Boulevard The Mount Alexander Road ‘boulevard’ runs 3.9 kilometres from the Tullamarine Freeway in the north to the Moonee Ponds Junction in the south. This includes 1.0 kilometre of Bulla Road and 2.9 kilometres of Mount Alexander Road. It has a typical corridor width of 60 metres that accommodates public transport and up to six lanes of traffic. Public transport that uses this corridor includes seven bus services and the 59 tram. These services connect the activity centres of Essendon North, Essendon and Moonee Ponds. N 0 250 500 750 1000 Metres GHD | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | March 2015 | 45 Shared lanes Two lanes of traffic run in either direction along Mount Alexander Road through Essendon Junction. Where the road passes under the existing rail bridge, the roads become more constrained and congested with trams moving from a dedicated reserve to sharing the second road lane with cars. This creates delays for the tram services. Road corridor below rail bridge reduced to four lanes with trams merging from dedicated reserve to lane shared with cars. N 0 50 100 150 200 Metres 46 | March 2015 | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | GHD Signalised intersections There are existing signalised intersections at Mount Alexander Road / Buckley Street and Buckley Street / Russell Street / Rose Street. The junction at Mount Alexander Road and Fletcher Street is a roundabout with signalised crossings. Careful attention would need to be paid to the Mount Alexander Road / Fletcher Street intersection with any new traffic conditions. If Raleigh Street is connected through to Mount Alexander Road, as part of the grade separation project, then a new signalised intersection may have to be established at Mount Alexander Road / Raleigh / Shamrock Street. N 0 50 100 150 200 Metres GHD | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | March 2015 | 47 Pinched alignment Street alignment The VicTrack site and private site at the west corner of Mount Alexander Road and Fletcher Street are the only properties along the boulevard that extend into the 60 metre wide road corridor. This would be due to historical reasons with the VicTrack land extended north east to the retaining wall of the road underpass. As a historical anomaly, the 45 metre wide restriction through the junction could be used as a positive opportunity to bring development on the two sides of Mount Alexander Road closer together. This would help integrate the Neighbourhood Centre and render Mount Alexander Road less of a dividing feature. N 0 50 100 150 200 Metres 48 | March 2015 | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | GHD Boulevard alignment Street alignment Conversely, bringing Mount Alexander Road to natural ground line could provide an opportunity to widen the boulevard corridor out to its original 60 metres and provide maximum benefit for public transport and road capacity. The impact of the widened boulevard on pedestrian connectivity would need to be considered. However, the width of the 60 metre boulevard is unlikely to be detrimental to the human scale if the pedestrian heart of the precinct is near the station and the boulevard becomes a transport spine. N 0 50 100 150 200 Metres GHD | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | March 2015 | 49 Street alignment This diagram illustrates the potential of reinstating the corridor to its original state as a grand boulevard. In this configuration, the avenue of trees are the dominant visual aspect that would need to be inserted for continuity. This initiative is flexible enough to accommodate different road and public transport arrangements. Connect Raleigh Street through to Shamrock Street Reinstate historic tree alignment Reinstate historic building alignment Pedestrian connection between Fletcher Street and Rose Street N 0 50 100 Boulevard Reinstated 150 200 Metres 50 | March 2015 | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | GHD Tram plaza option Street alignment The 59 tram line which travels from Fletcher Street into Mount Alexander Road could be accommodated on the west side of the boulevard. This could provide a tram super stop in a plaza environment adjacent any new development on the VicTrack site with strong interchange potential to buses and rail. The trams would have to cross traffic using signals at Mount Alexander Road/ Shamrock and Mount Alexander Road/ Fletcher intersections. 59 tram Provision for future tram route from Moonee Ponds Tram interchange in plaza environment N 0 50 100 150 200 Street alignment Metres GHD | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | March 2015 | 51 Street alignment 59 tram Provision for future tram route from Moonee Ponds Tram interchange in boulevard environment N 0 50 100 150 200 Metres 52 | March 2015 | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | GHD Tram boulevard option/ widened Alternatively, the 59 tram could maintain the typical pattern along Mount Alexander Road and be accommodated in the central reserve between the boulevard trees. A tram super stop could act as a refuge for pedestrians crossing from one side of the activity centre to the other. This option could work with the ‘boulevard’ alignment whereby the VicTrack parcel boundary is adjusted. Tram boulevard option/ pinched Street alignment Alternative to the tram plaza option, the 59 tram could maintain the typical pattern along Mount Alexander Road and be accommodated in the central reserve between the boulevard trees. A tram super stop could act as a refuge for pedestrians crossing from one side of the activity centre to the other. This option could work with the ‘pinched’ alignment whereby no adjustment to the VicTrack parcel boundary would be required. 59 tram Provision for future tram route from Moonee Ponds Tram interchange in boulevard environment N 0 50 100 150 200 Metres GHD | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | March 2015 | 53 Street alignment Bus station option The majority of buses move through the activity centre stop in Russell Street, adjacent the train station. This maximises modal interchange but creates delays to the buses by requiring them to leave Mount Alexander Road and turn at two signalised intersections. Bus interchange in station environment N 0 50 100 150 200 Metres 54 | March 2015 | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | GHD Bus boulevard option Street alignment An alternative to the existing arrangement is to leave the buses travelling along Mount Alexander Road and have bus stops mid way between the train station and the new tram super stop. This could improve the bus travel times but slightly reduce the ease of modal interchange. Bus interchange in boulevard environment N 0 50 100 150 200 Metres GHD | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | March 2015 | 55 Station entrances Train station access point 1 This diagram illustrates the urban design potential of an end loaded platform accessed from Mount Alexander Road. The primary access points to the station will affect the pedestrian traffic in the surrounding streets. Therefore they should be strategically placed to aid activation in the desired areas outlined in the Structure Plan. This train station access point would shift greater emphasis and activation onto Mount Alexander Road. A disadvantage of this option is that the access point is further away from the existing heritage listed station building. Adaptive re-use of the building would