Video Clip ROBOTIC PROGRAMMES AND APPLICATIONS AT ESA: PRESENT AND PERSPECTIVES Gianfranco Visentin Automation and Robotics Section (TEC-MMA), European Space Agency, P.O. box 299 Noordwijk, The Netherlands Email:[email protected] ABSTRACT This paper provides an overview of the existing ESA robotics programmes, their perspectives and the possibility for ESA and its European partners to make an adequate, yet significant contribution to international space robotics endeavours. of further study work (Phase-A) and some of its characteristics have changed since the initial concept. Still the robot does not to pretend to emulate human features but tries to exploit all possible robotic advantages. The system (see Figure 1 for reference) features three 7-dof identical arms (a) arranged around a body. The arms are multi-functional and may be used as "arm" or "leg". A systematic overview will be given of the application scenarios in Low Earth Orbit (system servicing and payload tending on the ISS, assembly of large structures), in other Earth Orbits (satellite monitoring and servicing), and for planetary exploration (Moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus, comets, asteroids). Wherever detailed presentations on these scenarios are included in the iSAIRAS programme, reference will be made to them. The paper will also refer to the strengths of the Research and Development (R&D) base in Europe, derived from significant national and ESA programs and a judicious cross-fertilisation with R&D in nonspace domains. 1 CURRENT MISSION SCENARIOS ESA’s missions containing elements of Automation and Robotics (A&R) are (structured in the classical 3 domains): • Low Earth Orbit: The EUROBOT robot system onboard the ISS and the TeleFoton on-board the Foton platform for microgravity sciences • Geostationary Servicing: The ConeXpress-Orbital Life Extension Vehicle (CX-OLEV) satellite life extension system • Planetary Exploration: The Exomars and the Sample Return missions to Mars In the following paragraph the missions and their A&R content are illustrated. 2 EUROBOT At the last ISAIRAS ESA had announced a concept of a new robotic system for the ISS. This system named EUROBOT, was intended to help or even replace EVA crew. In the meantime the EUROBOT has been subject Figure 1: Two views of the present Eurobot configuration The EUROBOT carries a tool rack (b). Each arm may pick-up/release wrist mounted tools (c showed as cylindrical volumes) at selected locations on the tool rack by means of tool exchange devices (d). These tools may be specialised (e.g. wrench) or general purpose (a hand tool comparable to the DLR hand 2). EUROBOT is equipped with a lighting and imaging head (e), allowing human compatible stereoscopic vision, as well as optional lighting and imaging units at the wrists (f). The robot controller is housed in the body (g) and it is powered by a large replaceable battery (h). An IEEE 802.11g transceiver guarantees communication with a control station inside the space station. EUROBOT features two main modes of operation: Programmed mode and telemanipulation. The first is used when EUROBOT has to perform routine tasks that do not require involvement of a human operator, such as relocation from one side of the ISS to another. Whenever the task contains Proc. of 'The 8th International Symposium on Artifical Intelligence, Robotics and Automation in Space - iSAIRAS’, Munich, Germany. 5-8 September 2005, (ESA SP-603, August 2005) elements of unpredictability or of high dexterity, the second mode is used. Since EUROBOT is designed with dimensions and kinematics compatible with human ones, it enables to Figure 2: Telepresence dress-up for EUROBOT. The operator wears an haptic arm exoskeleton (ESA), a haptic hand glove (commercial) , and a stereoscopic helmet (commercial) experimentation in low Earth orbit for about 15 days. FOTONs have been flying since 1985. The design is based on the famous Vostok spacecraft, which carried Yuri Gagarin as the first man into space in 1961. ESA has been participating in this type of scientific mission for 18 years. The last three FOTONs have included a TSU which allows: - autonomous running of the experiments between contacts to ground (including video processing to measure data for closed-loopcontrol) - Video/data compression and storage The use of the TSU has allowed more flexible use of the scientific payloads allowing the principal investigators (PI) to monitor and condition the experiment during flight from their home base through internet connections. The next FOTON M3 will feature a new TSU with serial bus connections to payloads (rather than the current