CHC2P Canadian History Grade 10, Applied Lesson 6 CHC2P – Canadian History Unit 2 – Lesson 6 Lesson 6: WWI and the Contribution of Many Expectations • • Recognize how the First World War changed the lives of Canadian women Recognize the contribution made by a wide range of Canadians during the war Read the following article and pages 101 – 111 in your text to learn about some of the issues in World War One. Key Words: (For you to define) propaganda conscription suffragist Issues in the War ( ) This is a propaganda poster that was directed towards the women of Canada during World War I. This poster sends a very strong message to women, urging them to give their husbands and sons permission to join the war effort. For much of the war it was against the law in Canada for a married man to enlist without the written permission of their spouse. Many women did refuse to give their husbands permission to enlist. In response these types of posters tried to make Canadian women feel guilty for not offering their men to the war effort. This type of propaganda was common during World War I because of the almost instant respect and honor that a soldier and his family gained by going off to war. Women were often seen walking through the streets trying to encourage all able bodied men to enlist. Many Canadians still saw war as a glorious and heroic event. This picture was taken in Canada at a school for the blind. These young ladies are knitting and sewing items to be shipped overseas to the front. This is a good example of the kinds of contributions made by Canadian women Copyright © 2005, Durham Continuing Education Page 2 of 33 CHC2P – Canadian History during World War I. Almost everyone in Canada was involved with the war effort in some way. Women made things like pillows, sheets, flannel shirts, socks, cholera belts wristlets, balaclavas, and scarves. Many Canadian women tried to do more but were discouraged by their social status and by rules established by the Canadian government. For example, women in Toronto tried to form the "Women's Home Guard" (a group of women to be trained as soldiers to protect Canada's homefront and free up This is a picture of some of the women who were part of the Canadian Army Nursing Service during WWI. Nursing is the most prominent role that Canadian women played at the front in Europe. Over 2000 women enlisted as nursing sisters in the Canadian Expeditionary Force during WWI. The role of women at the front was very limited because of army rules and social constraints. The women of Canada started an organization called, "The Canadian Unit 2 – Lesson 6 men in the official "Home Guard" for overseas duty) but it failed because of strong opposition within Canada. Canadian women did form the "Suffragists' War Auxiliary", designed to provide women to do the jobs of men to free them up for overseas duty. Over 30,000 women worked in munitions factories, more than 5,000 were employed in the civil service, thousands more worked in banks, offices, factories, and on farms, while over 1000 women were employed by the Royal Air Force (e.g., motor transport work, mechanical work, and as ambulance drivers). Women's Hospital Ship Fund". They raised money by organizing concerts, tag days, teas, card parties, lectures, and bazaars. Women also raised money for the Red Cross, Belgian Relief, and Canadian Patriotic Fund. World War I did help suffragist groups break some of these social barriers. As a result, on September 20, 1917 the vote was given to women, whose husbands, sons, and brothers had served in the war. Copyright © 2005, Durham Continuing Education Page 3 of 33 CHC2P – Canadian History Unit 2 – Lesson 6 This photo is a picture of some Canadian nurses during World War I (Ward 33). This picture was taken at Christmas time. The hospital is well decorated for the occasion, in hopes of cheering up the wounded. One of the biggest tasks of a WWI nurse was to comfort the wounded and give them hope of a healthy return home. The second photo is another picture of a military hospital, taken around Christmas time in 1914. Military hospitals were almost always overcrowded and understaffed during WWI. Often times there were not enough beds for the wounded. Key Question #7 The telephone and the television were not readily accessible during WWI. Posters were the main source of information for Canadians during this time. After reading from the textbook pages 101-111, students will design a poster (maximum 8.5 x 11 inches) that represents one of the wartime issues. Students may also use the Internet. • Canada’s Aboriginal fighters • The farming industry • Women’s role • The mechanical industry • Victory Bonds • Conscription Copyright © 2005, Durham Continuing Education Page 4 of 33 CHC2P – Canadian History Criteria Unit 2 – Lesson 6 Knowledge/ Understanding Level 1 5 -communicates information as isolated pieces in a random fashion Level 2 6 -communicates important information but not a clear theme or overall structure -point of view apparent but unclear at times Level 3 7 -clearly communicates main idea, theme or point of view Thinking/ Inquiry -limited evidence of a point of view Communication -colour and/or symbols and graphics unclear -colours and/or symbols and graphics not clearly supportive -colours and/or symbols and graphics support theme of poster Application -text minimally displayed and purpose unclear -text is clearly displayed but does not support theme or message -text supports the purpose of the poster -clear point of view Level 4 8-10 -clearly and effectively communicates main idea, theme or viewpoint to audience -provides support of point of view using rich or persuasive detail -the message or purpose is obvious to the audience through the use of colour and symbol -text or caption delivers the message with impact /40 Women in WWI After reading pages 108 - 111, answer the following support questions. Support Questions 32. 33. 34. What new and important roles were played by Canadian women during WWI? Why might immigrants from “enemy” countries vote against conscription? Why would women whose husbands, fathers, sons and brothers were fighting in the war vote for conscription? Copyright © 2005, Durham Continuing Education Page 5 of 33 CHC2P Canadian History Grade 10, Applied Lesson 7 CHC2P – Canadian History Unit 2 – Lesson 7 Lesson 7: The Roaring 20s Expectations • • • Explain the economic factors which resulted in the boom and bust cycle of the 1920s and 1930s Demonstrate how Canadians adapted to the difficult economic times Describe the continuing impact of technological development on Canadian society Key Words: (for you to define) communist strike conspiracy essential service assembly line collective bargaining Read the following article to learn about women in the 1920s. The Roaring 20s Women Flappers in the Roaring Twenties ( ) In the 1920s, a new woman was born. She smoked, drank, danced, and voted. She cut her hair, wore make-up, and went to petting parties. She was giddy and took risks. She was a flapper. The "Younger Generation" Before the start of World War I, the Gibson Girl was the rage. Inspired by Charles Dana Gibson's drawings, the Gibson Girl wore her long hair loosely on top of her head and wore a long