May 13, 2015 - Community News

May 13, 2015
130 years
down on the farm
Grilling with Grains
Around Town
Second Grader Saves Family
Photos by Ray Rockwell
Dave Theis rides a tractor at Thies Farm’s North Hanley location. Theis Farm grows produce along with flowers inside of their greenhouses.
Thies Farm has been a North County institution since 1885
Campaign Goal Exceeded
By Sara Hardin
With spring comes the excitement of
beautiful, blooming flowers and delicious fruits and vegetables. At Thies
Farm, the air is sweet with the scents
of strawberries ripe for the picking,
and brothers and farm owners Dave
and Darrell Thies are tirelessly preparing for the busy spring and summer
Thies Farm was founded in 1885,
and has since then established itself as
one of the largest, most trusted familyowned vegetable farms in the St. Louis
“My great, great grandfather came
from Germany and settled in the area,
and after two years he bought this
property here,” said Dave Thies about
the farm’s original North Hanley Road
location. “It’s been a fruit and vegetable
farm ever since then.”
The farm’s location on North Hanley
features 30,000 square feet of the farm’s
total 50,000 square feet of greenhouses.
The rest reside on the farm’s other two
properties in Maryland Heights and
St. Charles. Maryland Heights houses
the farm’s main growing area, with
over 200 acres of fruit and vegetable
production. The Maryland Heights
location hosts the farm’s biggest October event, Pumpkin Lands, and also
features the farm’s retail market. The
farm’s St. Charles location currently
has a greenhouse with nursery stock, as
well as a bakery and a café. Dave Thies
expressed hopes of growing on the St.
Charles land as soon as the farm gets
better established in the area.
“Right now we’re getting ready for
summer,” said Darrell Thies, owner
of the Maryland Heights farm. “The
greenhouses are full of flowers now and
we’re looking to start picking strawberries very soon.”
The farm offers a ‘you pick’ system,
where the public is able to go to the
farm and pick fresh-grown strawberries to buy and take home. Weather
permitting, the Maryland Heights farm
hopes to open up its five acres of berries
to the public starting May 16th.
One thing that makes Thies Farm
unique is their commitment to sustainability in both their crops and the
structure of the business as a whole.
“Since we’ve been on this property
for 130 years and have cropped it every
year in those 130 years, it’s very important to us to be sustainable and to take
care of our main asset, which is our
property,” explained Dave Thies. “We
do all kinds of conservation methods
to keep our soil productive and try to
keep erosion at a minimum.”
Keeping the family name in the business is something that the farm has
achieved consistently since its opening,
and the family’s next generation is ready
to jump into action.
“A big part of sustainability that people don’t think of is the structure of the
business,” said Dave Thies. “My brother
and I are fifth generation, I have a son
Learn & Play
If Mama ain’t happy...
Movie: “Where Hope Grows”
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Around Town
Vol. 94 No. 19
May 13, 2015 • Community News – St. Louis County •
from cover
In This Issue...
Around Town
Second grader saves family
from house fire and more.
Boeing Employees
Community Fund awards
grant and more.
FFSD students selected to
participate in the Missouri
Fine Arts Academy and
Learn and Play
Take a peek at the local
author spotlight and check
in with Cindy Moore.
David DeSanctis smashes
stereotypes (and produce)
in ‘Where Hope Grows’
Local sports with Gary B.
Grilling with grains.
Photos by Ray Rockwell
Theis Farm grows produce along with flowers inside of their greenhouses.
and daughter who are getting into the business, and they will be
the sixth generation. We structure and run our business to sustain our motto. It’s very important that we’ve been able to put up
with the ups and downs of farming. We are diverse enough that
we can weather a lot of the storms. That’s also a big part of our
sustainability model, is diversity and our structure of our business, as far as family.”
‘Buy local’ seems to be the buzzword this spring, and Dave
Thies explains why although it’s exciting to have the community’s
attention, it’s also a long time coming.
“We always tell people we’ve promoted home-grown and local
for the last 75 years if not longer, so that’s nothing new to us, but
we are thrilled that people are starting to pay a little more attention to local production here in the Midwest. People realize that
we really do need local production all over the country to really
be healthy and to have a sustainable food system.”
Thies Farm holds its rightful place as one of St. Louis County’s largest family-owned vegetable farms, and is a great option
for buying fresh produce and blooming flowers to liven up your
home for this spring season and many more to come.
“We have a lot of friendly people here,” said Darrell Thies. “We
just look forward to serving the community as long as we can.”
What’s Happening
Over the Fence
Joe Morice brings his
unique views to the
Community News.
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Students in North County
get “CatholicFIT”
From February to April, over 400 third and sixth
grade students at nine elementary schools in North
County participated in CatholicFIT during their
regular P.E. classes. Teachers shared the “10 Pillars
of Catholic Fitness” with weekly lessons that included tips and ideas for moving, eating and acting with
intention. Parents were invited to review weekly
handouts with their children to reinforce the lessons
at home.
All families were invited to attend one or more evening “Faith and Fitness” workshops held in March
and April. SSM DePaul Health Center partnered
Submitted photo
with the Northeast Deanery Federation of Catholic At the finale event on April 25, Dave Reddy leads families through the strength and stretch moves that students
Schools to provide the CatholicFIT program. They learned about during the 10-week CatholicFIT program.
also hosted a finale event, including a morning famSacred Heart, St. Angela, St. Ferdinand, St. Norbert and St. Rose
ily workout and breakfast on April 25 at the May
Philippine Duchesne) along with St. Ann School participated in
Education Center on the DePaul campus.
All 8 Northeast Deanery Federation Schools (Blessed Teresa of CatholicFIT this year.
Calcutta, Christ, Light of the Nations, Our Lady of Guadalupe,
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Armstrong Elementary 2nd grader saves
family from house fire
Treyvon Estes, second-grader from Armstrong control.
“We are so proud of Treyvon,” said Roger LeBElementary School, in the Hazelwood School Dislanc, principal at Armstrong Elementary School.
trict, recently saved his family from a house fire.
Treyvon should
“When I first
have been asleep
heard about the
when the latestory I must admit, I was a bit
night fire ocsurprised
becurred. His mothcause at times
er had already put
him to bed, when
Treyvon can be
a little shy. Howat some point during the night he
ever, he is still
a brave young
got out of bed to
play video games.
man. I guess his
Instead of saving
early Cub Scout
training came in
the Mario Brothhandy.”
ers, one of his faTreyvon is a
vorite Nintendo
Wii games, this
Cub Scout from
8-year-old woke
Photo courtesy the Hazelwood School the North Star
his entire fam- Trevon Estes and his principal, Mr. Roger LeBlanc from Armstrong Elementary School. District,
736 in North
ily after smelling
smoke from a basement hot water heater which County.
After his principal and teacher heard about
had caught fire.
Due to Treyvon’s heroics, level head and quick Treyvon’s heroics, during lunch, he was treated to
thinking, his entire family, including his pet dog, a real “Hero’s Meal,” one McDonald’s Happy Meal.
Rocky, were able to exit the home safely, and call He was also presented with a medal of honor,
the fire department before the fire grew out of which simply read, “Thank you.”
The Travelers Protective Association’s charitable
arm awards 98 scholarships
The Travelers Protective Association (TPA), Officer Albert M. Shoemaker, Jr. “Our Board of
a fraternal benefit society, recently awarded 98 Trustees carefully reviews each and every application, and decisions are typischolarships through its trust tocally made within 90 days of
taling $34,250 during the year’s
receiving requests.” Shoemaker
first quarter. The grants, which
added that the trust is supportare awarded nationwide to reed by charitable contributions
cipients throughout the year,
which, as of May 1, can be made
ranged from $100 to $750 per
on the organization’s website via
child based on necessity. This
quarter 16 grants were presentFounded in 1890, TPA’s naed to Missouri residents.
tional headquarters is located
Established in 1975, the orgaat 2041 Exchange Dr. in St.
nization’s Scholarship Trust for
Charles. The association is lithe Hearing Impaired provides
censed in 29 states and has over
financial aid to those suffering
26,000 members, which infrom deafness or hearing imcludes more than 17,000 mempairment. Grants are used for
bers who have been a part of the
mechanical devices, medical
organization for more than 25
and specialized treatment, and
Submitted photo years. TPA offers fraternalism
education that includes speech
classes and interpreters. To date Dyami Pool-Ivery of St. Louis received $300 to its members, as well as parthe trust has distributed over $2 from The Travelers Protective Association. ticipates in safety projects and
community service. The associmillion to more than 4,900 reation provides accident, disability and death bencipients.
“This year marks the Scholarship Trust’s 40th efits to both its members and their beneficiaries.
For more information, call (636) 724-2227 or
anniversary, and we are so proud of all the people
we have helped,” said TPA’s Chief Administrative visit the website at
Around Town
Check out our
Home & Garden Section
in Classifieds page 15
Around Town
May 13, 2015 • Community News – St. Louis County •
The Bridge at Florissant to host Memorial Day ceremony
The Bridge at Florissant will be having a special
Memorial Day ceremony on May 18. Retired U.S.
