List of Workshops and Training Sessions MONDAY: 20th April 2015 PROFESSIONAL PROGRAMME - Workshops “Sexuality in Psychotherapy.” By Pavel Král Time: 11:30 – 13:00 (Workshop) Location: Oedipus Description: Sexuality is an essential and significant part of human life. In psychotherapy we work (besides the other effective factors) through the strong relationship. This combination brings a therapist to several critical points where he/she finds him/herself very close to the ethical limits. The author shall discuss a few of these critical points. For example we will discuss the question of opening such topics and finding the balance between gathering necessary information and therapist’s voyeurism. The need to distinguish between cases where sexual related problems are primary and where they are secondary; the need of accepting patients whose sexual behaviour is in significant discrepancy with therapist’s own moral beliefs and last but not least the history of psychotherapy is at the same time the history of abuse where therapist uses his power over the patient in order to fulfil his/her own sexual or emotional needs. These cases are unfortunately not that rare as we would wish. Professional background: Pavel Král works as a military clinical psychologist at the Central Military Hospital Prague. He does not have any narrow focus of interest; his daily work can be described as general clinical psychology praxis. He performs psychological assessment and he is a certified cognitive-behavioural therapist and hypnotherapist. The topic of his lecture is one of the less discussed, but at the same time very important topics. “Sex on HelpLine. How to talk about sex with a child on phone?” By Aneta Langrová Time: 14:30 – 16:00 (Workshop), 16:00 – 17:30 (Workshop) - scheduled two sessions Location: Oedipus Description: Are you ready to talk about sex with strange people? Are you ready to improve the sex life of your clients? Are you ready to answer sex questions to your kids? ... ehm ... Each of us has his/her own inner protector called The Shyness, who never allows us to express, explain, admit some part of sexual reality. Come, meet and maybe fight a bit with your own inner fears. Professional background: Aneta Langrová graduated from the psychology department at Palacky University in Olomouc (CZ) in 2010. She has been working as a leader of a crises intervention group at Police presidium of Czech Republic. Nowadays, she is in charge of HelpLine intended for safety and armed forces and their families. But for this opportunity she utilises her long-term (7 years) experience from Child Helpline. During the working practice she devoted herself also to work and organisational psychology. She is a member of the Executive Board of Czech Work and Organizational Psychologists Association and in 2013 established with her friends a NGO called Motiva Solutions affording psychological counselling at personality development. From 2010 she has been frequenting in psychoanalytic group psychotherapy, so she is used to talk about sex in public. STUDENTS PROGRAMME - Workshops “How our gender and sexual orientation help us to adapt to the requirements of global villages.” By Lukasz Stecko Affiliation: University of Wroclaw, Poland Time: 14:30 – 16:00 (Workshop) Location: Eros Description: Globalisation has been a part of psychology research since 2002. Globalisation is best defined as mixing cultures and sharing knowledge and ideas. It has been suggested that globalisation could lead to the threat of a new world with constantly changing rules and habits. At present, in this globalised world, people can feel overloaded with information and uncertain about their future. This research will ask questions in relation to how factors such as gender and sexual orientation are connected to this new, changing environment. For example, whether people who present with both masculine and feminine characteristics have better reactions to this new, ever-changing world? Is their perception of globalisation different than other people? And is there any difference in the perception of globalisation and its' threats between people of different sexual orientation? This research focused mainly on these questions. Findings suggest that the degree to which we use our gender scripts and our sexuality are connected to the way in which we perceive globalisation. “Representating fertility control - Reflections in front of a European audience.” By Yiorgos Agathokleous Affiliation: Keele University, United Kingdom Time: 16:00 – 17:30 (Workshop) Location: Eros Description: The present study aimed to identify central core and peripheral elements, emotional and descriptive, of Greek adults’ social representations on fertility control. Ninety-two participants, men and women 18-30 years of age participated the study. Using questionnaires, we asked participants to give three words related to contraception and associate each of the given words with an emotion. Participants were also asked to provide three words related to abortion and associate each of the given words with an emotion. Questions (Likert type) were also included investigating participants’ political and religious orientation. A series of structural analyses were employed in order to identify the content and elements of the social representation of contraception and abortion. Multifactorial correspondence analysis was performed to address relationships and differentiations of the variables: religious orientation, political orientation and gender; as to the words supplied by the participants. Findings