straight skirt and a shirt with a high collar. She was feminine but also broke through several gender barriers for her attire allowed her to participate in sports, including golf, roller skating, and bicycling. Then World War I started. The young men of the world were being used as cannon fodder for an older generation's ideals and mistakes. The attrition rate in the trenches left few with the hope that they would survive long enough to return home. They found themselves inflicted with an "eat-drinkand-be-merry-for-tomorrow-we-die spirit."1 Far away from the society that raised them and faced with the reality of death, many searched (and found) extreme life experiences before they entered the battlefield. When the war was over, the survivors went home and the world tried to return to normalcy. Unfortunately, settling down in peacetime proved more difficult than expected. During the war, the boys had fought against both the enemy and death in far away lands; the girls had bought into the patriotic fervor and Copyright © 2005, Durham Continuing Education Page 7 of 33 CHC2P – Canadian History aggressively entered the workforce. During the war, both the boys and the girls of this generation had broken out of society's structure; they found it very difficult to return. They found themselves expected to settle down into the humdrum routine of American life as if nothing had happened, to accept the moral dicta of elders who seemed to them still to be living in a Pollyanna land of rosy ideals which the war had killed for them. They couldn't do it, and they very disrespectfully said so.2 Women were just as anxious as the men to avoid returning to society's rules and roles after the war. In the age of the Gibson Girl, young women did not date, they waited until a proper young man formally paid her interest with suitable intentions (i.e. marriage). However, nearly a whole generation of young men had died in the war, leaving nearly a whole generation of young women without possible suitors. Young women decided that they were not willing to waste away their young lives waiting idly for spinsterhood; they were going to enjoy life. The "Younger Generation" was breaking away from the old set of values. The "Flapper" The term "flapper" first appeared in Great Britain after World War I. It was there used to describe young girls, still somewhat awkward in movement who had not yet entered womanhood. In the June 1922 edition of the Atlantic Unit 2 – Lesson 7 Monthly, G. Stanley Hall described looking in a dictionary to discover what the evasive term "flapper" meant: The dictionary set me right by defining the word as a fledgling, yet in the nest, and vainly attempting to fly while its wings have only pinfeathers; and I recognized that the genius of 'slanguage' had made the squab the symbol of budding girlhood.3 Authors such F. Scott Fitzgerald and artists such as John Held Jr. first used the term to the U.S., half reflecting and half creating the image and style of the flapper. Fitzgerald described the ideal flapper as "lovely, expensive, and about nineteen."4 Held accentuated the flapper image by drawing young girls wearing unbuckled galoshes that would make a "flapping" noise when walking.5 Many have tried to define flappers. In William and Mary Morris' Dictionary of Word and Phrase Origins, they state, "In America, a flapper has always been a giddy, attractive and slightly unconventional young thing who, in [H. L.] Mencken's words, 'was a somewhat foolish girl, full of wild surmises and inclined to revolt against the precepts and admonitions of her elders.'"6 Flappers had both an image and an attitude. Flapper Image The Flappers' image consisted of drastic - to some, shocking - changes in women's clothing and hair. Nearly every article of clothing was trimmed down and lightened in order to make movement easier. It is said that girls "parked" their corsets when they were to go dancing.7 The new, energetic dances of the Jazz Age, Copyright © 2005, Durham Continuing Education Page 8 of 33 CHC2P – Canadian History Unit 2 – Lesson 7 required women to be able to move freely, something the "ironsides" didn't allow. Replacing the pantaloons and corsets were underwear called "stepins." Flappers also started wearing make-up, something that had previously been only worn by loose women. Rouge, powder, eye-liner, and lipstick became extremely popular. The outer clothing of flappers is even still extremely identifiable. This look, called "garconne" ("little boy"), was instigated by Coco Chanel.8 To look more like a boy, women tightly wound their chest with strips of cloth in order to flatten it.9 The waists of flapper clothes were dropped to the hipline. She wore stockings - made of rayon ("artificial silk") starting in 1923 - which the flapper often wore rolled over a garter belt.10 Beauty is the fashion in 1925. She is frankly, heavily made up, not to imitate nature, but for an altogether artificial effect - pallor mortis, poisonously scarlet lips, richly ringed eyes - the latter looking not so much debauched (which is the intention) as diabetic.12 Flapper Attitude The hem of the skirts also started to rise in the 1920s. At first the hem only rose a few inches, but from 1925 to 1927 a flapper's skirt fell just below the knee. The skirt comes just an inch below her knees, overlapping by a faint fraction her rolled and twisted stockings. The idea is that when she walks in a bit of a breeze, you shall now and then observe the knee (which is not rouged - that's just newspaper talk) but always in an accidental, Venus-surprised-at-the-bath sort of way.11 The Gibson Girl, who prided herself on her long, beautiful, lush hair, was shocked when the flapper cut hers off. The short haircut was called the "bob" which was later replaced by an even shorter haircut, the "shingle" or "Eton" cut. The shingle cut was slicked down and had a curl on each side of the face that covered the woman's ears. Flappers often finished the ensemble with a felt, bell-shaped hat called a cloche. The flapper attitude was characterized by stark truthfulness, fast living, and sexual behavior. Flappers seemed to cling to youth as if it were to leave them at any moment. They took risks and were reckless. They wanted to be different, to announce their departure from the Gibson Girl's morals. So they smoked. Something only men had done previously. Their parents were shocked. Copyright © 2005, Durham Continuing Education Page 9 of 33 CHC2P – Canadian History I was sure my girls had never experimented with a hip-pocket flask, flirted with other women's husbands, or smoked cigarettes. My wife entertained the same smug delusion, and was saying something like that out loud at the dinner table one day. And then she began to talk about other girls. "They tell me that that Purvis girl has cigarette parties at her home," remarked my wife. She was saying it for the benefit of Elizabeth, who runs somewhat with the Purvis girl. Elizabeth was regarding her mother with curious eyes. She made no reply to her mother, but turning to me, right there at the table, she said: "Dad, let's see your cigarettes." Without the slightest suspicion of what was forthcoming, I threw Elizabeth my cigarettes. She withdrew a fag from