Government of Odisha Women & Child Development Department Letter No — i— From Ms. Arti Ahuja, IAS Commissioner-cum-Secre ry Women & Child Deve pment Department To The Principal Secretary Rural Development Department Govt. of Odisha. r r Dt WCD 9-6 The Chief Engineer Rural Water & Sanitation Scheme Sub- Guidelines for Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups Sir, This is to inform you that in order to address the needs of the Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups residing in 12 districts, the guideline developed for PVTGs has been approved. The guidelines along with the Minutes of the Meeting held under the chairmanship of Chief Secretary, Odisha is attached for your perusal and necessary action. As per the guidelines, activities have to be taken up for the PVTGs in a convergent manner by the Department of SC & ST, Health & Family Welfare, Women & Child Development, Rural Development, Food and Civil Supplies, Animal Resources Development and RWSS. Detailed activities for each of the Department have been outlined in the guidelines. In the meeting it has been decided that the Department of Rural Development will ensure facilities for Safe drinking water and RWSS will ensure Sanitation facilities in the PVTG villages and hamlets in a phased manner. A Survey will be conducted by the Department of SC &ST on the availability of facilities at the village level and the same will be shared with the Departments for necessary action. Yours f fully, Comm er-cum-Secretary Memo No <3 Date 7--1- Copy forwarded to Director, SC & ST Development Department for favour of information and sharing of survey reports with the respective departments for necessary action. Commission? cum-Secretary Encl: As above Government of Odisha Women and Child Development Department Memo No. 3 3 • l-ICDS-36/13 /WCD, Dt. c1 r- t 1 Copy of the Proceedings forwarded to PS to Chief Secretary / PS to DC-cum-ACS / PS to ACS, Finance Department / PS to ACS, Revenue Department & Chief Administration KBK / PS to Principal Secretary, Health & Family Welfare Department / PS to Commissioner-cum-Secretary, DWCD / PS to Commissioner-cumSecretary, S&ME Department 7 PS to Commissioner-cum-Secretary, PR Department / PS to Commissioner-cum-Secretary, ST & SC Development Department for kind information of officers concerned. Under Secreta Memo No. 1b /WCD, Dt. .1'\\A to Govt. I Copy of the Proceedings forwarded to PS to Director, ST & SC Development Department / PS to MD, National Heath Mission / PS to Director, SW, DWCD / PS to Additional Secretary, H&FW Department / PS to Additional Secretary, RD Department / PS to PD, OTELP for kind information of officers concerned. Under Secreta Memo No. ul /WCD, Dt. t ovt. Zvi Copy of the Proceedings forwarded to Under Secretary (ICDS), DWCD / Smt. Biraj Laxmi Sarangi, Sector Lead, Nutrition, TMST / Smt. Nandita Nayak, SPM, NOP, QWCD / Smt. Sitansu Singh, NOP, DWCD / Pragnya Sikha Gour, NOP, DWCD for information and necessary action. ok. Under Secretary Govt. Proceedings of the PVTG meeting held under the Chairmanship of Chief Secretary, Government of Odisha, on 21.12.13 in the 2nd Floor Conference Hall of GA Department List of the participants enclosed. The guidelines prepared for the Convergent Health and Nutrition Plan for the well-being of the Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups was shared. The decisions taken are as follows: 1. The guideline should also focus on ensuring sanitation facilities for the PVTG population along with safe drinking water. Necessary convergence to be done with RWSS for ensuring the same. 2. Dept. of SC & ST to coordinate with Rural Development Department and ensure drinking water facility in all villages and hamlets of PVTG areas. The facility should be scaled up in a phased manner over a period of 2 years. 3. Tracking of Children: The children should be tracked on health as well as nutrition indicators. DWCD and H&FW to jointly devise the indicators for tracking of children and it should be included in the guidelines. 4. Screening for Malaria: Dept. of Health &FW should screen the entire PVTG population (symptomatic & asymptomatic cases) for Malaria and ensure complete saturation in the PVTG areas. The tribal children staying in the educational schools/complexes should also be screened for Malaria. All PVTG families and students staying in the educational complexes should be provided with impregnated mosquito nets (LLIN). 5. Department of Health and Family welfare to ensure facilities for pathological tests i.e availability of Laboratory technicians and ensure that the tests are conducted at the sites of Pustikar Diwas in the PVTG areas. 6. The Department of SC & ST to appoint Coordinators at the Micro Projects from amongst the qualified girls of the community and utilize their services for strengthening the implementation of the different programmes for the PVTGs.The coordinators should be trained by DWCD on the different schemes and programmes and should be involved in the monitoring of the schemes. 7. There should be convergence with Department of Animal Husbandry for promoting Animal Husbandry in the PVTG areas. 8. Mamata benefits to be extended to all PVTG mothers irrespective of their age and birth order. 9. Nutritional supplementation to the non-sick SAM children, moderately malnourished and children discharged from NRC as per the norms for the severely malnourished children may be ensured. 10.The guideline should have details of the contribution of all other Departments such as the no of AAY cards to be distributed to the left out families by Food and Civil supplies Dept, No of tubewells to be put up by RD Dept, N of Health camps to be done by H&FW Dept should be quantified in terms of numbers as it will help in monitoring the progress of the activities. 11.IEC programmes in the PVTG areas should specifically focus on Anti Liquor campaign as it will have profound effect on the overall development of the tribal groups. 12.The Nodal NGOs engaged by the Dept. of SC & ST and working in the Micro Projects will facilitate the implementation of the convergent plan in the Micro Projects. Their services will be utilized in Community mobilization, strengthening of service delivery, training, BCC/IEC activities and in supportive supervision. 13.It was proposed to name the scheme ,which may be shortlisted and vetted by a team. 14.The review of implementation of the Scheme for PVTGs, will form a part of OTELP review meetings. The meeting ended with vote of thanks to the chair. Chief Secretary List of Participants: 1. 2. 3. 4. Shri Jugal Kishore Mohapatra, IAS,Chief Secretary, Govt. of Odisha Shri Injeti Srinivas, IAS, DC-cum Addl Chief Secretary , Govt. Of Odisha Shri Upendra Nath Behera, IAS, Addl Chief Secretary, Finance Govt. Of Odisha Shri Taradatt, IAS, Addl Chief Secretary, Revenue and Chief Administration KBK, Govt. Of Odisha 5. Smt Arti Ahuja, IAS, Commissioner-cum-Secretary, DWCD. 6. Smt Usha Padhee, IAS, Commissioner-cum-Secretary, School and Mass Education Department, 7. Shri D.K.Singh, IAS, Commissioner-cum-Secretary, Panchayati Raj. Department 8. Shri Sanjeev Kumar Mishra, IAS, -Commissioner-cum-Secretary, SC & ST Department 9. Dr A.K.Ota, IAS, Director, SC & ST Department 10. Smt Roopa Mishra, IAS, Mission Director, National Health Mission 11. Shri Basanta Kumar Behera, Addl Secretary, H&FW Department 12. Shri S.Nanda, PD, OTELP 13. S Aswathy. S, IAS, Director, DWCD . Shri A.K. Manik, Additional Secretary,tR.D. Department 15. Smt Durgesh Nandini Sahoo, OAS, Under Secretary, DWCD 16. Smt Biraj Laxmi Sarangi, Sector Lead, Nutrition, TMST 17. Nandita Nayak, SPM, NOP, DWCD 18. Sitansu Singh, NOP, DWCD 19. Pragyan Sikha Gour, NOP, DVVC-D GUIDELINE FOR CONVERGENT HEALTH AND NUTRITION PLAN FOR WELL BEING OF THE PARTICULARLY VULNERABLE TRIBAL GROUPS Department of Women and Child Development, Government of Odisha •••■■ srs,--1,- Content 4 Purpose of the guideline 4 Background 4 Rationale for