Ordinary Meeting Council Chambers Date: 1 April 2015 Time: 9:00am MINUTES Mareeba Shire Council -Minutes Page 2 Wednesday 01 April 2015 Mareeba Shire Council - Minutes Wednesday 01 April 2015 MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE Members Present: Cr T Gilmore (Mayor), Crs, J Jensen, A Holmes, M Graham, K Ewin, E Brown and A Pedersen. APOLOGIES/LEAVE BUSINESS OF ABSENCE/ABSENCE ON COUNCIL Nil BEREAVEMENTS/CONDOLENCES A minute's silence was observed as a mark of respect for those residents who passed away during the previous month. DECLARATION OF ANY MATERIAL PERSONAL INTERESTS/ CONFLICTS OF INTEREST There were no Material Personal Interests or Conflicts of Interest declared by any Councillor or Senior Council Officer in relation to the items of business listed on the Minutes. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES Moved by Cr Graham Seconded by Cr Jensen "That the Minutes of the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 18 March 2015 be confirmed as true and correct." CARRIED BUSINESS ARISING OUT OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS Nil Page 3 Mareeba Shire Council - Minutes Wednesday 01 April 2015 CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES REGIONAL LAND USE PLANNING ITEM-1 NGOONBI CO-OP SOCIETY LTD - MATERIAL CHANGE OF USE - COMMUNITY FACILITY (RESPITE CENTRE) LOT 2 RP718213 - 29-31 BARANG STREET, - KURANDA - DA/15/0009 Moved by Cr Jensen "1. Seconded by Cr Brown That in relation to the following development application: APPLICANT DATE LODGED TYPE OF APPROVAL PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION Ngoonbi Co-Op Society Ltd 9 February 2015 Development Permit ADDRESS RPD PREMISES 29-31 Barang Street, Kuranda Lot 2 on RP718213 Material Change of Use - Community Facility (Respite Centre) and in accordance with the Sustainable Planning Act 2009, the applicant be notified that the application for a development permit for the development specified in (A) is: Approved by Council in accordance with the approved plans/documents listed in (B), subject to assessment manager conditions in (C), assessment manager’s advice in (D), relevant period in (E), further permits in (F), and further approvals from Council listed in (G); And The assessment manager does consider that the assessment manager’s decision conflicts with a relevant instrument. Details of the conflict with the relevant instrument Reason for the decision, including a statement about the sufficient grounds to justify the decision despite the conflict S9 Sufficient car parking spaces are provided to accommodate the demand likely to be generated by the use. The community benefit arising from the continued operation of the respite service is significant and is considered to outweigh the occasional overloading of on street car parking in the vicinity of the development. S11 The development provides for parking spaces in the vicinity of the development to accommodate the demand likely to be generated by the use. Page 4 Mareeba Shire Council - Minutes Wednesday 01 April 2015 (A) APPROVED DEVELOPMENT: Development Permit for Material Change of Use Community Facility (Respite Centre) (B) APPROVED PLANS: Plan/Document Number (C) Plan/Document Title Prepared by Dated DD-01 Rev B Proposed Site Plan MiHaven 10.03.15 SK-02 Rev A Proposed Elevations MiHaven 04.02.15 ASSESSMENT MANAGER’S CONDITIONS (COUNCIL) (a) Development assessable against the Planning Scheme 1. Development must be carried out substantially in accordance with the approved plans and the facts and circumstances of the use as submitted with the application, subject to any alterations: 2. 3. - found necessary by Council’s delegated officer at the time of examination of the engineering plans or during construction of the development because of particular engineering requirements; and - to ensure compliance with the following conditions of approval. Timing of Effect 2.1 The conditions of the development permit must be complied with to the satisfaction of Council’s delegated officer prior to the commencement of the use except where specified otherwise in these conditions of approval. 2.2 Prior to the commencement of use, the applicant must notify Council that all the conditions of the development permit have been complied with, except where specified otherwise in these conditions of approval. General 3.1 The applicant/developer is responsible for the cost of necessary alterations to existing public utility mains, services or installations required by works in relation to the proposed development or any works required by condition(s) of this approval. 3.2 All payments or bonds required to be made to the Council pursuant to any condition of this approval must be made prior to commencement of the use and at the rate applicable at the time of payment. 