Welcome to iPrep English I 2015-2016 at G. Holmes Braddock

Welcome to iPrep English I 2015-2016 at G. Holmes Braddock Senior High. You
will need to read William Golding’s Lord of the Flies (any version will do), and complete
the Major Works Review Handout while you read (see below).
The novel is commonly assigned in the area; therefore, most bookstores should
have it in stock but do not wait until the last minute to purchase it. It would behoove you
to order it online or purchase it in-store as soon as you get the chance. There is a
plethora of information on the Internet about the novel, I would suggest avoiding those
types of sources (Sparknotes, E-notes, Wikipedia, etc.) until you read the novel yourself
and formulate your own ideas.
We take the summer reading as seriously as we do all other reading
assignments throughout the year so please do read the novel. We’ll be working almost
exclusively on the novel for the first few weeks of school. You do not want to fall behind
by not completing the summer reading. See you in August, have a great summer!
G. Holmes Braddock Senior High
Major Works Review Sheet
9th-12th Regular & Honors Courses
Directions: Please type your responses for the book of your choice from the Miami Dade
County’s Summer Reading list. You may add more lines/space if needed.
Title of Work:
Characteristics of the genre:
Date of Publication:
Genre (a category of literature, characterized
by similarities in form, style, or subject
Historical information about the period of
Biographical information about the author:
Describe the author’s style (word choice,
sentence structure, figurative language, and
sentence arrangement all work together to
establish mood, images, and meaning in the
Give an example that demonstrates this style and
explain how it does so:
Quotation and speaker:
Character’s name:
Memorable Quotations
Role (what role does
this person have in the
Significance (why is this
character significant to the
Character traits (what
sort of person is this?)
Describe the setting(s) and the mood the
setting(s) create:
What is the significance of the opening scene?
Major symbols (object or a word to represent
an abstract idea), motifs (is any recurring
element that has symbolic significance in a
story), images:
What is the significance of the ending/closing
Themes (a main idea or an underlying meaning of a literary work that may be stated directly or
Possible topics/questions for discussion: