MONO NO AWARE IX OFFICIAL SUBMISSION FORM DEADLINE (RECEIVED OCT 31) EVENT DECEMBER 4-5TH 2015 BROOKLYN,N.Y.,U.S.A. Welcome! Please fill out the following fields of information honestly & accurately. If you require additional space, attach an additional sheet of paper clearly marking the section title & question number. PRINT LEGIBLY. If you have any questions, please refer to the INFORMATION section of our website or email us at [email protected] In addition to this form you are encouraged to submit any media you feel will help us envision your purposed film performance. YOU DO NOT NEED TO SEND AN ACTUAL FILM PRINT – a digital representation, series of still images, or web-link with password is adequate. We have the capability of accepting submissions digitally. Please note that we are more likely to accept an entry that we are able to CLEARLY ENVISION. Thank you for your time, efforts and interest in MONO NO AWARE IX. We look forward to receiving and reviewing your submission! SECTION: BASIC INFORMATION To be completed by the person who will act as the primary representative/contact for the work being submitted. All information here will be the future means of communication between all acting parties and the film event coordinators. 1 >> FIRST____________________________ LAST___________________________ 2 >> MAILING ADDRESS STREET_________________________________________ CITY ________________________ STATE____________ ZIP___________________ COUNTRY ____________________________________________________________ 3 >> EMAIL ADDRESS __________________________________________________ 4 >> PHONE NUMBER __________________________________________________ 5 >> YOU ARE A (select which describes you best): FILMMAKER: _____________ FINE ARTIST: (TYPE)_____POET:______OTHER:(SPECIFY)___________________ 6 >> OTHER PERSONS INVOLVED: NAME:_______________________________________________________________ CONTRIBUTION:______________________________________________________ NAME: ______________________________________________________________ CONTRIBUTION:______________________________________________________ SECTION: PROPOSAL INFORMATION 1 >> FORMAT OF THE ENCLOSED FILM / MOVING IMAGE SAMPLE : FILM _____ DVD _________(as a sample work ONLY) URL: __________________ SCREENING FORMAT FILM : S8MM ___16MM____35MM____ OTHER _________ 2 >> FILM LENGTH IN MINUTES / FRAME RATE ______________/_____________ 3 >> TITLE OF THE PERFORMANCE______________________________________ 4 >> WHAT WILL BE ACCOMPANYING THE MOVING IMAGE ELEMENT ? 5 >> WHICH BEST DESCRIBES THIS WORK ? PERFORMANCE____ SCULPTURE____ INSTALLATION____EXPANDED CINEMA____ OTHER (SPECIFY)_____________________________________________________ 6 >> LIST ALL THE EQUIPMENT WILL YOU NEED IN ORDER TO MAKE YOUR PROPOSAL OPERATE SMOOTHLY? 7 >> HAVE YOU EVER SHOWN THIS FILM OR ITS ELEMENTS BEFORE? IF SO, WHERE & WHEN? IS THIS A PREMIERE FOR NEW YORK? WORLD PREMIERE? 8 >> PROVIDE A SHORT WRITTEN DESCRIPTION OF THE PIECE. SECTION: ENCLOSED IN THIS PACKAGE PLEASE CHECK OFF & INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: 1 >> THIS FORM COMPLETED AND SIGNED:______ 2 >> THE FILM WORK SAMPLE PROPERLY PACKAGED: _______ 3 >> SOME SAMPLE OF THE ACCOMPANIMENT:______ (If you have chose audio, please send a CD, cassette tape, or vinyl sample. If its theatrical please describe if as best as possible, send a DVD, CD-r with quicktime file and/or give sketches) 4 >> A BRIEF BIOGRAPHY AND/OR SELF-PORTRAIT:______ 5 >> OPTIONAL : If you would like your film print or proposal sent back to you be sure to include a SASE with proper postage to return all items. Please be advised that MONO NO AWARE is not responsible for items lost in the mail coming or going from NY. 6 >> DONATION: $20 (SUGGESTED) SUBMISSION FEE in the form of cash / check made payable to : MONO NO AWARE, OR PAYPAL TRANSACTION ID ______________________ SECTION: READ TWICE, SIGN ONCE I, __________________(your name) ACTING AS REPRESENTATIVE FOR MYSELF / ALL CONTRIBUTING PERSONS AND ENTITIES FOR THE WORK (title of the performance) ____________________, HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND ALL RULES AND REGULATIONS ASSOCIATED WITH THE MONO NO AWARE FILM PERFORMANCE EVENT TAKING PLACE IN BROOKLYN NY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY DECEMBER 4TH AND 5TH 2015 THE WORK SUBMITTED HERE IS MY OWN ORIGINAL WORK AND ALL ASPECTS OF THE PROPOSAL ARE SUITABLE/SAFE FOR INDOOR PERFORMANCE. I UNDERSTAND THAT BY SUBMITTING WORK I AM AGREEING TO BE PRESENT THE DATES OF THE EVENT AND TO PARTICIPATE IN THE PURPOSED PERFORMANCE DESCRIBED ON PAGE TWO OF THIS FORM. _____________________________ // _______________________________ (SIGNATURE) (DATE) PLEASE MAIL SUBMISSIONS TO: << MONO NO AWARE FILM EVENT, PMB # 303 – 302 BEDFORD AVENUE -- BROOKLYN NY 11249 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA >>> ALL SUBMISSIONS MUST BE RECEIVED BY OCTOBER 31ST 2015
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