QUIZ For use with “Tragedy at Kent State” on p. 16 of the magazine Tragedy at Kent State Choose the best answer for each of the following questions. At Ohio’s Kent State University in May 1970, four 4. student protesters were shot and killed by Which of these events did NOT take place in the aftermath of the Kent State shootings? a officers on the local police force. a Kent State University closed temporarily. b members of the Ohio National Guard. b Students at some colleges and universities went on c soldiers in the U.S. Marine Corps. d inexperienced university security guards. 2. strike, forcing the schools to shut down. c New protests occurred on college campuses. d Governor Rhodes of Ohio apologized to the student body and accepted blame on behalf of the state. The Kent State University protest was precipitated by ____, which had occurred a few days earlier. a the Tet Offensive by North Vietnam’s Communist forces b President Lyndon B. Johnson’s announcement that he 5. Which U.S. president said, in response to the Kent State shootings, that “when dissent turns to violence, it invites tragedy”? would not seek re-election c Nixon’s announcement of the U.S. invasion of Cambodia a President Richard Nixon d the arrival of the first U.S. combat forces in Vietnam b President Dwight Eisenhower c President Jimmy Carter d President Lyndon B. Johnson 6. During the Vietnam War, ___ could be drafted to fight. 3. According to the text, the Vietnam War was the first war in U.S. history a to politically divide Americans. b to be televised. a able-bodied men ages 18 and older c in which Americans fought on Asian soil. b able-bodied men ages 18 to 26 d all of the above c no American opposed to the war d none of the above in-depth questions 7. Why do you think college campuses were such hotbeds for demonstrations against the Vietnam War? 8. What lessons can Americans today take from the Kent State tragedy? Find all activity sheets and other support materials at upfrontmagazine.com 10 • U p f r ont • u p f r ontma g a z i n e . c om Uses: copy machine, opaque projector, or transparency master for overhead projector. Scholastic Inc. grants teacher-subscribers to The New York Times Upfront permission to reproduce this Skills Sheet for use in their classrooms. ©2015 by Scholastic Inc. All rights reserved. 1.
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