suggest that the central core elements of the social representation of contraception are: protection, safety, child, contraceptive pill and condoms. The central core elements of the social representation of abortion are: unhappiness, termination of a life, aversion, fear, occasionally necessary and satisfaction. Social representations of fertility control seem to be influenced both by religious and political factors. “Moral dilemmas on providing sex for handicapped.” By Sylwia Jarosz Affiliation: University of Lodz, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Poland Time: 17:30 – 19:00 (Workshop) Location: Aphrodite Description: A ‘sexual assistant’ is considered a professional, who provides assistance with sexual needs to a physically and/or intellectually disabled. Among activities, for which assistant can be hired are: sexual intercourse, oral sex, massage therapy, also with erotic massage, masturbatory acts and education - about sexuality, appropriate use of sex toys and birth control. In a few European countries the profession was recognised as legal and those countries create an educational background for training and courses, to provide high skills to future assistants. On the other hand providing sex to disabled in exchange for money has biased connotations to prostitution and deviant sexual interest. During this workshop I would like to invite participants into a discussion and talk about the advantages, disadvantages, hopes and risks of such solution for handicapped. TRAINING SESSIONS “Vision: You at your very best.” By Lukas Entezami & Clemens Schmidt Affiliation: University of Potsdam, Germany Time: 11.00 - 13.00 Location: Aphrodite Description: Using the best-possible-self approach from positive psychology, each participant will have a closer look at his/her personal vision for the future. By exploring this personal vision, we will create an idea of a personal ideal-self that can be used later in various ways: for goal-setting, decision-making, stress-reducing and overall energising. Furthermore, we will be closing the session with a visualisation that aims at building a stronger connection to the ideal-self. The whole approach might be perceived as too perfectionistic and too designed though it is not meant to create perfect human beings but rather to provide participants with the possibility to enforce the aspects they value most in their personality and behaviour. “First Know Your Roots & then Love.” By Gabriela Urbaskova & Katarina Sabolova Affiliation: University of New York in Prague, Czech Republic - University of Groningen, the Netherlands Time: 15.00 - 17.00 Location: Aphrodite Description: The first step to promoting healthy relationships is understanding yourself. Without knowing who you are, you cannot reciprocate love and fully experience intimacy. The training session “First Know Your Roots and then Love” creates a unique atmosphere for reflecting on self-awareness of personal values, needs and motives. Discover and explore your roots and become aware of the core of your self-support by getting to know your personal internal and external resources. We believe that it is necessary to realise that knowing yourself gives you a greater autonomy and enables you to love fully. Within the training session, be ready for intensive work with yourself. Are you searching for a greater understanding of yourself and your motives? Do you want to know who you really are from the bottom of your “roots?” Do you want give different direction to your future healthy relationships with yourself and with the others? Increase your self-awareness, join us and enjoy your time with yourself, with us! TUESDAY: 21st April 2015 PROFESSIONAL PROGRAMME - Workshops “Non-criminal paedophiles.“ By Karel Žák Time: 17:30 – 19:00 (Workshop) Location: Oedipus Description: Paedophile-oriented people who do not commit child sexual abuse are out of scientific interest. There is no literature that could tell them how to live and deal with their erotic attraction to children. This paper summarises the basic facts about paedophilia, points to a lack of preventive work with paedophile-oriented people, presents selected results of a survey among non-criminal paedophiles and considers whether there would be fewer children abused if we prepared young adults for the possibility that they themselves can be paedophile-oriented. Professional background: Mgr. Karel Žák, student of doctoral study, Faculty of Education, the Masaryk University, Brno, the Czech Republic, deals with the topic of pppedophilia especially in the terms of overlooked child sexual abuse primary prevention. STUDENTS PROGRAMME - Workshops “How to find a partner.” By Kristina Medalova Affiliation: Université de Fribourg, Switzerland Time: 10:00 - 11:30 (Workshop) Location: Oedipus Description: Social relationships are important contributors to life satisfaction and health. However, numerous people have difficulties with meeting people, talking to them and building relationships. What constitutes attractiveness? What are the best places to meet him/her? How do you build small talk? What mind-sets are holding us back from starting new relationships? Our workshop aims to provide some practical tips on how to “find the partner.” Come, play, watch, discuss, get inspired and help people around us live a more satisfying social life. “Publishing as a student researcher.” By Katharina F. Brecht Affiliation: University of Cambridge, the United Kingdom Time: 12:30 – 13:00 (Practical open workshop) Location: Oedipus Description: During our degrees, many