have to be explored. End loaded platform accessed from Mount Alexander Road New underground station platforms Street alignment Essendon Grade Separation Feasibility Study 51 56 | March 2015 | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | GHD Train station access point 2 This diagram illustrates the urban design implications of a mid loaded platform accessed from Rose Street and Mount Alexander Road. This option shifts the emphasis and activation into the centre of the VicTrack site and is conducive to creating a ‘city square’ type environment. Access to the station is within an acceptable proximity to the existing heritage listed station. Therefore, this option provides the opportunity to use the existing building for an ancillary use to the station as preferred by Heritage Victoria. Mid loaded platform accessed from Rose Street and Mount Alexander Road New underground station platforms Street alignment Essendon Grade Separation Feasibility Study 52 GHD | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | March 2015 | 57 Train station access point 3 This diagram illustrates the urban design implications of a centre loaded platform accessed from Rose Street and Russell Street. This option shifts the emphasis and activation created by the station into the centre of the VicTrack site and is conducive to creating a ‘city square’ type environment. Access adjacent to the existing heritage listed building affords the possibility of using the heritage listed building for an ancillary use as preferred by Heritage Victoria. New underground station platforms Access adjacent existing heritage listed station building Street alignment Essendon Grade Separation Feasibility Study 53 58 | March 2015 | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | GHD Train station access point 4 This diagram illustrates the urban design implications of a centre loaded platform accessed from Rose Street and Russell Street. This option shifts the emphasis and activation created by the station into the centre of the VicTrack site and is conducive to creating a ‘city square’ type environment. Unlike access option 3, access would be provided directly through the existing heritage listed station building. As such, this design provides the best opportunity to take advantage of the heritage building for an ancillary use as preferred by Heritage Victoria. This option is the most effective at safeguarding the building’s integrity relative to its use. New underground station platforms Access through existing heritage listed station building Street alignment Essendon Grade Separation Feasibility Study 54 GHD | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | March 2015 | 59 7. Above ground Divider implications The above ground implications of the grade separation were explored in a number of high level design options. These options illustrate design ideas that will be further considered in the Essendon Junction structure plan process. 60 | March 2015 | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | GHD Option 01 – do minimum Street alignment The ‘do minimum’ option would retain the existing ‘pinched’ alignment along Mount Alexander Road by retaining the boundary of the VicTrack site. The dead end at Raleigh Street would be left unchanged. The southern portion of the VicTrack site could potentially become a plaza defined by the buildings on the freed northern and southern parcels. This opens up the activity centre to increased pedestrian permeability from Russell Street through to Rose Street. Alternatively the southern area could be used for an off-street bus interchange adjacent to the heritage station building. Dead end at Raleigh Street as per existing Tram interchange Potential plaza or Off-street bus interchange adjacent historic station entry building N 0 50 100 150 200 Metres GHD | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | March 2015 | 61 Option 02 - Fletcher / Rose pedestrian link Street alignment This option requires alterations to the VicTrack site boundary to create a ‘widened’ boulevard alignment. Raleigh street would be connected through to Shamrock Street to increase permeability. Connect Raleigh Street through to Shamrock Street A ‘straight’ pedestrian link would be created through the VicTrack site to connect Rose Street to the junction via Fletcher Street. This would create a visible connection to Fletcher Street with clear sight lines. The southern portion of the VicTrack site could potentially become a plaza defined by the buildings on the freed northern and southern land parcels. This opens up the activity centre by increasing pedestrian permeability from Russell Street to Rose Street. Alternatively the land could be used for an off-street bus interchange adjacent to the heritage station building. Tram interchange Create pedestrian link from Essendon junction to Rose Street Potential plaza or Off-street bus interchange adjacent historic station entry building N 0 50 100 150 200 Metres 62 | March 2015 | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | GHD Option 03 - Rose / Russell road connection Street alignment Similar to option 02 this would require alterations to the VicTrack site boundary to create a ‘widened’ boulevard alignment. Raleigh street would be connected through to Shamrock Street to permit vehicle access and increase pedestrian permeability. Connect Raleigh Street through to Shamrock Street A pedestrian link would be created to connect Rose Street to Essendon Junction. This link would be adjacent the potential plaza or off street bus interchange in the southern portion of the VicTrack site. Tran interchange Create pedestrian link from Essendon junction to Rose Street Potential plaza or Off-street bus interchange adjacent historic station entry building N 0 50 100 150 200 Metres GHD | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | March 2015 | 63 Option 04 - dedicated bus interchange Street alignment This option presents a dedicated off-street bus interchange in the central area of the VicTrack site. The disadvantage of a dedicated bus interchange is that it could create inactive frontages along Mount Alexander Road and Russell Street. The bus interchange would largely be a ‘dead’ space at night time, which is unfavourable to personal security. This may be detrimental to the success of the pedestrian area to the south and may act as a barrier to the northern portion of the site. Connect Raleigh Street through to Shamrock Street The advantage of having a separate bus interchange area is that it would free up the southern portion of Russell Street from buses. The dedicated bus interchange is also in closer proximity to the tram interchange along Mount Alexander Road. Tran interchange Off-street bus interchange connecting tram and train stations N 0 50 100 150 200 Metres 64 | March 2015 | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | GHD Option 05 - station plaza This option presents a large pedestrian plaza adjacent to the historic station building. The ample space between the VicTrack development and the historic building to the south enhances pedestrian permeability without having a dedicated link separate to the plaza. The passing by foot traffic would informally activate the plaza and provide some passive surveillance. The plaza would be bounded by Rose Street and Russell Street and well defined by the building edges to the north and south. Connect Raleigh Street through to Shamrock Street Tram interchange New pedestrian