arbitration of the
sole arbitrator to be appointed by the Secretary, Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs on
the recommendation of the Secretary, Department of Legal Affairs (“Law Secretary”), and
Government of India. The provisions of Arbitration and conciliation Act, 1996 (No. 26 of
1996) shall be applicable to the arbitration. The venue of such arbitration shall be at Delhi
or any other place, as may be decided by the arbitrator. The language of arbitration
proceeding shall be English. The arbitrator shall make a reasoned award (the “Award”),
which shall be final and binding on the parties.” The cost of the arbitration shall be shared
equally by the parties to the agreement. However, expenses incurred by each party in
connection with the preparation, presentation shall be borne by the party itself.
(ii) Pending the submission of and/or decision on a dispute, difference or claim or until
the arbitral award is published; the Parties shall continue to perform all of their obligations
under this Agreement without prejudice to a final adjustment in accordance with such
In the event of either party being rendered unable by Force Majeure to perform
any obligation required to be performed by them under the contract, the relative
obligation of the party affected by such Force Majeure shall be suspended for the period
during which such cause lasts.
-513.2 The term “Force Majeure” as employed herein shall mean acts of God, War, Civil
Riots, Fire directly affecting the performance of the Contract, Flood and Acts and
Regulations of respective government of the two parties, namely Ministry of Overseas
Indian Affairs and the Contractor.
13.3 Upon the occurrence of such cause and upon its termination, the party alleging
that it has been rendered unable as aforesaid thereby, shall notify the other party in
writing, the beginning of the cause amounting to Force Majeure as also the ending of the
said clause by giving notice to the other party within 72 hours of the ending of the cause
respectively. If deliveries are suspended by Force Majeure conditions lasting for more
than 2 (two) months, Ministry shall have the option of canceling this contract in whole or
part at his discretion without any liability at his part.
13.4 Time for performance of the relative obligation suspended by Force Majeure shall
then stand extended by the period for which such cause lasts.
All matters connected with this shall be governed by the Indian law both
substantive and procedural, for the time being in force and shall be subject to the
exclusive jurisdiction of Indian Courts at Delhi.
No alternative offer shall be considered.
The tender shall be signed, dated and witnessed in all places provided for in the
documents. All corrections/ deletions/ scoring out/ over-writing shall be initialed. Any
corrections made in the tender documents by the bidder shall be made in ink only and
not by using correcting fluid, and should duly be authenticated. Every page of the tender
shall be initialed by the bidder, and submitted back as a token of accepting the laid down
terms and conditions. The bidder shall sign all schedules forming part of the tender.
Ministry reserves the right to accept/reject any bid and to cancel the bidding
process at any time and reject all bids, at any time prior to placement of order, without
assigning any reason.
18. The quotations will accepted up to 2.30 p.m. on 25.03.2015 and the same will be
opened at 4.00 p.m. on the same day in Room No.924 Ministry of Overseas Indian
Affairs, Akbar Bhavan, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi-11021. An authorized representative of
the firm may be present at the time of opening of quotations, if so desired.
(Sami Ahmed Khan)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Tel.No. 24197950
Mandatory Documents to be enclosed with the Techno-commercial Bid:
The tendering Companies/Firms/Agencies are required to enclose photocopies of the
following documents (duty attested by Class-I Officers of the Government of India/
Stated Governments of) along with the Techno-commercial Bid, failing which their bids
shall be summarily/out-rightly rejected and will not be considered any further:
Attested copy of registration certificate of agency for providing manpower;
Attested copy of PAN.GIR Card;
Attested copy of Income Tax Clearance Certificate;
Attested copy of Service Tax registration Certificate;
Attested copy of the P.F. Registration letter/certificate;
Attested copy of the latest IT return filed by agency;
Attested copy of the E.S.I Registration letter/certificate;
Certified documents in support of financial turnover of the agency;
Statement of Bank A/c of the name of Company/Agency for the last six months;
Details of agreement made by Company for the five years along with proof;
Undertaking to be furnished by the service provider that service provider having
no legal suit/ criminal case pending against its proprietor or any of its Directors (in
case of Private Limited Company) or having not been earlier convicted or ground
or moral turpitude or for violation of laws in force.