Convergent Action Plan 5 Targeted Community 5 Objective of the Convergent plan 6 Process of preparation of the guideline 6 Partners in implementation 7 Components under the Plan 7 Implementation Arrangements 26 Budget 2 *.ta, ••••■ List of Abbreviations and Acronyms AAY Antyodaya Anna Yojana 1 MOV 1 Means of Verification , ANM Auxiliary Nurse Midwife j MPR Monthly Progress Report ARSH I Adolescent Reproductive and Sexual MUAC Mid-Upper Arm Circumference LHealth ASHA Accredited Social Health Activist NGO Non Government Organisation AWC Anganwadi Centre NOP Nutrition Operational Plan Anganwadi Workers NRHM National Rural Health Mission BCC Behaviour Change Communication SHG j elf Help Group BDO Block Development Officer NRC Nutritional Rehabilitation Centre BPMU Block Programme Management Unit NRHM National Rural Heath Mission CDMO Chief District Medical Officer ORMAS Odisha Rural Marketing and --- CDPO CHC CHW Child Development Project Officer Community Health Centre Community Health Worker ORS PD PDS Development Society Oral Rehydration Salt Pustikar Divas Public Distribution System DPMU District Programme Management Unit Department of Rural Developmen t District Social Welfare Officer Department of Women and Child PIP Programme Implementation Plan PHC Primary Health Centre Panchayati Raj Institutions DRD DSWO DWCD Development FLW I Front Line Worker GKS GM Gaon Kalyan Samiti Growth Monitoring Go! Go0 GP Government of India Government of Odisha Gram Panchayat Hot cooked Meal HCM HNBC ICDS JEC IMR IFA IPC Interpersonal Communication Jaanch Committee Lady Supervisor Lady Health Visitor MAM Moderate Acute Malnutrition MC MDM Mother's Committee Mid-Day Meal MHW Male Health Worker MIS Management Information System MM Moderately Malnourished MNRE Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guaranteed Act Medical Officer in Charge GA MO I/C Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Group RWSS SAM SC Severe Acute Malnutrition Schedule Caste SN SNP SO Staff Nurse Supplementary Nutrition Programme Special Officer, Micro Project Area SPMU State Programme Management Unit ST THR Schedule Tribe Take Home Ration TMST Technical Management Support Team 4- Home Based Neonatal Care Integrated Child Development Service Information, Education and Communication Infant Mortality Ratio Iron Folic Acid JC LS LHV PRI PVTG Rural Water Supply & Sanitation TPDS Targeted Public Distribution System VHND , Village Health Nutrition Day --, WHO World Health Organization 1 I i i-- I 3 Purpose of the guideline The Department of Women and Child Development, Government of Odisha has approved a convergent health and nutrition plan for the Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Group (PVTG) to address the health and nutritional needs of the community. The plan will be implemented in 17 Micro Projects in 12 Districts in the State. The guideline thus developed presents how to implement different activities envisaged under the convergent plan for the PVTGs. It presents an overview of the strategy to be adopted by the Department of Health & FW, DWCD and Dept. of SC & ST Development in addressing the health and nutritional needs of the PVTGs. The guideline will be useful for the functionaries of Health & FW and Department of Women &Child Development department at the State, District and SubDistrict level and for the staffs and officers of the SC&ST Development department at the Micro Project level and at the State level in implementation of the convergent plan. Background Odisha has the distinction of having the highest number of PVTGs among all the States and Union Territories of India. Odisha is home to 62 types of tribes of which 13 tribes are designated as "Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups" for their distinct culture, life style and socio-economic conditions. Each group constitutes culturally homogeneous segment of the tribal population in the State. The PVTGs live in remote habitats, in a state of isolation and thus have been able to conserve their cultural identity which is manifested in their languages, their socio cultural beliefs, traditions, dance and music. The members of the PVTG community have low level of literacy, lack development awareness, have declining or stagnant population and use preagricultural level of technology. The habitations of PVTG have inadequate health care facilities and most of the PVTG household lives in abject poverty. PVT groups are small in number, differentially developed with respect to one another; live in remote habitat with poor administrative and infrastructure back up. Their problems and needs are quite different from others and therefore there is a need for additional programmes and convergent action for the health and nutrition wellbeing of the PVTGs. Rationale for Convergent Action Plan The persistent reasons of undernutrition amongst the PVTGs are manifold and needs a concerted action not just limited to the DWCD, but action on the determinants of undernutrition which is related to their economic circumstances, socio-cultural practices and moreover effective utilisation of the converged health and nutrition programmes and policies for betterment of the PVTGs. Economic: The household level food insecurity is one of the major reasons for existing undernutrition among the family members as well as of the children in PVTGs. Despite being provided with subsidised ration through Targeted Public Distribution System (TPDS) and entitlements like Antyodaya Anna Yojana (AAY), the families find it hard to meet their basic food requirement. The social and cultural practices in relation to child care are a cause of concern in PVTGs. Most of the mothers of the PVT community are working and therefore either take their small children with them or leave them with their older siblings at home for care. On Social and Cultural: both the occasions, the feeding of the small child is compromised. Studies on PVTGs indicate to late initiation of breast feeding, feeding of additional food other than breast feeding during the first six months and very late initiation of complimentary feeding. The frequency of feeding for the children as well as adults is very low which leads to high levels of undernutrition in the community. Low Uptake of Services: Geographical inaccessibility and inaccessibility due to knowledge and awareness amongst the PVTGs results in low uptake of the health, nutrition and other services. Knowledge on health, nutrition and sanitation in the community is found to be abysmally low. Policy Environment: Integrated Child Development Services and National Rural Health Mission are two flagship programmes implemented with greater focus to ensure better health and nutrition outcome for 0-6 year old children and for the adolescent, pregnant and lactating mothers. However, the utilisation of the 1CDS and Health services in the PVTG areas are abysmally low and sometimes the provisions under the schemes are more general in nature which does not specifically address the health and nutrition needs of the PVTGs. In addition to the health and nutrition programmes, the SC&ST Development Department runs several schemes to provide better education, income generation opportunities and hygiene and sanitation measures in the area. However the reach as well as the utilisation of the services need further strengthening to have positive impact in the lives of the PVTGs. Targeted Community i) PVTGs living in the 17 Micro Project area identified by the SC&ST Development Department covering 12 Districts, 20 Blocks, 84 Gram Panchayats and 541 Villages. ii) The PVTG population to be covered • 0-6 year old children: 19399 • Male Members : 39761 • Female : 43047 iii) Under the plan, focused interventions at individual level will be for the PVTGs; however other community members living in the micro-project area will be benefited from the community level initiatives. Objective of the Convergent plan • Build capacity of the service providers, community members and members of the local governance structures for improved health and nutrition services and uptake of developmental services. • Address the nutritional requirements of the moderately and severely underweight and wasted children in the community through additional food supplementation. • Nutritional status tracking of 0-5 year children. • Awareness and education for the community members on health, nutrition and child care practices and schemes in the Micro project area • Delivery of health services through bi-annual health camps for prevention, management of diseases and treatment of diseases in referral centres. • Converge with the SC&ST Development Department and Rural Development Department for support in livelihoods promotion, safe drinking water, hygiene & sanitation and realization of entitlements and rights. 