MONUMENT DOWNHILL 5K RACE TO BENEFIT THE RIVERFRONT TRAIL SYSTEM SATURDAY, JULY 25, 2015 RACE START 8:00 AM JOE MASON AGENCY ONLINE REGISTRATION AND RACE INFO— LATE REGISTRATION & PACKET PICK-UP: 6:50 A.M.—7:35 A.M. LOCATION—HWY 340/MONUMENT RD & BROCK DR NEAR REDLANDS DOS HOMBRES TRANSPORT TO START: 7:00 A.M.— 7:45 A.M. Race is point to point DOWN Monument Rd from the outside of the Colorado National Monument to finish at Dos Hombres at HWY 340 & Bract St. The race course will be open officially until 8:40 A.M. NO baby carriages or pets allowed for insurance and safety reasons. This is the fastest 5K you will run at altitude this year and closely equates ti a sea level time. You will love running this race and love your time. PRIZE MONEY—1ST MALE & FEMALE : OPEN (OVER 18) & TOP AGE GRADED PERFORMANCES. Awards and drawings at 9:00a.m., as close as possible, must be present to win. Race Director Contact— Larry Ingram—970-270-0774 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ FIRST NAME LAST NAME E-MAIL ________________ BIRTHDAY _________ AGE ________ SEX T -SHIRT: YES or NO SIZE: S M L XL __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP ENTRY FEE: NO SHIRT, STRIDERS MEMBER $12.00 WITH T-SHIRT, MMS MEMBERS $ 22.00 RACE DAY for all WITH T-SHIRT $30 .00 NON – STRIDER $14.00 NON—STRIDER $25.00 WITHOUT SHIRT $15.00 To have the specialty designed GARY HAUSCHULZ T-Shirt available on race day, entries MUST be in: ONLINE NO LATER THAN JULY 18, 2015 HAND DELIVERED to JOE MASON AGENCY OF FARMERS INSURANCE BY JULY 17, 2015 POSTMARKED by JULY 14,2015 Late registration on line or hand delivered ends, JULY 22, 2015 except race day. Checks payable to: MESA MONUMENT STRIDERS Mail to: Mesa Monument Striders, PO Box 3685, Grand Junction CO, 81502 In consideration of my entry in the Monument Downhill 5K race, I’m intending to be legally bound for myself, my heirs, executors, and administrators, herby release and discharge the Monument Striders, Farmers Insurance and any and all other sponsors, organizers, and race officials whether volunteer or not, of the illness, injuries and/or damage I may suffer as a result of my participation in this event. I am in good health and have trained for this 5K race and accept full responsibility for my own safety. I also understand and agree tat the sponsors may subsequently use without obligation, my name picture or me participating in this event. I have read the entry information provided and certify my compliance by my signature below WAIVER SIGNATURE ________________________________________________________ DATE ______________________________ Must be signed by legal guardian if entrant is under 18 years of age
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