students ‘practice research:’ we design experiments, collect data and then try to make sense of it – indeed, our degrees are meant to prepare us for a career in academia, or a PhD; however, one crucial aspect of research is often neglected in undergraduate courses: publishing papers and communicating your findings. Thus, in this presentation, I am going to: Explain why students should try to share their findings Introduce the publishing process and its pitfalls o How to find the right journal o Impact Factor and why it matters (not) o Adhering to the APA publication manual Provide sources of support and help Inform the participants about Open Access, fees and other technicalities “Back to the roots of psychiatric medicine.” By Iikka Yli-Kyyny Affiliation: University of Helsinki, Finland Time: 17:00 - 19:00 (Workshop) Location: Aphrodite Description: Is it worth studying psychedelics rigorously and with good science? The topic is admittedly controversial, even taboo, but on the quiet, marginal research has been made with some pretty interesting results. Come and learn what has been found and see what can come out of facing your own prejudice. In this workshop, participants will be given a short introduction to what psychedelics are (word derived from Ancient Greek words, psychē ‘soul’ and dēloun ‘to make visible’), a review of the research done in the field of psychedelic assisted psychotherapy and the assessment of the risks and benefits of psychedelics in a psychotherapy setting. Facilitated discussions will follow after each short presentation and the input of the participants will be written down to produce a critique of the given information. A Czech psychiatrist, Stanislav Grof, once said that “Psychedelics, used responsibly and with proper caution, would be for psychiatry what the microscope is for biology and medicine or the telescope is for astronomy.” Let us see if the same applies to psychology! TRAINING SESSIONS “Self-Leadership.” By Ieva Vainoraitė & Marc Portugal Affiliation: Vilnius University, Lithuania - University of Coimbra, Portugal Time: 11.00 - 13.00 Location: Aphrodite Description: Great leadership is a cultivated art and it begins with self-leadership. Leadership success or failure begins with how the leader approaches self-leadership. There are four different aspects to self-leadership (self-awareness, self-management, other-awareness and other-management). Great leaders begin with self-awareness and move to self-management, then proceed to other-awareness culminating in othermanagement. It is not a linear but an interactive effect among all four factors. We can see that when you truly know yourself, your strengths and weaknesses, you can better understand and appreciate others. In these trainings we will develop more about selfexpression, self-control, goal setting, personal motivation and personal leadership skills. “Empathic Communication.” By Clemens Schmidt & Lukas Entezami Affiliation: University of Potsdam, Germany Time: 15.00 - 17.00 Location: Aphrodite Description: We live in a world where communication is easier than ever before due to social networks, but at the same time we still have conflicts between and within countries, groups and individuals, in partnerships and in our professional lives. We can often hear judging sentence like ‘This is so stupid of you!’... How can we constructively deal with such sentences? How can we prevent a destructive judging communication? What can we learn from conflicts? Empathic communication based on Marshall Rosenberg’s Model of Nonviolent Communication can help us to solve conflicts and to find a connection to others and ourselves in an efficient and effective way. This foundation training will be an incentive introduction into the world of empathic and esteeming communication, which can lead to more fulfilments in our personal lives. THURSDAY: 23rd April 2015 PROFESSIONAL PROGRAMME “Personal values, beliefs, attitudes toward sexuality” By Iveta Jonášová Time: 10:00 – 11:30 (workshop) Location: Oedipus Description: Therapeutic work with sexual themes is primarily working with intimacy. Not only customer intimacy, but intimacy of the therapist as well. Are we aware of our own attitude in the area of sexology? Do we know the impact of our own attitude when working with clients? Is it possible to be completely aware of all issues we come in contact with in everyday practice? Come and try a simple technique that might be the beginning of awareness of your own attitude and possible overlap in working with clients. Professional background: Iveta Jonášová graduated with a psychology degree in 2004 at the University of Prešov and then continued in doctoral studies with a focus on sexology at Charles University in Prague. She graduated from the long-term dynamic psychotherapy training in the psychotherapeutic system SUR and many other personal development courses and workshops. Over the long-term practice has led various types of therapeutic groups (support group for addicts and addicts families and women's groups), social and therapeutic programs, non-verbal and relaxation techniques. Has many years of individual therapeutic and counseling practice. Currently, she runs a private psychological and therapeutic practice in Košice and Prague. At the same time she teaches the subject of human sexuality at the Paul Jozef Safarik University in Kosice, she works as a lecturer in the field of sex education and sexuality, and as a lecturer in psychotherapy training system SUR. PROFESSIONAL PROGRAMME BY EFPSA ALUMNI “The challenge of