3.3 All works must be designed, constructed and carried out in accordance with FNQROC Development Manual requirements (as amended) and to the satisfaction of Council’s delegated officer. Page 5 Mareeba Shire Council - Minutes 3.4 Wednesday 01 April 2015 Noise Nuisance Refrigeration equipment, pumps, compressors and mechanical ventilation systems must be located, designed, installed and maintained to achieve a maximum noise level of 3dB(A) above background levels as measured from noise sensitive locations and a maximum noise level of 8dB(A) above background levels as measured from commercial locations. 3.5 Waste Management On site refuse storage area must be provided and be screened from view from adjoining properties and road reserve by 1 metre wide landscaped screening buffer, 1.8m high solid fence or building. 3.6 Hours of Operation The operating hours shall be between 8:30am and 4pm. 3.7 4. Signage (i) No more than one (1) sign shall be erected on the subject land to advertise the approved use. The sign may front either Barang Street or Thongon Street and is not to exceed 3 square metres (sign face area). (ii) Signage must be kept clean, in good order and safe repair for the life of the approval. (iii) Signage must be removed when no longer required. Infrastructure Services and Standards 4.1 Access An access crossover must be constructed (from the edge of the Barang Street road pavement to the property boundary of the subject lot) in accordance with the FNQROC Development Manual, to the satisfaction of Council’s delegated officer. The developer must ensure that any redundant vehicle crossovers are removed and reinstated with kerb and channel. The applicant/developer is to make an application for driveway access onto a Council road. The application is to be accompanied by the relevant fee and will be required to certify or be assessed for compliance by Council's delegated officer. 4.2 Stormwater Drainage 4.2.1 The applicant/developer must take all necessary steps to ensure a non-worsening effect on surrounding land as a consequence of the development. Page 6 Mareeba Shire Council - Minutes Wednesday 01 April 2015 4.2.2 All stormwater drainage must be collected from site and discharged to an approved legal point of discharge. 4.3 Car Parking/Internal Driveways The developer must ensure that the development is provided with a minimum of five (5) on-site car parking spaces including one (1) community bus parking space which are available solely for the parking of vehicles associated with the use of the premises. All car parking spaces must be sealed, line-marked and appropriately drained prior to the commencement of the use, to the satisfaction of Council's delegated officer. The proposed car parking facilities and internal driveways must comply with: - Australian Standard AS2890:1 Off Street Parking – Car Parking Facilities; - Australian Standard AS1428:2001 – Design for Access and Mobility. 4.4 Landscaping and Fencing 4.4.1 Prior to the commencement of the use, landscaping of the site must be carried out generally in accordance with the approved site plan (Drawing No. DD-01 Rev. B) dated 10 March 2015, to the satisfaction of Council's delegated officer. Plant species used in landscaping should be in accordance with those species listed in Schedule A of Planning Scheme Policy 9 Landscaping. 4.4.2 The landscaping of the site must be irrigated, mulched and maintained to the satisfaction of Council’s delegated officer. 4.5 Lighting Where outdoor lighting is required the developer shall locate, design and install lighting to operate from dusk to dawn within all areas where the public will be given access, which prevents the potential for light spillage to cause nuisance to neighbours and must be provided in accordance with Australian Standard 1158.1 – Lighting for Roads and Public Spaces. Illumination resulting from direct, reflected or other incidental light emanating from the subject land does not exceed 8 lux when measured at any point 1.5m outside the property boundary of the subject site. The lighting fixtures installed on site must meet appropriate lux levels as documented within Australian Standard 4282 – Control of the Obtrusive Effects of Outdoor Lighting. NOTE: The design is to integrate the principles of Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) theory. Lighting design is to illuminate potential areas of concealment and is to project illumination so that a human face is easily discernible from 15 metres and there is to be sufficient night lighting, which renders people, colours, vegetation and Page 7 Mareeba Shire Council - Minutes Wednesday 01 April 2015 objects correctly. i.e. ‘white’ light. Particular attention should be given to pathways, driveways and common external spaces. (D) ASSESSMENT MANAGER’S ADVICE (a) A number of other charges or payments may be payable as conditions of approval. The applicable fee is set out in Council’s Fees & Charges Schedule for each respective financial year. (b) The change in the use of the building may also require a change in the classification of the building under the Building Act. The applicant is advised to contact a Building Certifier to establish if a change in the classification