A certificate/affidavit to the effect that firm is neither blacklisted by any
Government Department nor any criminal case is registered against the firm or
its owners/partners anywhere in India.
A signed copy of the terms and conditions stipulated for award of the contract,
conveying acceptance of the same.
Areas to be covered.
The following areas of 9th and 10th floors of Akbar Bhawan occupied by Ministry
of Overseas Indian Affairs, will be covered under cleaning and maintenance of services.
Common area (including area of tiles on walls, floors wherever exist) on
9th and 10th floors occupied by MOIA.
Glass Panels and windows of rooms (from outside and inside)
Staircases of 9th and 10th floors of Akbar Bhawan.
Cleaning of 65 Rooms
Two Conference Rooms
Cleaning of 65 Toilets
Balconies of all rooms.
Dusting of Tables/Chairs/Rakes and other items in the rooms, etc.
Working Hours
Working hours will be from 8.00 AM to 6.30 PM from Monday to Saturday or as
require by this Ministry.
1. Cleaning, sweeping, moping and wiping of floors, staircase on daily basis including
Saturdays or as required by the Ministry. Cleaning activity shall start in the morning
at 8.00 A.M so as to complete all the dusting/ cleaning/ moping work before 9.00
A. M i.e before office hours.
2. Continuous moping to be done at reception floor and other floors during office hours
(8.00 AM to 6.30 PM)
Thorough cleaning of all toilets using required detergent by putting naphthalene
balls and air purifier in all urinals, wash basins and WC area.
4. Thorough cleaning of all glass windows of building from outside & inside.
Cleaning and dusting of entire furniture, wooden cabin walls, railings, doors,
windows, venetian blinds, wall paneling of rooms, racks, sofas, computers,
telephones, wall mounted fans etc. with dry/wet cloth, feather brush and duster.
Lifting, carrying and disposing the dead birds, animals, rats, insects etc. if found in
and around the office building.
7. Clearing of any choking‟s in the drainages, manholes, etc.
Removal of beehives and cobwebs/honey webs from the office building and its
9. Cleaning and sweeping of open area including balconies and roof tops with brooms.
10. The bidder must employ adult and skilled labour only. Employment of child labour
will lead to the termination of the contract. The successful bidder shall engage only
such workers, whose antecedents have been thoroughly verified, including
character and police verification and other formalities.
11. Proper registers/records for the jobs carried out on daily, weekly, fortnightly and
monthly basis will be maintained by the Supervisor of the bidder and will be
countersigned by the officer-in-charge of the Ministry at regular intervals and finally
at the end of each month.
12. The bidder should possess or procure needful infrastructure, gadgets and other
material required for smooth housekeeping services. No additional cost towards this
will be borne by Ministry.
i) Cleaning of general toilets at least thrice daily at (8.00 AM , 12.00 Noon & 3.30 PM)
with phenol and detergent etc and maintain the toilets floors dry during office hours.
Windows and window silts of all toilets are to be clean regularly. Wash basins,
urinals, WC are to be cleaned with detergent. Flushing systems of all toilets are to
be checked at regular intervals every day. Naphthalene balls, air purifier and liquid
soap and paper rolls are to be provided by the agency regularly to ensure
continuous availability of these materials in requisite place/container.
ii) Cleaning of attached toilets with phenol, removing all dust and unwanted materials,
keeping dry, cleaning of window silts once in a day. Naphthalene balls air purifier;
toilet rolls/paper rolls and liquid soap are to be provided by the agency regularly to
ensure continuous availability of these materials in requisite place/container.
iii) Cleaning of corridors, staircases and common area with phenol at 8.00 A.M. and
2.00 P.M.
iv) Cleaning & moping of pantries and electrical rooms once in a day during office
v) Cleaning of office working areas, removing dust from floors, windows, doors,
furniture‟s, fixtures, telephones, ashtray, cupboards, air conditioners, filing almirahs,
cabinets, glass panes, computers etc. with dry/wet duster and or with suitable
cleaning agent. Moping of floors with phenyl.
vi) Collection of waste paper from rooms, waste paper, baskets, lobbies and putting in
bags at the specified location.