the package, tapped it on the back of her left hand, inserted it between her lips, reached over and took my lighted cigarette from my mouth, lit her own cigarette and blew airy rings toward the ceiling. My wife nearly fell out of her chair, and I might have fallen out of mine if I hadn't been momentarily stunned.13 Smoking wasn't the most outrageous of the flapper's rebellious actions. Flappers drank alcohol. At a time when the United States had outlawed alcohol (Prohibition), young women were starting the habit early. Some even carried hip-flasks full so as to have it on hand. More than a few adults didn't like to see tipsy young women. Flappers had a scandalous image as the "giddy flapper, rouged and clipped, careening in a drunken stupor to the lewd strains of a jazz quartet."14 Unit 2 – Lesson 7 The 1920s was the Jazz Age and one of the most popular past-times for flappers was dancing. Dances such as the Charleston, Black Bottom, and the Shimmy were considered "wild" by older generations. As described in the May 1920 edition of the Atlantic Monthly, flappers "trot like foxes, limp like lame ducks, one-step like cripples, and all to the barbaric yawp of strange instruments which transform the whole scene into a moving-picture of a fancy ball in bedlam."15 For the Younger Generation, the dances fit their fastpaced life-style. For the first time since the train and the bicycle, a new form of faster transportation was becoming popular. Henry Ford's innovations were making the automobile an accessible commodity to the people. Cars were fast and risky - perfect for the flapper attitude. Flappers not only insisted on riding in them; they drove them. Unfortunately for their parents, flappers didn't just use cars to ride in. The back seat became a popular location for the new popular sexual activity, petting. Others hosted petting parties. Though their attire was modeled after little boys' outfits, flappers flaunted their sexuality. It was a radical change from their parents and grandparents' generations. The End of Flapperhood Though many were shocked by the flapper's skimpy attire and licentious behavior, a less extreme version of the flapper became respectable among the old and the young. Some women cut off their hair and stopped wearing their corsets, but didn't go to the extreme of flapperhood. Copyright © 2005, Durham Continuing Education Page 10 of 33 CHC2P – Canadian History Unit 2 – Lesson 7 If one judges by appearances, I suppose I am a flapper. I am within the age limit. I wear bobbed hair, the badge of flapperhood. (And, oh, what a comfort it is!) I powder my nose. I wear fringed skirts and bright-colored sweaters, and scarfs, and waists with Peter Pan collars, and low-heeled "finale hopper" shoes. I adore to dance. I spend a large amount of time in automobiles. I attend hops, and proms, and ball-games, and crew races, and other affairs at men's colleges. But none the less some of the most thoroughbred superflappers might blush to claim sistership or even remote relationship with such as I. I don't use rouge, or lipstick, or pluck my eyebrows. I don't smoke (I've tried it, and don't like it), or drink, or tell "peppy stories." I don't pet.16 At the end of the 1920s, the stock market crashed and the world was plunged into the Great Depression. Frivolity and recklessness was forced to come to an end. However, much of the flapper's changes remained. In the 1920s, flappers broke away from the Victorian image of womanhood. They dropped the corset, chopped their hair, dropped layers of clothing to increase ease of movement, wore make-up, created the concept of dating, and became a sexual person. They created what many consider the "new" or "modern" woman. Copyright © 2005, Durham Continuing Education Page 11 of 33 CHC2P – Canadian History Unit 2 – Lesson 7 Support Questions Read pages 128 - 139 to answer these questions. 35. 36. 37. 38. What changes did Flappers make in the behaviour, clothing and attitudes of women? Place a check mark beside the changes that are considered socially acceptable for women today. How did the war benefit Canadian economy? Identify some current issues of importance to women. What gains did women make in the 1920s in employment and recreation? 39. Complete the passage with the following words in your notebook: Equality Judge federal political 1917 suffagists M.P. enlisted victories Murphy Person’s Canadian women who fought for the right to vote were called ______________. Their struggle for political ________________ began in the 1880s. Some provinces such as Manitoba gave women the right to vote in 1926. In ___________________, Prime Minister Borden gave female relatives of _________________ the right to vote in ____________ elections. Many important “firsts” took place in this period. In 1916, _______________ became the first female __________________. In 1921, Agnes Macphail became the first female ___________________. These were important ______________ for the women’s movement. However, the struggle for political equality was not over. In the 1920s, women had to prove that they not only had the right to be involved in ________________ life, but that they were in face “persons.” The dramatic court battle that took place is called the ______________ Case. The Model T ( ) It has never been proven that Henry Ford ever said, "You can paint it any color...," but the phrase has survived for 3/4 of a century and does indicate something about America's beloved Model T: its "steadfastness," its enduring and endearing "sameness." The first production Model T Ford was assembled at the Piquette Avenue Plant in Detroit on October 1, 1908. Copyright © 2005, Durham Continuing Education Page 12 of 33 CHC2P – Canadian History Unit 2 – Lesson 7 Over the next 19 years, Ford would build 15,000,000 automobiles with the Model "T" engine, the longest run of any single model apart from the Volkswagen Beetle. From 1908-1927, the Model T would endure with little change in its design. Henry Ford had succeeded in his quest to build a car for the masses. With the development of the sturdy, low-priced Model T in 1908, Henry Ford made his company the biggest in the industry. By 1914, the moving assembly line enabled Ford to produce far more cars than any other company. The Model T and mass production made Ford an international celebrity. Support Questions Read pages 144 – 147 in order to answer the following questions. Technology 40. How did electricity affect Canadian households? Describe the radio they used and its programming. Easy Street 41. 42. 43. 