Page 1 [email protected] Newsletter Volume 1 615, Ave Dr Maurice Donat, CS 12180, 06252 Mougins Cédex— France Tel.: +33 (0) 4 93 90 15 47 - Fax: +33 (0) 4 93 75 31 40 Volume 7 Subjects: Headmaster’s Notes From Sue Dunnachie Spring Time— poem Year 7 Science Science in Year 5 PTA News School Info Mougins School Classifieds April 2015 Headmaster’s Notes Dear Parents and Students, Sharing Excellence Examinations – In last year’s external (I)GCSE examinations, four students at Mougins School achieved top marks world-wide. Both Kana Fujiwara and Ruchie Kawakita shared the highest international subject mark in Art and Design, and Melissa Boyce-Hurd and Lisa Marie Landry achieved the same accolade in English language and French respectively. These awards are highly prestigious throughout the world, so a huge congratulations to all four students. Cross Country - Alex MacFadyen, in Form 10, participated in the French National Championships for cross country at the beginning of this month. Alex travelled to Les Mureaux, near Paris to compete and achieved an excellent 98th place out of 360 students in his category (cadets). A fantastic performance – bravo, Alex. Regional Championships for Orienteering Another highly successful competition for our orienteerers! At all three levels – Benjamins, Collèges and Lycée, our teams won gold medals and the latter two categories have qualified for the French National Championships to be held near Geneva toward the end of May (there are no national finals for the Benjamins age group). The gold medallist were: Page 2 [email protected] Volume 1 Benjamins: Michael Aspegren, To give you a little background to Alexander Pivovarov, Arseniy Sa- these little round stickers, destined kach & Samuel Soutoul for the back window (if not too heavily tinted) of your car. For some time, Collège: Céline Hoeie, Britte Van we have had the impression that our Die, Artjoms Jesaibegjans & car park is being used by the offices Alexander MacFadyen over the road and by people going up Lycée: Darja Berga, Vivianne Ja- to the medical centre and clinic. The kobsson, Robert Mueller & Arte- idea is simply to be able to check who is using the car park and put a polite miy Bulgakov note on cars that are parked there without a sticker. If they are memWell done to all of our competi- bers of the school community, they tors, as there were also many sil- will be invited to pick up their sticker ver and bronze performances and from the office, if not they will be of course, special congratulations asked not to park in our car park. to the gold medallist, named above. We deliberately did not put the name of the School on the sticker, but if Spring Concert you are worried that the logo might By the time you read this newslet- draw attention to your car, one parter, there may be only a few tickets ent has come up with the solution: left for the Spring Concert, which put the sticker on a small piece of will be on Monday and Tuesday, card, which you keep in the glove 30th & 31st March at 19h00. Check compartment away from the School, with the office as soon as you can and place on the dash board when on Monday, if you intend to join you arrive in the car park. After a time, the stickers will be replaced us, so as not to be disappointed. with different ones – the design can be virtually anything. Thanks for Gala Evening – Royal your help. Mougins Golf Course Tickets for this great evening on 24th April (the Friday after we come back to School after the Spring Vacation) are selling, but there are still places available. Come and enjoy a super night out, including dinner and entertainment by our students – cost 65€ see you there. Car Stickers Page 3 [email protected] The Roundabout is a Roundabout There are still cars driving the wrong way around the roundabout, despite the very clear white arrows on a blue background and no entry sign preventing you going the wrong way – in theory. Just a question of discipline – thank you! Volume 1 Spring Time Spring is a time of life and birth When you laugh and play for all it’s worth The sun shines so very bright And roses glow all pink and white Your intentions 2015/2016 Daffodils stand high and tall Just a quick reminder that the forms to let the school know that your children will be here in September 2015 or not are due back today. If we do not have it yet, please ensure that it comes into the office next week. Thank you! With it’s colour yellow and all Kids are laughing all ages and sizes Trying to find their chocolaty prizes You can’t feel down When spring is around Spring Vacation Our Spring Vacation begins next Friday, 3rd April at 12h00. We return after a two-week break on Monday 20th April at 08h45. With any luck, the Spring weather will have kicked in, too. Have a great break and see you in the Summer Term. Because it’s the time of the year When we all cheer! NB - Don’t forget to put your clocks forward tomorrow th night – Saturday 28 March! Kindest regards, Brian G. Hickmore Headmaster Poem by Honor Jones in Form 7a Page 4 [email protected] From Sue Dunnachie Once again Red Nose Day was celebrated in School on Friday 13th March. A sea of red invaded the campus with students sporting very Red Noses, some crazy costumes and lavish hair styles. The day commenced with a Primary Red Nose Assembly, followed by a cake sale and a Boxing match between Turgut Toprak in Form 7b and Mr Cooke and at 12h50 Michellle Johnson managed to produce even more red faces with her Red Nose Day Workout. 