HERE - Mrs. Murvine`s Domain

The Giver Project Choices
Language Arts: Mrs. Murvine/Mrs. Wagner
On March 18th and 19th, you will be working on a project to show what you have learned from the
novel, The Giver. You will be working on these projects individually, but you can choose from any one of
the following choices:
“ABC” Book: Create an “ABC” book for The Giver. For each letter of the alphabet, give an
example of one thing or idea from the book. You must use at least 20 different letters. For each
letter, you must include a picture or drawing. At least 10 of the illustrations must be hand
Children’s Rule Book: Create a children’s book that would explain the rules of Jonas’
community to children. You must write 20 rules and include illustrations for each rule. At least
10 of the illustrations must be hand drawn.
Travel Brochure: Create a travel brochure using Microsoft Word that would convince people to
visit Jonas’ community. You should consider parts of Community life that might inspire tourists
to visit, or families to relocate there. For example, you might include information on the local
economy, government, schools, climate, transportation system, and job opportunities. Travel
brochures MUST be created on a computer and contain persuasive reasons why someone
should visit the Community. Laptops will be available in the room for your use.
Supplies Needed!
In order to complete these projects, you will want to have art supplies available. Therefore, on March
18th and 19th, we are asking you to bring in as many of these supplies as you can. Starred items are
highly suggested.
Crafting Supplies
Glue/Glue Sticks*
Colored Pencils
Construction Paper*
This project will be due at the end of class on Thursday, March 19th. If your project requires more time
than what is allowed in class, you will be expected to work on it at home and/or during Advisory.
Projects will be accepted on Friday morning before first hour for students in my 7th hour class ONLY!