5 Process of preparation of the guideline The following processes were adopted in development of the guideline. Consultations were conducted at the State level and field visits were undertaken to the Micro project area and observations from the field was discussed in development of the guideline. Feedback from the training of the community members and special officers and NGOs from the PVTG area have also been incorporated in the plan. State Level Consultation • Under the chairmanship of Commissioner-cum-Secretary, WCD Department of Government of Odisha, a meeting was held on 22nd May 2013 on 'Intensive campaign for children'. The meeting was attended by the addressing malnutrition among PVTG Commissioner -cum- Secretary, ST&SC NRHM, Commissioner -cum- Mission Director, i) Development Department. Under the chairmanship of Director, Social Welfare, a convergent meeting of the DWCD, FW department and Panchayati Raj ST&SC Development Department, Health & August 2013 and a draft plan was shared. Feedbacks from Department was held on 2nd the participants were noted for incorporation in the guideline. On 4th September 2013, meeting under the chairmanship of Director, Social Welfare was held and a revised draft was shared. Activities and responsibilities were finalised. The meeting was attended by ST&SC Development Department, Health & FW department and Panchayati Raj Department and the State Advisor to Supreme Court's Commissioner ii) iii) Office. • Field visit to the Micro project area in Sundergarh and Keonjhar district was undertaken team had interactions with the AWW, ASHA, ANM, Medical by member of the TMST. The Officers in CHC, PHC, CDPO and with the Special Officer of the Micro Project area. i) Field visit was undertaken by the State Advisor to Supreme Court's Commissioner Office. ii) • i) Field Visit to Micro Project Area: Feedback from the training / meeting of Special Officer, community members, Nodal NGOs of the Micro Projects Training programme for the special officers and selected community members and nodal NGOs was conducted and feedback was solicited to improve the nutrition condition of children in the PVTG area. The feedback from the training has been incorporated in the guideline. Partners in implementation Anganwadi Worker (AWW), Anganwadi Helper(AWH), lady Supervisor a) WCD Department: (LS) , Child Development Project Officer(CDPO), District Programme Management Unit (DPMU), NOP and District Social Welfare Officer ( DSWO) Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA), Auxiliary Nurses b) Health & FW Department: (Male Health Worker), SN (Staff Nurse), Midwife (ANM), Lady Health Visitor (LHV), MHW NRHM and Chief MO (Medical Officer), District Programme Management Unit (DPMU), District Medical Officer (CDMO). Special Officer (SO), Micro Project area (Special SC&ST Development Department: c) Officer), Nodal NGO in the Micro Project area. Executive Engineer, DRD d) /Aural Development Department 6 e) Panchayati Raj Department: Block Development Officer (BDO) f) Community Members: PRI members, Traditional leaders, GKS members, SHG, JC & MC members, Community volunteers identified by the SC&ST development department Components under the Plan The focus under the Scheme is given on the following key areas 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Food & Nutrition including Safe Drinking Water, Sanitation & Livelihood Maternal Health & Child Health Community Mobilisation, Ownership and Empowerment Provider Perspectives : Sensitisation and Capacity Building of the service providers Monitoring and Evaluation Grievance redressal. Implementation Arrangements A. FOOD. NUTRITION &SAFE DRINKING WATER 1. Improving coverage and quality of government supported food security Schemes, such as PDS, MDM, SNP& THR of ICDS a) Campaign on Entitlements in PVTG Villages The campaign on entitlements will cover development and food schemes such as TPDS, AAY, MDM, SNP and THR which has a direct bearing on the nutritional status of children. The campaign will also cover other developmental schemes such as water, sanitation, MNREGA which are detrimental to the nutrition status the PVTGs. The community meetings will be organised in each PVTG village on a monthly basis. Mothers of 6months-6 year children, pregnant women, lactating mothers, adolescents and community members will be mobilised to attend the meetings. The meeting will discuss the entitlement rights of the beneficiaries and will assess the implementation of different schemes in the project villages. The community meetings will be facilitated by the NGO representatives and the meeting proceedings will be recorded. Based on the grievances, issue wise list will be prepared and submitted to the Special Officer of the Micro projects to further forward them to appropriate departments for action. The wall paintings will be at the prominent place of the villages. The wall painting will be in the local language and will cover services under different schemes. The prototype for the wall painting will be developed by the SPMU-DWCD and will be placed for technical committee's approval. The prototype thus approved will be shared with the SC&ST Dev. Department for undertaking the wall paintings in the villages of the Micro project area. COW a, "I I!: Community meetings in the Villages Monthly Feb'13 No of meetings Meeting Lead: SC& ST Dev. Dept. minutes & Nodal NGO Monthly Theme wise list of issues and submitted to SO, Micro Projects Monthly Forwarding of the issues to appropriate departments by SO, Micro Projects Wall painting One time Feb'13 Feb'13 March'14 Theme based compilation of issues raised in the corn munity meetings Letter forwarded to relevant departments Compila tion sheet No of wall paintings Support: ASHA, AWW, ANM and community volunteers in conduct of the community meetings. Letter NGO report Lead: SPMU-DWCD for prototype Support: Wall painting implemented by SC&ST Dev. Dept. through the Nodal NG0s. b) Mapping & ensuring all PVTG families have an AAY Card Mapping for supply of AAY cards will be undertaken in the Micro Project area. The activity will be carried by the nodal NGO and a micro project wise report on availability of cards will be submitted to Food and Civil Supplies Dept. The Food and Civil supplies dept. will supply the AAY cards to the left out families on a priority. NGO representatives will constantly follow on issuance of card to the families. Mapping of the families Micro Project wise list to and Food Civil Supplies Dept. through Special Officer, Micro Pro -ect 2. One time & updation Continuous activity Feb'14 Feb'14 List of families No of families having MY card/ Total families List MY benefici ary list Lead: SC&ST Dev. Dept. Support: Nodal NGO & Food and Civil Supplies Dept. Ensure access to and utilization of Safe Drinking Water and Sanitation facility in PVTG Hamlets • Survey on the availability of safe drinking water and Sanitation facility in the PVTG Hamlets. All the PVTG hamlets need to have safe drinking water facility. A survey to this effect will be carried out by the micro project offices of the PVTG area. The list of hamlets for safe drinking water facility will be shared with the RWSS/RD Dept. for provisioning of safe drinking water. 