1,200€ was raised by the sale of the Red Noses and goes directly towards helping to get 300,000 children in Africa into education and Learning. Another 1,100€ was raised for educatingcambodia. On behalf of both causes, thank you to all those who helped with the organisation and participated, particularly Mr Cooke who is the driving force behind this fund-raising challenge. In collaboration with the Royal Mougins Golf Resort, Mougins School is organising a fundraising dinner for educatingcambodia, the proceeds of which will go towards the construction of a High School in Preh Vang. The event takes place on Friday 24th April at 19h30 at the Royal Mougins. Volume 1 The cost per person is 65€ and this will entitle you to a champagne welcome, a three course dinner (vegetarian option available), with half a bottle of wine and coffee, musical interludes presented by senior students of Mougins School and dancing to a professional DJ, together with the opportunity to win attractive gifts by participating in the tombola and a surprise auction gift. Mougins School has supported numerous charities over the years and has changed the lives of many, so we hope you will be able to join us in this fund-raising effort for a celebratory evening which can further improve conditions for children worthy of a better future. To book a place, or for more information, please contact me on [email protected] To avoid disappointment – this is open to the public and members of the Golf Resort - please ensure that you book early. If you wish to make up a table, this can be for eight or ten people. Thank you for your generous support of this worthy cause. The School Library now has a blog which will enable you to stay in touch with events organised by the Librarian, new books and any other information pertaining to this oasis of calm. In order to access the blog please go to Page 5 [email protected] Volume 1 Our Year 7 scientists studied the Promoting Science in Year 5! controversial process of 'Fracking' as a future source of energy for tomorrow's world as a means of applying their scientific knowledge to everyday life and decision making. Super balanced research into the pro's and con's of this drilling method was carried out with the overall consensus by both 7A and 7B groups, being that they were not in agreement with it for the overall well- A big thank you to Mr Marius Grundmann (father of Isabella being of our planet. Grundmann in 5A) who gave a fascinating talk on Gases, atoms and molecules. The children and staff enjoyed it tremendously and he really ' Brought Science to Life!'. Also thank you, from Mr Jim Farrell, Mrs Paula Byles and members of 5A and 5B, to members of the secondary science department Mr Johnny Jones and Mr John Hallet, for giving up their free time to given some exciting Science demonstrations to year 5 in the Science laboratories. Hadia and Nina being carbon and oxide atoms connecting arms, whilst being attacked by the hydrogen atoms. (Zac, Anton, Henrick) Page 6 [email protected] Volume 1 PTA NEWS • Coffee Club: Our spring holiday is around the corner and the PTA has been keeping very busy again this month! Dorothy Forbes kindly hosted the Coffee Club this month. First and foremost THANK YOU to: a warm - Catherine MacFayden and her Refreshment team during the Lower School Sports Day: Caroline Higgs, Katie Cashman, Sarah Redding, Catherine Saponara, Isabella Motta, Dena Doulaveris and Brigida Pound - Shan Rose for organizing the Staff Appreciation Lunch with her team - Dorothy Forbes, for kindly hosting the Coffee Club - Pascale Barris for a donation of 1000 coffee cups and 400 glasses Well done ladies!! Hopefully we have not missed anyone out! • A kind reminder: Please don't forget to take a minute and "LIKE" Mougins School PTA on Facebook. It is the easiest and most effective way to communicate with daily or weekly updates. • The PTA Meeting Minutes will be posted on the PTA website very shortly. This event is such a great occasion for all to socialize and enjoy a cup of coffee/tea, biscuits and cake with other parents from all classes. Caroline Higgs will be our host for the next Coffee Club on May 5th. • Culture Club A great calendar of outings has been prepared by Caroline Higgs for after the Spring break: We continue to interpret our remit as the Culture Club, widely embracing all aspects of French life, so next term we have cheese, wine and Impressionism. In April, a visit to a cheese farm in Le Rouret; in May, a return to the Musée Bonnard in Le Cannet, where there will be an English speaking guide to take us through a special exhibition of the work of Pierre Bonnard entitled LES COLLECTIONS -NOUVELLE ACCROCHAGE OEUVRES INEDITES - a must for those who were disappointed not to see more of his work in the Belles Endormies exhibition; and to celebrate the end of term, we hope you will join us on the always enormously popular day out at a