plaza adjacent Russell Street Potential plaza or Off-street bus interchange adjacent historic station entry building N 0 50 100 Metres 150 200 Street alignmen GHD | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | March 2015 | 65 Option 06 - Russell Street mall Street alignment Connect Raleigh Street through to Shamrock Street Tram interchange New pedestrian plaza in Russell Street Potential plaza or Off-street bus interchange adjacent historic station entry building N 0 50 100 150 200 Metres 66 | March 2015 | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | GHD This option involves pedestrianising Russell Street which currently acts as an informal bus interchange. Making Russell Street more pedestrian focused was one of the key ideas that arose from community consultation. The large plaza would act as a continuation of the pedestrian focused environment at Russell Street and enhance permeability from Rose Street to Essendon Junction. GHD | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | March 2015 | 67 Development parcels – future titles Development parcels Possible additional site 1,385 m2 23,830 m2 835 m2 N 0 50 100 150 200 Metres 68 | March 2015 | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | GHD This diagram shows the new parcels of land that will be created as a result of the rail separation and cover. The VicTrack site would be consolidated into one large site of 23,830m2 if the existing boulevard alignment is retained. The separation will also create two smaller parcels of land. A third parcel to the north could be created depending on the extent of the cover. Future development parcels – with the widened street alignment Development parcels Reinstating the previous 60 metre width of the boulevard would mean that the VicTrack site would be consolidated to 20,885m2; as 2,945m2 would be returned to the Mount Alexander transport corridor. Possible additional site The consolidation of the existing two divided VicTrack parcels would create a valuable continuous street frontage along Mount Alexander Road once developed. 1,385 m2 2,945 m2 parcel to be returned to transport corridor 20,885 m2 835 m2 N 0 50 100 150 200 Metres GHD | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | March 2015 | 69 8. Cost estimate A high level preliminary cost estimate for the preferred option is provided on the page opposite. 70 | March 2015 | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | GHD Summary of Estimate $ Preliminaries 11,900,000 Relocation of services 11,464,000 Earthworks, Retaining walls, Trackwork, signals and overhead traction 23,945,000 Platform and buildings 44,188,000 Tramworks 10,019,000 Underground structures 3,356,000 Total Direct Cost 104,872,000 Contractor’s site overhead and supervision 20,125,000 Contractor’s Estimate 124,997,000 Engineering 4,574,000 Project Management Fee 2,592,000 Contingency 29,153,000 DOI Project Management 16,132,000 DOI Project Development Levy 7,098,000 DOI Corporate Finance Levy 1,845,000 Total Budget Estimate 186,391,000 GHD | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | March 2015 | 71 9. Construction sequencing The following drawings illustrate a possible construction sequence for the grade separation project. This construction sequence could vary greatly, after the confirmation of certain design constraints. The drawings have been included at this stage, to illustrate the extent of the project and explore design issues and opportunities. 72 | March 2015 | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | GHD Existing conditions The rail is currently at-grade at Buckley Street. The two western tracks are operational. The eastern track is redundant. Cars and trams use the under pass at Mount Alexander Road to travel below the at-grade rail lines. Operational track Redundant track Newly constructed track Demolished track Essendon Grade Separation Feasibility Study 71 GHD | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | March 2015 | 73 Stage 1 Construct a temporary rail bridge across Mount Alexander Road to widen the existing structure. Relocate the existing canary palms between the station complex and Rose Street, for re-use at a later date. Construct temporary bridge across Mount Alexander Road Relocate canary palms Operational track Redundant track Newly constructed track Demolished track Essendon Grade Separation Feasibility Study 72 74 | March 2015 | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | GHD Stage 2 Construct new rail tracks on the eastern side, using the new temporary bridge. Recommission the existing platform on the eastern side of the station, ready for operation. Construct new track at grade Recommission existing platform Operational track Redundant track Newly constructed track Demolished track Essendon Grade Separation Feasibility Study 73 GHD | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | March 2015 | 75 Stage 3 Commission the eastern tracks and eastern platform to operational status. Decommission and remove the at grade western tracks. Excavate and construct new tunnel walls and base below grade, to the west of the tracks near Mount Alexander Road. Cover the viaduct. Construct new underground viaduct and cover Demolish at grade western track Eastern at grade track and platform become operational Operational track Redundant track Newly constructed track Demolished track Essendon Grade Separation Feasibility Study 74 76 | March 2015 | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | GHD Stage 4 Construct a new, temporary road and tram track diversion at-grade, including a new, temporary at-grade rail crossing near Mount Alexander Road. Excavate the area west of the tracks. Commence sequenced excavation and construction of the Buckley Street grade separation with rail under road. Construct new temporary roads Construct new temporary tram tracks Construct new temporary at grade crossing Construct new underground platforms Construct new underground viaduct and cover Operational track Redundant track Newly constructed track Demolished track Essendon Grade Separation Feasibility Study 75 GHD | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | March 2015 | 77 Stage 5 Make the new at-grade road and tram diversion operational. Demolish the tram tracks in the Mount Alexander Road underpass. Continue sequenced excavation and construction of the Buckley Street grade separation with rail under road. New temporary roads operational New temporary tram track become operational Demolish existing tram tracks Construct new underground viaduct and cover Operational track Redundant track Newly constructed track Demolished track Essendon Grade Separation Feasibility Study 76 78 | March 2015 | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | GHD Stage 6 Excavate and construct new tunnel walls and base below grade, between Buckley Street and Raleigh Street. Construct new underground platforms and station facilities, north of the existing at-grade station. Construct new rail lines below grade. Fill in the underpass at Mount Alexander Road and return to grade. Construct new underground tracks Fill in underpass and construct new road at grade Construct new underground platforms Operational track Redundant track Newly constructed track Demolished track Essendon Grade Separation Feasibility Study 77 GHD | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | March 2015 | 79 Stage 7 Commission the western below grade tracks and below grade station. Decommission the