Be a team leader

The Shape Up Walking Challenge encourages everyone to be:
Active at Any Age
Active Your Way
Active During the Day
The Facts
8-week team challenge April 6 – May 31: Go to to create your
Teams can consist of co-workers, friends, retirees and family
Team leaders recruit, inspire, and motivate team members
Team Leader Goals
Create a team culture that encourages employees of all physical abilities to participate.
Use a team structure to support and encourage employees to work together to reach 1,016
miles in 8 weeks through consistent physical activity.
Motivate employees to be active and to track their activity weekly.
Create Your Team
1. Register your team online at Click the registration button.
2. Select “Register as a Team Leader.”
3. Create a team name. For CCSF employee teams, please add your three-letter department
code to the end of your team name. For example, Shape Up Sneakers – HSS.
4. Determine the best size for your team. Reaching the 1,016 miles in 8 weeks can depend
on the number of individuals on your team and how many miles they are physically active.
To help you determine a team size refer to the following chart
Teams with more
active members can be
smaller (10-15)
because individuals will
log more miles. Teams
with more members
who are less active will
need more members
Team’s Current
Activity Level
Less Active
0-3 days/week
Mixed Activity
0-7 days/week
More Active
4-7 days/week
Weekly Goal
Goal for 8
Weeks (miles)
Team Size
5. Recruit team
members. Team members can be made up of co-workers, family and friends. Remember to
include members of all physical activity levels. Distribute the “Participant Instructions” to
potential team members (fill in your team name). If you have a team member that does not
have internet access and/or an email account, you will need to register on their behalf.
It’s recommended to have a kick-off event to launch the Shape Up Walking Challenge. Make it
fun and engaging. Have a theme (i.e. 80s party), host a potluck, or just go for a group walk.
Share key messages:
Together we can walk the coast of California in only 8 weeks.
With our team size, we’ll need to average (1016 DIVIDED BY THE NUMBER OF TEAM
MEMBERS) miles per week. Let’s make sure to log our miles each week on (PICK A DAY
OF THE WEEK) so we can track our progress.
What ideas do you have to get us moving and keep us motivated?
Support & Motivate
During the program you will want to provide support to your team. Here are just a few ideas:
Host weekly group walks. Develop a walking buddy system.
Send emails or post team mileage updates. Include inspirational messages.
Congratulate team members who are exceeding their personal goals.
Encourage team members to share what they are doing to be successful.
Encourage team members to participate in the weekly contests announced in the weekly
newsletter all participants receive.
Print the newsletter for team members who may have limited or no access to email.
Distribute Giveaways
If you have giveaways to provide your team members, please follow these considerations when
distributing them.
Giveaways are great for those who:
Track mileage consistently
Encourage and support their team
Share healthy resources, like
Please do not use giveaways for:
Lead a group walk
Logging the most miles
Meet or exceed their personal goal
Exercising the most
Model healthy behaviors
Team members who don’t
Share their success story
Invite a co-worker to go for a walk at
lunch or during a break
Help you support the team
emphasize team spirit