Marine William Rupp, resident of the Bridge at
Florissant will be the Master of Ceremonies.
Rupp is a distinguished and decorated World
War II Veteran. He was named the 2006 Veteran
of the Year by the Pentagon and was one of nineteen veterans honored in a book titled “Distinguished Veterans Who Made a Difference.”
Rupp will be presenting each Bridge at Florissant
veteran with a medal of appreciation that he designed. Many distinguished guests will be at the
ceremony and will take part of honoring the veterans, among guests will be retired Admiral John
Zerp of the U.S. Navy, retired Lieutenant Colonel
Ron Neubauer of the U.S. Marine Corps, First
Lieutenant George Newell of the U.S. Army and
retired Colonel Bob Leeker of the U.S. Air force.
Katharine Lawton Brown of the Radio Arts Foundation will provide music for the ceremony.
“We are so pleased that we are able to honor our
veterans this way. They’ve done so much for us
and it’s a privilege to show them a small token of
our gratitude during this ceremony,” stated Rachel Giffhorn, General Manager of the Bridge at
Located off of New Florissant and Parker Road,
The Bridge at Florissant is the only Continuing Retirement Care Community in the City of
Florissant with twelve independent living villas,
90 licensed assisted living apartments and a skilled
nursing and rehab facility on its campus.
Hazelwood Police participate in
Click It or Ticket enforcement campaign
Hazelwood Police will be participating with which is well below the national average of 87
percent. Teens and pick-up truck
other statewide law enforcement
agencies in an aggressive “Click It
drivers are among those least likely
to buckle up, at 67 and 63 percent
or Ticket” mobilization campaign
to crackdown on Missouri’s seat
“Sadly, every day someone dies
belt violators. The campaign will
in a crash in Missouri, because they
run from May 18 to May 31.
Six out of 10 people in Missouri
weren’t buckled up. We will be
pulling out all the stops to ensure
who are involved in traffic acccidents are found unbuckled at the
motorists are buckling up,” said
Hazelwood Police Chief Gregg Hall.
accident scene. And, even with
all the advancements in automoSeat belt use is the single most
effective way to protect people and
bile safety and education on the
reduce fatalities in motor vehicle
importance of seat belt use, Miscrashes. Buckle up and arrive alive.
souri’s seat belt use has remained
Photo courtesy the city of Hazelwood Remember to buckle up before
relatively unchanged in the last
six years, and is constantly below
starting your vehicle.
For more information on Missouri seat belt usthe average.
Missouri has a 79 percent seat belt usage rate, age, visit
Big crowds drawn to 2015 Florissant Valley
of Flowers Festival
More than 100,000 people turned out to enjoy the St. Louis area’s traditional first festival
of the year, the Valley of Flowers Festival in
Florissant. The return of Nino the Clown and
his Zoppe Italian Family Circus, free events for
children, a variety of fabulous foods, fun carnival rides and booths and beautiful weather
all combined for a wonderful weekend for the
53nd annual event.
The festival was held May 1-3 at the James
J. Eagan Civic Center, the Knights of Columbus Park and other locations in Florissant.
Families with young children enjoyed the free
Children’s Celebration of Performing Arts on
the grounds of the Eagan Civic Center, where
Nino the Clown and his Old World-style circus
performed to capacity crowds at five one-hour
shows held Friday and Saturday in the traveling
troupe’s 500-seat big top set up adjacent to the
food court.
A highlight of the festival was the Valley of
Flowers parade on Sunday afternoon, which
started at the Eagan Civic Center and concluded at Knights of Columbus Park. Courtney
Grace Neisler was crowned Queen of the Court
at the conclusion of the parade. She was sponsored by NCCU.
“The Valley of Flowers Festival in Florissant
traditionally kicks off the festival season in
the greater St. Louis metropolitan area,” said
Florissant Mayor Thomas Schneider. “This
year, more than 100,000 people enjoyed our
family-oriented festival at several venues
throughout Florissant, including 30,000 people
at the Eagan Civic Center on Friday and Saturday and 65,000 to 75,000 visitors at the Knights
of Columbus grounds Friday through Sunday.
Winners from various events included:
2015 Court• Queen- Courtney Neisler- Sponsor NCCU
• 1st Runner up – Josie Urhahn – sponsor Citizens national Bank
• Special maid – Phalin Burten – sponsor FGG
• Special maid – Rebecka Connor – Sponsor
Stems Florist
• Special maid – Lauren Everett – Sponsor Old
Town Donuts
Pretty Baby Winners• Personality – Juniper Sherman
Parents - Megan & Thomas Sherman
• Popularity – Zoey O’Donnell
Parents – Meghan & Kyle O’Donnell
Parade Award Winners
• 1st Best Decorated Car – Unit #39 Queen Candidate Taryn Farley – VFW post 410
• 2nd Unit #76 – Queen Candidate Madison
Scott - Jan Grafeman/State Farm
Best organization Unit
• 1st Unit #87 Operation Christmas Child
• 2nd Unit # 43 Vietnam Veterans Assoc. Chapter 794
Best Commercial Unit
• 1st #60 Queen Candidate Anne Merriman –
Click heating and Cooling
• 2nd Unit #73 Queen Candidate Hannah Schaljo – Pin Oak Creek RV Park
Best Antique
• 1st Unit # 70 Queen Candidate Lauren Everett
– Old Town Donuts
• 2nd Unit # 36 Welch Heating and Cooling • Community News – St. Louis County • May 13, 2015
Around Town
STLCC-Florissant Valley installs
fourth Peace Pole
A Peace Pole dedication recently took place at St. Louis Community
College-Florissant Valley.
This is the fourth Peace Pole on campus and peace messages are displayed in English, Greek, Serbo-Croatian and Wolof.
Participants spoke in Wolof, Greek and Serbo-Croatian (Bosnian), reading segments of poems or proverbs about peace and then translating into
The first Peace Pole displays peace messages in English, Sign, Spanish
and French; the second in English, Arabic, Korean and Swahili; and the
third in English, Aramaic, Italian and Cherokee.
The Peace Pole Project was initiated in 1955 by Masahisa Goi, Japanese
founder of the World Peace Prayer Society, in response to the bombings
on Hiroshima. The purpose of the Peace Pole is to spread the message
“May Peace Prevail on Earth.”
Peace Poles can be found in more than 200 countries and have been
dedicated by numerous luminaries, including President Jimmy Carter, the
Dalai Lama and Pope John Paul II.
Photo courtesy STLCC
Delta Dental Health Theatre secures
funding, expands programming
The Delta Dental Health Theatre recently secured a $10,000 grant from The P&G Fund of
Greater Cincinnati Foundation. This funding
will enable the theatre to expand its current program lineup to include three, highly entertaining
new shows – “Super Scrubbers,” “ScrubbaDubbaVeggeThinkerCising!,” and “Clean Up Your
Act.” Each is set to debut in late spring or early
The programming for the new shows was
purchased through the South Bend, Ind.-based
Healthworks! Kids’ Museum and targets children of varying ages with key information tied to
overall health and wellness.
“We are thrilled to be able to expand our mix of
interactive program offerings thanks to the generosity of The P&G Fund of Greater Cincinnati
Foundation,” commented Shannon Woodcock,
president and CEO of the Delta Dental Health
Theatre. “The programming for these new shows
is really awesome. Visiting children will be having so much fun they won’t even realize they
are learning. Yet, they will walk away with key
health messages that can immediately be applied
to their lives.”
The Delta Dental Health Theatre is located on
Laclede’s Landing in downtown St. Louis at 727
North First Street in the same building as the
Old Spaghetti Factory. The price of admission
is $1 per person. Reservations are encouraged,
but not required. To learn more about the theatre
and its hours of operation and show times, call
314-241-7391 or visit
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May 13, 2015 • Community News – St. Louis County •
Materialogic moves distribution facility to
Key Dates
Related to Your accommodate future growth
Materialogic, a fulfillment and logistics provider, recentRetirement
hen you think of certain important dates
or ages, you generally
think of birthdays, anniversaries,
special moments, etc. However, as
you get into your pre-retirement
and retirement years, other dates
and ages become very important. In
fact, these dates may become even
more important than birthdays and
anniversaries as missing them can
have a severe impact on your retirement.
Most people work extremely
hard during their lifetime to build a
nest egg that will take care of them
in retirement. Part of building your
nest egg is the proper understanding and planning around some key
dates. The key dates and ages related to retirement we are referring to
are ages: 21, 50, 55, 59.5, 62, 62 to
65, 65 to 67, 70 and age 70.5.
All of these ages represent an important time related to some type of
retirement issue, like contributions,
Social Security, Medicare, required
minimum distributions, etc. Most
of these ages require some type of
action on your part, which will affect your retirement in some way.