8 Assessment Onetime & report of the updation hamlets for from time water and to time Sanitation facility Feb'14 Hamlet list prepared Hamlet list Lead: SC & ST Dev. Dept. for survey. RD Dept. for provisioning of water facility in all the Villages and Hamlets in a phased manner. RWSS to ensure sanitation facility in the PVTG villa:es 3. Promoting Animal Husbandry in the PVTG areas In order to ensure livelihood opportunities for the tribals in the PVTG areas, Animal Husbandry is to be promoted by the Micro Projects in convergence with the department of Animal Husbandry. A survey will be conducted by the Nodal NGO and a micro project wise report on providing facilities for Animal Husbandry will be submitted to the Department of Animal Husbandry. The Department will then provide the facility to the PVTG families in the Micro Project.The Nodal NGO will follow up the same with the Micro Projects amd monitor the progress in the villages. litgagit Mapping of the families for providing facilities for Animal Husbandr Micro Project wise list to Dept. of Animal Husbandry through Special Officer, Micro Pro'ect B. fro One time & updation Feb'14 List of families Continuous activity Feb'14 No of families Benefici having ary list received benefits for Animal Husbandry List Lead: SC&ST Dev. Dept. Support: Nodal NGO & Department of Animal Resources Development MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH 1. Growth Tracking • Monthly growth tracking of 0-5 year old normal children and weekly Growth Monitoring for Severely Malnourished and Severe Acutely Malnourished, NRC discharged children and fortnightly growth monitoring for Moderately Malnourished children. 9 100% weighing of 0-5 year old children, MUAC measurement of 6 months -5 year old children and growth recording of children will be done in the new WHO growth monitoring register. • • • • • • 0-5 year old children in normal category will be weighed every month. 0-5 year old children in moderate category will be weighed once in a fortnight. 0-5 year old in severely underweight category will be weighed every week. 6months-5 year SAM children will be weighed every week. NRC Discharged children will be weighed every week MUAC measurement will be for all 6months -5 year old children every month. The AWW will do the MUAC measurement and record the measurements in the Weight register maintained at the AWC. The growth monitoring information for individual children will be recorded at the project office and name based tracking will be done to record their progress. The mothers of growth faltering children and children in moderate and severe category and NRC discharged children will be counselled on health and nutrition issues by the AWW and ASHA on a priority basis. The representatives of the Nodal NGO will support the AWW in preparation of a due list for growth monitoring each month and regularly follow up for increase in coverage and quality of weighing in the AWCs. Feb'14 MUAC Weekly for SM, SAM & NRC discharged children. Fortnightly weighing of MM monthly for normal category children . Recording of As per norms Feb'14 weight in GM register Weighing of year 0-5 children on WHO /601 norms. MUAC for 6months-5 years old children Counselling Need based based on the Nutritional status during home visit and on VHN Day Feb'14 Referral to Need based PD/NRC Follow up of children Feb'14 % of children weighed according to norms GM register Lead: AWW and the LS from the DWCD department Support: ASHA and ANM of the Health & FW dept. and Nodal NGO of children's weight recorded in GM register Counselling sessions held during VHND and Home Visits GM register Lead: AWW and the LS from the DWCD department Support: Nodal NGO Home Visit check list Lead: AWW Support: Nodal NGO of MPR children referred vs number 10 Lead: AWW &ASHA Support: Nodal NGO attended PD/ admitted to NRC 2. Any day Referral of Children from PVTG village to the nearest PHC/CHC for treatment • Advisory from Health for reimbursement of travel cost to mother on the lines of Pustikar Diwas In the PVTG villages, children in 0-5 year's age identified in the category of Severely Malnourished and Severely Acutely Malnourished (through MUAC tape) on any day will be referred to the nearest Pustikar Diwas (PD) point for further investigations. Subsequent to their investigations they will be treated at the PD point or will be referred to the nearest NRC for treatment. The Health& FW department will issue guideline to the Districts that the mothers taking their children to the PD points on referral on any day are to be provided with the transportation cost and if referred to the NRC from the PD point are also to be supported with travel cost. The existing referral formats will be used for the purpose. N(i) Advisory One time from Health Dept. to the Districts on any day referral Dec'13 No of children referred and have received the benefits PD report ral Lead: Health and FW Dept. Support: AWW to facilitate the referrals 3. Strengthening SNP in PVTG area • Additional HCM point in inaccessible hamlets through SH Gs Currently ther' e are 271 Villages and Hamlets in the 17 Micro Projects which are at a distance of more than 1 Km. from the AWCs. The Children in 3-6 years age are not able to access the AWCs and therefore are not able to take benefits of the hot cooked meal provided from the AWCs. There is a need of brining all the children into ICDS fold and serve them with the benefit of hot cooked meal close to their place of residence. As an alternate strategy, the children not able to access the hot cooked meal at the AWC at a distance of more than 1 km. will be provided with the hot cooked meal in their hamlets. The SHG group of the hamlet will be assigned the task of preparing the hot cooked meal according to the revised norms and serve it to the children in the age group of 3-6 years in the hamlet. The SHG members will collect the dry ration from the AWC on a weekly basis. In order to find out the efficacy of the arrangement, the food supplementation at the hamlets will be piloted in the farthest hamlets in one GP for 3 months in each Micro Project area and later on will be scaled up in all hamlets in the micro project area. In order to ensure that the hot cooked meal is prepared and served to the children, mothers 11 committee as per the prevailing norms of ICDS will be formed in the hamlets and they will be responsible for overseeing proper implementation of the activity. DWCD One time Advisory the from DWCD to the Districts Identificatio One time n of the SHG Feb'14 Advisory issued The office to District and order Block Feb'14 SHG List of the Lead: AWW Support: Nodal NGO SHGs Formation of One time Mothers group Feb'14 Mothers Group formed of Lead: A WW List Support: Nodal NGO Mothers group Need based Orientation the of members of SHG/ the Mothers group on the HCM Documentati One time on of the activity Scale-up in Need based the all hamlets/ of villages Micro project March'14 Training Orientation report the at training project Micro level On going Process documentation May'14 All hamlets are Office Order covered • Document Lead: DPMU, DWCD Support: Nodal NGO Lead: DPMU, DWCD Support: Nodal NGO DWCD Strengthening the SHGs involved in THR production and supply in the PVTG area Take Home Ration production and supply has been assigned to the Self Help Groups in Odisha. However in order to strengthen the THR units in the PVTG area, an assessment will be carried out and the gaps will be identified. Based on the gaps identified, further course of action will be devised to strengthen the SHGs to run the THR units with assistance from Odisha Livelihood Mission/ ORMAS/ Mission Shakti. 