HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK Grade-VII Session 2015-16 Dear Parent Keeping in mind the emerging viewpoint in higher education and thorough understanding of today’s real life problems, an interdisciplinary approach is required and students who are regularly exposed to classroom conversations and assignments that tackle real-world problems in an interdisciplinary way engage in significant learning. The Holidays Homework has been designed with the same objective in mind. Please note that students should do the home assignments of all subjects in one scrap book only. Kindly ensure that the students do a presentable assignment as it will be assessed. Principal Note: All the work should be hand written. In case of any query, kindly contact the Class Teacher through E-mail. Grade – VII TOPIC: WEATHER, CLIMATE AND ADAPTATIONS (Interdisciplinary approach) ENGLISH: As the temperature rises, you are feeling uneasy and irritable. The blazing sun does not permit you to play outside for a long period of time. All you want is an escape to some place cool. At night, when you fall asleep, Mother Nature answers your prayer and whisks you off to a Faraway Land, where the climate is exactly the opposite of where you live. Write a short story in about 300 words centering around this Faraway Land, exploring the reasons why their climate is pleasant unlike yours. Give a suitable title to your story. GUIDELINES 1. Draw/Paste relevant pictures to make your story interesting. 2. Highlight how human beings’ irresponsible actions have resulted in drastic climatic changes and also suggest measures to preserve the planet. fgUnh 1- vki ,d izfrf"Br daiuh ds O;olk;h gSaA vkidh daiuh ds mRikn dh fcØh gsrq fuEu esa ls fdlh ,d ij foKkiu rS;kj dhft, & 1- BaMk&BaMk dwy&dwy ^talcum powder* fØdsVj ;k fQ+Ye txr dk lqij LVkj dks ysdj½ 2- xjeh Hkxk, nwj ^cknke rsy* 3- Ropk esa yk, fu[kkj] ^Qs;j Øhe* 4- 'kjhj dks j[ks ^Fresh Nature Deo’A 2- xzh"e@ 'khr@o"kkZ fuEu esa ls fdlh ,d _rq ds [kkuiku] os’kHkw"kk ij nknh ;k ukuh dk lk{kkRdkj yhft,A muds rFkk vkt ds le; esa D;k ifjorZu vk;k gSA og Hkh fyf[k,A ml _rq esa gksus okys jksxksa dh jksdFkke gsrq mudh jlksbZ ls rS;kj ?kjsyw uqL[kksa dks Hkh fyf[k,A lk{kh % nknh] vkt cgqr xehZ gSA nknh % gk¡ lk{kh lk{kh % nknh D;k vkids le; esa Hkh bruh xjeh gksrh Fkh vkSj rc rks ,-lh- vkSj dwyj Hkh ugha gksrs Fks rks vki D;k djrs Fks\ bl izdkj izR;sd ik= ds okD; ds 8&10 okD; fyf[k,A MATHEMATICS: a) b) i) ii) c) Survey an analysis of temperature patterns (minimum and maximum) across a town /city from (Jan – May 2015) i) Find the average of minimum and maximum temperature. ii) Find the range of minimum temperature iii) Plot a double bar graph for the maximum and minimum temperature for the month. Make a PPT of minimum 10 slides on the topic symmetry in nature, architecture and geometrical figures (Roll No 1-15) Make a kaleidoscope and try to learn more about symmetric images produced (Roll No 16 - Last) Revise Integers, Fractions and Decimals from NCERT book and M.L.AGGARWAL for the Unit test SCIENCE: Discover amazing facts about the animals that inhabit the tropical rainforests. List the animals that live in these regions and how they have adapted themselves for their survival. Referral web links for the information: http: // www.tropical – http: // http: // http: // SOCIAL SCIENCE: “Today Indian farmers are reeling under pathetic conditions and are unable to cope with the present scenario”. Do you agree? Make a PowerPoint presentation showing their condition due to climate change and the economy of the country. State the changes in the policies, you would like to see. See the web links for reference: SANSKRIT: 123- ikBkxrs uohu 'kCnkuke~ /kkrquke~ p laxzg% d`Rok fy[kUrq LejUrq pA milxkZ% ;qDrk% /kkrquke% laxzg d`Rok iqfLrdk;ke~ fy[kUrqA ifjf’k"Vs vkxrkuke~ 'kCnkuke~ :ikf.k mÙkjiqfLrdk;ke~ fy[kUrq LejUrq pA 'kCn:ikf.k fuEufyf[krkfu & jek] efr] vLen~] ;q"en~ FRENCH: 1. 2. 3. Make a list of 30 words which have accents and write in your notebook with their meanings. You can choose a region or a town in France which interests you and here are some points which will help to collect all the facts: a) C’est quell genre de ville? C’est une ville touristique, industrielle, historique, commercial etc. b) - Qu’est – ce qùil ya à voir ici? Il y a des monuments, un château, une cathédrale, la plage, les musées etc. c) - Qu’est – ce qu’ on peut faire? On peut faire du vélo, jouer au football, faire de la natation etc. Learn all the conjugations of the verbs with their meanings. Bon Vacances COMPUTER: Design a Back cover of your holiday homework booklet using MS-Word make a picture collage. Topic: Types of Natural Disasters. LIBRARY: Prepare Time Line on books of Indian Authors in English from 16 th Century till date on a sheet in the scrap book. ART AND CRAFT: Material Required: A4 size ivory sheet, fevicol, scissors, colours (any medium), waste material (if required). Step 1: Be innovative and create a cover page of your scrap book on weather & climate. Step 2: Collect the materials needed according to the theme of your cover page. Step 3: Use cut-outs from magazines or newspapers, put together some designs and make the cover page beautiful. Write a caption related to your theme on the cover page. Put information like your name and grade on top right corner of the cover page Note: In case of any query, kindly contact the Class Teacher through E-mail.
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