For example, are you sure you understand when you can access money out of a retirement plan without
penalty, or when you can make as
much money as you want without
losing Social Security benefits?
To make the most of your retirement benefits, you need to understand the issues and options each
age entails. Join us on our syndicated podcast show this Friday at
1:00pm where we will discuss these
key ages and the importance of
each one in detail. You can access
the podcast and our recorded radio segments through our website
You can also
obtain this information and independent advice for your specific
situation by contacting me at 360
IRA by calling 844-436-0472 or by
email at [email protected].
Investment Advisory Services offered through
Brookstone Capital Management LLC, a SEC
Registered Investment Advisor. Any statement contained herein are not intended to be
construed as tax advice. You should consult
your tax advisor as to any tax or related matters. The information and opinions contained
herein are provided by third parties and have
been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, however, we make no representation as to
its completeness or accuracy. The information
is not intended to be used as the sole basis for
financial decisions, nor should it be construed
as advice designed to meet the particular needs
of an individual’s situation. Content is provided
for informational purposes only and is not a solicitation to buy or sell any products mentioned.
Paid Advertisement
ly moved to a new 163,000-square-foot building located
at 3100 Corporate Exchange Ct. in Bridgeton. The newly
leased distribution facility replaces its existing location at
nearby 13201 and 13213 Corporate Exchange Dr.
Materialogic is a third-party fulfillment and logistics
company specializing in B2C and B2B eCommerce and
marketing collateral solutions for both small and large businesses looking to outsource non-core supply chain activities.
Founded in 1976, the company will keep its headquarters at
1160 Research Blvd. in St. Louis and a West Coast distribution center at 5555 Broadway/Hwy. 29 in American Canyon,
Submitted photo
The move took three months to complete and involved
Materialogic, a fulfillment and logistics provider, recently moved to a new 163,000-square-foot building
transferring more than 600 truckloads of client materials to located at 3100 Corporate Exchange Ct. in Bridgeton.
the new building. The space was previously the home of KV
Pharmaceutical distribution center. The retooling of facilione of the largest FDA drug vaults in the country.”
ties has increased Materialogic’s storage capacity by 20 percent in
The building required no renovations. An office area was added,
the St. Louis market.
as well as various racking and material handling solutions “to help
“The new building is a perfect fit for our current needs and future us receive products quickly, inventory a wider array of products, and
expansion plans,” said Milton Cornwell, Chief Operating Officer of substantially increase our order processing capacity,” said Cornwell.
Materialogic. “This state-of-the-art facility has the capabilities for He added that the new building will efficiently serve existing and
storing and distributing products and materials that require tem- potential clients who sell over the internet and need cost-effective
perature control, high security, and special handling. It even has retail store replenishment.
Boeing Employees Community Fund awards grant to
Arts and Education Council
The Employees Community Fund of Boeing St. Louis (ECF) awarded a grant to the
Arts and Education Council of Greater St.
Louis (A&E) benefitting the council’s annual fundraising efforts on behalf of nearly
70 arts and arts education organizations
throughout the 16-county, bi-state area..
The ECF is one of the largest employeeowned and managed charitable funds in the
world, with 100 percent of every donation
used to help strengthen local communities.
“Boeing is committed to enhancing the St.
Louis region’s arts and cultural community.
With our donation to the Arts and Education Council, Boeing employees are able to
lend their support to so many arts organizations – large and small – that make St. Louis
such a vibrant and enjoyable place to live,
work and play,” said AJ Snyder, president of
the Employees Community Fund of Boeing
St. Louis. “For more than 50 years, the Arts
and Education Council has proven itself to
be an excellent, forward-thinking steward
of donations including Boeing’s, and we are
proud to continue our partnership.”
For over 50 years, the Arts and Education
Council has served as the St. Louis region’s
only united arts fund supported solely by
private contributions. In addition to direct
funding for arts and arts education organizations of all sizes, A&E remains deeply
committed to providing professional development and collaboration opportunities
that help these institutions improve and
expand performances, exhibits and activities as well as operational capacity. Contributions to A&E also help grantees grow
arts education and outreach programming
for K-12 students throughout the bi-state
region. Research continues to demonstrate
that children who participate in the arts
enjoy greater academic success, higher selfesteem, improved discipline and elevated
graduation rates. Beyond success in school,
participation in the arts also builds creative
and analytical thinking skills necessary for
advancement in the world beyond school.
“The Boeing Company and its Employees
Community Fund continues to be one of the
Arts and Education Council’s most dedicated and generous corporate citizens,” said
Cynthia A. Prost, president of A&E. “Boeing understands that by partnering with the
Arts and Education Council, they are helping to attract and retain the best and the
brightest workforce to our region. The Boeing Company’s investment in A&E will, in
turn, grow into millions of art experiences,
making a vibrant community for all.” • Community News – St. Louis County • May 13, 2015
McCluer seniors win top honors in
Congressional Art Competition
McCluer High School seniors Joyce Hau and
Taylor Donato received top honors in the 15th
Annual Congressional Art Competition. Hau
placed first for her painting, “Mrs. Tidball,” and
Donato placed third for her drawing, “Perception of Fortune.” The competition, hosted by
Congressman Lacy Clay, is a juried show for high
school students in the 1st Congressional District.
The event was held April 17 at the Portfolio Gallery and Education Center.
As the winner of the competition, Hau’s painting will be on display at the Capitol in Washing-
ton, D.C. for the next year. She also won two free
plane tickets to D.C. from Southwest Airlines to
attend the opening ceremony of the new artwork
that will be installed in June. Donato’s drawing
will be on display in Congressman Clay’s office
in St. Louis for the next year.
According to Michele Motil, McCluer High
School’s fine arts department chair, this is a backto-back win for McCluer High School. In 2014,
Michaela Intveld-Sutherlin won first place in the
competition, and her charcoal drawing has been
on display in D.C. since June 2014.
Living Word Christian School
FFSD students selected to participate in
the Missouri Fine Arts Academy
Fourteen students from the Ferguson-Florissant School District have been selected to participate in the Missouri Fine Arts Academy (MFAA)
this summer. The students, who had to submit an
online audition, essay and recommendation from
their fine arts teacher to qualify for selection, will
be among 200 students from throughout the state
to participate in the academy. According to Doug
Erwin, FFSD’s K-12 fine arts content leader, the
district has had the most students from throughout the state to be selected for the academy for the
fourth year in a row.
The MFAA is a three-week summer residential
program for highly motivated student artists in visual arts, theatre, dance, creative writing and music. The academy offers an intensive schedule of
classes in interdisciplinary and discipline-specific
arts, and a wide range of co-curricular activities.
MFAA is conducted with the support and cooperation of Missouri State University. Students who
complete the academy earn three hours credit in
interdisciplinary studies, which is transferable to
most college or university degree programs.
Below is a listing of students, their area of interest and the school they attend:
McCluer North High School: Vocal Music
– Dennis Barber, Pfalin Burton, Mariah Hamilton, Olivia Jones, Tyron Long, Cortez Murray,
Chauncey Patterson and Machaella Smith; Theatre – Troy Caldwell-Day and Leah Sutherlin
McCluer High School: Theatre – Rachel Ingram and Kyahna Johnson; Band – Kalie Strain
McCluer South-Berkeley High School: Band
– Sekaia Young
The concept of the Missouri Fine Arts Academy
grew out of an interest in providing an opportunity and level of support necessary to challenge,
motivate and empower Missouri’s most talented
arts students to become future state arts leaders.
At Living Word Christian School, we partner with
Christian families to equip students with a Christcentered education, empowering them to impact the world for
the glory of God. Honoring God in and out of the classroom
since 1980, LWCS has been blessed to see our students excel
academically, develop relationally, flourish athletically, thrive
artistically, and grow spiritually. Our primary objective is to serve
God by reaching and teaching this next generation by educating
tomorrow’s leaders today – all within a biblical worldview. We
offer an award-winning, dual-accredited, college-preparatory,
PreK-12th grade program within a nurturing environment. In
2014, Christian High School was voted one of the Top 50 Christian
High Schools in the U.S.
Call or come visit today (636) 978-1680
1145 Tom Ginnever Avenue, O’Fallon, MO 63366
636-978-1680 |
Hazelwood School District staff exceeds arts
and education campaign goal by $2,000
The Hazelwood School
District recently recognized
five of its schools for raising
the most funds in support
of the district’s Arts & Education Council Workplace
Giving Campaign. The
goal for the campaign was
to raise $10,000. However,
due to the concerted efforts
of building campaign coordinators and generosity of
staff, HSD was able to exceed the goal, raising close
to $12,000 for the organization.