putting feelings into words.” By Dalya Samur Affiliation: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands Time: 10:00 – 11:30 (Alumni Workshop) Location: Eros Description: Virtually everyone has experienced from time to time how hard it can be to put one’s feelings into words. Yet, for some individuals, this task is especially daunting. Alexithymia is a personality dimension that includes difficulties in recognising, describing and distinguishing emotions. There has been a vast amount of research, which has analysed many different facets of alexithymia, including its behavioural, linguistic, physiological and neurological correlates. Nevertheless, researchers have so far taken few steps to translate these insights into applications and interventions. An exciting possibility is that emotional processing tasks that are used to diagnose alexithymia may be used to train emotional skills among these individuals. These tasks vary from emotional face recognition tasks to personal narration tasks. The development of new, evidence-based applications can improve the life of alexithymic individuals. After four decades of basic research on alexithymia, the time seems ripe to move towards effective applications. “Love at first sight.” By Edwin L. Nordström Affiliation: Aalborg University, Denmark Time: 11:30 – 13:00 (Alumni Workshop) Location: Oedipus Description: Would you like to get some juicy insights about love and attraction? The knowledge based on the qualitative study about women's attraction made by psychologist Edwin l. Nordströms et al. has expanded into a workshop about love and attraction that has been very popular. Take the possibility to participate in a workshop that hundreds of Danish and Dutch students have already experienced! This workshop includes active participation and you will get good chances to exchange experiences and meta-thoughts about love and attraction. The workshop holder is a young Scandinavian psychologist who loves interactive workshops. You will gain knowledge that will be helpful throughout your career as a psychologist. STUDENTS PROGRAMME - Workshops “Testing sexuality? But how? Developing a questionnaire to measure sensitive concepts.” By Baran Metin Affiliation: Utrecht University, Social Sciences Faculty, the Netherlands Time: 17:30 – 19:00 (Workshop) Location: Eros Description: Developing surveys is a fundamental step in order to measure novel concepts. Particularly, measuring sensitive attitudes or behaviours, such as sexualityrelated ones, is a troublesome issue. Not only generating items, which assess the intended concepts, but also establishing a language, which is able to encourage the participants to fill in the questionnaires, is what most researchers struggle. In this workshop, we will go through the empirical steps of a questionnaire development process. Participants of the workshop will be separated into five groups and each group will be given five different sexuality-related concepts. During the workshop, they will be informed about many critical aspects of a questionnaire development, such as item generation, reliability and validity analyses, factorial structure testing and data collection. This workshop aims to help its participants to understand the most important aspects of a survey development process. “Love and sexuality through the Power of PREP.” By Nina Randby, Nadja Thorbek Uldall & Anne Rom Petersen Affiliation: University of Copenhagen, Denmark Time: 17:30 – 19:00 (Workshop) Location: Oedipus Description: Close to half of all marriages end in divorce. The world needs more tools for relationships - love is something you can work on! We wish to share the method of PREP (Prevention and Relationship Enhancement Program), which has proven to be very efficient for couples worldwide. This workshop will expand students’ knowledge and understanding of the dynamics of intimate relationships. Students will develop specific skills through PREP both professionally and personally. We will show how changes can be made in relationships by working with thoughts and behaviours. The workshop will consist of the following: • Getting to know the method of PREP • Learning specific communications skills for intimate relationships • Presenting one of the PREP themes ‘Sensuality and Sexuality’ • Employing the methods and skills in the safe environment of the workshop We are all sexual beings - but we are not all the same! TRAINING SESSIONS “Yoga, meditation and mindfulness - Opening your heart” By Tuva Emilie Røskar & Tiril Kristine Tanum Affiliation: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway Time: 11.00 - 13.00 Location: Aphrodite Description: How can being mindful in what you do contribute to positive health and wellbeing? Do you have to be a Buddhist monk to meditate and to find inner peace? Would you like to open your heart through yoga positions, and become more receptive to love? Join us for two hours of mindful well-being with focus on breath, being in the presence and heart opening yoga positions. This is a training session for everyone, so you do not have to have experience with yoga and meditation to join. Please wear loose and comfortable clothes in layers. “Chaos theory in psychology.” By Mitja Černko Affiliation: University of Maribor, Slovenia Time: 15.00 - 17.00 Location: Aphrodite Description: The human brain and the social systems that emerge from the interactions of a multitude of human brains are arguably the most complex phenomenon we know of. Traditional approaches of describing, understanding, predicting and influencing