eastern, at-grade tracks. Construct new tram tracks and road at-grade along Mount Alexander Road. Continue sequenced excavation and construction of the Buckley Street grade separation with rail under road. Construct new at grade tram tracks Underground tracks become operational Demolish at grade eastern tracks Construct new underground viaduct and cover Operational track Redundant track Newly constructed track Demolished track Essendon Grade Separation Feasibility Study 78 80 | March 2015 | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | GHD Stage 8 Commission the at-grade tram tracks and road along Mount Alexander Road. Demolish the temporary at-grade tram tracks and road diversion to the west of Mount Alexander Road. Complete sequenced excavation and construction of the Buckley Street grade separation with rail under road. Excavate and construct new tunnel walls, base and tracks below grade to the east, as and when required. New at grade tram tracks become operational Demolish temporary tram tracks Construct new underground third track Construct underground space for future fourth track Construct new underground viaduct and cover Operational track Redundant track Newly constructed track Demolished track GHD | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | March 2015 | 81 Appendix A: Previous Rail Options The drawings in this section summarise rail options explored by VicTrack in 2012 and rail options explored by MVCC in 2013/14, using a consistent graphic format. 82 | March 2015 | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | GHD Vic Track Study The VicTrack study in late 2012 explored rail options for grade separation at Buckley Street. All of the design options in the study maintained the existing grade separation at Mount Alexander Road of road under rail. Rail geometries had tie in with existing rail alignment prior to the tracks crossing Mount Alexander Road. Approximate site area Grade Separation GHD | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | March 2015 | 83 Vic Track Study- Option 1- Rail Over This option proposed an elevated station and rail viaduct through the middle of the Essendon Junction Activity Centre. Buckley Street would remain at-grade. The station would be located above Buckley Street and south of the retail precinct. N Park Street Elements • Elevated station and elevated train line through activity centre • Station moves south and elevated above Buckley Street • Maintain existing grade separation of train over road at Mount Alexander Buckley Street Elevated Station 84 | March 2015 | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | GHD Mount Alexander Road Vic Track Study- Option 2- Rail Over/Road Under This option proposed an elevated station and rail viaduct through the middle of the Essendon Junction Activity Centre. Buckley Street would be lower slightly, to reduce the height of the rail viaduct. The station would be located above Buckley Street and south of the retail precinct. N Buckley Street Park Street Elements • Elevated station and elevated train line through activity centre • Buckley Street lowered • Station moves south and elevated above Buckley Street • Maintain existing grade separation of train over road at Mount Alexander Elevated Station Mount Alexander Road GHD | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | March 2015 | 85 Vic Track Study Option 3 – Rail Under/Relocate Station This option proposed an underground rail solution with a below-grade station. Buckley Street would remain at-grade. The station would be located south of Buckley Street and the retail precinct. N Buckley Street Park Street Mount Alexander Road Elements • Underground train line through activity centre • New underground station south of Buckley Street • Maintain existing grade separation of train over road at Mount Alexander Underground Station 86 | March 2015 | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | GHD Vic Track Study Option 4 – Rail At Grade/Road Over This option proposed to maintain the rail at-grade with an elevated road overpass along Buckley Street. The station would be maintained in the heritage buildings. N Park Street Mount Alexander Road Buckley Street Elements • Maintain train line and station at grade • Elevated Buckley Street over the rail line • Maintain existing grade separation of train over road at Mount Alexander At Grade Station GHD | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | March 2015 | 87 Vic Track Study Option 5 – Rail At Grade/Road Under This option proposed to maintain the rail at-grade with a road underpass along Buckley Street. The station would be maintained in the heritage buildings. This design was selected by VicTrack as the preferred option. N Park Street Mount Alexander Road Buckley Street Elements • Maintain train line and station at grade • Underground Buckley Street below the rail line • Maintain existing grade separation of train over road at Mount Alexander At Grade Station 88 | March 2015 | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | GHD Vic Track Study Option 5 – Rail At Grade/Road Under This option proposed to maintain the rail at-grade with a road underpass along Buckley Street. The station would be maintained in the heritage buildings. This design was selected by VicTrack as the preferred option. The proposed road underpass would impact on the traffic and pedestrian movements around the station and the retail precinct. Buckley Street GHD | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | March 2015 | 89 VicTrack Study Option 5 – Rail At Grade / Road Under This option proposed to maintain the rail at-grade with a road underpass along Buckley Street. The station would be maintained in the heritage buildings. This design was selected by VicTrack as the preferred option. The proposed road underpass would impact on the traffic and pedestrian movements around the station and the retail precinct. This drawing illustrates the option in context. Approximate site area Grade Separation 90 | March 2015 | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | GHD Vic Track Study- Barriers The option preferred by VicTrack would exacerbate the fragmentation of the activity centre by maintaining the barriers of the at-grade rail and the Mount Alexander Road underpass, as well as introducing a new barrier in the form of a Buckley Street underpass. 33 GHD | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | March 2015 | 91 Extent of VicTrack Study All options in the VicTrack study include grade separation at Buckley St but maintained the existing road under rail condition at Mount Alexander Road. Approximate site area Grade Separation 92 | March 2015 | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | GHD MVCC Study MVCC expanded the extent of the study with rail under road grade separations requested at both Buckley Street and Mount Alexander Road. Approximate site area Grade Separation GHD | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | March 2015 | 93 MVCC Study – Option 1 – Rail Under / Road At Grade This option proposed rail under Buckley Street and Mount Alexander Road. Road and tram traffic along Mount Alexander Road was restored to slightly above grade, to minimise excavation N Elements • Underground train line through activity centre • New underground station between Buckley Street and Mount Alexander Road • Buckley Street at grade • Mount Alexander Road restored slightly above grade Buckley Street Mount Alexander Road Underground