This year the district
Photo courtesy Hazelwood School District
awarded the five schools Building coordinators from Arrowpoint Elementary were recognized as an HSD ArtSmart School of
the first ever ArtSmart the Year. Shown here are Dorothy Powell, Arts & Education; Nichol Sokolowski and Patti Hornberger,
awards. The buildings rec- Arrowpoint building coordinators; and Sharifah Sims-Williams, HSD campaign coordinator.
ognized with the award
posed to the arts tend to outperform those with
are: Townsend Elementary, Hazelwood East low involvement,” said Sharifah Sims-Williams,
Middle School, HSD administration building, HSD communications specialist and campaign
Hazelwood Central High School, and Arrow- coordinator. “These students are also more likely
point Elementary. Arrowpoint Elementary was to spend their spare time in community service
recognized as the District’s ArtSmart School of or youth groups, and have better ratings for selfthe Year, as the site that raised the most money. worth than those who were not involved in an
The campaign coordinators for these sites were arts organization. I am grateful for the generospublicly recognized at the April 14 Board of Edu- ity of our building coordinators, the staff and the
cation meeting.
support from our administration. They are the
Dorothy Powell, development manager with reason our campaign was a tremendous success.”
the Arts & Education Council, attended the
The Arts & Education Council supports orgaboard meeting to thank the district for its sup- nizations throughout the bi-state area including
Dance St. Louis, KDHX Media, The Saint Louis
“Because of Hazelwood and other school dis- Classical Guitar Society and Springboard. The
tricts in the area, we can continue to provide Council provides funds for students to particienriching and amazing learning experiences for pate in and attend events at the St. Louis Symour students throughout the 22 counties A&E phony Orchestra, Saint Louis Art Museum as
serves,” said Powell.
well other venues throughout the area.
“Research shows that students involved and ex-
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Learn & Play
May 13, 2015 • Community News – St. Louis County •
By Cindy Moore
If Mama ain’t happy…
May is the month for mothers. Look! With
the stroke of my keyboard, I somehow turned
Mother’s Day into Mother’s Month. And why
not? Why should we only get one measly 24-hour
day out of 365? We’ve worked hard and strained
our wombs to their stretch-marked limits for our
kids. The least they can do is get us more stuff.
So think hard and choose wisely, and if you
want to remain a favorite child you better avoid
Cheap candy – Sure my thighs are out of control and my waist has gone to waste, but if I’m going to add another chin to my collection, it better
be caused by high-quality chocolate. Meaning:
if it doesn’t have at least 35 percent cocoa solids
imported via the Swiss Alps, then you might as
well bring me a brown wax crayon dipped in vegetable oil.
Discount flowers – My son put a lot of consideration into this when he was suddenly reminded at the lumber checkout aisle the day before
Mother’s Day. Thank goodness they had a tub
of wilted, reduced-price flowers with a banner
saying, “Ensure your place in the will. Don’t forget Mom!” It made me respond with, “Oh, did I
mention, you were adopted?!”
Something with a cord – Nothing says, “Thanks
Mom for all you’ve done, but that’s just not quite
enough. Now plug it in sister and do some more!”
Gift card – Physical cash is thoughtless and
tacky, so I bought you plastic cash instead.
House plant – I raised three kids and they sur-
Fill in the blank squares in the grid, making
sure that every row, column and 3-by-3 box
includes all the digits 1 through 9.
vived long enough to make
it out the door – barely.
Now you bring in this
strange, orphaned lifeform
and expect me to raise it too?
It’ll be dead by nightfall.
Dinner crowds - No shoulder to
shoulder, all-you-can-eat buffet battle where I’m
forced to deactivate the mobility scooter of the
person in front of me, just so I can move in and
duke it out over the last coconut shrimp without
getting finger-stabbed with a fork.
Sexy lingerie (from husband) – Nice try buster.
The sales receipt better be attached because this
is going straight back and redeemed for a night out at
Baskin Robbins!
If this works as planned,
I have every
of declaring a
Mother’s Year.
Cindy Moore is the mother of three superlative kids,
servant of two self-indulgent felines and wife to one
nifty husband. Her ficticious occupation? Archeological Humorist: someone who unearths absurdity and
hilarity in strange and unusual places including public
restrooms, the lint filter, and church meetings. Most
recently, she excavated a find in her neighbor’s bird
The opinions expressed in this column are Cindy Moore’s
alone and do not reflect the opinion of the owners or staff of
Community News.
See solution on page 13
Local Author Spotlight:
Shirley Harrell
Shirley Jean Latham Harrell is
the author of “Seven on the Bell,”
a collection of stories and memories of life on Bell Mountain in the
Ozarks of southern Missouri.
Life in rural America during
the 1940s and 1950s was still very
primitive and very much the same as our forefathers’.
Despite great hardships and hindrances in reaching
our potential (academically, musically, and vocationally), we were resolute in working hard to dream the
American dream. These stories have been recorded
for posterity’s sake and to inspire others in their determination to dream the American dream.
Shirley’s writings include inspirational lessons from
Women’s Missionary Guide books, an article selected
by the Florissant Valley Reporter Newspaper entitled
“Ninety Five and Counting Down,” and a collection of
poetry and songs.
She was married to a minister (now deceased) who
was a pastor and church planter. Shirley resides in
O’Fallon, Missouri. Her daughter, Deanna; granddaughters, Ashley and Aimee (Aimee is married to
Valentin and they have a son, Fin, and a daughter, Gavianna); and son Kevin and his wife Jeannie
reside nearby.
In “Seven on the
Bell,” Harrell presents
stories about how a
family survived on a
rocky, rugged Ozark
Mountain farm during the 1940s to the
In such a remote
area, your only source
of emergency medical
care was from the One
Who Rides. • Community News – St. Louis County • May 13, 2015
“Where Hope Grows”
By Steve Bryan
David DeSanctis smashes stereotypes (and produce)
in ‘Where Hope Grows’
Making his feature film debut in “Where Hope Grows,” David DeSanctis, in ways they act on those assumptions.
keeping with the movie’s baseball themes, hits one out of the park. The story
“It’s interesting. I’ve said this before, but it’s almost like
focuses on Calvin Campbell (Kristoffer Polaha), a former Major League Baseball some people carry on the outside what everybody else is
star struggling with alcohol addiction.
carrying on the inside,” Polaha said. “I think on just a real
Though Calvin can’t relate to his daughter, Produce, played by DeSanctis, is surface level, they look at Produce and say ‘Here’s a guy with
determined to bond with the former athlete. His nickname comes from his job in Down’s and society has written him off.”
the produce department at the local grocery store.
The same can be said of Calvin, Polhaha continued, because
DeSanctis, by the way,
he’s carrying it on the inside.
has Down’s syndrome.
“When the two characHis appearance can cause
ters meet, there’s sort of an
people to make assumpanswer. Produce is lonely,
tions about him, but
he lives alone. He works at
when the burgeoning aca job where he’s not truly
tor arrives with co-star
respected. It’s like they’ve
Kristoffer Polaha for a
just given him the job; he’ll
roundtable interview, he
never make employee of the
holds court in the small
month. And you’ve got Calroom.
vin, who’s unable to connect
When asked about the
with people, so he drinks.”
scene where Calvin pitchThe actor said what’s great
es produce to Produce,
about working with David is
Polaha said it took about
getting to know the Down’s
3-4 hours to shoot. “I
community in the United
think we used four bags
of produce. But this guy
“David and people like
was so good at hitting
David don’t meet strangers.
the fruit, [director] Chris
There’s an immediate, almost
Dowling said ‘We need
childlike joy of ‘Hey! You’re
you to miss a couple of
a person. I’m a person. Let’s
just hug it out.’ You’re just
overwhelmed by love and
doesn’t miss because he
joy. You see that in the movis on a Special Olympics
ie,” he said.
“Where Hope Grows” photos courtesy of Godspeed Pictures
softball team.
“Where Hope Grows”
“Softball is coming up
opens on Friday, May 15.
for me this coming summer. And I can really hit, like I can extremely hit a baseBorn and raised in South St. Louis, Steve Bryan is now based in Anaheim, California,
ball. I can envision a baseball as a tomato, as an orange, as a tangerine or as a
and has been allowed access to movie and television sets to see actors and directors
plum or a grapefruit. So I can really smash that fruit over the fence,” DeSanctis
at work. Though his writing has taken him far from St. Louis, Steve is, at heart, still the
same wide-eyed kid who spent countless hours watching classic movies at neighborhood
“Where Hope Grows” examines the assumptions that people make and the cruel theaters.
Log on to
May 13, 2015 • Community News – St. Louis County •
Rascals start season
The River City Rascals
play their professional
baseball at T.R. Hughes
Ballpark in O’Fallon.
May 15 is the long awaited
day that baseball fans of the River City team have been longing since the playoffs
from last year. Fireworks are also planned after the
Steve Brook Manager and
Director of Operations, is entering his fifth season at the
helm and his 11th year with
the organization.
