Name: Date: Period: Final Book Project Power of One by Bryce Courtenay DUE: ___________________ Directions: Create an art project that demonstrates 1 or more important ideas from The Power of One. Choose at least 5 quotes to support your assertions about Bryce Courtenay’s messages connected to the ideas. You may complete this project individually, in pairs, or in groups;; however, students who choose to work in pairs or groups will be held to a higher standard for their final product. Requirements for ALL Projects 1. Effort represented in the end product should relate to the amount of time given for the project. 2. Presentation and/or performance of project to peers. Students will create a gallery space for their projects to be viewed by others. After the Gallery Walk, each student will be expected to explain the decisions they made for their work. This is the most essential part of success in this project. 3. Use of higher level thinking and analysis skills. Your explanations should demonstrate your ability to go beyond summarizing the text. Important ideas from the novel 1. Conflicts of the main character 2. Changes and/or developments in the main character 3. Themes: Impact of Apartheid, Camouflage for Survival 4. Social/Historical Context (Boer War, apartheid, etc.) 5. Racial Injustice 6. Resilience of the human spirit 7. Connection of reason and compassion 8. Power of friendships to survive adversity 9. Determining your own path in life (being a freethinker) 10. Triumph of good over evil 11. Standing up for yourself 12. Archetypal Hero’s Journey 13. Meaning of the title The Power of One Project Options 1. Series of 4 Postcards Choose 2 characters from the novel and write from each of their perspectives. 2. Newspaper Consider time period and setting of the novel. Example: if the setting is in the 1940s, the pictures would be in black and white. Use articles, advertisements, photos with captions, etc. 3. Art Piece Create an art piece in any genre: drawing, painting (acrylics, oils, watercolors, etc.), sculpture, mixed media, poster, new media (website, video, sound recording), performance art, etc. 4. 3-D Map/Journey Map the journey of the main character throughout the novel. 5. 60 second recap View the examples of 60 second recaps online ( and create one for the novel. 6. Cartoon Strips, Books, Graphic Novels Use Pixton or draw by hand. These should represent events AND explain why they are significant to the main character. 7. Skit Write a script for a skit that relates to one of the themes above. Submission for the script is required before the performance for approval. 8. Music CD/Playlist Create a mix of 10-15 songs that relate to the novel. Give the title of the song and explain how each song relates to the main character/story. Use quotes from the novel to support your connections. Additionally, design cover art to accompany your CD. 9. Board Game (like 1984 review game) Design a board game that tests knowledge about the novel. Write a list of questions separated into the 3 levels from Costa’s Levels of Inquiry (Level 1 questions, move 1 space;; Level 2 questions, move 2 spaces;; Level 3 questions, move 3 spaces). Write the answers to the questions on a separate sheet of paper. 10. Bingo Cards Create bingo boards that can be used in class to review the novel. 11. Fakebook Design a fake Facebook page for one of the characters in the novel. 12. RSA Video View examples of RSA Animate films: Create an RSA Animate film that demonstrates analysis of the novel. 13. Scrapbook Create a scrapbook as if you are a character in the novel. Consider all of the situations that character experiences in your work. 14. Commercial for the book Film a commercial for the book using a tool such as iMovie. 15. Pop-up Book Create a 3-D pop-up book relating to the novel. 16. Found Poetry Design a series of found poetry posters (taking word phrases from the novel to create free verse poetry). 17. Write a Test Create a test for the novel. Questions should be a mix of multiple choice, fill in the blank, multiple select (more than 2 right answers), short answer (1-2 sentences), and short essay (1-3 paragraphs). Provide an answer sheet for all of the questions. For the essay provide an example of the most effective (A+) work! Remember, you should be testing on the book as a whole. 18. Personal Option If you are interested in designing your own project, write requirements and have them approved by Ms. Paris. They may even show up on the next novel assessment list for others to try!
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