Station 94 | March 2015 | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | GHD MVCC Study – Option 2 – Rail Under / Road At Grade This option proposed rail under Buckley Street and Mount Alexander Road. Road and tram traffic along Mount Alexander Road was restored to grade, to maximise pedestrian connectivity and potential for commercial development. N Elements • Underground train line through activity centre • New underground station between Buckley Street and Mount Alexander Road • Buckley Street at grade • Mount Alexander Road restored to grade Buckley Street Underground Station Mount Alexander Road GHD | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | March 2015 | 95 Appendix B: PCA Report PROJECTS VICTORIA’S BEST INVESTMENT SITES 20 PROJECTS // VICTORIA’S BEST INVESTMENT SITES 96 | March 2015 | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | GHD T1 NAPIER STREET GREATER MELBOURNE CRICKET GROUND RAILWAY ESSENDON STATION SIZE // ;V[OLUVY[OVM[OLYHPS^H`Z[H[PVU[OLYLHYL[^VSHYNL JVTT\[LYJHYWHYRZSVJH[LKVUIV[O[OLLHZ[LYUHUK ^LZ[LYUZPKLVM[OLYHPS^H`SPUL0UJS\KPUN[OLL_PZ[PUN YHPS^H`SHUK[OLWYLJPUJ[OHZHUV]LYHSSHYLHVM HWWYV_PTH[LS`OLJ[HYLZ TIMING // ;OLWYLJPUJ[OHZILLUPKLU[PÄLKI`[OL:[H[L .V]LYUTLU[HZHWV[LU[PHSYLKL]LSVWTLU[WYLJPUJ[ ;OPZ^V\SKPU]VS]LHNYHKLZLWHYH[PVUH[[OL)\JRSL` :[YLL[SL]LSJYVZZPUNYLTV]HSVM[OL4V\U[(SL_HUKLY 9VHKYHPS^H`V]LYWHZZHUK[OLJVUZ[Y\J[PVUVMHUL^ ,ZZLUKVU9HPS^H`:[H[PVUH[HSV^LYSL]LS;OPZ^V\SK YLSLHZL[OLSHUKHIV]L[OLZ[H[PVUHUKYHPS^H`SPULMVY KL]LSVWTLU[HSVUN^P[O[OL[^VJVTT\[LYJHYWHYRZ [V[OLUVY[O 4VVULL=HSSL`*P[`*V\UJPSHYLJ\YYLU[S`WYLWHYPUN[OL ,ZZLUKVU1\UJ[PVU:[Y\J[\YL7SHU^OPJO^PSSZL[V\[H ]PZPVUMVYM\[\YLKL]LSVWTLU[^P[OPU,ZZLUKVUPUJS\KPUN HYLKL]LSVWLKYHPS^H`Z[H[PVUWYLJPUJ[ 20 PROJECTS // VICTORIA’S BEST INVESTMENT SITES 0U[OLHIZLUJLVMHKL]LSVWTLU[WSHUP[PZKPMÄJ\S[[V HZZLZZ[OLSPRLS`]HS\LVM[OLZHSLKL]LSVWTLU[OV^L]LY [OLKL]LSVWHISLMVV[WYPU[Z\NNLZ[Z[OH[HWYVQLJ[VMZJHSL JV\SKILKLSP]LYLKH[[OLZP[L SHAMROCK STREET FLETCHER STREET MT ALEXANDER ROAD MILLER STREET T1 ESSENDON STATION ROSE STREET :[Y\J[\YLWSHUUPUN^VYRZHYLJ\YYLU[S`ILPUN\UKLY[HRLU OV^L]LY,ZZLUKVU:[H[PVU^HZUV[PUJS\KLKPU[OLYLJLU[ HUUV\UJLTLU[VMM\UKLKNYHKLZLWHYH[PVUWYVQLJ[Z :\IQLJ[[V[OLZL^VYRZWYVNYLZZPUNPU[OLJVTPUN[^V `LHYZKL]LSVWTLU[VM[OLWYLJPUJ[JV\SKVJJ\Y PAGE 19 E ZZLUKVUPZSVJH[LKHWWYV_PTH[LS`ZP_RPSVTL[YLZ UVY[O^LZ[VM4LSIV\YUL»Z*)+;OLL_PZ[PUN YHPS^H`Z[H[PVUPZSVJH[LKVU[OLUVY[OLYUZPKLVM )\JRSL`:[YLL[^LZ[VM[OLTHQVYPU[LYZLJ[PVUVM)\JRSL` :[YLL[HUK4V\U[(SL_HUKLY9VHK RALEIGH STREET RUSSELL STREET BUCKLEY STREET PARTNERSHIP // =PJ;YHJRHZSHUKV^ULYZVM[OLZP[L^V\SKOH]L[OL VW[PVU[VZLLRH1VPU[=LU[\YLWHY[ULYZOPWMVY[OL YLKL]LSVWTLU[VM[OLWYLJPUJ[HUKWV[LU[PHSS`ZLLR[VZLSS WHY[PJ\SHYSHUKWHYJLSZMVYKL]LSVWTLU[I`V[OLYZ USE MIX // ;OLZP[LJV\SKILKL]LSVWLKMVYHTP_VMJVTTLYJPHS VMÄJLHUKSVJHSJVU]LUPLUJLYL[HPS\ZLZH[[OLZV\[OLYU LUKVM[OLZP[L[V^HYKZ)\JRSL`:[YLL[^P[OVWWVY[\UP[PLZ MVYTLKP\TKLUZP[`YLZPKLU[PHSKL]LSVWTLU[PU[OLSHYNLY HYLH[V[OLUVY[O SIZE // TIMING // PARTNERSHIP // USE MIX // $100 - $250 MILLION 2 YEARS JV - 50/50 MODERATE 20 PROJECTS // VICTORIA’S BEST INVESTMENT SITES GHD | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | March 2015 | 97 Appendix C: Rail options The following drawings are large scale representations of the three rail options in Section 3. 98 | March 2015 | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | GHD GHD | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | March 2015 | 99 Option 1 Grade Separation Rail Plan 0 25 50 Sheet 1 75 100 N Metres 100 | March 2015 | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | GHD Sheet 2 Sheet 3 Option 1 Grade Separation Rail Plan Sheet 1 Sheet 2 Sheet 3 GHD | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | March 2015 | 101 Option 1 Grade Separation Rail Plan 102 | March 2015 | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | GHD Sheet 1 Sheet 2 Sheet 3 Option 1 Longitudinal Section Sheet 1 Sheet 2 Sheet 3 GHD | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | March 2015 | 103 Option 1 Longitudinal Section 104 | March 2015 | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | GHD Sheet 1 Sheet 2 Sheet 3 Option 1 Longitudinal Section Sheet 1 Sheet 2 Sheet 3 GHD | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | March 2015 | 105 Option 2 Grade Separation Rail Plan 0 25 50 Sheet 1 75 100 N Metres 106 | March 2015 | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | GHD Sheet 2 Sheet 3 Option 2 Grade Separation Rail Plan Sheet 1 Sheet 2 Sheet 3 GHD | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | March 2015 | 107 Option 2 Grade Separation Rail Plan 108 | March 2015 | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | GHD Sheet 1 Sheet 2 Sheet 3 Option 2 Longitudinal Section VERTICAL 1:100 AT ORIGINAL SIZE Sheet 1 0 1 2 3 4 5m HORIZONTAL 1:1000 0 AT ORIGINAL SIZE 10 20 30 40 50m Sheet 2 Sheet 3 GHD | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | March 2015 | 109 Option 2 Longitudinal Section 110 | March 2015 | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | GHD Sheet 1 Sheet 2 Sheet 3 Option 2 Longitudinal Section Sheet 1 Sheet 2 Sheet 3 GHD | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | March 2015 | 111 Preferred Option Sheet 1 Sheet 2 Sheet 3 Sheet 4 Option 3 Grade Separation Rail Plan Excavation envelope 0 25 50 75 100 N Metres 112 | March 2015 | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | GHD Sheet 1 Station platform location Sheet 2 Sheet 3 Sheet 4 Option 3 Grade Separation Rail Plan GHD | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | March 2015 | 113 Sheet 1 Sheet 2 Sheet 3 Sheet 4 Option 3 Grade Separation Rail Plan Connection line 114 | March 2015 | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | GHD Option 3 Grade Separation Rail Plan Sheet 1 Sheet 2 Sheet 3 Sheet 4 Connection line GHD | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | March 2015 | 115 Option 3 Longitudinal Section 116 | March 2015 | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | GHD Sheet 1 Sheet 2 Sheet 3 Sheet 4 Option 3 Longitudinal Section Sheet 1 Sheet 2 Sheet 3 Sheet 4 GHD | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | March 2015 | 117 Option 3 Longitudinal Section Sheet 1 118 | March 2015 | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | GHD Sheet 2 Sheet 3 Sheet 4 Option 3 Longitudinal Section Sheet 1 Sheet 2 Sheet 3 Sheet 4 GHD | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | March 2015 | 119 Appendix D: OVGA Panel Review The Essendon Junction Grade Separation Project was reviewed by the Office of the Victorian Government Architect’s Design Review Panel on 19 February 2014. Their views on the project are expressed in the following report. 