Chapter 10 Characterization~Leon and Lonna

Chapter 10
Characterization~Leon and Lonna
DIRECT CHARACTERIZATION-The writer makes direct statements about a character’s personality and tells
what the character is like.
2. INDIRECT CHARACTERIZATION-The writer reveals information about a character and his personality
through that character’s thoughts, words, and actions, along with how other character respond to that
character, including what they think and say about him.
Directions: Reread pages 114-116. Complete the following charts with at least 4, FOUR, personality traits about
each character. In the “Evidence” column write the line from the book that supports the trait along with the
page number. Then decide if the author use direct characterization or if you concluded something about a
character through indirect characterization.
Leon’s traits
Lonna’s traits
Evidence (quote from the
book) of the trait
…not much enthusiasm for steady
work (pg. 114)
Evidence (quote from the
book) of the trait
Type of characterization
Direct characterization
Type of characterization