point-to-point) and a ground segment articulated on two geographically distant stations. Smart ground station software will allow PI to seamlessly control their payload irrespective from which ground station is linked to the spacecraft. use the most effective and intuitive telepresence by means of a newly developed haptic device. To allow effective and comfortable telepresence in the peculiar environment of the ISS, ESA has developed and patented a new arm exoskeleton [1]. The device, produced in a first proof-of-concept prototype is being further developed with focus on the control of the actuation means. Figure 3: The EUROBOT testbed allows a functional breadboard of the EUROBOT to walk and operate over mockups of modules of the ISS. 3 TELEFOTON One important application of A&R in low Earth orbit is support to microgravity research. The TeleScience Support Unit (TSU) for the FOTON spacecraft is an automation package to allow autonomous operation of microgravity experiments on board the Russian FOTON spacecraft. FOTON are unmanned recoverable capsules, which are used to carry out scientific Figure 4: The FOTON spacecraft during integration. The "ball" hosts microgravity experiments and the Telescience Support Unit (silver box in the top part) 4 CX-OLEV 1) a task driven design: previous satellite servicing concepts were often too focussed on advanced A&R and over-designed for the task. CX-OLEV is designed to do just one operation with the simplest technology available. This makes CXOLEV much more credible. 2) the economics of the concept: thanks to the ConeXpress spacecraft, which can lift off with virtually every launch of Ariane 5, the launch cost of the servicing spacecraft is no longer prohibitive. Furthermore the development of some key technologies (the grasping tool, the Rendez-Vous algorithms) has already been paid by space Agencies Figure 5:The CX-OLEV approaches a client telecom satellite Figure 6: CX-OLEV is about to insert the DLR capture tool in the nozzle of the client. . Note that the main structure of ConeXpress is the payload adapter of the Ariane 5, this makes possible CX-ORS to fly with each launch of Ariane 5. For many years the space robotics community has proposed GEO servicing concepts. These were supported by robust R&D programmes and by demonstration missions. Unfortunately all proposals have failed to gain support from the GEO user community mainly because the cost/benefit ratio was never favourable. However in the last 2 years there has been a remarkable change. The Orbital Recovery Group has been able to capitalise on two European space developments (the small spacecraft ConeXpress by ESA and the Satellite grasping tool by DLR) to build the CX-OLEV GEO servicing spacecraft, that is finally convincing the GEO user community. CX-OLEV (CX-OLEV) is a spacecraft developed by Dutchspace and others, under contract to ESA for use by the Orbital Recovery Group. The CX-OLEV is designed to dock to the zenith side of a fuel-depleted GEO telecom satellite to provide 5+ more years of operational life. The CX-OLEV mission is not new and it has been proposed in the past in various flavours [2]. What changes with respect to the past is: Figure 7:Artist impression of the ExoMars rover (top) and 1/2 scale prototype of it (bottom) 5 EXOMARS The ExoMars mission, to be launched in 2011, features a descent module that will land a large (200 kg), highmobility 6-wheels rover (see Figure 7) on the surface of Mars. The primary objective of the ExoMars rover will be to search for signs of life, past or present. Additional measurements will be taken to identify potential surface hazards for future human missions, to determine the dis-tribution of water on Mars, to measure the chemical composition of the surface rocks and to deploy seismic instruments. A demonstrator of the rover has been build by ESA contractors (RCL) based on an innovative chassis design, which allows overcoming isolated obstacles twice the diameter of a wheel (see video The final chassis configuration is not yet frozen, however it will certainly feature the so called wheel-walking mode. The development of the rover is addressed in a paper in this same conference [3]. 6 2. For mission safety reasons the SFR will require higher locomotion performance, in terms of types of terrain it can cope with. Compared to the ExoMars Rover, which will transmit the results of scientific analysis to Earth, an unrecoverable loss of mobility for SFR means loss of the collected samples on-board and inability to complete the mission. In other words locomotion is much more critical to mission success. The above considerations, still to be confirmed in the frame of a Phase-A study, are the base for activities ESA is starting as part of an R&D programme for exploration. 