Ordinary Meeting Council Chambers Date: 18 March 2015 Time: 9:00am MINUTES Mareeba Shire Council - Minutes Page 2 Wednesday 18 March 2015 Mareeba Shire Council - Minutes Wednesday 18 March 2015 MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE Members Present: Cr T Gilmore (Mayor), Crs, J Jensen, A Holmes, M Graham, K Ewin, E Brown and A Pedersen. APOLOGIES/LEAVE BUSINESS OF ABSENCE/ABSENCE ON COUNCIL Nil BEREAVEMENTS/CONDOLENCES A minute's silence was observed as a mark of respect for those residents who passed away during the previous month. DECLARATION OF ANY MATERIAL PERSONAL INTERESTS/ CONFLICTS OF INTEREST There were no Material Personal Interests or Conflicts of Interest declared by any Councillor or Senior Council Officer in relation to the items of business listed on the Agenda. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES Moved by Cr Jensen Seconded by Cr Pedersen "That the Minutes of the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 4 March 2015 be confirmed as true and correct." CARRIED BUSINESS ARISING OUT OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS Nil Page 3 Mareeba Shire Council - Minutes Wednesday 18 March 2015 CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES REGIONAL LAND USE PLANNING ITEM-1 APPLICATION TO LEASE USL - LOT 358 ON OL451 & LOT 40 ON AP13736, PARISH OF TINAROO Moved by Cr Pedersen Seconded by Cr Graham "That Council offer no objection to the issue of a term lease for grazing purposes over land described as Lot 358 on OL451 and Lot 40 on AP13736, Parish of Tinaroo and advise the Department of Natural Resources and Mines that Council has no knowledge of any local non-indigenous cultural heritage values associated with the land." CARRIED ITEM-2 APPLICATION TO ENTER IRVINEBANK STATE SCHOOL IN THE QUEENSLAND HERITAGE REGISTER Moved by Cr Jensen Seconded by Cr Ewin "That Council: 1. defer consideration of this matter and officers contact the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection to establish the level of community consultation that has occurred regarding this application 2. advise the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection that Lot 10 on RP711014 is a freehold allotment which is not owned by the Department of Education and Training and is not used as an access road to the Irvinebank State School. The access road to the Irvinebank State School is situated immediately to the north-west of Lot 10 on RP711014." LOST Moved by Cr Holmes Seconded by Cr Pedersen "That Council: 1 object to the listing until full consultation with the Irvinebank community suggests otherwise 2. advise the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection that Lot 10 on RP711014 is a freehold allotment which is not owned by the Department of Education and Training and is not used as an access road to the Irvinebank State School. The access road to the Irvinebank State School is situated immediately to the north-west of Lot 10 on RP711014." CARRIED Page 4 Mareeba Shire Council - Minutes ITEM-3 JM LUND - RECONFIGURING A LOT - SUBDIVISION (1 INTO 2 LOTS) - LOT 1 ON RP741791 MINES ROAD, MAREEBA - DA/15/0006 Moved by Cr Ewin "1. Wednesday 18 March 2015 Seconded by Cr Pedersen That in relation to the following development application: APPLICANT DATE LODGED TYPE OF APPROVAL PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION JM Lund 5 February 2015 Development Permit ADDRESS RPD PREMISES Mines Road, Mareeba Lot 1 on RP741791 Reconfiguring a Lot - Subdivision (1 into 2 lots) and in accordance with the Sustainable Planning Act 2009, the applicant be notified that the application for a development permit for the development specified in (A) is: Refused by Council for reasons set out in (B). (A) REFUSED DEVELOPMENT: Development Permit - Reconfiguring a Lot Subdivision (1 into 2 lots) (B) ASSESSMENT MANAGER’S REASONS FOR REFUSAL: That Council consider: 1. The proposed development is in conflict with Part 4, Division 14, 4.78 of the Rural Zone code: Building Siting, Scale and Amenity S2 Agricultural activities are protected from incompatible land uses. PS2.2 2. Non agriculture or agriculture – intensive uses which adjoin any agriculture or agriculture – intensive uses are protected from spray drifts by the maintenance of a separation distance of 300 metres between the agriculture or agriculture – intensive uses and the non-agriculture or agriculture – intensive uses. The proposed development is in conflict with Part 4, Division 14, 4.80 of the Rural Zone code: Reconfiguring a Lot S1 The viability of the farming industry throughout the shire and Good Quality Agricultural Land, and future opportunities for farming pursuits are not compromised. Page 5 Mareeba Shire Council - Minutes Wednesday 18 March 2015 PS1.1 Allotments to have a minimum area of 60 hectares and road frontage of 300 metres within the area identified on Agricultural Land Quality Maps S2, S3, S4 and S5; or PS1.2 Allotments to have a minimum area of 30 hectares and road frontage of 150 metres if outside the area identified on Agricultural Land Quality Maps S2, S3, S4 and S5. 