4. Strengthening VHND and PD in PVTG area • Strengthening VHND 12 Village Health and Nutrition day in the PVTG village needs to be further strengthened with preparation of due list, ensuring participation of the beneficiaries for services, making sure that the equipment and other logistics are available, proper documentation for services delivered are kept and person's in need of referral to higher centres are helped for referral. Under the plan, an assessment of all the PVTG AWCs will be done to identify the equipment and infrastructural gaps and efforts will be made to bridge the gaps. Assessment of the AWCs for equipment and supplies through a check list One time Provisioning of equipment and supplies Need based Feb'14 March' 14 Assessment conducted Centres supplied with the equipment and supplies Assessment report, VHND logistics available, VHND conducted as per norms MPR Lead: Health & FW Support: Nodal NGO Lead: Health & FW Support: Nodal NGO • Additional PD in micro project area The distance to the PHC/CHC for diagnosis and investigation act as a barrier for the parents of sick and malnourished children to access the PD services. Therefore additional PD points will be organised in health institutions closer to the micro project area to increase the coverage. .. . "i1101 41,3 64, Advisory from Health and FW Dept. to the Districts Need based Dec'13 Advisory issued Office Order Selection of PD point and adequate stocking of logistics Need based Feb'14 Facilities identified List of the Lead: Health Additional &FW Dept. PD points, Logistics for additional PD Pathological Tests for Malaria, Stool and Anaemia at the sites for Pustikar Diwas Need Based Feb'14 onwards No of sites No of tests having testing done at the facilities PD sites 13 Health &FW Dept. Health &FW Dept. On going Dissemination the of information in Micro the Project villages Feb'14 onwards Awareness the area in Attendance Nodal NGO, FLWs the of Health and in DWCD additional PD centres 5. Nutritional supplementation for Non Sick SAM, MM and NRC discharged children Additional food supplementation for Non Sick SAM, MM and NRC discharged children • Additional food supplementation along with health and hygiene for children in 6months-5year has the potential to prevent undernutrition. Therefore in the PVTG area, additional food supplementation will be provided for the non-sick SAM children (identified through MUAC) and children who are moderately malnourished and have been discharged from the NRC. The existing guidelines of DWCD regarding THR for severely malnourished children will be applicable for the children who are discharged from NRC, Non sick SAM children and moderately malnourished children in the PVTG area. The children identified through the growth monitoring process and NRC discharged children will be included for additional supplementation. I P 014 1,, 90 ' ..: f !■ Advisory from DWCD the to District &Block AWCs in the PVTG area to be supplied THR as per revised norms THR distributed the on designated days Monitoring the of at activity the beneficiary level One time Feb'14 Advisory issued District Block Order DWCD to & Need based Feb'14 Indent placed Stock book to the THR at the AWC units Additional THR supplied DWCD Need based Feb'14 % of children MPR receiving the extra THR DWCD On going Feb'14 No of visits, Monitoring Lead: Mother's report of Committee interviews the DPMU Support: Nodal NGO with staff beneficiaries members 6. Improved practices for use of nutritionally rich local food items • BCC tool on nutritive value of commonly available local food, recipes. Counselling and follow-up for compliance 14 A guidebook for the ASHAs, AWWs and the NGO staff members on nutritive value of locally available food stuffs will be developed. The guidebook will be used for counselling purpose in the villages on the Mamata Diwas and also in the NRC for educating mothers. Through improved practices activity, the PVT families will be provided information on the nutritive value of the food item that is available in their surrounding and will be encouraged to use any one of the items which the family does not consume as part of their diet and which the family can have through own production or can buy with their existing economic circumstances. The recommendation will be constantly followed up and the family will be encouraged to include another food item when the first item has been completely integrated to their food system. The activity will be spearheaded by the AWW and will be supported by the ASHA and the local NGO representative. •.i ...t1a' 0,-- Listing of On going locally available food- season wise Development One time of BCC tool Training of One time FLWs on the and need BCC tool based Feb'14 Food listing item BCC tool Lead: DPMU-DWCD Support: Nodal NGO Feb'14 Development of the BCC tool BCC Tool Lead: DPMU-DWCD Support: Nodal NGO Feb'14 Training on the BCC to FLWs, Observations in the field on use of the BCC tool Training Report Lead: DPMU-DWCD Support: Nodal NGO 7. Facilitating optimum utilization of NRC and follow-up tracking • Additional travel cost for NRC referral The mothers of the sick children referred to NRC for admission be supported with the travel cost from their place of residence to the NRC and travel cost from the NRC to their home on discharge. The travel cost will be provided to the mother on admission of the sick child in the N RC. -170X0-4:1•1 q..1,J••.• it) Advisory from the Health Dept. to the Districts for travel Need based Jan'14 No of mothers received travel cost for travel to NRC 15 MPR Health &FW Dept. support Increased wage compensation for mothers of children admitted in NRC • Most of the mothers in the PVTG area are working mothers and they support and sometimes are the mainstay for their family income. The low wage compensation of NRC sometimes deters the mothers to admit their children to the NRC. Therefore the wage compensation for the mothers in PVTG area be increased to Rs.100*/- so as to motivate the mothers to admit their children to the NRC and stay for the period of treatment. The wage compensation provided will be in addition to the food cost that is provided to the mothers when their child is admitted to the NRC. Health &FW Dept. No of mothers NRC Need based Jan'14 Advisory report received the from wage Health Dept. compensation the to Districts for referral cost * Subject to approval from the Health & FW department. • Weekly follow-up of NRC discharged children in the community The children discharged from the NRC are mostly regain their appetite and are in a situation of returning to their growth trajectory. Therefore there is a need of keeping constant vigil on such children so that they don't fall back to their earlier condition. Therefore the ASHA and the AWW of the village will do a weekly weighing of the children on the lines of SM children. If the child's growth is found to be going down, they will be immediately referred to the PD point for further diagnosis and treatment. MN • 11:rAttlift.,••.