April 2015 Morningside UM Church PO Box 3076 Salem Oregon 97302 (503) 364-5013 Fax: (503) 371-2083 The Morningside Messenger Return Service Requested Lenten Season Services 2015 Thursday May 14 9:00 am The Salem-Keizer area United Methodist Churches are providing a variety of worship experiences for special services that happen during Lent. You are encouraged to attend the worship opportunities that best match your schedule and experience new styles, settings and pastoral leadership for your Lenten journey. Looking for opportunities to carpool from Morningside, meet 30 minutes prior to each service in the church parking lot for the services at other UM Churches. Maundy Thursday ~ April 2 12:15 Service of Communion at First UMC Pastors: Dan Pitney and Wendy Woodworth MINISTRY TEAM Pastor: Office Manager : Bookkeeper: Nurture ~ Spiritual Growth: Family Programs Director: Youth Ministries: Youth Program Intern: Chancel Choir Director: Praise Band Leader: Organist: Keyboardist: Custodian: Childcare: Rev. Wendy Joy Woodworth Jacque Bailey Jacque Bailey Mary Ellen Eichelberger Mary Ellen Eichelberger Caiti Roberts Rebecca Harper Sam Kinney Jan Nelson Brace Langenwalter Teresa Stewart Tim Bulletset Noemi Morales, Laura Cullen, 5:30 Communion service and family supper at Jason Lee. Pastors: John Langenwalter and Sandy Kimbrow 7:00 Service at Keizer/Clear Lake to include a dramatic reading and Holy Communion. Pastors: Karen Nelson, Dan Pitney, Peg Lofsvold Good Friday ~ April 3 12:00 Reflective Taize Service at Morningside UMC Pastor: Wendy Woodworth 7:00 “Words from the Cross” at Trinity UMC Pastors: Our District Superintendent, Rev. Peg Lofsvold and all Salem-Keizer Clergy, Music from our various church choirs. 1 New Roads Reflection The disciples walked with Jesus for three years. They heard his teachings and stories, watched as he brought healing and spoke words of forgiveness. They saw him walk on water and feed the multitudes. They shared Jewish practices including Passover with Jesus. It was after sharing one such Passover followed by the singing of a hymn and time spent praying in the garden that walking the road with Jesus came to a screeching halt with his arrest, trial and crucifixion. The disciples struggled to walk that road during those days. They denied him, deserted him, and hid in fear. They were convinced that the road had come to a dead end - literally and figuratively. That would have been true if all Jesus was about was walking, sharing a few stories along the way and healing. Others prophets had come before and done the same. Jesus was about more; he was about walking and creating an uprising! Morningside Youth Group Youth Calendar 6th –12th Grade April 5th- Easter Sunday Brunch! Our breakfast fundraiser for the mission trip is today in Herman Hall. We will be signing up on 3/29 for different shifts to help out. Afternoon youth group will be canceled. April 12th- Come to the youth room from 1:00-2:30 pm for snacks, games, and a discussion about success and finding yourself. April 19h- Since we didn’t get to last month, today we will discuss social justice and how to get involved and do something for a cause you are passionate about. We will be in the youth room from 1:00-2:30 with snacks. As the disciples began to experience the presence of the Christ Spirit, they began to realize the journey was not over and their road with Jesus had not come to a dead end. It was just changing course; now they would be walking and creating an uprising. They would be continuing the uprising that Jesus began. April 26th- Micro Mission! We will be volunteering today from 12-3 pm. More details to come but please wear outside, active clothes and arrive to the church by 12 pm. Feel Free to email or call with any questions. Becca Harper [email protected] 406-465-1519 or Caiti Roberts 714-309-3288 Brian McLaren in We Make the Road By Walking, has us imagine the experience of the disciples as they encountered the risen Christ. This is what he writes: "THANK YOU all Rummage Sale Workers! April Birthday’s Resurrection has begun. We are part of something, rare, something precious, something utterly revolutionary. It feels like an uprising. An uprising of hope, not hate. An uprising armed with love, not weapons. An uprising that shouts