44. Describe Ford’s “assembly line”. How did this make the price of cars cheaper? Page 149 describes travel. How many kilometres of road were asphalt? How fast could a car travel in Ontario if a horse-drawn carriage was near? How did a person get a license to drive in 1927? Key Question #8 Design an advertisement for a car used in the 1920s. You may use the Internet and the text book for information. You may either design a radio broadcast script for the automobile, or you may design a poster. Marking: • • • • • /10 Does the advertisement include detailed information about the car (how fast does it go?) (2 marks) Does the advertisement include the price of the car? (2 marks) Does the advertisement give features of the car? (3 marks) What type of car? (1 marks) Is the ad “catchy”? (2 marks) Copyright © 2005, Durham Continuing Education Page 13 of 33 CHC2P Canadian History Grade 10, Applied Lesson 8 CHC2P – Canadian History Unit 2 – Lesson 8 Lesson 8: The Great Depression Expectations • • Identify the causes of the Great Depression Describe how Canadians coped during the Depression Key Words: (for you to define) depression inflation drought recession The Dirty Thirties The Stock Market Crashed on September 3, 1929 causing a depression that impacted every aspect of life for people all over the world. There was not one single cause of this economic downward spiral but rather a number of variables interconnected to cause major economic and social upheaval. Causes of the Depression 1. Overproduction: Because of improvements in technology, more goods were being produced and companies expanded. Eventually people stopped buying and companies had to close. 2. Inflation: Prices kept rising- wages did not keep up with the cost of living 3. Buying on Credit A. Buying stocks on margin (10% down – pay the rest later) B. Bank loans C. Instalment buying – a portion would be paid at the time of purchase and rest was to be paid later 4. Drought: The prairies experienced a drought for 6 years. Farmers lost their farms 5. Distribution of wealth: Farmers were losing money and could not afford to buy manufactured goods. One third of Canada was farmers. 6. Stock Market crash: The price of stocks declined and many investors lost money. Companies received less money from the sale of stocks and closed or laid off workers. Copyright © 2005, Durham Continuing Education Page 15 of 33 CHC2P – Canadian History Unit 2 – Lesson 8 Read the following article on relief camps in Canada. Relief Camps ( depression/depression.html#EFFECTS ) Because a family's relief was cut when a child turned 16, young men left home to reduce the burden on their families. Thousands of unemployed rode freight trains to the west looking for work which didn't exist. The Conservative government of Bennett set up work camps to prevent the growing unrest among this wandering mass of young unemployed workers. The camps were located in remote areas such as northern Ontario and B.C.'s interior. Inmates called these camps "slave camps". They lived on war surplus clothing, bunked in tar-paper shacks, ate army rations and were forced to work six and a half days a week for twenty cents a day. Through 1932, the Relief Camp Workers Union (RCWU) was formed under the direction of Arthur Evans, a skilled carpenter, miner and communist labour organizer. The RCWU grew into a strong, disciplined democratic organization, focusing on the hopes and energy of the unemployed. In the spring of 1935, RCWU went on strike. They filled the streets of Vancouver shouting "Work & wages" and "When Do We Eat?". They demanded real work wages, better food, clothing and shelter, and an end to military discipline. Despite the overwhelming public support of "our boys", the federal government refused to negotiation with strikers. After this, the strikers voted to take their grievances to Parliament Hill in Ottawa. Trekkers On June 3rd, 1935, the first group of trekkers climbed into boxcars leaving Vancouver. They were joined by men in Kamloops, Field, Golden, Calgary and Moose Jaw. Women's groups, service clubs, labour councils, churches, unions and caring citizens met the trekkers at each stop with offers of food and shelter. Over 2000 unemployed men massed in Regina by mid-June. In Winnipeg, Thunder bay and Toronto, thousands were just waiting to join. Bennett decided that it was time to put an end to this. He ordered CPR to ban trekkers as "trespassers". Federal Cabinet directed RCMP to bolster troops in Regina to disperse the trekkers. Meanwhile, trekkers met with the government ministers in Regina. It was proposed that a small delegation continue to Ottawa. Eight were voted to go including Arthur Evans. On June 22nd, the delegation met with Bennett. Evans presented the strikers' demands. Bennett accused the purpose of the strikers to be a revolution to destroy law and order. The meeting disintegrated into heated exchanges with Bennett calling Evans a thief and Evans calling Bennett a liar. Negotiations ended. Copyright © 2005, Durham Continuing Education Page 16 of 33 CHC2P – Canadian History Unit 2 – Lesson 8 Support Questions Read page 154 “Learning to Survive”. In paragraph form answer the following questions. 45. 46. 47. How did Canadians learn to survive through this tough time? Do you think that you could survive in these circumstances? Why did Canadians “ride the rails” during the depression? The Dustbowl on page 156 affected the prairies. 48. 49. 50. 51. What happened to the wheat farms? What did the grasshoppers do to what remained of the farms? Read page 160-163. Why did the government set up relief camps? Why did camp workers start the On-To-Ottawa Trek? What happened? Key Question #9 Complete the following charts in your notes. (30 marks K/U – 3marks each column) Causes Causes of the Great Depression Explanation Impact of Great Depression Young people Families Workforce Immigrant Groups Single men/women Farmers Copyright © 2005, Durham Continuing Education Page 17 of 33 CHC2P Canadian History Grade 10, Applied Lesson 9 CHC2P – Canadian History Unit 2 – Lesson 9 Lesson 9: The 1930’s Expectations • • • Explain how and why different provincial governments intervened in Canada’s economic and social life during the 1930s Explain how Liberal and Conservative governments reacted to the Depression Identify the social and political movements behind such new political parties Key Words: (for you to define) imperial eccentric quintuplets autonomy Bennett and King R.B. Bennett and William Lyon Mackenzie King had very different approaches to government during the depression. Read the articles below and pages 164 – 167 in the text to answer key question number 10. Richard Bedford Bennett (July 3, 1870 – June 26, 1947) was the eleventh Prime Minister of Canada from August 7, 1930 to October 23, 1935. He was born in Hopewell Hill, New Brunswick, Canada, and studied at Dalhousie University, graduating in 1893 with a law degree. Bennett spent time as a school teacher, principal, lawyer and businessman before entering local politics. Before moving to Alberta, he was a partner in a law firm in Chatham, New Brunswick. Max Aitken, later, Lord Beaverbrook, was his office boy. In 1905, Bennett became the first leader of the Alberta Conservative Party and, in 1909, won a seat in the provincial legislature before switching to federal politics. He was elected to the Canadian House of Commons in 1911, was appointed Minister of Finance in 1926 and became Conservative leader in 1927 at the first Conservative leadership convention. He was elected Prime Minister of Canada in 1930, defeating William Lyon Mackenzie King, just when the worst depression of the century was hitting the country. Bennett tried to fight the depression by expanding trade within the British Empire and imposing tariffs for imports from outside the Empire promising that his measures would blast Canadian exports into world markets, but his