=.1.5-.6.,,,;,.. ••• Weekly Advisory from DWCD for week GM NRC of discharged children Jan'14 No of NRC discharged children followed up GM report DWCD Supported Nodal NGO by the 8. Health Check-up, Referral and Regular follow up of children to improve health and nutrition situation • Bi-Annual Health Camps: The health needs of the PVTGs will be addressed by mobilising them to attend Bi-Annual health camps to be organised in convergence with the health department. The PVTGs residing in 84 GPs under 17 Micro projects will be covered through 168 bi-annual health camps. Two health camps will be organised in each GP and the venue will be at the sub-GP level, preferably a bigger village or any place that is easily accessible by the PVTGs residing in the fringe areas. The health camps will be organised as per the micro plan prepared by health department and the same will be shared with the Micro Projects. The Micro Project of the area will be the administrative unit and the BPMU of Health Dept. along with the DPMU of DWCD will be the coordinating agency. The Nodal NGO of the SC & ST Development Dept. will be responsible for 16 community mobilisation. The camp dates should not be on the VHN days for the same village. The camp date and day will be disseminated in the villages to be covered by the health camp. The human resources for the camp such as Doctors, nurses, paramedics and all logistics such as medicine, consumables will be from the health department (as per the tribal health camp guideline). The AWW, ASHA and the ANM of the village will assist in organisation and smooth conduct of the camp. The camp will be open for all the residents in the micro project area, however special focus will be on the women and children from the PVT community. Children covered in the health camps and found to be in severely wasted category or having bipedal oedema will be directly referred to the nearest NRC or the paediatric ward of the nearest PHC/CHC/DH. Services to be provided in the Health Camps: Clinical Examination by Doctor/Skilled Nurse for all the attendees of the camp for illnesses and provision of drugs for the ailments. - Referral of the patients to higher up institutions. Services for the 0-5 year children Growth Monitoring and Counselling, Referral of severely wasted children with infections to the NRC/ Paediatric ward of CHC/ DHH. Blood Test for Malaria for all the severely underweight and severely wasted children and treatment for the positive cases. Haemoglobin tests for children and IFA supplementation, de-worming and Vitamin A Supplementation on a case to case basis. The camp in the PVTG area will be useful for children to be treated for Malaria, ARI, Diarrhoea and other ailments. This will also help to reduce undernutrition and decrease the risk of death due to undernutrition and illnesses. The camp will help the system to authenticate community data on point of prevalence of Malaria Parasites and Anaemia which can be disaggregated by age, gender, village etc. This will also provide authentic information on the nutritional status of children and if the camps are repeated annually around the same date, this data will then provide trends across time, to show if the situation is actually improving or not in the PVTG area. IiilD 1 Community mobilisation Health camp twice in a year at the GP level Record maintenance of the Health Cam. Referral to higher facilities Ogi,::)ej, On going . .14 .. 110 gt ∎ • 1 • • (;1 , 1- Feb'14 Patient load onwards Feb'14 & No of Health Aug'14 Camps held Camp record Report Feb'14 & Camp record Aug'14 maintained Camp record Health & FW Dept. During Feb'14 & No of patients Camp Camp and Aug'14 referred and record after as part no availed the of routine referral Health & FW Dept. Bi annual During camp 17 Nodal NGO Health & FW Dept. services activity Follow up On going Monitoring of the Camps Bi-annual Feb'14 & Aug'14 Health & FW Dept. No patients Camp record referred Monitoring Health & FW Dept. Monitoring report report Reporting Bi-annual Feb'14 & Aug'14 Report prepared Report Health & FW Dept. • Screening for malaria: Entire PVTG population (symptomatic & asymptomatic cases) should be tested for Malaria and complete saturation in the PVTG areas is to be ensured. The tribal children staying in the educational schools/complexes should also be screened for Malaria. All PVTG families and students staying in the educational complexes should be provided with impregnated mosquito nets (LLIN). Camp of Bi annual Feb'14 & Patient load Testing record Aug'14 PVTGs for during the Health Malaria Cam s Feb'14 & No of Schools Report Testing of Bi Annual covered, Aug'14 Children in Students Educational in tested Schools/ Schools Complexes Camps held On-going Distribution of LLIN nets PVTG to families Feb'14 to April'14 Distributio Distribution n records records, Micro Project Wise Health & FW Dept. Health & FW Dept. Health & FW Dept. in coordination with Micro Projects and Nodal NGOs 9. Ensuring access to basic Primary Health Care - Diarrhoea management through enhanced capacity of AWW / ASHA / ANM • Capacity development of FL workers on ORS preparation & use. Adequate stocking of ORS in the HSC and with ASHA Interventions on diarrhoea have proven to be a very successful intervention for prevention of child mortality and morbidity. Therefore under the plan the knowledge of the frontline workers will be reinforced by orientating them on preparation of ORS solutions and proper use of Zinc and ORS solution in diarrhoea. It would be also ensured that the HSC and the ASHAs have adequate stock of ORS packets and Zinc tablets with them. The ORS and Zinc training will be incorporated in 1000 day and HBNC training. A separate guideline in Odia on the use of zinc will be prepared by the Health & FW Dept. for the use of FLWs. 18 1 111 ' ?4:100:i Training of One time FL workers incorporated in 1000 days training and HBNC trainin : Development One time of a guideline on use of ORS+ Zinc Advisory One time from the Health &FW dept. for the trainin 0 0 0:1E11= (9i 0 (:-.- 04t l''''' 1 '0 '2, April'14 No of FLWs Training trained on report ORS+ Zinc Health& FW Dept. Feb'14 Guideline developed Health& FW Dept. Feb'14 Advisory sent Office to the District order Guideline Health& FW Dept. 10. Provision of Mamata benefits to all the mothers from PVTGs • Mamata Benefits to mothers irrespective of age & birth order Mamata benefit is extended to mothers of above 19 years of age and for the first two children. The objective of the scheme is to provide financial assistance to mothers irrespective of their age and birth order for adequate rest during pregnancy without losing their wages and to have additional nutritional supplementation during and after pregnancy. The conditions attached to the scheme helps in immunisation of the mother and children and focus on breastfeeding and complimentary feeding for children. Therefore there is a need of providing the Mamata benefits to all the mothers in the PVTG area to help them have better nutrition during and after pregnancy and also help in immunisation of their children and breast feeding and complimentary feeding for their children on completion of 6 months of age. ;'‘ Advisory One time from DWCD for universal benefit Assessment On going of no of pregnancies Funds provision at the District and Sub District level On going Feb'14 Feb'14 Feb'14 If No of mothers receiving the Mamata benefit No of mothers receiving the Mamata benefit No of mothers receiving the Mamata benefit Mamata MPR DWCD Mamata MPR DWCD Mamata MPR DWCD 11. Counselling of pregnant mothers on health and nutrition • 'Saad Khia' (Godhbharai) for pregnant mothers in 4th month of the pregnancy 19 'Saad Khia' (Godhbharai) for pregnant mothers in PVTG area will be taken up. The AWW and ASHA will have the list of the pregnant women in the village and while mobilising the pregnant women for early registration for immunisation and maternity benefits, the ASHA and the AWW will mobilise the pregnant women to attend the 'saad khia' in the AWC on VHN Day. The 'saad khia' (godhbharai) will be celebrated at the AWC and women from the community will be called to participate in the celebrations. The pregnant women will be felicitated in the AWC and will be provided with a complete meal on the day and will be counselled to take adequate food during pregnancy. The activity is aimed at educating the mothers on the need of taking extra food during pregnancy and to have rest during the pregnancy. -. • One time Advisory from DWCD the to Districts Feb'14 Advisory at Office the District order Block and level DWCD On going Celebration 'Saad of Khia'(Godhb harai) in the AWC Feb'14 onwards of Report No pregnant mothers celebrated odhbharai DWCD & EMPOWERMENT C. COMMUNITY MOBILISATION - OWNERSHIP 1. Identification of Volunteers from the PVTGs • Orientation of the volunteers on schemes, special schemes and programme on Health, Nutrition and Poverty alleviation Two volunteers from each village will be selected and trained on the schemes and programmes related to health, nutrition and poverty alleviation. The training will be conducted at the Micro Project level and will be facilitated by the DPMU and the Special officers of the Micro projects. The volunteers help the frontline service providers in delivering the services to the intended beneficiaries and will help in mobilising the community members to take the benefit of the schemes and programmes. • Selection of One time the volunteers the from community days Repeat 2 refresher orientation all after a year on development schemes Feb'14 Volunteers selected Selection list Lead: Nodal NGO DPMUSupport: DWCD March'14 Trainings provided Training report Lead: DPMU, DWCD Support- Nodal NGO 20 2. Orientation of the Community Leaders • Orientation of the community leaders on schemes, special schemes and programme on Health, Nutrition and Poverty alleviation The community leaders are the opinion leaders in their community and greatly influence the decisions in the community. Under the plan, the community leaders will be oriented on schemes, programmes so as to mobilise community around their entitlements and help in uptake of the services. 