vii) Cleaning of carpets by soft brush.
viii) To clean glass panes on doors, windows & partitions with soap/cleaning detergent.
xi) Cleaning gulley trap and manholes within building premises on the basis of as &
when required.
x) Cleaning of duct and shaft spaces, garbage, and removal and putting them in
dustbin kept outside the building.
xi) Cleaning/removal of any type of stains of ink etc. from the building premises and
xii) Cleaning, sweeping and wiping of floors, furniture and hand washing area etc.
during office hours.
xiii) Cleaning of carpets in rooms by vacuum cleaners.
xiv) Cleaning of lift walls with silver/brass liquid cleaner.
xv ) Room fresheners in all office area to be used daily in the morning. Room
freshener should be of ISI Mark or of standard make.
Acid cleaning of sanitary ware without damaging their shine, scrubbing and cleaning
of floors and walls in toilets/rooms, corridors with soap, detergents, kerosene/petrol
or any other chemicals, automatic mopper/scrubbing machine to be used at least
once in a week.
ii) Cleaning of fabric upholstered sofa sets with vacuum cleaners and leatherite
upholstered sofa set and chairs with soap solution/ cleaning agent of approved
iii) Cleaning of brass letters by brasso (polish).
Polishing of brass items i.e name plates with approved brass cleaning material.
Cleaning of carpets in rooms by vacuum cleaners without damaging the carpet.
Dusting of false ceiling etc. with soft broom and cloth.
Cleaning of sofa sets with soap water/ vacuum cleaners.
Washing and cleaning of driveways, parking areas and roads within the office
vi) Lift lobby and all toilets floors and other areas, as may be directed by Officer
Incharge, shall be cleaned with floor scrubbing machine.
vii) Dry cleaning of vertical blinds, curtains & towels.
i) All floors in common area floors including staircases shall be cleaned thoroughly with
floor scrubbing machine with soap and water to remove all stains etc. After cleaning
the floors with soap and water the floors shall be properly wax polished.
ii) Total office area floors to be cleaned with floor scrubbing machine, wherever required
as per directions of Officer-In-charge.
The bidder has to provide workforce in sufficient numbers to maintain the buildings as
required and of quality to ensure workmanship of the degree specified in the job order
and to the satisfaction of the Officer-In-Charge. The bidder shall, however, survey the
area and make assessment of the manpower requirement on their own. The bidder
must employ adult and skilled labour only. Employment of child labour will lead to the
termination of the contract. The successful bidder shall engage only such workers,
whose antecedents have been thoroughly verified, including character and police
verification and other formalities.
The bidder shall ensure that all the workforce deployed wear uniform while on duty.
G. (a) All materials/consumables other related items as listed in Appendix-I is to be
provided by the Agency has to be of ISI marked or in conformity with the
specification/makes keeping in view good quality/standard after discussion and
finalization with Officer-In-Charge. The firm shall assess the quantity of consumables to
be used and supply them in advance and store them on fortnightly basis. The stores are
to be replenished at least 5 days in advance. Consumables shall be issued every
morning in presence of an official authorized by office in-charge of Ministry.
G. (b) Labour and Material/Equipment:
Labour: Adequate manpower will be deployed by the contractor for the job.
The minimum manpower to be deployed at Akbar Bhawan, shall be one (01)
Supervisor and eight (08) workers. The Manpower specified above is the bare
minimum to cover the areas and scope of work, as mentioned above. The
educational qualification of the Supervisor should be Class –X passed and
having working knowledge of English and Hindi.
The wages of the Supervisor and Housekeeping Staff are to be paid on or before
the 5th of every month. If the 5th of a month, falls on Saturday/ Sunday or holiday,
the wages should be disbursed on the next working day positively.
The Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs shall approve the samples for the
consumable, well in advance. The service provider should use best quality or
brand (which shall be ISI marked wherever applicable). In addition to toiletries
and cleaning material, contractor will also provide good quality one hand towel
each in all toilets.
The bidder will ensure collection, mechanized screening / segregation of dry and
wet garbage in the earmarked area. The bidder will also ensure segregation of bio
degradable and non bio degradable garbage. Finally, the bidder will arrange for disposal
of garbage at such a place as may be permissible by MCD.