120 | March 2015 | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | GHD CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL VICTORIAN DESIGN REVIEW PANEL Essendon Junction Grade Separation Project February 2014 Essendon Junction Grade Separation Project Design Review Report – 19 February 2014 We thank the Moonee Valley City Council (MVCC) and GHD for presenting the Essendon Junction Grade Separation Project to the Victorian Design Review Panel. We also thank VicTrack and Heritage Victoria for attending and contributing to the session. This is a fascinating project with a number of complex contextual issues. We support MVCC’s concerns about the functionality of the Essendon Junction and its surrounding precinct and also the balanced approach being taken to a large-scale infrastructure intervention with significant heritage considerations. This grade separation project has the potential to unlock a great number of opportunities for central Essendon and we are pleased to see MVCC leading this infrastructure project with an openness to the urban regeneration possibilities. Strategic considerations We commend MVCC’s ‘big picture’ view of this infrastructure project and the ambition to improve pedestrian connections in an activity area that is currently divided by significant road and rail barriers. The resolution of the Junction for pedestrians is an important focus of this project, however the Junction is not necessarily a place within Essendon to which people are drawn. There is an important strategic question to be determined: where is the ‘heart’ of the activity area? We suggest the exercise of mapping people movements through the precinct would be beneficial to understand where people are moving to, the timing of journeys and the barriers to moving through the precinct by foot. Giving consideration to how people engage with the Essendon activity area will give clues to the direction the project needs to take and clarify the options that align with the vision for the area. While we acknowledge there are multiple possibilities for the public realm that can result from a grade separation at Essendon, we suggest the opportunities to be pursued will become clearer following this type of strategic analysis. We strongly encourage the design of the Junction precinct as a whole rather than focus too heavily on the individual interventions. Essendon has a history and an identity and it is important that these elements of the place are strengthened and respected as the design develops. Rail-under-Road Options The rail-under-road solution proposes a good outcome for Essendon and enables opportunities to reconnect and revitalise the Essendon centre. The next stage of the investigation should provide a more comprehensive understanding of the benefits associated with this solution in order to demonstrate clearly the value that such an investment can provide. We note that two options for rail-under-road have been developed and suggest that this type of assessment will be useful should the project team be required to establish which solution offers the greater benefits or delivers a better result in terms of public outcome and development potential. Of the two options presented, we acknowledge that the option that proposes a section of Mt Alexander Road being raised could be managed if properties and future development in the area is planned for in a way that accommodates the raised ground level. A commitment to adapting the 2 GHD | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | March 2015 | 121 CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL surrounding urban environment to suit this grade change would be critical to ensuring the existing barrier at Mt Alexander Road is simply not replaced with another form of barrier. The Panel agreed that such an endeavour would take considerable time and additional investment before a good urban outcome could be achieved. It was noted that it is often a false economy to undertake a less expensive option that is not able to deliver the same level of enduring benefits that will be offered by a more expensive option. In this instance, the indicative cost difference between the two options seems negligible in an investment of this scale and, for all the above reasons, we offer support for the rail-under-road solution that restores Mt Alexander Road to its original grade. Essendon Junction and Mt Alexander Road The proposal to extend the Mt Alexander Road ‘boulevard’ through the Essendon Junction is supported in principle. Returning this section of Mt Alexander Road to its original 60-metre alignment may be perceived to be in conflict with the idea of improving pedestrian connectivity in the precinct. However, we suggest that if designed appropriately this central section of the boulevard can provide a strong civic outcome and a pedestrian-friendly environment. A similar scaled boulevard, Whitehorse Road, Box Hill, offers a useful precedent for how the median can be designed to be a high quality public realm and functional space for people and transport. We encourage consideration of how pedestrians can be afforded priority in central Essendon and of how the Mt Alexander Road barrier can be overcome. The early ideas about integration of a tram stop with crossing points on this section of the boulevard deserves further investigation, along with other opportunities such as designing the median as a plaza, with the potential inclusion of a Station entrance. A boulevard does not have to be of a consistent character for its entire length and there are opportunities for this section of Mt Alexander Road to respond to its location as well as provide functional improvements at the Junction. We support the proposal to introduce trees as a means of reinforcing the existing boulevard character north and south of the Junction. This is a unique and rare opportunity for MVCC to rethink the urban structure in central Essendon. We encourage the team to be inventive in overcoming the difficulties at the Junction and not be constrained by the existing corners and edges that may be contributing to the problem. VicTrack – Carpark Site VicTrack has an important stake in the re-visioning of central Essendon given the scale of its landholdings and its long frontage to Mt Alexander Road at the Junction. We encourage VicTrack and MVCC to continue to discuss leveraging opportunities from the available land within the Essendon Junction precinct. There is obvious development potential on the VicTrack site and we support a mixed-use proposal that makes a strong contribution to central Essendon and sets the benchmark for further development within the precinct. Appropriate development on the VicTrack land has the potential to unlock value on both sides of Mt Alexander Road. It is important that the east side of Mt Alexander Road contributes in proportion with the VicTrack site and in line with the vision for the Essendon Junction more broadly. We suggest investigating how the VicTrack land could form part of a broader strategy for development in the precinct: for example, offering VicTrack land as an offset to release the land opposite for development. the next stage of investigation include 3D massing and sectional diagrams to explore the scale of built form to ensure that it is appropriate and contributory. Essendon Station Complex We encourage further investigation into the possibilities for adaptive reuse of the Essendon Station complex, in partnership with Heritage Victoria, to determine a solution that maintains the integrity of the Station’s heritage qualities while allowing for contemporary transport standards. While re-use of the heritage Station as an entry to the new underground railway platforms is an appealing idea, the resultant interventions are potentially severe. Further investigation of this possibility is required. The option to adapt the Station precinct to a place for pedestrians, potentially as a ‘city square’ with retail, is positive. As the options for the Station precinct develop, consideration of the scale of new public spaces, the integration of laneways and connections, and the proposed landscaping, will become increasingly important. The presented drawings were useful to demonstrate possible opportunities for the precinct, but consideration now needs to be given to