7 7.1 TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT Aerobots Although aerobots are not included in any of the approved planetary missions, ESA still performs some R&D on them in different directions. MARS SAMPLE RETURN ESA, as other space Agencies has been studying a Mars Sample Return mission for quite some time. The studied scenario was based on a stationary lander. Recently, through negotiation with NASA a new scenario has emerged. Now ESA is considering the participation to a NASA-led international sample return mission in 2016, in which ESA’s contribution would consist of a Sample Fetching Rover (SFR). The contribution of the SFR will allow ESA to re-use large parts of the ExoMars Rover development, however it is already clear that while ExoMars Rover and SFR The configuration of the mission is still to be studied however the following assumptions can be made: The SFR rover will be delivered to the surface with a descent module separated from the module hosting a Mars Ascent Vehicle (MAV). Current landing technology allows to deliver a lander with a precision in the order of 100 km. Even considering that in the near future such precision may go down of 1 order of magnitude, it still means that the ascent vehicle and the rover may land some 20 km apart. The MAV will have to spend a fairly short time on the Mars surface not to increase chances of malfunctioning, still allowing enough time for the collection of sufficiently diverse samples. From these assumptions the following considerations may be derived: 1. The SFR, compared to the ExoMars Rover, will require a longer range in combination with shorter duration of surface operations (hence higher average speed, hence higher locomotion speed and/or higher level of navigation autonomy) Figure 8: 3D reconstruction and camera calibration for one of the aerial photo sequences taken by the hardware demonstrator of the ILP. The pyramids show the reconstructed position of the camera when a picture was taken. One field of development is Autonomy of operation. ESA has developed two different prototypes of an Imaging and Localization Package (ILP) for a Martian balloon. The package allows (see Figure 8): - Optimal acquisition of images to reconstruct accurate models of the surface of the explored planet. - Accurate localization of the balloon with respect to Martian surface The package, uses computer vision techniques, to: - Acquire and store images/3D models of the surface at various resolutions avoiding waste of storage memory - Provide continuous estimate of the position (longitude, latitude and height) of the aerobot as well as its motion with respect to the surface - Decide on the base of the communication budget, of the morphology of the surface and of the information content of the images, which images at which resolution /compression need to be transmitted to Earth. The Structure and Motion computer vision technology produced in the frame of the ILP development has found application in aerial mapping of archaeological sites. Autonomy is also part of another R&D activity in which a prototype of small Martian airplane is being developed. Figure 10: The first prototype of the SkySailor airframe, made to check flight worthiness Figure 9: Artist's impression of the SkySailor motor glider The airplane (actually a motorglider), named SkySailor, is designed to guarantee continuous flight over prolonged time (several days) in the Martian atmosphere by just using solar energy. The airplane uses ultra-lightweight materials, high efficiency solar cells (integrated in the wing structure) and high-density Lithium-Polymer batteries to achieve the very difficult balance between energy acquisition/storage and total mass. The work has shown that although continuous flight on Mars is not yet possible, with the present trend of development of batteries it may become possible in the next 5 years. The last field of development in Aerobots is the one which deals with collection of scientific data. In the DALOMIS activity ESA targets the development of the data transmission and localization system for swarms of microprobes to collect atmospheric data while plunging in the Venerean atmosphere. In the preliminary mission design, the probes are released by a balloon. The balloon is designed to have a nominal lifetime of about 30 days at an average floating altitude of 55 km. Each probe has a mass of less then 120 g. The microprobes are released in clutches over a period of several days, while the balloon drifts over a range of latitudes. The microprobes record in-situ measurement profiles of pressure, temperature, wind speeds and light flux at vertical resolutions of 100 m during their drop. The development of the DALOMIS system is illustrated in a paper in this same conference [4]. 