TDS and other taxes as applicable will be deducted from each bill
The contracting Company /Firm/Agency shall furnish the following documents in
respect of the individual Casual Labour who will be deployed by it in this Ministry
before the commencement of work:
List of persons deployed;
Bio-data of the persons;
Attested copy of certificate containing date of birth;
Character certificate from at least one Gazetted Officer of the Central / State
Certificate to the effect that character & antecedents of manpower being
provided by the Agency have been verified. The verification certificate from
the jurisdictional police station, in respect of the manpower deployed, may
also be submitted.
In case, the person employed by the successful Company/firm /Agency commits
any act of omission/Commission that amounts to misconduct/indiscipline/incompetence,
the successful company/firm/Agency will be liable to take appropriate disciplinary action
against such persons, including their removal from site of work, if required by the
The tendering Company/Firm/Agency shall replace immediately any of its
personnel who are found unacceptable to this Ministry because of security risks,
incompetence, conflict of interest, improper conduct etc. upon receiving written notice
from this Ministry.
- 11 –
The person deployed shall be required to report for work at 8.00 A.M and would
leave at 6.00 P.M on all working days and Saturday or as required by the Ministry. One
day‟s salary of each worker shall be recovered from the selected Company/
Firm/Agency‟s bill if any worker is found missing/absent from his duty. For this purpose
an attendance register will be maintained in the General Administration Section and
payment will be made on the basis of this register.
The agency shall depute a supervisor who would be responsible for immediate
interaction with Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs so that optimal services of the
persons deployed by the agency could be availed without any disruption.
The provision of manpower shall have to be made available on requisition in time
as per the exigencies of work. Any undue delay in the matter will be considered as
breach of contract and will be dealt according.
It will be the responsibilities of the services providing agencies to meet
transportation, food, medical and any other requirements in respect of the persons
deployed by it (Agency) in this Ministry and this Ministry will have no liabilities in this
For all intents and purposes, the services providing agency shall be the
“Employer” within the meaning of different Labour Legislations in respect of Casual
Labour so employed and deployed in this Ministry. The persons deployed by the agency
in the Ministry Shall not have claims of any Master and servant relationship nor have
any principal and agent relationship not have any principal and agent relationship with
of against Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs.
The service providing agency shall be solely responsible for the redressal of
grievances/ resolution of disputes relating to person deployed. This Ministry shall, in no
way, be responsible for settlement of such issues whatsoever.
This Ministry shall not be responsible for any damages, losses , claims, financial
or other injury to any person deployed by service providing agency in the course of their
performing the functions/duties , or for payments towards any compensation.
A Tenderer shall be deemed to have full knowledge of the site whether he
inspects it or not and no extra charges consequent on any misunderstanding or
otherwise shall be allowed. The interested parties can inspect the premises at any time
from 2:00 PM to 5:00PM on any working day from 09.03.2015 to 11.03.2015 to
assess the job requirement/quantum of work involved. For the purpose, Under
Secretary (Admn) may be contacted on telephone 24197950 during office hours on any
working day. The tenderer shall be responsible for arranging and maintaining at his own
cost, all tools, safety gadgets, equipment (except electricity and water which will be
supplied free of cost) and all other services required for executing the work.
The tendering agency will be responsible for compliance of all statutory
provisions relating to Minimum Wages, Provident Fund, and Employees State
Insurance, etc. in respect of the persons deployed by it in this Ministry.
Tendering agency shall also be liable for depositing all taxes, levies, cess, etc. on
account of service rendered by it to Ministry of Mines to concerned tax collection
authorities from time to time as per extant rules and regulations on the matter.
The tendering agency shall maintain all statutory registers under the applicable
Law. The agency shall produce the same, on demand, to the concerned authority
of this Ministry of any other authority under Law.
The Tax Deduction at Source (T.D.S.) shall be deducted as per the provisions of
Income Tax Department, as amended from time and a certificate to this effect
shall be provided to the agency by this Ministry.