His 25 players are getting
ready to show their talents after the long off-season. Several
players on the squad have experience with Major
League teams such as: St. Louis Cardinals, Arizona Diamondbacks, Los Angeles Angels, Cincinnati Reds, Kansas City Royals, Chicago White
Sox, Chicago Cubs and Oakland Athletics.
By the way, go to the Rascal’s website to see the
bag policy.
Home schedule: (Start time 6:35 p.m., Sunday’s
4:05 p.m.)
• May 15, 16, 17, Fri, Sat, Sun:
against Normal Cornbelters
• May 22, 23, 24, Fri, Sat, Sun:
against Frontier Greys
• May 26, 27, 28, Tues, Wed, Thur:
against Washington Wild Things
* Smell those hotdogs
River City special promotions
The Rascals players will entertain you on the
field and the ownership has some upcoming promos you should mark your calendar for:
• Friday May 15: Get your picture with the Budweiser Clydesdales.
• Saturday May 16: Get your picture with Fred
Sunday May 17: Get a Rascal T-shirt.
* Many other exciting dates coming
Baseball players at Lindenwood get honors
The university’s outfielder Drew Quinones was
named the 2015 MIAA Freshman of the Year
and was the highlight of the awards. A programrecord, seven members of the baseball team also
earned all-MIAA honors.
Quinones and two teammates, shortstop Na-
than Prindle and outfielder Wade Rothermich,
were second-team selections. Honorable mention
honors went to pitcher Brendan Kleekamp, catcher Mike Wilson, third baseman Ryan Light, and
outfielder Wes Degener.
Quinones finished in the top-10 in the MIAA
in RBIs, batting average and hits. He led the team
Submitted Photo
Lindenwood University’s Drew Quinones was named the 2015 MIAA
Freshman of the Year.
with a .385 batting average and had 67 hits, 40
runs, 50 RBIs, nine home runs, nine doubles, and
two triples.
Prindle was Lindenwood’s leader with 12 home
runs, and he tied for the team-high with 30 extrabase hits.
Rothermich led the Lions with 54 runs, 73 hits,
five triples, 51 RBIs, a .660 slugging percentage
and a .460 on-base percentage.
Kleekamp tied for the team-high with 13 wins
and led the Lions with a 3.77 ERA.
Wilson was third on the team with both a .356
batting average and a .429 on-base percentage.
Light led the team and tied for fourth in the
MIAA with 17 doubles.
Degener was a .341 hitter on the season and finished second on the team with 48 runs and 70 hits.
The Lindenwood baseball team finished the season by earning a bid to the MIAA Tournament for
the first time. The Lions were 27-25 overall and
16-16 in MIAA action.
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Gary Baute, a St. Louis native, may be educated in
business but he lives and breathes sports. As a fan or
an athlete, Gary is all sports all the time. He hosted a
radio sports program on KFNS, emceed the River City
Rascals’ inaugural season, and co-hosted, among many other activities.
11 • Community News – St. Louis County • May 13, 2015
Grilling with grains
If your outdoor grilling menu calls for easy,
gluten-free dishes to accompany your favorite
flame-kissed foods, sorghum may be your secret
to success.
Sorghum, an ancient cereal grain, is a highly
versatile ingredient that can be used in a wide
range of preparations, such as leavened and unleavened breads, fermented and unfermented
beverages, and a host of flour-based foods such as
pizza dough, pastas and cereals. It can also be consumed in place of whole grain in countless recipes
and as a syrup.
Because it is naturally gluten free, sorghum is a
terrific option for those with celiac disease or gluten intolerance who don’t want to sacrifice the tex-
ture and taste of grain-based foods. What’s more,
the nutrient-rich grain is a good source of iron,
calcium, potassium as well as polycosinol, which
research has shown to lower serum cholesterol
and may improve heart health.
For those who monitor glycemic index, sorghum also offers good news. Research indicates
sorghum offers slow digestibility and a lower glycemic index. Foods with a lower glycemic index
are believed to increase satiety, which means you
feel fuller longer, aiding with weight management.
Enjoy grilled fare with a new twist. From sweet,
savory marinades to crisp, crunchy salads to refreshingly tangy beverages, sorghum is the ingredient that makes these recipes shine.
Spicy Sorghum Chicken Breasts
Yield: 4 servings | Prep time: 10 minutes | Cook time: 12 minutes | Contributed by Joy Gray
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4 chicken breasts
1/2 cup canola oil
2 tablespoons sorghum syrup
3 cloves garlic, minced
2 jalapeno peppers, minced
Juice of 1 lemon
Put chicken breasts between sheets of wax paper
and gently pound to about 1/2-inch thickness.
Pierce both sides several times with fork and set
In large resealable bag, combine canola oil, sorghum syrup, garlic, jalapenos and lemon juice.
Season with salt and pepper to taste. Add chicken
breasts to bag, seal and refrigerate 2–10 hours.
Heat grill to high. Remove chicken breasts from
marinade and cook for 6 minutes. Turn to other
side and cook for another 6 minutes or until internal temperature reaches 165°F.
Grilled Sorghum Tabbouleh Salad
Yield: 4 servings | Prep time: 15 minutes | Cook time: 1 hour | Contributed by Brady Shadid
1 cup sorghum grain
3 cups water
1 yellow bell pepper, cored and quartered
1 red bell pepper, cored and quartered
1 white onion, cut into wedges
1/4 cup olive oil, plus 1 tablespoon
3 bunches parsley, chopped
1/4 cup fresh mint, chopped
1/3 cup lemon juice
Add sorghum to water and bring to a boil. Cover
and reduce to a simmer for 50 minutes or until
water is absorbed. Set aside and let cool. Sorghum
can be prepared in advance and refrigerated overnight.
Brush bell peppers and onion with 1 tablespoon
olive oil and grill over medium heat for 4 minutes.
Turn to other side and grill for another 4 minutes.
Remove and let cool.
sorghum. Add parsley, mint, lemon juice and 1/4
cup olive oil to sorghum and toss lightly. Season to
taste with salt and pepper.
Chop grilled peppers and onion and add to cooled
Southern Sweet Sorghum Tea
Yield: 4 servings | Prep time: 10 minutes
6 cups water
4 black tea bags
3/4 cup sorghum syrup
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup bourbon (optional)
Juice of 1 orange
1 orange, washed and sliced
Mint to garnish
Boil water. Remove from heat, add tea bags and
steep for 5 minutes. Remove tea bags and stir in
sorghum syrup and sugar. Pour into pitcher and
refrigerate until cold.
Stir in bourbon and orange juice. Add sliced oranges to pitcher. Serve over ice with mint to garnish.
What’s Happening
May 13, 2015 • Community News – St. Louis County •
Send your event to [email protected] and we'll print it!
May 13: Karaoke
Karaoke at Florissant Valley VFW Post
4105, located at 410 St. Francois from 8
p.m. to 12 a.m. All profits go to support
veterans. For more information call
May 15: Chicken fried steak dinner
Dinner at Florissant Valley VFW Post
4105, located at 410 St. Francois from
5 – 8 p.m. All profits go to support veterans. For more information call 314831-6121.
Upcoming Events
May 2
May 2
May 6, 7, 8 & 9
May 10
May 15: School fundraiser
Holy Trinity School will host a fundraiser from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in
the school cafeteria at 10901 St. Henry
Lane in Saint Ann. Event will include
shopping (40 vendors), card party (optional), luncheon, fashion show, Bunco,
trivia, games, basket and restaurant
raffle and attendance prizes. Cost is $15
for adult and $5 for children (12 and
under). For more information contact
Karen at 314-539-1962 or holytrinity@
May 16: Stray Dog Soiree - Toads and
A magical night of cocktails, dinner,
auctions and festivities benefiting Stray
Dog Theatre and youth programs. Held
at Tower Grove Abbey at 2336 Tennessee Avenue in St. Louis at 6 pm. Cost is
$175 per person. For more information
contact 314-865-1995 or visit www.
May 16: Book signing
Marilyn D. Brown will be signing copies of her books from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. at
6 North Café at 14438 Clayton Road in
Ballwin. For more information call 636527-0400 or visit
May 16: St. Ann Assisted Living Garage Sale
Event takes place at 10441 International
Plaza Dr. in St. Ann. Set up time is between 6:30 - 7:30 a.m. We are only providing your space; you will need your
own tables and chairs. Sale starts at 8:00
a.m. Contact Michelle Johnson with
any questions at 314-304-1580 .
May 16: Historical luncheon
A historical overview of Ferguson
will be the program for the FergusonFlorissant (North County) American
Association of University Women’s luncheon. A panel of local history expects
will give the presentation. The program
will also include awards and other short
presentations. The public is invited. The
luncheon will be held at Rizzo’s Restaurant at1839 Dunn Road in Florissant,
beginning at 11:30 am. Selections will
be made from the luncheon menu. Reservations are required. For information
or reservations, call 314-831-5359, 314831-6884 or e-mail gwenrosenfeld@
May 18: Free financial workshop
You are invited to join us here at DeSmet Retirement Community at 1425 N.