of the building is required. (c) Compliance with applicable codes/policies The development must be carried out to ensure compliance with the provisions of Council’s Local Laws, Planning Scheme Policies, Planning Scheme and Planning Scheme Codes to the extent they have not been varied by a condition of this approval. (d) Compliance with Acts and Regulations The erection and use of the building must comply with the Building Act and all other relevant Acts, Regulations and Laws, and these approval conditions. (e) Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 The applicant is advised that referral may be required under the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 if the proposed activities are likely to have a significant impact on a matter of national environmental significance. Further information on these matters can be obtained from www.environment.gov.au. (f) Cultural Heritage In carrying out the activity the applicant must take all reasonable and practicable measures to ensure that no harm is done to Aboriginal cultural heritage (the “cultural heritage duty of care”). The applicant will comply with the cultural heritage duty of care if the applicant acts in accordance with gazetted cultural heritage duty of care guidelines. An assessment of the proposed activity against the duty of care guidelines will determine whether or to what extent Aboriginal cultural heritage may be harmed by the activity. Further information on cultural heritage, together with a copy of the duty of care guidelines and cultural heritage search forms, may be obtained from www.datsima.qld.gov.au (g) Notation on Rates Record A notation will be placed on Council’s Rate record with respect to Condition 4.3Car Parking/Internal Driveways: Page 8 Mareeba Shire Council - Minutes (E) Wednesday 01 April 2015 Council has accepted five (5) on-site car parking spaces for the respite centre development which is below the 9 car parking spaces nominated by the draft planning scheme for a Community Care Centre (respite centre). The subject land is not deemed to have a credit for the four (4) car parking spaces not provided on site. RELEVANT PERIOD When approval lapses if development not started (s.341) (F) OTHER NECESSARY DEVELOPMENT PERMITS AND/OR COMPLIANCE PERMITS (G) Material Change of Use – four (4) years (starting the day the approval takes effect); Development Permit for Building Work OTHER APPROVALS REQUIRED FROM COUNCIL Compliance Permit for Plumbing and Drainage Work Access approval arising from condition number 4.1 (Please contact Planning Section to obtain application form and applicable fee). 2. That the 2014/15 financial year material change of use (impact assessment - medium) application fee of $2,380.00 be maintained for Development Application DA/15/0009." CARRIED ITEM-2 APPLICATION FOR TERM LEASE - LOT 6 ON AP21240, PARISH OF IRVINEBANK & ORD Moved by Cr Pedersen Seconded by Cr Ewin "That Council offer no objection to the issue of a term lease for grazing purposes over land described as Lot 6 on AP21240 Parish of Irvinebank & Ord and advise the Department of Natural Resources and Mines that Council has no knowledge of any local non-indigenous cultural heritage values associated with the land." CARRIED Page 9 Mareeba Shire Council - Minutes ITEM-3 Wednesday 01 April 2015 JAT REFRIGERATED ROAD SERVICES AUSTRALIA PTY LTD - MATERIAL CHANGE OF USE - FREIGHT DEPOT LOT 63 ON SP217451 - 94 MALONE ROAD, MAREEBA DA/14/0044 Council agreed to hold this item over to the Council Meeting to be held on the 6 May 2015. The applicant made a presentation to Council and then agreed to the extension of the decision making period for the application DA/14/0044 to allow the Council to consider the application at the Council meeting to be held on the 6 May 2015. GOVERNANCE AND COMPLIANCE ITEM-4 SURRENDER OF TWO (2) NON COMPETITIVE LEASES AT CHILLAGOE Moved by Cr Holmes Seconded by Cr Graham "That Council surrender the two Non Competitive Leases held by it at Chillagoe over Lots 1 and 2 MPH30674 - NCL 0/212210 and NCL 0/212211." CARRIED FINANCE ITEM-5 HEALTH AND LOCAL LAWS FEES 2015-16 Moved by Cr Ewin Seconded by Cr Pedersen "That Council: 1. Adopt the proposed fees attached to these Minutes as Appendix 1 for Animal Management, Environmental Health and Local Laws Activities; and 2. Endorse the ongoing arrangement in place whereby new applications received for licences, registrations and approvals on or after 1 April each year are given an extended currency period to 30 June in the following financial year.” CARRIED Page 10 Mareeba Shire Council - Minutes Wednesday 01 April 2015 INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES TECHNICAL SERVICES ITEM-6 TRAFFIC ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING HELD 17 MARCH 2015 Moved by Cr Pedersen - MINUTES OF Seconded by Cr Brown "That Council notes the TAC meeting minutes of 17 March 2015, and resolves to: 1. In respect to Item 14.09-05, Council officers relocate the "No Parking" sign located adjacent