In case, the tendering agency fails to comply with any statutory / taxation liability
under appropriate law, and as a result thereof the Ministry is put of any loss/
obligation, monitory or otherwise, the Ministry will be entitled to get itself
reimbursed out of the outstanding bills or the Performance Security Deposit of
the agency, to the extent of the loss of obligation in monitory terms.
Other terms and conditions:
All staff shall wear proper uniforms (to be provided by Service provider) as
approved by the Ministry, both for summer and winter seasons and shall wear ID card,
while on duty.
No manpower other than those on duty shall be allowed to enter the premises of
Akbar Bhawan during the specified working hours. The service provider shall be
responsible for the watch and ward not only of his/her stores but also of the fitting and
fixture in the common areas in the building.
All requirements under various statutory laws including relevant Labour Act must
be complied with by the Service Provider. Any default will be the liability of the service
provider and the service provider shall be liable to reimburse any amount paid by the
Ministry by way of default, interest and penalty. The service provider shall undertake to
furnish all the details as and when asked for by the Ministry. The Service provider will
also maintain the relevant records of all payment made by the service provider and will
produce to the satisfaction of the Ministry immediately when asked for.
Before taking up the contract the service provider will give details of the
employees who shall work at the Akbar Bhawan premises. Any change will be informed
to MOIA immediately. The service provider shall be responsible for the good
conduct/behavior of the workers deployed by the service provider.
The service provider will be responsible for supply of the garbage bags, for
collecting garbage from core and common areas of the Akbar Bhawan and disposal
outside at sites designated by CPWD for this purpose. The material so collected will be
screened/checked by the Security Personnel of CISF.
Performance Guarantee of 10% of the Annual contract shall be furnished
immediately on acceptance of the contract. The security deposit shall be in the form
of Demand draft or Bank Guarantee of any Nationalized Bank/Scheduled Commercial
Bank in favour of PAO, MOIA, New Delhi.
The Performance Security Deposit will be refunded only after successful
completion of the contract. No interest however will be paid. The contract may be
cancelled/terminated for reasons to be recorded in writing and after giving due
opportunity of hearing to the contractor.
In case of non compliance of terms and conditions of contract as detailed above,
the contract will be terminated and Performance Security Deposit will be forfeited.
In case of any dispute arising between the contractor and the Ministry of
Overseas Indian Affairs or any constituent being party to the contract, the sole authority
for settlement of such disputes, will rest with the Arbitrator appointed by Ministry of
Overseas Indian Affairs.
TDS and other taxes as applicable will be deducted from each bill.
The deduction will be made for each day of absence of manpower, regardless of
the reason as per the daily wage prescribed by the Government of NCT.
If it is found that due to any reason (whatsoever it may be ) any areas is not
covered or any of the operation/functions/duties connected with the job of cleaning &
general maintenance is not done/discharged properly and satisfactorily, recovery at the
following rates shall be made from the Service provider‟s bill:
a. For failure to clean toilets
b. For failure to clean corridor
c. For
d. For each employee not
wearing uniform & ID card
Rs.100/- per toilet, per day
Rs.100/- per floor (wing wise), per day
Rs. 100/- per floor (wing wise), per day
Rs. 100/- per day
Weekly performance of the Service Provider will be observed by the MOIA officials
entrusted with supervision of particular units.
Bill shall be submitted at the end of each month (in triplicate) along with
certificates for satisfactory performance from the user sections/officers in support of
having performed the job of cleaning and sweeping in this office premises.
certificate will be countersigned by the Section Officer (GA).
The contract can be terminated with two month‟s notice, if during the tenure of
the contract the performance is not found to be satisfactory and in this regard the
decision of the Head of Department will be final and binding on the service provider.
- 14 –
Failure by the service provider to comply with any statutory requirements during
the period of contract shall result in termination of the contract and subsequent
disqualification for participation in any future tender in the Ministry.
If at any time during the period of contract, it comes to the notice of the Ministry
that the service provider has misled the Ministry by way of giving incorrect/false
information, which has been material in the award of contract to him/her, the contract
shall be liable for termination besides other legal action which may be initiated against
him/her under law.