a joyful promise of life and peace, not angry threats of hostility and death. It’s an uprising of outstretched hands, not clenched fists. It’s the “someday” we have always dreamed of, emerging in the present, rising up among us and within us. It’s so different from what we expected—so much better. This is what it means to be alive, truly alive. This is what it means to be en route, walking the road to a new and better day. As we celebrate Easter, are we willing to keep walking with the Risen Christ and the disciples? Are we willing to join the uprising of hope and love? Are we willing to continue the uprising that Jesus began? I pray that as fervently as we sing our “Alleluias” on Easter Sunday is as fervently as we are ready to proclaim that we are part of God’s uprising of grace through Christ Jesus. 1 Dave Sevall 3 Kirsten Johnson Paul Smith-Munson 4 Rachel Chavez 15 Karen Crooch Lura Morris Jacque Bailey 19 Jean Johnston Marvin Lundy 22 Bonnie Bulletset 23 Glenn Gross Mary Lu Snodgrass 26 Ron Ham 27 Darcy Archer Ellis Sanders Thanks to all the people who helped with the UMW Rummage Sale. We really appreciate all the volunteer time, effort and donations. Due to lack of space, we won’t be listing your names in this month’s Messenger. Watch for your name next month. Thanks again, Sincerely, Morningside United Methodist Women.” April Anniversaries 22 Tomas & Rachel Chavez 26 Sam Kinney & Erin McGrath 30 Ron Chase & Karna Johnson Easter Blessings, Pastor Wendy 2 10 Easter Happenings Learn About the Foundation Where does the money come from? Creating our Floral Easter Cross Saturday, April 4th at 10:00 am, please bring flowers and/or help to create our floral cross for Easter. In an earlier article about the MUMC Foundation, we learned that it is a non-profit corporation established to handle Memorial and Special Gifts and maintain an Endowment Fund. The next question many people have is “So where does the money come from?” The very short answer to that is: the money comes from YOU! Over the years we have been blessed with hundreds of gifts, both large & small. Several people have signed stock over to the Foundation or sold stock and gifted the money to the Foundation. Easter Sunday, April 5 8:00~10:30 am Easter Sunday Brunch! This is a fundraiser for the youth mission trip. 9:00 am Contemporary Worship Service 10:00 am Children’s Music & Class 11:00 am Traditional Worship Service This helped the church AND it helped with the individual’s income taxes. Many members remember the church in their will. An example of this came about when a woman who had been a member of the church for a relatively short time died. In her will she stated that she wanted ten percent of her residual estate to go to the church she was a member of at the time of her death. The gift was over $20,000. Honoring or remembering someone special in your life is another way that money comes into the Foundation. Sometimes the family of the person remembered has an idea of what they would like done with the money. Many times the family wants the money to go to the Endowment Fund so the church will continue to benefit from the interest for many years to come. So, you see, YOU really are the answer to where the money comes from! Supporting the church with gifts to the Foundation can be part of your legacy, too. Remember the church in you will...think about a gift of stocks if you need to lighten your tax obligations...gift the Endowment Fund in memory or honor of someone, or “just because”. ”Watch for additional articles on the Foundation in future Messengers! ~ LaVelle Lasher, Foundation Board Member 9 “Trans* in the Family of God" program to explore inclusiveness in family and congregations A program on “Trans* in the Family of God” will explore gender identity, change, and acceptance within families and congregations. Three families will share their stories on Saturday April 11, 2015, from 10:00 AM - Noon at Sunnyside UMC, 3520 SE Yamhill St, Portland, Oregon 97214. Speakers will include Ashley Dienst Philipson and her mother Rev. Bonnie Parr Philipson, Karis Hutcheson and her parents Eric and Lurissa Overby, and Sander Laughlin and her mother Rhonda Laughlin. Following the presentations there will be time for discussion. Following the program, there will be a potluck lunch followed by a brief business meeting of Oregon-Idaho Reconciling United Methodists. Everyone is welcome. For more information or to talk about car pooling, contact Jan Nelson. 