7.2 Underground Mobility Access to the underground is believed to be capital for the in-situ analysis and collection of pristine soil/rock samples not corrupted by the surface weathering processes. The EXOMARS and Mars Sample Return missions will feature multi-stem drills, pioneered by the MIRO driller [5] (see Figure 11), capable of acquiring samples 2 meters down in the ground. Guided Mole development, illustrated in a dedicated paper in this same conference [7] had to solve complex problems such us drilling efficiently with limited power, disposing of large quantities of debris, guaranteeing vertical drilling without a structural connection to the surface. 7.3 Alternative mobility The surface of certain cliffs on Earth provides immediate access to the layers, stratified over time, which make the crust. Figure 11: The MIRO driller, first 2 m multistem driller Multi stem drillers are the right solution for shallow depths, however for reaching deeper they present problems that are too difficult to solve within the constraint of space missions. First of all, drillers of this type require a cumulated length of drill pipes as long as the depth reached, which translates into a large mass allocated to drill pipes. Figure 12: Assembly view of the ESA Guided Mole. The system is articulated in 3 bodies (boring head on the left, middle section and tail on the right) connected by 1 actuated and 1 passive joints. Furthermore friction increases with depth. Hence for any dept larger than few meters, lining of the well is required in order to contain the power needed by the drill head rotation and by the debris disposal means. Lining pipes introduce additional mass penalty. An alternative class of Subsurface Explorers or Moles can being considered to serve as deep drillers. These systems eliminate the rigid connection between the surface and the drilling head by allowing the latter to move independently. ESA, after promoting the use of moles in small missions [6] is currently developing a prototype of a guided Mole capable of transporting 10 cm3 of scientific instruments to a depth of 100 metres. The Figure 13: The prototype of the ARAMIES rover Hence by exploring certain cliffs on Mars it is believed that a great deal of information on the history of the planet could be gathered. Furthermore orbital imaging of the Martian surface (MOC image PIA01032) suggests that water resources and water-rich material may be concentrated near cliff bases. Accessing the surface of cliffs or the bottom of gullies is well beyond the capabilities of rovers similar to the EXOMARS and in general to any system based on wheels. ESA has initiated the ARAMIES project to develop a walking system for extremely difficult terrain, especially steep and uneven slopes. To explore the close-to-vertical walls of the cliffs ARAMIES will walk down them attached by means of a tether to a large rover (similar to the EXOMARS) stationed on top of the cliff. The ARAMIES, activity [8] funded by ESA and DLR and run by the Bremen University has produced so far a prototype (see Figure 13), which will enable testing and tuning of bio-inspired walking algorithms. These algorithms are perceived to be the best means to control the complex locomotion system (4 legs with 7 d.o.f.), with minimal computational load and best performance. 8 CONCLUSIONS The present paper has provided an overview of the activities being pursued at the European Space Agency in the field of Automation and Robotics, with emphasis given to new or recent developments. Some long running activities (e.g. the ISS European Robot Arm, the Columbus facilities for microgravity investigation, the Nanokhod microrover) have not been mentioned as already addressed in previous ISAIRAS conferences. Furthermore also for some of the activities here addressed the description has been limited to the scope of introducing papers submitted in this same conference. 9 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. REFERENCES Schiele A. and Visentin G., The ESA Human Arm Exoskeleton for Space Robotics Telepresence, iSAIRAS 2003, NARA, Japan, May 19-23, 2003 Turner A. E. Cost-Effective Spacecraft Dependent Upon Frequent Non-Intrusive Servicing, AIAA Space 2001 Conference and Exposition, Albuquerque NM, Aug. 28-30 2001 Van Winnendael M., Baglioni P., Vago J., th Development Of The Esa Exomars Rover, 8 ISAIRAS. 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