New Florissant in Florissant at 6 p.m.
for a free financial workshop. Please
join us for this informational workshop
it is the best way to prepare yourself and
your loved ones for the future. For more
information or to RSVP please call 314838-3811. Please RSVP by May 11.
May 21: Luncheon
City of Overland Senior Mother’s and
Father’s Day Luncehon takes place at
12:30 p.m. at City of Overland Frank
Munsch Community Center at 9225
Lackland Road. Are you over the age of
55 and live in Overland? Celebrate the
holidays with not just the family, but
your fellow Overland residents in one
Paid Advertisement
Key Differences Between
Mediation and Collaborative
Stange Law Firm, PC
Most parties if they were asked about how
they would like their divorce to conclude would opt for
an out-of-court settlement versus through a contested
hearing or trial. This leads lots of folks to inquire about
Mediation sounds less emotionally and financially taxing. Parties reaching a settlement out of court
might also be in a better position to be able to move on
with their life co-parenting with their ex or soon-to-beex. The idea of a collaborative divorce also sounds appealing to many parties as well. The term “collaborative”
sounds similar to mediation to most. And the term itself
denotes parties working together in an amicable and
productive manner.
Of course, mediation and collaborative divorce
are not the same processes. It is important for parties to
understand the differences between these two processes
if they are going to choose between them.
In divorce and family law mediation, parties
meet with a mediator (typically, without an attorney) to
try and resolve their dispute. In most cases, a full resolution cannot be reached in one session, but instead would
require multiple sessions. The mediator’s job is simply to
facilitate a discussion between the parties so that they
can reach a creative resolution. It is not the job of the
mediator to impose their will, force the parties to meet in
the middle or dispense legal advice.
In fact, if an agreement is reached in mediation,
one or both of the parties will still need to hire an attorneytofilethedivorce,ensurethattheproperpaperwork
is completed and to procure the signature of the judge
The reality is that in many mediated cases there ends up
being three attorneys involved: the mediator, an attorney
for husband and an attorney for wife.
In collaborative divorce, the parties meet with
their attorneys present with them. In addition, to the
parties and their attorneys, the parties can employ collaborative professionals to assist, like a divorce coach,
financialneutralorchildcustodyprofessional. Insome
cases, the parties might even enlist two divorce coaches:
Access our mobile website with a mobile device.
one for husband and for wife. All of these parties can
help the collaborative process to ensure that a resolution can be reached. Typically, for a settlement to be
reached, the process will require multiple sessions.
A divorce coach assists each spouse manage
the emotional strain of changing relationships while focusingongoalsforthepresentandfuture.Afinancial
neutral helps the parties identify options and alternativesbyreviewingthefinancialaspectsofthecase.A
child custody professional helps the parties create custodyschedulestofitthespecificneedsofthefamily.
Further, unlike mediation, if the parties are
able to reach a resolution in the collaborative process,
and complete the process in court. On the other hand,
if the parties cannot settle, the parties have to hire
separate counsel if they wish to litigate their case.
If you are going through a divorce, Stange Law
Firm, PC can help. We have multiple attorneys trained
in mediation and collaborative law who can help you
deal with your divorce in a more amicable way.
When you retain us, you will receive access
to your case through Your Case Tracker and you will
receive your lawyer’s personal cell phone number. Call
today to schedule your free 30-minute consultation.
Stange Law Firm, PC
St. Charles Office
Phone: 636-940-5900
St. Louis County Office
Phone: 314-963-4700
West County Office
Phone: 636-200-6400
The choice of a lawyer is an important decision that should
not be based solely upon advertisements. Neither the Supreme
Court of Missouri/Illinois nor The Missouri/Illinois Bar reviews or approves certifying organizations or specialist designations. The information you obtain in this ad is not, nor is it
intended to be, legal advice. You should consult an attorney
for advice regarding your individual situation. We invite you
to contact us and welcome your calls, letters and electronic
mail. Contacting us does not create an attorney-client relationship. Please do not send any confidential information to
us until such time as an attorney-client relationship has been
established. Past results afford no guarantee of future results
and every case is different and must be judged on its merits.
of our famous holiday luncheons. Preregistration is required, so please contact the Overland Community Center
at 314-428-0490 for more information
on how to sign up for this event.
May 22: 2015 MU Extension in St.
Louis Night
Please join us for another evening to
benefit MU Extension in St. Louis at
Schon. Hors d’oeuvres, fine wines, desserts and fun; while enjoying all of the
above you will be supporting local artists and MU Extension programming
in the St. Louis area. Cost is $10 (You
will pay at the door) (All proceeds benefit Extension Programming) Please
visit our website at http://extension. for more information.
May 22: Pork steak dinner
Dinner at Florissant Valley VFW Post
4105, located at 410 St. Francois from
5 – 8 p.m. All profits go to support veterans. For more information call 314831-6121.
May 23: Parkerson Twins
LaVeada and LaVina will perform at
Florissant Valley VFW Post 4105, located at 410 St. Francois from 5 – 8 p.m.
All profits go to support veterans. For
more information call 314-831-6121.
May 27: Karaoke
Karaoke at Florissant Valley VFW Post
4105, located at 410 St. Francois from 8
p.m. to 12 a.m. All profits go to support
veterans. For more information call
May 29: Concert and dance
“Rockin’ to the 60’s and 70’s” by Scott
Laytham and Karl Holmes will be performed at the James J. Eagan Center
Gym from 7 – 10 p.m. All are welcome – young and old, residents or
non-residents. Tickets are just $8 each
if purchased prior to the dance in the
Senior Office in Florissant City Hall or
$10 at the door. Light snacks are provided. Beer, wine and soda are available for purchase. Call the Florissant
Senior Office at 314-839-7604 for more
May 29: All you can eat chicken
Dinner is dine in only at Florissant Valley VFW Post 4105, located at 410 St.
Francois from 5 – 8 p.m. All profits go
to support veterans. For more information call 314-831-6121.
May 30: Book signing
Jackie Polys will be signing copies of
her book “Ralston the Rally Squirrel”
from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. at 6 North Café
at 14438 Clayton Road in Ballwin. For
more information call 636-527-0400 or
June 3: Red Cross Blood Drive
Blood drive takes place at Blessed Savior Lutheran Church at 2615 Shackelford Road in Florissant from 2:30 - 6:30
p.m. Call the church at 314-831-1300
or sign up at sponsor code BlessedSavior.
June 5: Golf tournament
The Greater North County Chamber of
Commerce 2015 Golf Tournament will
be at the Golf Club of Florissant at 52
Country Club Lane in Florissant. The
$100 pre-paid entry fee ($110 the day
of the event) includes 18 holes with a
cart, lunch, dinner and drink tickets.
Tournament will feature several contests, mulligans, skins, attendance prizes and more. Event has a noon shotgun
start. Registration and lunch will begin
at 11 a.m. For more information on
sponsorships or to register to golf, call
the chamber office at 314-831-3500.
June 6: Children’s grief retreat
SSM Hospice will host Camp MAGIC
on Saturday, June 6 from 9 a.m. to 3
p.m. at Purina Farms in Gray Summit,
Missouri. Camp MAGIC (Mending a
Heart, Grief in Children) is a free, one- • Community News – St. Louis County • May 13, 2015
day grief retreat for children, ages 6-12.
Designed to help children who are suffering from the grief associated with the
loss of a loved one, the camp will help
children find new ways to identify and
express their grief through a variety of
activities including making memory
boxes, reading books and releasing butterflies. Each child will be paired with
a volunteer to provide companionship,
support and supervision throughout
the day. Health care professionals will
conduct age appropriate activities on
grief, loss and recovery. Camp MAGIC
is free of charge and is made possible
by the SSM Hospice and Home Care
Foundation. For more information regarding Camp MAGIC or to register,
please contact Katie at 636-695-2054
or [email protected]. The
registration deadline for Camp MAGIC
is May 30.
benefitting the children of Marygrove
will be held at Norwood Hills Country Club. Registration and lunch begin
at 10:30 a.m. with a shotgun start at 12
p.m. Dinner and auction will immediately follow tournament play. Entry fee
for the four-person scramble is $1,200
for a foursome, $300 per-person and
$75 for a dinner guest. For more information contact Kathryn Feldt at 314830-6249 or [email protected].
June 8 – July: Affordable summer
camp in Spanish Lake
Applied Scholastics Learning Center is
offering an eight-week summer camp
program for children ages 6-14. The
summer program allows children the
opportunity to learn, explore and make
new friends in a safe and fun environment through well-planned activities
including water fun, art, crafts, cooking, science, outdoor play and movies
on a giant auditorium screen. Camp
fee is $125 per week and includes lunch
and snack daily. With a beautiful facility on 100 acres in Spanish Lake, the
Applied Scholastics Learning Center
Summer Camp is designed to create the
best summer experience for your child.