success was limited, and his impersonal style and reputation for wealth alienated many struggling Canadians. Copyright © 2005, Durham Continuing Education Page 19 of 33 CHC2P – Canadian History Unit 2 – Lesson 9 When his imperial preference policy failed to generate the desired result Bennett's government had no alternatives. The party's pro-business, pro-bank inclinations provided no relief to the millions of unemployed who were now becoming increasingly desperate and agitated. The Conservatives seemed indecisive and unable to cope and rapidly lost the confidence of Canadians becoming a focus of hatred, ridicule and contempt. Car owners who could no longer afford gasoline reverted to having their vehicles pulled by horses and dubbed them Bennett buggies. R. B. Bennett faced pressure for radical reforms from within and without the party. The Cooperative Commonwealth Federation, formed in 1932, prepared to fight its first election on a socialist program; the Social Credit movement was gaining supporters in the west and shocked the country by winning the Alberta provincial election and forming government in September, 1935; Bennett's own government suffered a defection as his Trade minister, Henry Herbert Stevens, left the Conservatives to form the Reconstruction Party of Canada when Bennett refused to enact Stevens' plans for drastic economic reform and government intervention in the economy to deal with the crisis. Reacting to fears of communist subversion, Bennett used the controversial Section 98 of the Canadian Criminal Code. That section allowed for the imprisonment of anyone who was a member of an organization that officially advocated the violent overthrow of the government, even if the accused had never committed an act of violence or even personally supported such an action. With this law, the leaders of the Communist Party of Canada, including Tim Buck were arrested and imprisoned for sedition. However, this action proved to be a damaging embarrassment for the government, especially when Buck was the victim of an apparent assassination attempt when he was shot at when he was confined to his cell during a prison riot, despite the fact he was not participating in any way. Bennett's government was forced to admit that they ordered the shooting, allegedly only to scare Buck. Regardless, Bennett's case against Buck lost all credibility and ultimately backfired as Buck was soon released and feted as a hero. Bennett attempted to prevent social disorder by evacuating the unemployed to relief camps far away from the cities but this only exacerbated social tensions leading to the On to Ottawa Trek of unemployed protesters who intended to ride the rails from Vancouver to Ottawa (gathering new members along the way) in order to bring their demands for relief to Bennett personally. The trek ended in Regina on July 1, 1935 when the RCMP, on orders from the Prime Minister and Minister of Justice Hugh Guthrie, attacked a public meeting of 3,000 strikers leaving one dead and dozens injured. Following some of the New Deal policies of United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt Bennett changed tactics, introducing his "New Deal" of public spending and federal intervention in the economy. Bennett proposed progressive income taxation, a minimum wage, a maximum for work week hours, unemployment insurance, health insurance, an expanded pension program and grants to farmers but the Conservative's Copyright © 2005, Durham Continuing Education Page 20 of 33 CHC2P – Canadian History Unit 2 – Lesson 9 conversion to the concept of a welfare state was too little too late and the Tories were routed in the October 1935 election winning only 40 seats to 173 for Mackenzie King's Liberals. Richard Bennett retired to Britain in 1938 and, in 1941, became the first, and only, former Canadian Prime Minister to be elevated to the British House of Lords (as Viscount Bennett). He died on June 26, 1947 at Mickleham, England, and is buried in St. Michael's Churchyard, Mickleham, Surrey, England. He is the only former Prime Minister not buried in Canada. William Lyon Mackenzie King, PC , LL.B, Ph.D., MA, BA (December 17, 1874 – July 22, 1950) was the tenth Prime Minister of Canada from December 29, 1921, to June 28, 1926; September 25, 1926, to August 7, 1930; and October 23, 1935, to November 15, 1948. He had the longest combined time in the Prime Minister position in British Commonwealth history. Early life King was born in Berlin, Ontario (now Kitchener). A grandson of William Lyon Mackenzie, leader of the Upper Canada Rebellion in 1837, King held five university degrees. He obtained three from the University of Toronto: B.A. 1895, LL.B. 1896, and M.A. 1897. After studying at the University of Chicago, Mackenzie King proceeded to Harvard University, receiving an M.A. in political economy 1898 and a Ph.D. 1909. He was first elected to Parliament as a Liberal in a 1908 by-election, and was re-elected in a 1909 by-election following his appointment as Canada's first Minister of Labour. He lost his seat in the 1911 general election, which saw the Conservatives defeat his Liberals. Following his defeat, he went to the United States to work for the Rockefeller family, assisting them in labour relations. He returned to Canada to run in the 1917 election, which focused almost entirely on the conscription issue, and lost again, due to his opposition to conscription, which was supported by the majority of English Canadians. In 1919, he was elected leader at the first Liberal leadership convention, and soon returned to parliament in a by-election. King remained leader until 1948. In the 1921 election, his party defeated Arthur Meighen and the Conservatives, and he became Prime Minister. The "King-Byng" Affair In his first term as Prime Minister, he was opposed by the Progressive Party, which did not support trade tariffs. King called an election in 1925, in which the Conservatives won the most seats, but not a majority in the House of Commons. King held onto power with Copyright © 2005, Durham Continuing Education Page 21 of 33 CHC2P – Canadian History Unit 2 – Lesson 9 the support of the Progressives. Soon into his term, however, a bribery scandal in the Department of Customs was revealed, which led to more support for the Conservatives and Progressives, and the possibility that King would be forced to resign. King asked Governor General Lord Byng to dissolve Parliament and call another election, but Byng refused, the only time in Canadian history that the Governor General has exercised such a power. King resigned, and Byng asked Meighen to form a new government. When Meighen's government was defeated in the House of Commons a short time later, however, Byng called a new election in 1926. King and the Liberals returned to power. Depression and war In his second term, King introduced old-age pensions. In February 1930, he appointed Cairine Wilson, whom he knew personally, as the first female senator in Canadian history. His government was in power during the beginning of the Great Depression, but lost the election of 1930 to the Conservative Party, now led by Richard Bedford Bennett. King's Liberals were returned to power once more in the 1935 election. The