2 days Repeat orientation refresher on all after a year development schemes March'14 Trainings provided Training report Lead: DPMU, DWCD Support- Nodal NGO 3. Capacity development of Coordinators at Micro Projects to be appointed by SC & ST Dept (Adolescent Girls) on Health and nutrition, and vocational training for livelihoods Capacity building of Adolescent Girls on ARSH, Iron+, Nutrition. The Department of SC & ST to appoint Coordinators at the Micro Projects from amongst the qualified girls of the community and utilize their services for strengthening the implementation of the different programmes for the PVTGs.The coordinators will be trained by DWCD on the different schemes and programmes and will be involved in the monitoring of the schemes. They will further disseminate the messages in their group monthly group meetings with the help of the AWW and the ASHA in their respective villages. A401k,,,11 Identificatio Twice n and 2 days year training of the adolescent girls on ARSH, Iron+ a Group On-going. meetings by Once in a the month adolescent groups moderated b the ASHA March'14 & Sept'14 Trainings provided Training report Lead: Nodal NGO Support: DPMUDWCD Feb'14 Group meetings conducted each month Group meeting register Lead: Nodal NGO Support: DPMUDWCD 21 • Vocational training for Adolescents on market linked skills The mean age at marriage in tribal area is low and is great a contributor to low birth weight and thereby under nutrition. Therefore, if the marriage can be delayed in the area by engaging the adolescents in some income generating activities the problem of undernutrition can be addressed to a great extent. Vocational trainings will be arranged for the adolescent girls so that they take up market linked vocations and supplement to their family income. The trainings could be conducted in partnership with the Handicraft and Cottage Industries Dept. /Jan Sikhya Sansthan under National Literacy Mission Authority of School and Mass Education Department/Employment Mission in the respective micro project areas. On going Vocational training for the Adolescents March'14 of Training No report adolescents trained Lead: Nodal NGO Support: DWCD 4. Culturally appropriate BCC / IEC in the PVTG area • Development of Key Messages & communication materials in local language Communications material in local languages will be developed. The messages on services, improved health and nutrition practices will be developed in local language for dissemination. Adaptation of Entitlement in charts local Ian ua e IPC tool in local language (Flip books 1000 on days) • One time Feb'14 activity No of AWCs Charts having entitlement charts DWCD One time Feb'14 activity No of AWWs Flip Book, using the IPC tool during the Home visits, Counselling sessions DWCD Use of folk media for the dissemination of messages- Local troupes for IEC activities The local troupes from the Micro project area will be identified. The local troupe members will be trained by the Song and Drama Division at the State level on the script developed by DWCD. The troupes trained will organise folk shows in the villages on different themes pertaining to health and nutrition and on Anti Liquor campaign. 22 ldentificatio n of local troupes ci One time Feb'14 Development On-going of script Training of One time the troupe members Feb'14 Folk shows in the community on Health, Nutrition and Anti Liquor campaign D. Bi-annual Feb'14 March'14 & Sept'14 No of troupes identified from Micro Projects Script development No of troupes trained Micro Micro Projects, project SC&ST Dev. Dept. wise list of troupes Script SPMU-DWCD Training report No of folk IEC/BCC shows held report Song and Drama Division- Supported by DSWOs and DPMU-DWCD Nodal NGOs PROVIDER PERSPECTIVES: SENSITISATION AND SYSTEM STRENGTHENING 1. Capacity Building of all NGO staffs , Frontline workers of all departments on rights based approach and on programmes and policies • Rights Based orientation and training on programmes and policies for PVTG area The plan for implementation is a convergent plan and services to be provided in the PVTG area cuts across different departments. Therefore there is a need to orient the service providers across departments, NGO functionaries on the programme and policies implemented in the PVTG area. Besides there is a need for orienting the service providers to work in rights based approach in the PVTG area. afrE,) •1•11,(0 1 ,€ Development of One time Feb'14 training module activi TOT at State One time Feb'14 activity Module Training develo • ed module No of Training trainings Report conducted No of Training trainings Report conducted Training of One time Feb'14 District level activity functionaries of ICDS, Micro Projects, health on Rights based approach DWCD SPMU-DWCD DPMU 2. Networking with NGOs ,corporates and other agencies working in PVTG area • Convergence of activities of corporates, NGOs In the PVTG areas many NGOs and CSR groups are working on different themes. Therefore 23 under the plan, networking meetings with the developmental groups will be undertaken to draw maximum benefits for PVTG community and avoid duplication in work in the PVTG area. District level networking meeting will be conducted so as to avoid duplication of effort in the District. District level networking meeting On-going March'14 Convergence meeting held Meeting report DWCD 3. Additional institutions on need for universal coverage New AWCs and Health Sub -Centres in the PVTG area • Although under the universalization of services, AWCs and Health Sub centres have been established, still there is a need to have institutions close to community to further the process of inclusion. In the PVTG area, the hamlets are dispersed and there are physical barriers for children to access the services of ICDS. Therefore mapping for opening of new institutions will be done by the Nodal NGO and appropriate approval will be sought from Government of India to open new AWCs in the PVTG area. time Feb'14 Mapping of One activity Hamlets/ Villages time Feb'14 Proposal to One on activityGOI Followed additional up on an AWCs/Mini on-going AWCs basis of DWCD No Centres sanctioned and made functional of DWCD Request letter No Centres sent sanctioned Approval and made obtained functional Centres o ened Mapping done E. Monitoring and Evaluation 1. Strengthen Monitoring and Supportive Supervision • The implementation of the PVTG Scheme will be reviewed at the State level in the review meetings of OTELP of Dept. of SC & ST. • Process monitoring by the DSWO, CDPO, MO I/C , SO of Micro Project and DPMU staffs The plan for implementation is a convergent plan and in implementation of the plan several agencies are involved. Therefore monitoring and supervision of the plan is of paramount importance. The PVTG area is administered by Special Officers of Micro Projects and therefore SO of Micro project will be the nodal person for monitoring of the activities implemented in the field. He will be ably supported by the DPMU team, CDPO of WCD department and the BPMU team of NRHM and CHC/PHC In charge in monitoring of the activities. 