3 “Meet Phoebe” United Methodist Ministries of Salem-Keizer by Meagan Watts When Phoebe was born, she seemed perfectly fine. Within a few days, though, three things came together to change that. One was Angelman Syndrome (AS), a neurogenic condition that kept her from coordinating the rhythm of "suck-swallow-breath." The other two--severe acid reflux and an inability to digest lactose-were unrelated to AS, but together with it meant she lost weight quickly, couldn't put it back on again, and was always hungry and in pain. She got a catch-all diagnosis of "Failure to Thrive" and a battery of tests (which found no cause) until finally her pediatrician sent her blood away for a genetic study. When that came back she was just getting out of successful stomach surgery and was ten weeks old. Two months later, a retreat was being held in Washington for parents of children with Angelman Syndrome. Thirty-three people of this church came Information Packets Q & A Times Through forums after worship, in the midst of committee meetings and in casual conversations, you have been hearing about and discussing the proposal of an area wide United Methodist Ministry for Salem and Keizer. Hopefully you are intrigued about this unique opportunity to be in ministry in a new way throughout our community. As you have been reflecting upon this, you have raised questions ~ some of those questions have been answered and others not just yet. The clergy and lay committee from the Salem-Keizer UMC’s have been hard at work preparing materials to answer as many questions as we can at this point in the process. These materials will be formulated into an information packet that will be available beginning April 12. We will pass out the packets beginning Sunday morning and mail as needed the following week. together for us, and stayed with Phoebe through the weekend in four hourshifts, holding and loving her, and feeding her through her g-tube /feedingtube every three hours. Her thirty-three heroes! Prior to an “All Church Conference” vote to be held on May 3, your members of the committee, Pastor Wendy, Kelly Freels and Karna Johnson, want to have question and answer times to review the information packet and have discussion. Nowadays, Phoebe loves life. She's thirteen (soooo thirteen!), a 7th grader who loves music and people, and has an infectious giggle. There are three times selected for this: She's strong, mischievous, clever, mostly happy (did I mention she's thirteen?), tenacious and loving. She fights seizures and has trouble walking, has some issues with her eyes and no Thursday, April 16 at 1:30pm language, and she's one of the coolest, most awesome, most joyful people I've ever known. For more on AS, check out www.CureAngelman.org or www.Angelman.org. Monday, April 20 at 6:30, a brief Church Council meeting will follow Sunday, April 19 at 11:15am We have one 10:00 worship service as this Magruder weekend We hope to see you at one of these gatherings! Pastor Wendy, Kelly Freels and Karna Johnson 4 8 News & Events Easter Egg Hunt Saturday, April 4, at 10:00 a.m., the 20th Annual Optimist Club of Salem Easter Egg hunt will be held at MUMC. Please Join us! -----------------------------UM Men The Morningside United Methodist Men will meet Monday, April 6th,10:00 a.m. in the Fireside Room. Duane Medicine-Crow will tell about his Spiritual walk. Everyone is welcome and refreshments will be available -----------------------------Keystones Circle The Keystones Circle group will meet at 1:30 p.m. on Monday, April 6th in the Fireside Room. -----------------------------Disability Connections DCT will meet in the Fireside Room on Tuesday, April 7th at 2:00p.m. -----------------------------Middlers The Middlers will meet at 6:45 pm on Wednesday, April 8th. -----------------------------Senior Connection Senior Connection meets Thursday, April 9th, 1:30 p.m. Our very interesting presentation in April will be, "Sara Takes the Oregon Symphony to the Schools." Really? Hmm. Want to know what that means? Sara Amend will share some special insights that the rest of us