worst of the Depression had passed, and King implemented relief programs such as the National Housing Act and National Employment Commission. His government also created the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation in 1936, Trans-Canada Airlines (the precursor to Air Canada) in 1937, and the National Film Board of Canada in 1939. King hoped an outbreak of war in the 1930s could be avoided. He had met with Hermann Göring and Adolf Hitler, whom he said was a reasonable man who cared for his fellow man, working to improve his country in the midst of the Depression. He confided in his diary that he thought Hitler "might come to be thought of as one of the saviours of the world" and told a Jewish delegation that "Kristallnacht might turn out to be a blessing." King realized the necessity of World War II before Hitler invaded Poland in 1939, but unlike World War I when Canada was automatically at war as soon as Britain joined, King asserted Canadian autonomy by waiting until September 10, when a vote in the House of Commons took place, to support the government's decision to declare war. Athlone, Roosevelt, Churchill, and King at a Québec Conference Copyright © 2005, Durham Continuing Education Page 22 of 33 CHC2P – Canadian History Unit 2 – Lesson 9 King's promise not to impose conscription contributed to the Liberals' re-election in the 1940 election. But after the fall of France in 1940, Canada introduced conscription for home service, and only volunteers were to be sent overseas. King wanted to avoid a repeat of the Conscription Crisis of 1917. By 1942, the military was pressing King hard to send conscripts to Europe. In 1942, King held a national plebiscite on the issue asking the nation to relieve him of the commitment he had made during the election campaign. He said that his policy was "conscription if necessary, but not necessarily conscription." French Canadians voted overwhelmingly against conscription, but the majority of English Canada supported it. For the next two years, King tried to avoid the issue with a massive campaign to recruit volunteers, despite heavy losses in the Dieppe Raid in 1942, in Italy in 1943, and after the Battle of Normandy in 1944. At the end of 1944, he finally decided it was necessary to send conscripts to Europe. This led to a brief political crisis (see Conscription Crisis of 1944), but the war ended just a few months later. Few of the conscripts ever saw combat. King was extremely unpopular among Canadian servicemen and women during the war. This probably stemmed from his physical reluctance to visit military hospitals to greet and offer support to wounded servicemen. His appearances at Canadian Army installations in Britain (and, after 6 June 1944, in Europe) were invariably greeted with boos and catcalls. Canadian autonomy Throughout his term, King led Canada from a colony with responsible government to an autonomous nation within the British Commonwealth. During the Chanak Crisis of 1922, King refused to support the British without first consulting parliament, while Conservative leader, Arthur Meighen, pronounced "ready, aye, ready". The British were disappointed with King's response, but this was the first time that Canada had really asserted an independent foreign policy. After the King-Byng Affair, King went to the Imperial Conference of 1926, and argued for greater autonomy of the Dominions. This resulted in the Balfour Declaration, which announced the equal status of all members of the Commonwealth of Nations, including Britain. In the lead up to World War II, King played two roles. On one hand, he told English Canadians that Canada would no doubt enter war if Britain did. On the other hand, he and his right hand man Ernest Lapoint told French Canadians that Canada would only go to war if it was in the country's best interests. With the dual messages, King slowly led Canada towards war without causing strife between Canada's two main linguistic communities. As his final step in asserting Canada's autonomy, King ensured that the Canadian Parliament made its own declaration of war on the day after Britain. Copyright © 2005, Durham Continuing Education Page 23 of 33 CHC2P – Canadian History Unit 2 – Lesson 9 Post-war Canada Mackenzie King won the election of 1945. King was considered a minor player in the war by both United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, despite hosting a wartime conference in Quebec City in 1943. Still, King thought Roosevelt showed him more attention as an Allied leader than, paradoxically, his fellow Commonwealth premier Churchill. King helped found the United Nations in 1945. In 1948, he retired after 22 years as Prime Minister, and was succeeded as Liberal Party leader and Prime Minister of Canada by Louis St. Laurent. Personal life Mackenzie King was a cautious politician who tailored his policies to prevailing opinions. "Parliament will decide," he liked to say when pressed to act. Privately, he was highly eccentric with his preference for consulting spirits, including those of Leonardo da Vinci, Louis Pasteur, his dead mother and his dog. He sought personal reassurance from the spirits, rather than political advice. Indeed, after his death, one of the mediums said that she had not realized that he was a politician. King did ask whether his party would win the 1935 election, one of the few times politics came up during his séances. His occult interests were not widely known during his term in office, however, and only became publicized by biographers after his death that used the extensive diaries that he kept most of his life. He never married, but had a close female friend, Joan Patteson, a married woman, with whom he spent much of his leisure time. His country retreat at Kingsmere in Gatineau Park, near Ottawa, is open to the public. Mackenzie King died on July 22, 1950, at his home near Ottawa. He is buried in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Toronto. He is pictured on the Canadian fifty-dollar bill. Key Question #10 Create a T-Chart that shows the differences between Bennett and King (20 marks – 10 marks K/U information, 10 marks Communication) Bennett Copyright © 2005, Durham Continuing Education King Page 24 of 33 CHC2P – Canadian History Unit 2 – Lesson 9 Support Questions Read pages 164 - 167. 52. 53. 54. 55. Why was King defeated in 1930? What was Bennett’s New Deal? Why did voters elect King in 1935? What ended the Great Depression? Read the following article on the legendary professional athlete; Jackie Robinson. Jackie Robinson ( ) Jackie Robinson spends just one year in Montreal, but changes it forever. In 1928 Montreal gets its first serious professional baseball team, the Montreal Royals of the International League. In 1945 the team is a Triple-A minor league affiliate of the Brooklyn Dodgers. Branch Rickey, president and co-owner of the Dodgers, chooses Montreal as the test bed for a move that would change baseball and earn Montreal a place in baseball history: he signs a black man. A storm of controversy follows the signing of Jackie Robinson as the Royals' second baseman. As he tours with the Royals, Robinson is subjected to jeers and even death threats. But at home in Montreal, considered by many to be the most cosmopolitan and tolerant city in North America, Robinson is mostly welcomed with open arms. He returns the favour on April 18, 1946 with a stupendous first game. Robinson hits a three-run homerun, three singles, and steals two bases to help the Royals crush the Giants 14-1. That year he helps the Royals win the "Little World Series," and becomes a Montreal hero. He is immediately promoted to the Brooklyn Dodgers, where he becomes Rookie of the Year. Robinson spends ten years with the Dodgers, retiring in 1957. Copyright © 2005, Durham Continuing Education Page 25 of 33 CHC2P – Canadian History Unit 2 – Lesson 9 Support Questions Read pages 172 - 175 after reading the above article. Entertainment in the 1930s 56. 