the location of pedestrian links through the Station and broader VicTrack site. Next Steps In addition to the comments above, resolution is needed about whether the railway corridor will accommodate freight trains and whether a curved track at the Station platform acceptably meets universal design requirements. The three transport modes within the precinct need to work cohesively together while establishing central Essendon as a desirable place for people. While this early stage of the project is assessing feasibility, the next stage needs integrated and visionary design thinking to unlock the opportunities that this level of investment and intervention may enable in Essendon. We encourage MVCC to develop the concepts and options in more detail in order to inform better the choices that will have to be made. We offer MVCC the support of the Office of the Victorian Government Architect through design workshop facilitation and a second review of the proposal by the Victorian Design Review Panel at the next appropriate design stage. Geoffrey London Victorian Government Architect Up to 12 storeys of development are allowed on the VicTrack site. We question the ‘fit’ of built form of this scale within the Essendon context. While we understand that the economic feasibility of development on this site is an important factor in the case for the grade separation project, this needs to be balanced with the possible impact of overdevelopment in this area. We recommend 3 122 | March 2015 | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | GHD 4 GHD | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | March 2015 | 123 Addendum: Option 4 In February 2015, GHD was engaged by MVCC to update the concept drawing for the preferred option in this report (option 3), to respond to a set of rail design requirements provided by Public Transport Victoria (PTV). Option four is a further developed version of Option 3 that responds to a number of rail technical requirements specified by PTV, including but not limited to the length and number of platforms. Table 1.a provides a list of PTV’s requirements and commentary on how those are met by Option 4. In addition to the design work associated with Option 4, GHD also considered the impact of the rail grade separation on the gas main in Buckley Street and the potential impact of the Mt Alexander Road rail under road grade separation on the Shamrock Road intersection. 124 | March 2015 | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | GHD GHD | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | March 2015 | 125 Table 1.a PTV’s requirements and option 4 Transport Requirement Heavy Rail Track Description Option 4 Status Maintain 2 broad gauge tracks within the Newmarket and Craigieburn corridor section Maintains 2 broad gauge tracks Has been addressed Maintain 3 broad gauge tracks from approximately 300m north of Essendon precinct Maintains 3 broad gauge tracks Has been addressed The proposed track configurations have been design to permit parallel movements for turn-back operations as well as through services without conflict Allows parallel movements for turn-back operations as well as through services without conflict Has been addressed All turnouts to be 1:15 to allow for 65 km/h operational speeds through turnouts where possible Base design provides 230 m platforms with 1 in 15 turnouts and therefore 65 km/h through turnouts. However, R300 m curves at ends of platforms restrict speeds to 45 km/h through platforms. It may be possible if detailed survey were available, additional alignment design options may achieve a higher design speed. However, Essendon is a key node and therefore even if express services were introduced elsewhere on this line in the future, Essendon is unlikely to experience any significant express running. The 45 km/h curve speed restrictions will have negligible impact on train running times. Partially addressed Rail grade Maximum vertical gradient of rail = 2% 2% maximum grade provided Has been addressed Track spacing Minimum spacing between centre lines = 4.0 m 4.0 m track spacing provided Has been addressed Platform configuration The three platforms are to be retained for Essendon Station and are proposed to be extended to a length of 160 m Three underground platforms provided Has been addressed Option for platforms to accommodate 9 car train operations (230 m platforms) Base design provides 230 m platforms. Has been addressed Option to straighten platform 1, 2 and 3 Three platforms are provided, all are straight Has been addressed DDA Access Consider how to upgrade the station to full DDA compliance Underground platforms have been sized and located such that full DDA compliant access can readily be achieved without impacting heritage aspects of the existing station. Details not developed but principles have been addressed Modal Interchange Provide for; Underground tracks and platforms have been located such that a flexible bus facility layout can readily be achieved. Details not developed but principles have been addressed Track configuration • 5 bus bays on west side of Russell Street • 3 bus bays on east side of Russell Street Numerous enhanced options are available for optimising tram connectivity. • Three bus bays on east side of Rose Street • Improved connectivity to tram stop on Mt Alexander Road 126 | March 2015 | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | GHD Transport Requirement Description Option 4 Status Commuter car parking Need to maintain the existing number of commuter parking spaces Undergrounding of tracks and platforms improves flexibility of commuter car parking layout and possible increase in size. Details not developed but principles have been addressed Taxi / Kiss and Ride Suitable kiss and ride facilities Underground tracks and platforms have been located such that a flexible kiss and ride facility layout can readily be achieved Details not developed but principles have been addressed Suitable taxi facilities Underground tracks and platforms have been located such that a flexible taxi facility layout can readily be achieved. Details not developed but principles have been addressed Impact on Mt Alexander Road Attempt to reduce impact to the existing Mt Alexander Road grade separation Proposed undergrounding of tracks and platforms involves reversing Not addressed the Mt Alexander road grade separation (to rail under road). Impact on Buckley Street Grade Separation Attempt to reduce impact of grade separation at Buckley Street Proposed undergrounding of tracks and platforms eliminates the at-grade rail crossing without the negative impacts of regrading/ lowering Buckley Street Has been addressed Property acquisition Limit / no property acquisition Proposed undergrounding of tracks and platforms requires a small amount of permanent property acquisition including: Partially addressed • Grice Crescent • Mt Alexander Rd/Raleigh Street corner • Sherbourne Street Temporary track work would require a small amount of temporary occupation/property acquisition including; • Field Street • Carlyle Street • Napier Street Temporary road and tram diversions would have a significant but temporary impact on station car parking Heritage Retain existing heritage buildings on both platforms • Heritage buildings and platforms to be retained. Partially addressed • Underpass and ramps require modification/partial demolition to achieve underground tracks. Utilities (Gas Main) Need to address impact of