For more information and to schedule a
tour, please call 314-355-6355 or email
[email protected]
July 1: Crafters needed
Crafters Needed for the Tri-County
Citizens Advisory Board to Probation
and Parole Fourth Annual Christmas in August Craft Fair at Calvary
Church at 3998 Mid Rivers Mall Drive
in St. Peters on August 29. If interested,
please contact Nancy Corbin by July 1
at [email protected] or at 636-9160029.
June 12: Daddy/daughter dance
Grownups can treat their special little
girl to a lovely evening filled with fun,
music, and dancing, along with cookies and punch from 6:30 - 8:30
Nature Lodge at Sunset Park. Formal
dress is required. Cost is $25 for residents and $30 for nonresidents. Tickets
will be available May 1 through June 6
or when dance is full, whichever comes
first. Be sure to register early to avoid
disappointment. Tickets must be purchased in advance. For ages 12 and
under with an adult. For other information, please call 921-4250 or 921-4466.
June 12: The Changing Landscape of
Long-Term Care Conference
The Changing Landscape of Long-Term
Care Conference takes place at the Renaissance St. Louis Airport Hotel. This
all-day conference will bring together
professional long-term caregivers with
individuals from the community to
learn dynamic strategies, innovative
tools and available options. Individual
registration and exhibit space is available. Contact Kristin Pendleton at
VOYCE for more details at 314-9192410 or [email protected]. You
can also visit
June 20: Golf tournament
The Jennings Do-Dads are excited to
announce our 22nd annual Juvenile Justice Scholarship Golf Tournament. This
year’s tournament will begin with a 7:30
a.m. shotgun start at Eagle Springs Golf
Course at 2575 Redman Rd in St. Louis.
The tournament will raise funds for a
scholarship for those who are planning
a career in juvenile justice. Team entry
(four players) costs $340 and includes
greens fees, cart, limited beverages at
course, attendance prizes and the posttournament food and refreshments.
Limited to the first 36 teams, entry
forms and fees are preferred by May 31,
2015, although you may register and
pay up to the day of the tournament.
You can also pay online with a major
credit card via PayPal at Register and pay by May
31, 2015 and the cost per foursome will
be reduced to $320. For more information contact Jim Christian at 314-3418417 or Jack Duepner at 314-608-0551.
June 22: Charity golf tournament
Jeff Clinton Memorial Golf Classic
June 29: Charity golf tournament
Saint Louis Crisis Nursery will host
their annual charity golf tournament
from 11 a.m. - 8 p.m. at Norwood
Hills Country Club at 1 Norwood Hills
Country Club Dr. in St. Louis. The
format is a four-person scramble with
shotgun start. Admission is $350 per
person; teams available. For more information, call (314) 292-5770.
Recurring Events
Mondays: A cappella singers
Men of Harmony a cappella singers
meet at Salem Evangelical Free Church
at New Halls Ferry at Pohlman Road at
7 p.m. Not church affiliated. Group is
always looking for new members. Call
Al at 314-993-6134 for more information.
Tuesdays: TOPS (Take off pounds
From 9:15 - 10:30 a.m. located at John
F. Kennedy Center/Henry Koch Ctr.,
Howdershell Rd. at Charbonier Rd.,
Florissant. For more info contact Paul
or Connie McConnell, 314-831-5476.
What’s Happening
Florissant Elks Lodge #2316, 16400
New Halls Ferry Rd. in Florissant. For
more information, call 314.921.2316.
Last Saturdays: Writers Workshop:
10am - 1:30pm, Baden Liberary, 8448
Church Rd., 314.388.2400
Every Wednesday: Bingo Morning at
Florissant Elks Lodge #2316
Florissant Elks Lodge #2316, 16400 New
Halls Ferry Rd. in Florissant. Doors at
7:30am, games begin at 9:30am. For
more information, call 314.921.2316.
Sundays: Meat shoot
Come and enjoy the meat shoots at
American Legion Post 444 located on
17090 Old Jamestown Road between
Sinks Rd and Lindbergh starting at
noon until dusk every Sunday - rain or
shine. Great meat prizes awarded.
Bridgeton Trails Library Branch Programs:
3455 McKelvey Rd., St. Louis,
314.994.3300. Story Time: Wednesdays,
10:30 a.m. 9 months to 2 yrs. Room 1
(Lap Time); Wednesdays, 10:30 a.m.
Ages 3–5. Room 2; Thursdays, 10:30
a.m. Ages 3–5. Room 1.
Every Sunday: Tours at Old St. Ferdinand Shrine
Florissant Senior Citizens’ Bingo
Clubs: 314.839.7604.
Every 1st Wednesday of the Month:
Stroke Support Group
3-4pm, Center for Senior Renewal, Detrick Building 1st floor, 11133 Dunn
Rd. For more information, contact Lisa
Erlinger at 314.653.5331.
Every Friday: Our Lady of Fatima
#4429 Knights of Columbus Bingo
6:45pm, Knights of Columbus Hall,
1216 Teson Rd. in Hazelwood. For
more information call 314.731.9330
Every 3rd Friday of the month: Bingo
2pm, Life Care Center of Florissant,
1201 Garden Plaza Dr. For more information, call 314.831.3752.
Every Friday: The Bridge at Florissant
Hot Diggity Dog
Build your own hot dog. 11:30am,
The Bridge at Florissant, 1101 Garden
Plaza Dr. in Florissant. To RSVP, call
SUDOKU answers from page 8
Every 4th Tuesday of the month: Fort
Bellefontaine Memorial American
Legion Post 335 meeting
6:30pm, Fort Bellefontaine Memorial
American Legion Post 335, 800 Chambers Road in Bellefontaine Neighbors.
Those interested in membership are
invited to attend.
Every Tuesday: Bingo Evening at
Florissant Elks Lodge #2316
Doors at 4:30pm, games begin at 6pm,
#1 Rue St. Francois St., Florissant, 1 –
4pm, through October. Donations accepted. Docents needed. 314.921.7582,
[email protected]
Tuesdays & Thursdays: Chapel of the
Cross Lutheran Church GriefShare
Support Group
Tuesdays from 2 - 4pm and Thursday
from 6:30 - 8:30pm, 11645 Benham
Rd., 314.741.3737
May 13, 2015 • Community News – St. Louis County •
Disposition Notice
help wanted
Garage Sale
May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be
adored, glorified, loved and preserved
throughout the world, now and forever.
Sacred Heart of Jesus, Pray for us. St.
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15 • Community News – St. Louis County • May 13, 2015
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July 11, 2007
Vol 9 No 28
Mosquito Seas
The 16th
, Fit
will be Fun !
and Fabu
By Shelly A.
Missouri is
home to about
Some live less 50 species of
while others
may live several a week,
FofIT online
[email protected] Our publications use a combination
[email protected]
Health and
ment states
the Environit is only the
female mosquito
that “bites”
and she does
so to obtain
blood meal
While mosquito to lay viable eggs.
more than drive es usually do little
the family from
doors to the
the outindoors, they
carriers of
are sometim
may contract erous diseases. Hum
malaria, yellow
gue, and encephal
fever, denitis; and dogs
may get
Most of these
the exception
diseases, with
canine heartwor human encephalitis and
m, have been
fairly well
Health officials the entire United States.
said outbreak
to borne encephal
s of mosquiitis
have periodica
occurred in
“Canine heartwor .
m is an
problem, with
ers escalating costs to animal owneach
warned. “Effective year,” health officials
measures including mosquito control
the eliminati
swamp areas,
on of
to keep road and maintenance efforts
ditches clear
have done
much to control water free
for disease
toes: floodwat
er and permane
If you believe
nt water
ing problem you have a mosquito breedmosquitoes
their eggs on
on your property,
lay sure,
damp soil where
but are not
please call
will occur
the Departm
or, in some
munity Hea
ent of Comcases, above
water line
lth and the
in tree holes,
tainers, or
nt. Ofartificial con- ficials will make an inspectio
other small
n and evaluabodies of water. tion appointment,
When rain
and then recomme
fills these areas
and floods the possible solution.
nd a
- National
St. Charles
in the larval
County residents
stages, broods
can upload
have the
of mosquito
Day is Aumethods right
es fingertips
a two-mintoes are mainly
at their
gust 5 and
- property Proper maintenance
of the pest variety,
ute video
the first to
and are preventio is the first step toward of the
in light of
emerge in the
describi ng
spring months.
Many of these
n. All trash
a recent
and refuse that
how a close
ers and may
are strong flycould
survey that
range up to
property should
friend lights
ten miles or
be adequate
more drained,
i n d i c ate s
ly graded and
up their life
a blood meal
to prevent any
to lay eggs.
pools or puddles
water that may
to www.rastory..................
last ten days
place high
their eggs directly
mosquito control
ibv a l u e
McCauley lists
officer Barry
Shelly Schneid on the water surface,
several things
may do to
cies in this Florissant ..........8,
keep mosquito homeowners
group do
es from ruining
test closes
Olay is offering
11from their summer:
breeding sites. not...........1
a chance to
treat themselv women
trip to New
es with a
Explore St.