57. 58. Although Canadians in the 1930s did not have much money to spare they still found entertainment. They used the radio to hear music, soap operas and hockey games. The radio was free to listen to. If you were living in the 1930s, what do you think you would enjoy most? Why? Who were the two professional sport teams? What team finally defeated the east in football in 1935? Key Question #11 Using the textbook page (174 - 175) and the Internet research the Dionne quintuplets and answer the following questions. (15 marks) A) Why did the birth of the Quintuplets create such a sensation? (2 marks K/U) B) What evidence exists that the Dionne Quintuplets were exploited? Do you think that they could have been personally damaged by what they experienced? Why or why not? (5 marks T/I) C) Give your opinion of the Ontario government’s treatment of the Dionne Quintuplets. Provide evidence to support your opinion. (5 marks Communication) D) Record the information that you find at (3 marks Communication) Copyright © 2005, Durham Continuing Education Page 26 of 33 CHC2P Canadian History Grade 10, Applied Lesson 10 CHC2P – Canadian History Unit 2 – Lesson 10 Lesson 10: Canada’s Independence Expectations • • • Describe contributions made by Canadian men and women during the 1920s and 1930s Identify the social and political movements behind such new political parties Explain how and why different provincial governments intervened in Canada’s economic and social life during the 1930s. Key Words: (for you to define) epilepsy transfusions diabetes ambiguity tuberculosis socialist insulin Read the following articles on Canadian scientists who significantly impacted the world. See the support questions for a chart to complete while reading. FREDERICK BANTING ( ) To millions at home and abroad he's known as the man who discovered insulin, bringing new hope to diabetics the world over. Frederick Banting's groundbreaking research in the early 1920s brought him worldwide acclaim and earned him a lifetime annuity from the federal government, a knighthood in the British crown and Canada's first ever Nobel Prize. But not long before he made his mark in medical history, Banting was just a young doctor and First World War veteran struggling with a fledgling medical practice in London, Ontario while teaching medical classes at the University of Western Ontario. But that all changed on Oct. 31, 1920 after a journal article about diabetes research sparked a moment of inspiration. The 28-year-old quickly recorded his thoughts in a notebook -- to try and extract the mysterious hormone associated with the withering disease from the pancreases of dogs. In his day, diabetics faced shorter lives, blindness and even lost limbs as a result of their body's low levels of insulin, a naturally occurring hormone that converts sugar into energy. At the time researchers knew that diabetics suffered from an imbalance of blood sugar, but they were unable to prescribe anything Copyright © 2005, Durham Continuing Education Page 28 of 33 CHC2P – Canadian History beyond starvation diets and exercise routines. With this in mind, Banting spent several months looking for lab space, finally finding a sympathetic ear in John James Richard Macleod, a University of Toronto professor and diabetes expert. In May 1921, Macleod introduced Banting to 22-year-old Charles Best, one of his brightest students who had moved from the U.S. to study medicine. After Best's undergraduate exams the pair quickly began their work in an overheated and under-funded lab. Unit 2 – Lesson 10 the first time. The discovery, though not a cure for the disease, heralded a new healthy life for millions living with diabetes. The following year Banting and Macleod were nominated for and awarded the 1923 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine. While the announcement puts Canada on the map, the omission of Best and Collip proved contentious. Banting himself was annoyed by the exclusion of Best, who he had considered an equal in the landmark discovery. He made a point of publicly expressing his support for his lab mate and split his share of the prize money with him, as does Macleod with Collip. In a selfless move, the quartet decided not to seek a patent for their life-saving serum, a move that surely cost them a fortune. Instead, they sold the rights to their formulation to U of T for $1 as a means of ensuring that insulin could be affordably manufactured for years to come. Over the summer of 1921 they conducted numerous tests on dogs, advancing their ideas with guidance from the more experienced Macleod. Along the way, another researcher, James Bertram Collip, helped to refine a workable sample of insulin for human use. On Jan. 23, 1922 the researchers gave their serum its first human trial on 14year-old Leonard Thompson, a severe diabetes sufferer. The teenager's health improved almost immediately, which lead to other tests on diabetics, all of whom displayed similar miraculous turnarounds. With insulin reintroduced to their blood stream, diabetics could bring their blood sugar level under control for In the two decades following his discovery Banting struggled to make another similar breakthrough. Despite research into silicosis and cancer, he failed to make any major discoveries. However, he did create the world's first G-suit to help pilots cope with highspeed flight. This led to his appointment in 1939 as the chairman of the National Research Council's Committee on Copyright © 2005, Durham Continuing Education Page 29 of 33 CHC2P – Canadian History Aviation Medical Research. And he even found time to make a name for himself as an amateur artist. Unit 2 – Lesson 10 As part of his duties, he boarded a bomber plane on Feb. 21, 1941 bound for England. Shortly after takeoff the plane crashed in Musgrave Harbour, Newfoundland. Only the pilot survived. Banting was 49 years old. Canadian Medicine: Doctors and Discoveries Brave Enough, Bold Enough for Brain Surgery: Dr. Wilder Penfield In 1928, American neurosurgeon Wilder Penfield (1891-1976) accepted a clinical position at the Royal Victoria Hospital in Montreal. In addition to treating patients, he also pursued his research in three small laboratory rooms within the hospital. He would spend his life dedicated to the search for solutions to the many unanswered questions about the brain. Penfield was not Canada's first neurosurgeon, but he made important gains in the study and treatment of the brain. In particular, he