vineyard. Page 7 [email protected] Volume 1 Dates and full details to be announ- It is not too late! If you want to ced at the beginning of next term. bring a dish, dessert, a delicacy from your home country, chocolates, biscuits or even a prize for • Car Boot Sale: one of the competitions planned, Our popular event is coming back please contact your PTA class representative or contact us by email: this spring on Saturday 25th April. [email protected] to let It is an opportunity to bring along us know. and sell unwanted/ no longer needed items from your home… including children’s clothes and There will be a « Drop & Go » toys, sports equipment, kitchen area at the gates of the school items, books…anything you think from 8h until 9h on Wednesday 1st April, so that you can pass might be of value to someone else. on your dishes to our volunteers. If you are thinking of participating Please ensure that you attach the and signing up for a stall (the fee is name of the dish, country of origin, 20 Euros), please contact Myriam your family name, and the class(es) Larfaoui at my- of your children. If you would like [email protected] a label, please collect one from Elisabeth’s office, or ask your child On behalf of the PTA Committee we (ren) to collect one. wish you all a successful and fun end of term! If you are unable to bring your dish until later in the morning, then please could we ask you to let us know in advance either by Staff Appreciation Lunch email, as shown above, or by calThank you so much to everyone who ling Shan Rose (06 16 03 31 96). has offered to contribute something Thank you. to, and/or help at this year’s staff appreciation lunch « A Walk of Fla- We would also like to thank Ms vours » which is being held on Hart and the pupils of Form 8 who Wednesday 1st April, and to all created wonderful, colourful and the class representatives who have imaginative designs for the invitahelped to coordinate all the contri- tion with the theme of the lunch, butions. « A Walk of Flavours ». The 6 winning designs are shown below, but all the designs will be The PTA Committee Page 8 [email protected] enjoyed by the teachers as they will form part of the display in the cafeteria during the lunch. A big thank you, too, to Mrs Bearman whose pupils have also taken part in designing something for the lunch…..but you will have to wait until the next Mougins Newsletter for more details ! Happy April Fool’s Day ! Volume 1 Self Portrait by Daria Baltag Form 9a Page 9 [email protected] Oscar Gjerde Form 8a Vera Chubykina For 8b Kate Cashman form 8b Volume 1 Killian Hoppner Form 8a Sanne Boels, Form 8a Lea Hakamaki Form 8b Page 10 [email protected] Volume 1 Educating Rita the famous comedy by Willy Russell Performances will take place at the Mougins School on Thursday 14th, Friday 15th and Saturday 16th May at 8.00pm. Admission : 10€ (including a free drink). Three ways to book: By ‘phone……………………………… By email…………………………………[email protected] Over the counter………………..English Book Centre, 12 rue Alexis Julien, Valbonne Page 11 [email protected] Mougins School Classifieds May LEDAN Psychological Counseling Stress Management / Hypnosis / Mediation For an appointment please call 04 93 64 30 05 Volume 1 Page 12 [email protected] Volume 1 Page 13 [email protected] Volume 1 For rent in Mougins LUXURY BASTIDE: 400 sqm with high ceilings, splendid view of the old village. Kitchen - dining - and living room with fireplace - library and television lounge. Master suite - dressing - bath/shower, 2 bedrooms and shower, independent guest suite. Pantry- wine cellar - barbecue and summer kitchen. Garage. 1.600 sqm Italian style garden - heated swimming pool. Phone 0610 280 971 or email : [email protected] Very nice house for rent for 10 months (one year negotiable) from September 2015 to June 2016, villa on a 2 hectare olive grove located in Chateauneuf, 15 minutes away from school. The house includes 2 apartments which are connected to make one full big house composed of 6 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, 2 living rooms, a laundry room, 2 kitchens. The house rent is 3.700€uros per month for 10 months. It can also be divided into 2 large and spacious appartments of 3 bedrooms and each with bathroom, living room, kitchen and terrace. In that case the 2 appartments are completely separated and independent. Each apartment is for rent at 1.950€uros each. Each one has its own garden, but use of the pool is shared. Please contact Nicole ORSO on 06 09 09 00 52 or by mail [email protected] for more details and pictures. Page 14 [email protected] Volume 1 Page 15 [email protected] Volume 1 Personal Training From age 16 onwards at Fitlane Sophia Antipolis. 70€ / hour for individual session 99€ / hour (entry to club included) for ‘team training’ for 2 people. Contact on 06 63 58 92 95 or on [email protected] or ask for Florent or Morgan at the desk at Fitlane Sophia Antipolis. English spoken FrenchExpress French courses for adults, teenagers and children at all levels. Flexible and efficient courses based on your objectives and schedule. Call Sylvie Galli on 06 20 61 23 09 Page 16 [email protected] Volume 1
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