2015 USTA SOUTHERN ~ TRI-LEVEL DOUBLES ~ DELTA AREA TEAM DIVISIONS: Adult Men – Two Divisions: 3.0, 3.5, 4.0 (18&Over, 40&Over, 55&Over) 3.5, 4.0, 4.5 (18&Over, 40&Over, 55&Over) Adult Women – Three Divisions: 2.5, 3.0, 3.5 (18&Over Only) 3.0, 3.5, 4.0 (18&Over, 40&Over, 55&Over) 3.5, 4.0, 4.5 (18&Over, 40&Over, 55&Over) Courts will consist of level against level. Example for the 3.0, 3.5, 4.0 Women Doubles: a 3.0 court, a 3.5 court, and a 4.0 court per team match. Players may play up a higher NTRP level, but cannot play lower than their own NTRP rating. FORMAT: 3 double courts per match Best 2 out of 3 sets with a 10 point tiebreaker in lieu of a 3rd set. Coman tiebreak format to be used for all tiebreaks. Roster: Minimum of 6 players - Maximum of 14 players per team. Example: two 3.0’s, two 3.5’s and two 4.0’s Players play against their own level. Notes: All players must have a valid USTA number. Any player without a current NTRP rating will be prompted to self-rate. REGISTRATION: May 3-May 10 May 11 May 17 May 17 May 19 June 1 July 19 August 14-16 October 16-18 Early Bird Registration. Captains register for $3. (TennisLink fee) Registration opens for all players - $21. Team Entry Form and Security Deposit Due Minimum number of players (6) must be registered on TennisLink. Correct combinations must be registered. Captains’ Meeting-TBA 6:00 p.m. Play begins for all levels/all age divisions. All matches must be completed for all levels/all age divisions. USTA MS Tri-Level Championship – Tupelo, MS Sectional Invitational Championship. Ridgeland/Jackson MS. 2015 USTA SOUTHERN~ TRI-LEVEL DOUBLES ~ DELTA AREA TEAM ENTRY FORM DEADLINE MAY 17, 2015 TEAM LEVELS: Women’s 2.5, 3.0, 3.5: 18&Over Only_____ 3.0, 3.5, 4.0: Men_____Women_____18&Over_____40&Over_____55&Over_____ 3.5, 4.0, 4.5: Men_____Women_____18&Over_____40&Over_____55&Over_____ Captain’s Name: ___________________________________________ Address:___________________________________________________ Phone: Cell: _________________________Home: __________________ Work: ______________________E-mail: __________________________ Valid e-mail address is required, no exceptions. All future correspondence will be via email. *Please note that any information provided above will be published to the other captains, unless otherwise noted differently by you.* HOME COURTS: Public ______________Private ________________ If you designate Private, you must check with your club’s facility manager to make sure your roster complies with your club’s policy regarding league teams. SECURITY DEPOSIT: $150.00 PER TEAM (*due with team entry form) Please make checks payable to the MTA in the amount of $150.00. Please enter my team in the 2015 Tri-Level Doubles League. I understand this form is my team’s commitment to participate in this League and the Security Deposit will be destroyed upon completion of all matches played. However, I understand that if my team forfeits an entire match (2 out of 3 courts), the $150.00 may be deposited and all matches played or to be played will be null and void. CAPTAIN’S SIGNATURE: _______________________________________________ Return this form and $150.00 Security Deposit by May 17, 2015 to: Pam Eifling, 1078 Highway 436, Hollandale, MS 38748 Phone: 662-820-2947 Email: [email protected]
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