(Sami Ahmed Khan)
Under Secretary the Government of India
Tel.No. 24197950
(To be enclosed in a separate sealed envelope)
For providing Housekeeping services to Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs, New Delhi
S.No Particulars
To be filled in by the tenderer
Name of Tendering
(Attach certificates of
Details of Proprietor/Director of
Details of EMD
(ii) Draft No. and date
(iii) Amount
(iv) Issuing Bank
Date of establishment of the
Detailed office address of the
Agency(Registered office and
Br. Office, if any) with Office
Telephone Number, Fax
Number and Mobile Number and
name of the contact person
Banker of
Company/Firm/Agency with full
address(Attach certified copy of
statement of A/C for the last
three years
Whether registered with all
concerned Government
(Attested copies of all
certificates of registration to be
PAN/TAN Number
(Attested copy to be enclosed)
Service Tax Registration
(Attested copy to be enclosed)
E.P.F Registration No.
(Attested copy to be enclosed)
E.S.I. Registration No.
(Attested copy to be enclosed)
Whether the firm is blacklisted
by any Government Department
or any criminal case is
registered against the firm or its
owner/partners anywhere in
(If no, a certificate/affidavit is to
attached in this regard.)
Length of experience in the field
Experience in dealing with Govt.
(Indicate the names of the
Departments and years of
dealing with those Departments
and attach copies of contracts
orders placed on the agency.)
Whether a copy of the terms and
conditions (Annexure-I), duly
signed, in token of acceptance
of the same, is attached.
Whether agency profile is
List of other clients
Signature of authorized person
Name :
(To be enclosed in a separate sealed envelope)
Firms interested for providing housekeeping services to Ministry of Overseas Indian
Affairs are requested to go through Sl.No. (i) to (x) and mandatorily fill up all the
columns while submitting the bids. (If any columns are left blank, the bids will be
summarily rejected).
Wages for Housekeeping Staff in MOIA should be strictly as per the approved
wages of the Govt. of NCT from time to time
01 Supervisor
ESI Charges
(Mandatory deduction by manpower
providing firm)
EPF Charges
(Mandatory deduction by manpower
providing firm)
Total Amount for 01 Supervisor & 01
Housekeeper per
Service Tax
(To be deposited by the manpower
providing firm)
Service Charges by the Company
Cost of Cleaning Material
Extra hours of duty for supervisor &
Rate of Sunday/Holiday Duty per day
for Supervisor & Housekeeper
Grand Total A + B
01 Supervisor
01 Housekeeper
Certified that the above rates comply with Minimum Wages Act and all the
statutory provisions and rules as applicable and undertakes to abide by the terms and
conditions as stipulated in the Tender Document.
Signature of authorized person
Place: New Delhi,
Dated: ……………..
Name :
(To be enclosed in a separate sealed envelope)
For providing Housekeeping services to Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs, New Delhi
S.No Particulars
To be filled in by the tenderer
Name of Tendering
(Attach certificates of
Details of Proprietor/Director of
Details of EMD
(ii) Draft No. and date
(iii) Amount
(iv) Issuing Bank
Date of establishment of the
Detailed office address of the
Agency(Registered office and
Br. Office, if any) with Office
Telephone Number, Fax
Number and Mobile Number and
name of the contact person
Banker of
Company/Firm/Agency with full
address(Attach certified copy of
statement of A/C for the last
three years
Whether registered with all
concerned Government
(Attested copies of all
certificates of registration to be
PAN/TAN Number
(Attested copy to be enclosed)
Service Tax Registration
(Attested copy to be enclosed)
E.P.F Registration No.
(Attested copy to be enclosed)
E.S.I. Registration No.
(Attested copy to be enclosed)
Whether the firm is blacklisted
by any Government Department
or any criminal case is
registered against the firm or its
owner/partners anywhere in
(If no, a certificate/affidavit is to
attached in this regard.)
Length of experience in the field
Experience in dealing with Govt.
(Indicate the names of the
Departments and years of
dealing with those Departments
and attach copies of contracts
orders placed on the agency.)
Whether a copy of the terms
and conditions (Annexure-I),
duly signed, in token of
acceptance of the same, is
Whether agency profile is
List of other clients
Signature of authorized person
Name :