3. The proposed development is in conflict with land use policies 2.4.1, 2.4.2 and 4.6.1 of the Far North Queensland Regional Plan 2009-2031. 4. That there are not sufficient grounds to justify approval of the application, despite the identified conflicts." CARRIED Cr Holmes recorded his vote against the motion GOVERNANCE AND COMPLIANCE ITEM-4 RALEIGH STREET DIMBULAH COMMUNITY CENTRE The Mayor advised that ITEM-4 would be held over until a future meeting. FINANCE ITEM-5 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 28 FEBRUARY 2015 Moved by Cr Jensen Seconded by Cr Pedersen "That Council note the financial report for the period ending 28 February 2015 and endorse the emergency purchases." CARRIED Page 6 Mareeba Shire Council - Minutes Wednesday 18 March 2015 INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES TECHNICAL SERVICES ITEM-6 MAREEBA CENOTAPH Moved by Cr Jensen Seconded by Cr Ewin "That Council give approval to: replace the tiles at the base of the Mareeba Cenotaph; replace the lettering on the marble panels; sandblast and paint the field guns offsite by a suitably qualified business with funding to be provided from developers contributions for parks in the Mareeba District." CARRIED ADHOC-1 REQUEST FOR REPORT REGARDING MEMORIALS WITHIN THE MAREEBA SHIRE Moved by Cr Jensen WAR Seconded by Cr Holmes "That a report be prepared regarding the costings to repair and upgrade other Anzac memorials and presented at the next meeting of Council" CARRIED ITEM-7 BRIDGES RENEWAL PROGRAM - GROVE CREEK BRIDGE, SPEEWAH Moved by Cr Jensen Seconded by Cr Pedersen "That Council note the funding contribution from the Australian Government Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development for the upgrade of Grove Creek Bridge, Speewah and allocate $425,000 matching funding from depreciation and developers contributions in the Capital Works Budget for 2015/2016." CARRIED WORKS ITEM-8 INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES - WORKS SECTION PROGRESS REPORT - FEBRUARY 2015 Moved by Cr Brown Seconded by Cr Graham "That Council receive and note the Infrastructure Services Transport Infrastructure, Parks and Gardens and Bridge Sections - Progress Report for the month of February 2015." CARRIED Page 7 Mareeba Shire Council - Minutes Wednesday 18 March 2015 WATER & WASTE ITEM-9 CONTRACT FNQ004 COLLECTION & REMOVAL OF FERROUS METAL & USED LEAD ACID BATTERIES CONTRACTUAL MATTER Moved by Cr Pedersen Seconded by Cr Graham "That Council: 1. Award Contract FNQ004, separable portion 1, Collection and Removal of Ferrous Scrap Metal to Sims Metal Management Ltd based on the schedule of rates provided for 12 months from 1 May 2015 to 30 April 2016 with the option for a further 12 month extension. 2. Award Contract FNQ004, separable portion 2, Collection and Removal of Used Lead Acid Batteries (ULABs) to Sims Metal Management Ltd based on the schedule of rates provided for 12 months from 1 May 2015 to 30 April 2016 with the option for a further 12 month extension. 3. Adopt the Register of Pre-Qualified Suppliers in accordance with the attached supplier listing for 24 months from 1 May 2015 to 30 April 2017, with the option for a further 12 month extension. 4. Delegate authority to the Chief Executive Officer in accordance with the Local Government Act 2009 to negotiate, finalise and execute any and all matters associated with these arrangements." CARRIED ITEM-10 INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES WATER AND WASTEWATER GROUP - MONTHLY REPORT FEBRUARY 2015 Moved by Cr Pedersen Seconded by Cr Ewin "That Council receive and note the February 2015 Monthly Water and Wastewater Report." CARRIED ITEM-11 INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES - WASTE OPERATIONS REPORT - FEBRUARY 2015 Moved by Cr Brown Graham Seconded by Cr "That Council receive and note the Infrastructure Services, Waste Operations Progress Report, February 2015." CARRIED Page 8 Mareeba Shire Council - Minutes Wednesday 18 March 2015 BUSINESS WITHOUT NOTICE Nil NEXT MEETING OF COUNCIL The next meeting of Council will be held at 9:00 am on Wednesday 1 April 2015 There being no further business, the meeting closed at 9.40 am. ..................................................... Cr Tom Gilmore Mayor Page 9
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