to the Walsh and Hort Street intersection outside the Mareeba Police Station closer to the first car parking bay to clearly identify the parking area; 2. In respect to Item 15.03-02, Council remove the car park on the northern side of the Post Office exit on Railway Avenue improving visibility for vehicles looking to the right when exiting; 3. In respect to Item 15.03-03, Council write to the Minister for Transport and Main Roads expressing the need for additional vehicle overtaking lanes to be constructed on the Kennedy Highway between Mareeba and Kuranda due to the increased volume of vehicles and numerous complaints of driver behaviour received by QPS; 4. In respect to Item 15.03-11, Council investigate the installation of "Reduce Speed" signs on Springs Road on the western side of the McMillian Road intersection." CARRIED ITEM-7 EXTENSION OF MACKAY SUGAR PERMIT PROVISION FOR B-DOUBLE ACCESS INCLUDING THE 2015 CANE HARVESTING SEASON Moved by Cr Pedersen Seconded by Cr Ewin "That Council approve B-Double access to the extended routes for a period of one (1) year taking into account the 2015 sugar cane harvesting season and retain the travel and operating conditions imposed for the 2014 trial under Permit 6778." CARRIED Page 11 Mareeba Shire Council - Minutes ITEM-8 Wednesday 01 April 2015 SIMULTANEOUS ROAD OPENING & CLOSING TO ADDRESS REALIGNMENT OF DEDICATED ALIGNMENT OF ROAD AREA TO THE CONSTRUCTED ALIGNMENT AT LOT 80 HG93 - BRAUND ROAD, DIMBULAH Moved by Cr Pedersen Seconded by Cr Ewin "That Council advise the Department of Natural Resources and Mines that it does not wish to proceed with a simultaneous road opening and closure application over Lot 80 HG93, Locality of Dimbulah, Parish of Leadingham." CARRIED ITEM-9 APPLICATION FOR PERMANENT ROAD CLOSURE OVER PART OF MAREEBA-ATHERTON ROAD ADJOINING LOT 1 ON RP735702 Moved by Cr Jensen Seconded by Cr Brown "That Council advise the Department of Natural Resources and Mines that it has no objection to the permanent road closure of an area of about 0.316 ha (Lot A) being an unused portion of Mareeba Atherton Road abutting Lot 1 on RP735702, Locality of Mareeba, Parish of Tinaroo as shown on the Department of Natural Resources and Mines Preliminary Plan CNS15/014P dated 2 March 2015." CARRIED CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER ITEM-11 ATTENDANCE AT NATIONAL GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT Moved by Cr Ewin Seconded by Cr Graham "That Council approves the attendance at the 2015 National General Assembly of Local Government (NGA) by Cr Jensen." CARRIED BUSINESS WITHOUT NOTICE ADHOC-1 NO LITTERING AND NO FISHING SIGNS TO BE INSTALLED Moved by Cr Pedersen Seconded by Cr Graham "That Council erect 'No Littering' signs on the Rex and Kuranda Ranges and erect 'No Fishing on the Bridge' signs on the Boyle Creek Bridge on Fassio Road" CARRIED Page 12 Mareeba Shire Council - Minutes Wednesday 01 April 2015 CLOSURE OF MEETING - 9.30am Moved by Cr Jensen Seconded by Cr Graham "That in accordance with Section 275(1)(f) of the Local Government Regulation 2012, the meeting be closed to the public to discuss matters relative to starting or defending legal proceedings involving Council." CARRIED OPENING OF MEETING - 9.32am Moved by Cr Brown Seconded by Cr Ewin "That the meeting be opened." CARRIED ITEM-10 STORMWATER PROPERTY CONFIDENTIAL DRAINAGE ISSUES ON PRIVATE 20 ANZAC AVENUE, MAREEBA Moved by Cr Brown Seconded by Cr Graham “That Council endorse the offer made by the Mayor and CEO to the owner of a property situated on Anzac Avenue, Mareeba to resolve a long standing drainage issue affecting the property, namely that Council: 1. Take out an easement over the underground drainage pipes and outfall on the subject land; 2. Compensate the property owner for any decrease in land value as determined by a registered valuer; 3. Pay the property owner a compensation amount of $10,000 towards costs incurred to date; 4. Undertake improvements to the underground drainage system to prevent ponding of stormwater on the subject property, at an estimated cost of $55,000. And that funding for points 1, 2 and 3 be sourced from the general operational budget and that point 4 be considered in the 2015/16 capital works budget." CARRIED NEXT MEETING OF COUNCIL The next meeting of Council will be held at Chillagoe 10:00 am on Wednesday 15 April 2015 There being no further business, the meeting closed at 9.34 am. ..................................................... Cr Tom Gilmore Mayor Page 13 Mareeba Shire Council - Minutes APPENDIX 1 - ITEM-5 Wednesday 01 April 2015 Health and Local Laws Fees 2015-16 Page 14 Mareeba Shire Council - Minutes Page 15 Wednesday 01 April 2015 Mareeba Shire Council - Minutes Page 16 Wednesday 01 April 2015 Mareeba Shire Council - Minutes Page 17 Wednesday 01 April 2015 Mareeba Shire Council - Minutes Page 18 Wednesday 01 April 2015 Mareeba Shire Council - Minutes Page 19 Wednesday 01 April 2015
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