may not know about music education taking place in our schools. You're also invited to enjoy a lively "sing a long" with Sharon on the piano. Many thanks to Janet Adkins and Brigitte Rolph for the delicious refreshments they prepare for us. We look forward to seeing you! ----------------------------Parents’ Night Out Our next Parents’ Night Out will be Saturday, April 11th at 5:30 p.m. We’ve more than doubled our number of children since our January kickoff, so we need lots of Volunteers. There are lots of different jobs. A sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board. Contact Chris Kester or Lynda Sloan with questions. ----------------------------UM Women UMW’s Exec Board Meeting is Monday, April 20th @1:00 pm ----------------------------Methodoers Methodoers will meet on April 21st @10:30 am. 7 New Roads for April Part 3: Alive in a Global Uprising Worship and Group Themes April 5 Easter Sunday Luke 24:1-12 “The Uprising Begins” April 12 John 20:24-29 “The Uprising of Fellowship” April 19 John 21:1-19 “The Uprising of Discipleship” April 26 Colossians 3:12-17 “The Uprising of Worship” Small Group Schedule New Roads Coffee Chat: April 7 & 21 at 2:00 We gather at Panera Bakery. Leadership: Pastor Wendy New Roads on Tap: April 1 & 15 at 6:30 We will gather at Santiam Brewing, 2544 19th St SE Leadership: Pastor Wendy New Roads Bible Study: Sunday Mornings at 10:00 April 12,19 & 26 Stop by Coffee Hour and to the Fireside Room for a Bible Study. Leadership: Mary Ellen Thursday Afternoon and Friday Night at the Movies: April 24, Friday at 6:30 in the Fireside Room led by Mary Ellen April 30, Thursday at 1:30 in the Fireside Room led by Pastor Wendy “To Kill a Mockingbird” Told through the eyes of "Scout," a feisty six-year-old tomboy To Kill A Mockingbird carries us on an odyssey through the fires of prejudice and injustice in 1932 Alabama. Atticus Finch, a lawyer in the Depression-era South, defends a black man against an undeserved rape charge, and his kids against prejudice. Discussion: What “uprisings” occur throughout this story? May movie selection: “Selma” What has changed in 30 years? How is the movement of the Spirit present in the decisions that occur. June movie selection: “Still Alice” What is the relationship between mind, body and spirit; especially as relates to Alzheimer’s. 5 APRIL 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1 Thursday 2 9:00 am Staff Meeting 12:00 am Capitol Colloquy 6:30 pm New Roads on Tap @ Santiam Brewery 5 Happy Easter 8:00 am Breakfast until 10:30 9:00 am Contemporary Worship 10:00 am Children’s Music & Class 11:00 am Traditional Worship Friday 3 Good Friday 10:00 am Al-Anon 12:00 pm Reflective Taize Service @MUMC Saturday 4 10:00 am Easter Egg Hunt 10:00 am Creating Floral Cross 6 7 8 9 10 11 10:00 am UM Men 1:30 pm Keystones 2:00 pm DCT Meeting 2:00 pm New Roads Coffee @ Panera 6:45 pm Middlers 1:30 pm Senior Connection 7:00 pm Choir 10:00 am Al-Anon 16 17 18 9:00am Newsletter Deadline! Email Articles to: Camp Magruder 10:00 am Al-Anon Camp Magruder 24 25 5:30-8:30 pm Parent’s Night Out Wendy on Vacation until April 15 7:00 pm SPRC 6:30 pm Finance Meeting 12 13 14 9:00 am Contemporary Worship 10:00 am Adult & Youth Education 10:00 am Children’s Music & Class 11:00 am Traditional Worship 12:15 pm Ed. Ministry Team Mtg. 12:30 pm Joyful Noise Practice 19 Camp Magruder 10:00 am MUMC Worship Service 11:00 am Q & A Time 15 6:30 pm New Roads on Tap @ Santiam Brewery 20 1:00 pm UMW Exec Mtg. 6:30 pm Q & A Time 7:30 pm Church Council 21 22 10:30 am Methodoers 2:00 pm New Roads Coffee @ Panera 9:00 am Staff Meeting [email protected] 1:30 pm Q & A Time 7:00 pm Choir 23 10:00 am Al-Anon 7:00 pm Choir 6:00 Trustees Work Session 7:30 Trustees Meeting 26 9:00 am Contemporary Worship 10:00 am Adult & Youth Education 10:00 am Children’s Music & Class 11:00 am Traditional Worship 12:30 pm Joyful Noise Practice 6:30 pm Church & Society Forum on Palestine 27 28 7:00 pm Outreach Ministries 6:30 pm Friday Night @ the Movies “To Kill a Mockingbird” 29 30 May 1 2 9:00 am Staff Meeting 1:30 pm Movie Matinee, “To Kill a Mockingbird” 10:00 am Al-Anon 9:00 ~12:00 Garden Party UMW Jewelry Sale TBA UMW Jewelry Sale TBA 7:00 pm Choir 6
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