York City.
in October.
Olay is hosting
. . . . ..............
O page 3
sary. For official purchase is neces........
a summer
On the
. .......414
called “Light
School . .
Up Your Life. contest www.radianceribbcontest rules, visit
. . . . .Baute...
” Women
s with Gary
Huneke Publications, Inc. offers fo
publications: two weekly newspape
direct mail, home delivery, and voluntary circulation
S! methods.
and two news magazines, eac
Voluntary refers to a circulation method
where readers
covering a unique market segme
“voluntarily” choose to pick up a publication to read. This
within St. Louis County and S
method is powerful because locations are carefully chosen
Charles County. As a member
and newsstands are monitored for 100% pick up. Community
the Missouri Press Association, a
News has developed a network of over 650 convenient
Huneke Publications, Inc. offers four
of our publications feature verifie
locations including every major supermarket chain. Our
publications: two weekly newspapers
circulation and an earned credibili
voluntary method is powerful for three reasons:
Movie Talk
among our peers.
St. Charles Combined
1 segment
QUALITY READERS A voluntary reader is an interested
covering a unique market
within St. Louis County
St. outside of the home, in stores, seeking out
Charles County. As a information
member ofabout the community
the Missouri Press Association,
all UTILITY 100% pick up assures no wasted
Every paper reaches an interested reader, yielding a
of our publications feature
First published in 1921, Community New
circulation and an earned
value for the entire print run.
published weekly newspaper in the St. L
among our peers.
3 EXPANDING SET Every print run reaches a unique
area and has established a large audien
group of readers,
Community News circulates across a br
because the majority
with newstands, home throw and online
of voluntary readers
are occasional readers.
NEWS - St. Charles County
Over time,weekly
these unique
First published in 1921, Community News is the longest
with a powerful circulation
published weekly newspaper in the St. Louis metropolitan
groups addhome
up to
a and onlinePublished
bi-monthly, Our Town is dire
area and has established a large audience of loyal readers.
addresses in its service area, plus onlin
readership size about
Community News circulates across a broad geographic region
the cities
of: St. Charles, St.
three times
with newstands, home throw and online subscription.
St. Louis,
plus articles on the eco
than the print run.
and Wentzville, plus Troy.
human resources, and marketing.
St. Charles
By Shelly A.
o busy,
e it gets to
dies, befor
is the time
corner. La
for you. Now ovement and
take a day
se for selffun in the
set a cour
and to have
self-awareness will find the answers
process! Women health, family, career,
s on
at the 2007
to question
and more
image, fashion, – Fun, Fit, and FabuFair
at St.
, Nov. 17,
for Saturday
lous – set
nity College.
in partners
the college
St. Joseph
sented by
y and SSM
with JCPenne ospital West, will
StuHealth Center-Ha.m.-3 p.m. in the
Campus, 4601
place from
on the SCC
dent Center
in Cottlevi
Mall Drive out the area
Mid Rivers
reWomen from day of education,
for a
fun, includwill gather
food, and
laxation, prizes, inars, a fashion show
ing nine mini-sem and more than
s and serand keynote
g product
vendors displayin
a continen
seminars and
a fashion
tickets include
cial $20 VIP speaker, and full-cou
show, keynote
Grappa Grill
catered by
t, exhibits,
the breakfas consecutive
addition to
For the fourththe lunchtime
y will host
year, JCPenne with styles for all
‘Light Up Your
invites Wom Life’ Contest
en to Hono
r Friendship
a grand
ic entry into
l beauty basas well as automat
– a persona
prize drawing JCPenney.
ket courtesy
iants nine mini-sem
fair gives participfrom including inforcare,
nars to choose
tness, breast
exercise, fi
plastic surmation on
ence, and
urinary incontin l improvement
bra fitting
gery. Other
topics include for holiday
“ups” and
and the “spirit
made easy,
hair, makeup
It’s About
. . 6 16
2139 Bryan........................
Cheese . .
Better You
Movie Review Valley Commercia
l Dr. • O’Fallon,
..........22, 23
MO 63366
fieds .............
cial Dr.
topics to
the spirit.
Valley Commer
sessions (threetime frame)
2139 Bryan
MO 63366
during each
a.m., and 1:30
choose from
a.m., 10:40
-1775 • FX:
begin at 9:30
P: 636-379
1:15 p.m.
E-Mail: cnews@
and runs until
- 2007
at 11:45 a.m. 8:30 a.m.
page 17
Christmas in
the lunDoors open
Film Group’s
feature duringigh-energy
Electra in Yari
and Carmen
A special
ill b e a h
Chris Kattan
cheon th
Dan Coughli
by author
’S FAIR page
Movie . . .
Sports . . .
. . . . . . 14
Real Estate/A
. . . . 15
P: 636.379.17
75 F: 636.379.16
32 E: ofcnews@
Coupon Crazy
What’s Happeni . . . . . . . . . . . 16
ng . . . . .
. . . . 18
ne 201
3 EXPANDING SET Every print run reaches a unique
ship! FREE info/DVD:
- FREE publications are available in over 500 convenient locations,
group Our
of readers, 1-800because the majority
of voluntary readers including every Dierbergs, Schnucks and Shop ’N Save.
578-1363 Ext. 300N
are occasional readers.
Over time, these unique
groups add up to a
readership size about
three times greater
than the print run.
58206_CirMap.indd 2
Or, signOUR
Published bi-monthly, Our Town is direct mailed to all business This monthly lifestyle magazine covers the fast-growing
Wentzville and Lake St. Louis areas. It is direct mailed with
addresses in its service area, plus online subscribers. It is a
additional copies available in newsstands,
unique business-to-business
magazine featuring chamber of
commerce news plus articles on the economy, technology,
human resources, and marketing.
plus online subscribers.
7/5/11 3:30 PM
May 13, 2015 • Community News – St. Louis County •
By Joe Morice
Over the Fence
Driverless cars vs. car lovers
I’ve been distrustful of driverless cars since carmakers started
experimenting with them. Now
they’re trying for driverless semis!
I admit, considering some of the
drivers I’ve witnessed lately, perhaps
driverless cars may be better. As I’ve complained of for
years, anyone in Missouri, sooner or later, no matter
how bad, eventually gets a drivers license. Worse yet,
they also remain free to text while driving when they
reach drinking age. It’s like giving a kid a real pistol to
play with and then loading it for him.
So I’m between opinions that driverless cars aren’t
safe if there’s a software failure and the fact that we
have some ridiculously unsafe drivers plaguing traffic.
So which way is the best? Passing a driverless vehicle
that’s holding up fast-moving rush hour by driving the
speed limit leaving us no one to make obscene gestures
at or, finally getting around a lane hog who is holding
up the passing lane for miles that provides us an inconsiderate dolt to obscenely gesture at?
As an example, Salt River Road that connects Highway 370 and Highway 79 has the best…or perhaps the
worst. It’s a four lane road with a 45 MPH speed limit
although seldom does anyone obey it. What’s worse,
it has the most passing lane hogs I’ve ever seen. During rush hour, you’ll see about a dozen passing-lane
drivers for every one using the outside lanes. You’ll
also see passing lane drivers poking along with a line
of cars trying to get around them on the outside lane.
I’ve even witnessed someone stubbornly
maintaining this inconsiderate act all the
way to the other end and then suddenly
cutting off right lane traffic to exit onto
Northbound 79. Evidently yield to the
passing traffic laws mean nothing to Mis-
souri drivers.
So what would happen if this stretch of road was
used by driverless vehicles instead of those with human beings? Would they all be driving the speed limit? Would this eliminate lane hogs with cell phones?
Would one of the driverless cars have a computer meltdown and turn rush hour into a demolition derby?
As for semis pulling huge trailers, the amount of
drivers out of work might spur a nationwide rebellion…or depression. It might also spur some shooting incidents by drivers that haven’t been replaced
yet passing driverless semis. There would be nobody
to shoot but a front tire suddenly blowing out from
a high caliber bullet would in all likelihood cause a
huge wreck with the contents of the trailer spreading
all over the landscape, not to mention blowing up if it’s
a gasoline tanker.
I doubt I’ll be around if or when driverless cars and
trucks completely replace drivers, thank heaven. Besides, I remember my father telling me, “Cars are only
for getting from point A to point B so forget that sports
car, son.” Then he retired and
bought a fully equipped Thunderbird.
It’s okay, Pop. I knew you
were lying.
Joe Morice is Community
News’s blue-collar philosopher. He
was born and raised in Missouri
and spent most of his childhood
on a farm and adulthood operating heavy equipment. He has no
formal training as a writer, unless
a lifetime of writing about any and
everything counts.
The opinions expressed in this column are Joe Morice’s alone and do not
reflect the opinion of the owners or staff
of Community News.