investigated the surgical treatment of epilepsy (a brain disorder characterized by sudden and recurrent seizures). He founded the Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) in 1934 and was its first director. The MNI was the first of its kind in the world and became a centre of outstanding research, teaching, and treatment. The disciplines of neurosurgery, neuropathology, neurology, and related basic sciences were brought together in an effort to improve the diagnosis and treatment of brain disorders. Medical men and scientists worked closely together. Penfield drove the commitment, dedication, and hard work of the institute. In collaboration with others, Penfield developed a new surgical approach that became known as the "Montreal Procedure". The "Montreal Procedure" was a surgical treatment for epilepsy, a brain disorder that Penfield had spent years studying. The patient suffering from epilepsy was given a local anaesthetic and thus remained conscious for the operation. Penfield then removed the skull cap to expose the brain tissue of the patient. He probed sections of the brain, asking the patient to describe what he or she was feeling. In this way, Penfield was able to identify, in most cases, the precise location of the source of the seizure activity. He could then remove or destroy that bit of tissue to end the patient's seizures. Copyright © 2005, Durham Continuing Education Page 30 of 33 CHC2P – Canadian History Unit 2 – Lesson 10 Furthermore, by using this method, Penfield was able to map areas of the brain and their related functions. People suffering from epilepsy traveled to the Montreal Neurological Institute for this experimental surgery which Penfield performed more times than any other neurosurgeon in the world during his time and enjoyed tremendous success. Approximately half of his patients were cured of epileptic seizures. His work brought him and the Montreal Neurological Institute recognition, awards, and honours. Mobile Blood Banks: The Innovative Dr. Norman Bethune Canadian surgeon Norman Bethune (1890-1939) remains today a hero venerated by the Chinese people. At home, Canadians view the doctor from Gravenhurst, Ontario with ambiguity because of his socialist politics. In 1936, Bethune went to Spain to fight Franco's Fascists. Two years later, Bethune was in China aiding the Chinese Communist Eighth Route Army against the invading Japanese. But what makes Bethune a notable medical figure was his innovative approach to saving the lives of wounded soldiers at the battlefront. While in Spain and later in China, Bethune introduced the concept of mobile blood bank units. This allowed Bethune and other doctors to perform immediate blood transfusions on wounded soldiers, often saving their lives before they were sent to hospital. Trained in Toronto, Bethune became a thoracic surgeon so that he might help the many tuberculosis cases in North America. His interest in tuberculosis came from his own personal experience with the disease. In the 1920s, he had been diagnosed with tuberculosis and spent months at the famous Trudeau Sanatorium in the Adirondack Mountains, where he successfully underwent an artificial pneumothorax, a procedure which collapses the diseased lung thus allowing it to rest. This was considered a new, radical treatment at the time. He moved to Montreal because of its high tuberculosis mortality rates and took a position at the Royal Victoria Hospital. While there, Bethune improved upon a number of surgical instruments. His most famous instrument was the Bethune Rib Shears, which still remains in use today. His greatest contribution to medicine, however, was yet to come. While in Spain and to a much greater extent in China, Bethune witnessed the loss of many soldiers due to bleeding upon transit back to base hospitals. He organized mobile medical units, which followed regiments into action, to provide needed Copyright © 2005, Durham Continuing Education Page 31 of 33 CHC2P – Canadian History Unit 2 – Lesson 10 blood transfusions to wounded men. His blood transfusion service consisted of a wagon containing a refrigerator, sterilizer, incubator and other needed equipment such as lamps, flasks, blood transfusion sets, and stored blood. Blood was needed most at the front, on the spot where the wounded lay. The introduction of the mobile blood bank to the battlefield is an important medical contribution. In 1939, Bethune died of blood poisoning after operating with a cut finger on an infected Chinese soldier. (He refused to wear rubber gloves, arguing that it reduced the sensibilities of his fingers needed in operating.) There were no sulpha drugs (penicillin) for treatment. Immediately upon his death, he became a martyr and a hero among the Chinese people. Throughout his life, Bethune was an innovator and idealist from his revised surgical implements to his socialist views on the need for universal health care in Canada. He is remembered as both a great doctor and humanitarian for his medical service. Support Questions 59. Copy the following chart into your notes. While you are reading the articles on Canadian scientists add 5 facts for each scientist. Dr. Banting 60. Dr. Penfield Dr. Bethune Read pages 176 - 177. Copy and complete the following in your own notes. Something positive you have read… Something negative you have read… Something interesting you have read… Key Question #12 Imagine all three of the Canadian scientists studied above are presently up for a lifetime achievement award that is based on the improving lives around the world. You will select ONE of the scientists and submit a one page letter arguing for your choice. Address your letter to the lifetime achievement committee and provide three reasons with specific examples of how the scientists made a significant contribution to the world. You may use the textbook and other sources of information to assist with your letter. Copyright © 2005, Durham Continuing Education Page 32 of 33 CHC2P – Canadian History Level 1 5 Unit 2 – Lesson 10 Level 2 6 Level 3 7 Level 4 8-10 -includes some information, and ideas, /10 -includes limited information, and ideas, -includes considerable information, and ideas, -includes thorough information, and ideas, -argument is inconsistent -includes some evidence -argument is convincing -includes considerable evidence -argument is insightful /10 -argument is evident but unconvincing -organization is ineffective -limited language and voice -organization is somewhat effective -some use of appropriate language and voice -organization is effective -considerable use of appropriate language and voice -use of language conventions is limited -frequent errors in mechanics -use of language conventions is inconsistent -some errors in mechanics -use of language is accurate -very few errors in mechanics Criteria Knowledge/ Understanding Thinking/ Inquiry -includes little evidence Communication /10 Application 10 Copyright © 2005, Durham Continuing Education -includes thorough evidence -organization is highly effective -thorough use of language and voice -use of language is accurate, effective and virtually errorfree -mechanics are correct Page 33 of 33
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