24 • Monthly review by Collector of the PVTG initiatives The convergent plan implemented in the PVTG area will be reviewed at the District level by the District Collector once in a month. Difficulties in implementation of the plan and progress of the plan will be discussed in the meeting. Financial and administrative constraints related to implementation of the plan will be resolved in district meeting. The meeting will be attended by all the implementing organisations and will be convened by the WCD department of the District. • Bi-Monthly review of DPMU, Special Officers, CDPOs of the PVTG areas Bi-monthly review under the chairmanship of Director, Social Welfare will be conducted at the State level for review of the activities implemented in PVTG area. The Director, SC& ST Dept., Mission Director, NRHM, Director, Panchayati Raj will attend review meeting. The Special Officers of the Micro Project, DPMU staff members and CDPOs working in the PVTG area will present the progress of activities in the meeting and further plan will be developed for improving the nutritional status in the PVTG area. • Mobility support for the DPMU/Districts Continuous monitoring of the ICDS schemes in the PVTG area is essential for delivery of services. Through the monitoring gaps in service delivery could be identified and corrected for better results. The DPMU team at the District level are undertaking weekly visit to the PVTG area to provide support in implementation of the special plan and also for the on-going activities under ICDS. Similarly, funds will be made available for the District authorities where there is a micro project for weekly visit to see the progress of activities. tt, Process On-going Feb'14 monitoring onwards by the DSWO, CDPO, MO I/C , SO of Micro Project and DPMU staffs Monthly Monthly Feb'14 review by onwards Collector of the PVTG initiatives Bi-Monthly Bi -monthly Feb'14 review of onwards NGOs, Special Officers, CDPOs of the PVTG areas Mobility Weekly Feb'14 Su ort to onwards 0)063 No of review Meeting meetings held reports No of field visits done No of reports analysed and shared MOM of the meetings Field visit report Data analysis report No of review Meeting meetings held report Minutes Meeting of the No of review Review meetings meeting conducted report Minutes Meeting of the No of weekly Weekly visits made visit resort Monthly Visit reports 25 DPMUs for weekly visits PVTG to areas F. Grievance Redressal In order to provide an enabling platform for the PVTGs to register their complaints related to integrated services envisioned in the convergent plan, grievance redressal forums will be instituionalised at the sub-district and district level. Timelines will be specified for redressal for grievances so that timely benefit is delivered to the community. For the Sub-District level grievances, the Sub-Collector will be the Chairman and the District Collector will be the Chairman for the District Grievance forum. The sub district level grievances will be addressed within seven days of registering the grievances and 10 days if registered at the District level. In the event of non-compliance, the erring officials will be fined under the provisions of the Odisha Right to Public Service Act of 2012. Setting up of One time Feb'14 onwards activity grievance forum at the district under the chairmanshi p of Collector the at district level Suband Collector at Subthe division level. On-going Community Mobilisation by NGOs for registration the of grievances Follow-up at On-going the community level No of forums created at the District and Sub-district level of No grievances raised by the community of No grievances addressed of No grievances raised by the community of No grievances addressed of On-going No grievances raised by the community of No grievances addressed On-going 26 Reports from DWCD the Grievance redressal Forum Reports from Nodal NGO the Grievance redressal Forum Reports from Nodal NGO the Grievance redressal Forum Roles and Responsibilities of the Nodal NGO. SC&ST Development Department The Nodal NGOs working in the Micro Project area will facilitate the implementation of the convergent plan for PVTGs in the Micro Project area. The NGOs will be specifically responsible for the following activities and they will report the progress of the activities to the Special Officer, Micro project area with a copy to the concerned CDPO of the area in the attached reporting format. Community Mobilisation: 1) Organise community meetings in PVTG hamlets/villages to discuss on the entitlements/rights of the PVTGs group related to different development schemes and get feedback for its coverage and quality of implementation from the community. 2) Compile the grievances/ issues theme wise and submit the list with the meeting proceeding to the Special Officer, Micro Project area and to the concerned CDPO of the area. 3) Support in mapping MY card in PVTG families and facilitate in delivery of the cards to the PVTG families. Strengthening Services: 1) Support the AWW in preparation of the due list for Growth Monitoring as outlined in the convergent plan and support AWW and ASHA to mobilise children for Growth Monitoring on VHN Day and other days fixed for the AWC. 2) Facilitate in organisation of counselling sessions with the mothers and help in referral of undernourished children to the Pustikar Diwas and to the NRCs and follow up of the children discharged from NRC in the community. 3) Facilitate the AWW in identification/formation of SHGs and Mothers Group in the inaccessible hamlets in the Micro Project area and orient the SHGs on food preparation according to norm and orient mother's committee for supportive supervision. 4) Support in preparation of a list of equipment and supplies required for smooth conduct of the VHN days in PVTG area. Training and Communication: 1) Facilitate in dissemination of information on additional PD and VHN in the micro project area. 2) Support the DPMU-DWCD in development of a list of locally available food items and in development of the BCC tool and support in the training of the FLWs on the BCC tool. 3) Support in community mobilisation for the Health Camps to be carried out in the PVTG areas. 4) Support in selection and training of Community Volunteers, community leaders, adolescents from the PVTG hamlets/villages. Support in conduct of adolescents group meeting in the hamlets/villages. 5) Support in vocational training of the adolescent girls in the Micro Project area and linking them to Fls and emerging markets. 6) Support in identification of local cultural troupes and holding folk shows in the Micro project hamlets/villages. Supportive Supervision: 1) Provide supportive supervision on registration of GM information in the new WHO GM register and in the MCP Card. 4) Provide supportive supervision for additional THR for the non-sick SAM, Moderate Underweight and NRC discharged children and its intake by the children. 5) Support community members in registration of grievances at the Sub.:District and at the District level for any developmental scheme or for any developmental issues. Submission of project progress & financial reports regularly. Reporting: 1) Participate in Micro project level, Sub-District level, and trainings as required under the plan. District level and State level meeting epartment of any other development 2) Notify the DWCD, Health and SC&ST Development D project implemented in the Micro Project area by the NGO. quarterly statement of expenses to the 3) Provide monthly and quarterly physical progress and SC&ST and DWCD department. ST Development for undertaking the The NGOs will be financially supported by the SC & activities under the convergent plan. c-\ Y .)20" ii\vvt 28
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