Within the framework of the public consultation "Towards a new European Neighbourhood Policy"
launched in March by the European Commission, MORE EUROPE – external cultural relations is hereby
calling for applications in order to select experts on the Neighbourhood Policy of the
European Union (ENP), and more specifically on its cultural dimension. These experts will take an
active part in our on-going reflexion on the cultural dimension of the ENP and our contribution to the
public consultation.
Experts will assist MORE EUROPE – external cultural relations in contributing to the public consultation
"Towards a new European Neighbourhood Policy", by writing a “position paper”.
To this sake, and based on the Joint Consultation Document, tasks of the experts will include:
 Observe and record to what extent the current ENP include cultural relations/cooperation
between the European Union (EU), its Member States and the countries of the ENP;
 Identify how, when, and in which priority areas (conflict prevention & peacebuilding, creative
industries, mobility of artists & artworks, civil society dialogue & networking,
intercultural & interreligious dialogue, etc.) the new ENP should enhance/deepen its support
to cultural relations between the EU and its Neighbours, taking into consideration the
differences between the 16 countries of the European Neighbourhood;
 Collect and analyse ENP cultural cooperation projects’ success stories and failed/flawed
 Participate in a workshop of experts to be organised in May in order to feed the reflexion on
the cultural dimension of the ENP and complement the “position paper”.
Technical details of the position
Experts are not required to be based in Brussels, however meetings in Brussels need to be
Research period: from early May to end of June 2015.
Budget allocation:
- each expert will receive 2.500€ for the fulfilment of the above-mentioned tasks;
- research-conducting budget of a maximum of 1.500€ (possibly covering travel and
other research-related costs).
Additional human resources: staff of More Europe – external cultural relations may assist the
experts for some specific tasks.
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Selection criteria
This call is open to all cultural operators, managers of cultural institutions, associations or networks,
researchers, academics and/or independent experts with sound expertise on the ENP and its cultural
Participants will be selected according to the following selection criteria:
 Thematic expertise: thorough knowledge of the overall ENP and of its cultural dimension
(institutional organisation of the creative sector in these regions; development and
implementation of overall policies, strategies, regulatory frameworks; implementation of
international cooperation projects; financing, developing and strengthening the cultural
sector, etc.) and a specialisation in one or the two ENP regions (Southern Mediterranean and
Eastern Partnership);
 Geographical balance: experts coming from Europe or a country covered by the ENP;
 Gender balance: we will try to guarantee a gender balance in the selection of the experts, as
Application procedure
Interested applicants are invited to submit their application in English to MORE EUROPE – external
cultural relations no later than 29 April 2015 17h00 CET (date and time of the e-mail) to the
following e-mail address: [email protected].
Applications shall include:
 a cover letter / letter of interest;
 a resume;
 a research proposal outlining understanding of the tasks and methodology intended to be
used (max. 2 pages). NB: proposals cannot exceed the overall budget for research exercise;
 examples of previous research or case studies in related fields can also be included.
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