Sam is interested in buying a TV. At Fair Deal, the TV is regularly

Sam is interested in buying a TV. At Fair Deal, the TV is regularly priced at $599.99 and is
on sale for 20% off the regular price. At Big Big Discount, the same TV is regularly priced
at $899.99 and is on sale for 30% off the regular price. What is the difference in the
sale price of the TV between these two stores?
Unit 3 Test Review
Part A: 6 Multiple Choice Questions [6 marks]
Rob is thinking of a number. He adds 10 to his number and finds that the result is three times his number. Suppose x
is Rob‛s number. Which equation is always true?
Part B: True or False Questions [4 marks]
When solving an equation you must follow the order of operations.
Part C: Written Answers
1. Verify a solution to an equation [4 marks]
2. Solving Equations [15 marks]
• One step equations
• Multi­Step equations
• Equations that involve fractions
3. Rearrange formulas
4. Application of Percent [5 marks]
[4 marks] 5. Word Problems (i.e. Write an equation, do not solve) 6. Fuel Consumption Problem
7. Analyzing solutions (1 problem) [4 marks]
[4 mark]
[3 marks]
Review: Pg. 232: #1 ­ 4, 5e, 6c Pg. 230: #1, 2ac, 4, 5ac, 7ac, 9cd, 11cd, 12, 15 1