Buckley Street Grade Separation on the high pressure gas main Gas main can be accommodated in the bridge/deck structure over the underground tracks Has been addressed Gas main can be accommodated in the bridge/deck structure over the underground tracks Has been addressed GHD | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | March 2015 | 127 Option 4 Station platform location Excavation envelope 50 100 N 0 Metres 128 | March 2015 | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | GHD GHD | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | March 2015 | 129 Buckley Street Gas Main The presence of gas reticulation in the vicinity of Buckley Street and the railway crossing has been investigated, using the Dial Before you Dig (DBYD) service. The results are shown on the plan entitled Buckley Street – Gas Main Locations with the main sizes derived from adjacent DBYD detail plans. In summary there are 100 mm and 225 mains on the south side of the road; the 225 mm main is continuous through the rail crossing, while the 100 mm main comes from the south in Sherbourne Road and turns to the west in Buckley Street. On the north side there is a 100 mm main continuous through the crossing and a proposed offtake main heading North on either the west side of railway reserve or the east side of Rose Street. Offsets are shown on the plan. The detail DBYD plans indicate that all existing mains are cast iron; the 225 main was constructed in 1918 and the 100 mains were installed in 1936. It is considered these mains would be reaching the end of the service life and will eventually be scheduled for replacement. This would need to be confirmed with SP Ausnet, the relevant gas authority for the region. It is recommended that discussions are initiated at an early date with the gas authority to investigate whether the gas main replacement can be undertaken in conjunction with rail regrading works, thus reducing the need for temporary connections on the existing mains when new mains are installed in the bridge understructure. As it is likely the bridge structure will comprise a series of super T’s or similar, the gas mains can be satisfactorily located in the void space between adjacent webs, in line with previous practices. The gas authority should be requested to provide advice on their requirements for accessibility to the gas mains. 130 | March 2015 | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | GHD 100mm Prop Area Requested in DBYD Gas Distribution Mains GHD | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | March 2015 | 131 Mt Alexander Road concept grading A concept gradeline has been prepared for Mt Alexander Road at the proposed rail under road grade separation using MGA 55 contour information. This indicates that a road surface level of approximately RL 44.00 can be graded into the existing surface level before the intersections immediately to the north and south of the rail corridor. This assumes a grade of 2% on the north western side and 1.6% on the south eastern side of the rail crossing estimated from available contour information. Based on this concept the vertical alignment of the road should allow sufficient sight distance to the back of queue in the event that the Shamrock Road intersection is signalised in the future. The vertical alignment of Mt Alexander road is heavily influenced by the rail design levels, clearance envelopes and depth of structure. As such, the road alignment should be considered as an integral part of subsequent design stages to ensure that an optimal outcome is achieved. 132 | March 2015 | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | GHD MT ALEXANDER ROAD CH 188.000 TP CH 180.000 CH 160.000 CH 140.000 CH 120.000 CH 100.000 CH 80.000 CH 60.000 CH 40.000 CH 20.000 CH 0.000 TP PLAN IP CH 164.66 RL 42.67 RAIL CLEARANCE ENVELOPE RL 44.00 SAG CH 168.23 RL 42.82 IP CHCH 15.23 RLRL 42.94 SAG 13.27 43.11 IP CH 84.74 RL 44.75 CREST CH 84.74 RL 44.29 1:1000 VERTICAL SCALE 1:200 AT ORIGINAL SIZE 0 2 4 6m HORIZONTAL SCALE 1:1000 AT ORIGINAL SIZE 0 10 20 30m A CH 179.66 RL42.91 CH 149.66 RL43.06 CH 49.74 RL43.84 CH 30.23 RL43.33 CH 0.23 RL43.24 CH 119.74 RL43.84 PRELIMINARY rev PRELIMINARY ISSUE description app'd date ESSENDON STATION GRADE SEPARATION MT ALEXANDER ROAD CONCEPT GRADING DATUM RL. 35.00 L=0.23m L=19.51m K=6.52 L=30m L=29.92m K=13.46 L=70m L=8.34m 43.143 43.583 44.064 44.283 44.205 43.830 43.310 42.864 42.914 43.042 EXISTING SURFACE LEVEL 42.44 41.58 40.40 40.00 40.00 40.40 41.16 41.96 42.75 43.04 40.000 60.000 80.000 100.000 120.000 140.000 160.000 180.000 188.000 G=1.6% DESIGN SURFACE LEVEL CHAINAGE LONGITUDINAL SECTION HORIZONTAL SCALE 1:1000 VERTICAL SCALE 1:200 Plot Date: K=7.14 L=30m 20.000 G=-2.6% 43.244 G=2.6% 43.24 G=-2% 0.000 VERTICAL ALIGNMENT 18 February 2015 - 4:30 PM Plotted by: Tim James Cad File No: Level 8, 180 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 Australia T 61 3 8687 8000 F 61 3 8687 8111 E [email protected] W Conditions of Use: This document may only be used by GHD's client (and any other person who GHD has agreed can use this document) for the purpose for which it was prepared and must not be used by any other person or for any other purpose. scale 1:1000 date VERTICAL SCALE 1:200 AT ORIGINAL SIZE 0 2 4 6m HORIZONTAL SCALE 1:1000 AT ORIGINAL SIZE 0 10 20 30m FEB 2015 approved (PD) for A3 job no. 31-0919749 rev no. A SK 002 G:\31\0919749\CADD\Drawings\31-0919749-SK002.dwg GHD | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | March 2015 | 133 Option 4 Grade Separation Rail Plan Sheet 1 Sheet 2 Sheet 3 Sheet 4 Excavation envelope 0 25 50 75 100 N Metres 134 | March 2015 | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | GHD Option 4 Grade Separation Rail Plan Sheet 1 Sheet 2 Sheet 3 Sheet 4 Station platform location GHD | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | March 2015 | 135 Option 4 Grade Separation Rail Plan Sheet 1 Sheet 2 Sheet 3 Sheet 4 Connection line 136 | March 2015 | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | GHD Option 4 Grade Separation Rail Plan Sheet 1 Sheet 2 Sheet 3 Sheet 4 Connection line GHD | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | March 2015 | 137 Option 4 Longitudinal Section 138 | March 2015 | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | GHD Sheet 1 Sheet 2 Sheet 3 Sheet 4 Option 4 Longitudinal Section Sheet 1 Sheet 2 Sheet 3 Sheet 4 GHD | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | March 2015 | 139 Option 4 Longitudinal Section Sheet 1 140 | March 2015 | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | GHD Sheet 2 Sheet 3 Sheet 4 Option 4 Longitudinal Section Sheet 1 Sheet 2 Sheet 3 Sheet 4 GHD | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3132598 | March 2015 | 141 GHD Pty Ltd Level 8, 180 Lonsdale Street Melbourne VIC 3000 T (03) 8687 0000 F (03) 8687 8111 E [email protected] © GHD Pty Ltd 2013 This document is and shall remain the property of GHD Pty Ltd. The document may only be used for the purposes for which it was commissioned and in accordance with the Terms of Engagement for the commission. Unauthorised use of this document in any form whatsoever is prohibited. Document Status Rev No. Author 1 Gianna Di Santo Reviewer Name Kevin Begg Authorisation Signature Name Matt Kroll Signature Date 18-03-15 G:\31\32598 142 | December 2013 | Essendon Junction Grade Separation, Draft Feasibility Assessment Report – Project No. 3130645 | GHD
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