such system, that are based on one-directional and linear causation, are increasingly being challenged by approaches known as chaos theory, nonlinear dynamics and complex adaptive systems. At the end of this two hour session, you will understand the core principles of chaos theory and related approaches and how they are relevant to psychology. Afterwards, you will learn about some successful examples of applying these principles to concrete problems/research in the social sciences, and most importantly, you will apply chaos theory to personally relevant issues or research projects. FRIDAY: 24th April 2015 STUDENTS PROGRAMME - Workshop “Sexual abuse: What is the impact in the person’s life?” By Ieva Vainoraité Affiliation: Vilnius University, Philosophy faculty, Lithuania Time: 10 :00 – 11 :30 (Workshop) Location: Eros Description: Sexual abuse of children is a widespread phenomenon in Europe. This traumatic event has huge consequences on the children`s development, perception of sexuality and sexual behaviour. The perception of sexuality is based on the individual's previous sexual experiences, has influence on the individual’s current experiences and helps us predict their further sexual behaviour (Andersen & Cyranowski, 1994). Victims who experienced sexual abuse during childhood often have associations, flashbacks and memories (Marendaz & Wood, 1999). What is more, sexual abuse may induce suicidal behaviour in later life (Vainoraite, 2014). As we can see, its potential long-term negative psychological and emotional impact on children’s life, as well as the coping strategy the child chooses depends on individual factors, the situation and the subjective perception of situation (Fink, 2010). In this workshop we focus on the effect of sexual abuse in a person’s life and how to help victims of sexual abuse. “(Don’t) Get lost in the world of games – Transactional Analysis and sexuality.” By Petra Fodi Affiliation: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Hungary Time: 11:30 – 13:00 (Workshop) Location: Eros Description: Transactional Analysis, developed by Canadian Eric Berne in the 1950s, integrates psychoanalytic, humanist and cognitive ideas of psychology and psychotherapy. Berne’s idea of psychology was that human sciences should be effective and usable. TA is a neo-Freudian theory of personality, but can also be described as a theory of communication and development. Berne’s modern idea of human connections can be transformed to a useful tool in almost every field of applied psychology. Within the frames of this workshop key ideas and concepts of Transactional Analysis will be introduced to inquisitive Congress attendants, with the main ideas of everyday transactions connected to relationships and sexuality. With many interactive tasks and games, this explorative workshop provides you with practical knowledge of TA and new skills usable in both your everyday and professional life. With more consciousness, you can not only notice but also change the ways of your interpersonal transactions. Game on! “Feminity – rediscover your own uniqueness!” By Anna Korzec Affiliation: Warsaw University, Poland Time: 11:30 – 13:00 (Workshop only for women) Location: Oedipus Description: What makes you a woman? What does the word “feminity” mean to you? – answering these and other questions related to your feminine identity is the main aim of this workshop. Nowadays, when we are bombarded by dozens of concepts and preconceptions about the ways the usual woman should act, look and feel, it is very hard to hear your own voice. This workshop will be about the feminity of each particular participant, not about any social messages or scientific perspectives, be it the evolutionary one, Darwinism or feminism. It will be totally about you. We will work individually as well as in the groups. Each participant is asked to bring with her something that she regards as her attribute of feminity – it can be anything, i.e. piece of clothing, cosmetic, some sentimental keepsake – creativity most welcome! The participants will be given handouts and materials for the further individual work. TRAINING SESSION “Express your sexual desires - Obstacles and options.” By Dominik Klarhölter & Edwin L. Nordström Affiliation: University of Leipzig, Germany; previous studies at University of Aalborg, Denmark, current work place: Valen Hospital, Norway Time: 11.00 - 13.00 Location: Aphrodite Description: We all have sexual desires. Some of them will become true - others not. Sometimes maybe for the better, sometimes it might be - especially in the long run very unsatisfying. It might hold us back from a sexual fulfilled life and from a fulfilled partnership. Why can it be so hard to express own sexual desires towards one's partner? What are obstacles to overcome? What taboos exist in our (different) culture(s) to prevent us from a free expression of our sexual fantasies? Where do these fantasies come from and which constraints exist? What became out of the sexual revolution in the late 1960s compared to our "Generation Y?" Back to basics: How can I perceive, accept and express my sexual desires and define my own limits? The training will base on your own experiences, your desires, your fantasies, your already proven ways of expressing your desires; therefore, it will become quite personal but in a secure environment. Scientific background will be provided. Energisers will create an atmosphere for an enjoyable training. This will be a Cultural experience you will remember.
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