Summary of The Establishment of ASEAN Open Source Software

Summary of
The Establishment of ASEAN Open
Source Software Resource Portal Project
National Electronics and Computer Technology Center
Project Timeline
Success Criteria
WC Meeting summary
Recall 2nd WC Meeting
The 3rd WC Meeting
Demo and features
The 3rd Working Committee Meeting on The Establishment of ASEAN Open Source
Software Resource Portal Project
Project Timeline
The Establishment of ASEAN Open Source
Software Resource Portal Project
2nd WC Meeting on 9-10 April 2014, at Kantary Hotel,
Ayutthaya, Thailand.
Proposed by NECTEC,
on 21-22 February, Bangkok, Thailand
Endorsed by ASEAN SCMIT and COST
on 11-13 June, Siem Reap, Cambodia.
- Standardize existing Portal according to ASEAN Open
Source Software Resource Portal during Aug-Oct 2014.
- Feedback all country during Sep-Nov 2014
- Launch ASEAN Open Source Software Resource Portal
on Nov 2014.
- Share existing information and Keep update
15 Nov 2014 - now.
1st WC Meeting on 20 July 2012,
at Furama Jomtien Beach Hotel,
Chonburi, Thailand.
3rd WC Meeting on 9-10 April 2015,
at The Sukosol Hotel,Bangkok, Thailand.
The SCMIT and COST Meetings on 25-26
and 28-29 May 2015, Phuket, Thailand.
End date of the Project May 2015
NECTEC continue maintain and support
the Portal until Dec 2015.
The 3rd Working Committee Meeting on The Establishment of ASEAN Open Source
Software Resource Portal Project
1.To share the existing information and
experiences from all ASEAN member states
through a single web Resource Portal in the
areas of:
– The open source software information.
– The open source software
curricula/materials/certification programmes.
– The policy guideline/success stories/pilot
– The expertise used for the research and
development of open source software.
To be continued
The 3rd Working Committee Meeting on The Establishment of ASEAN Open Source
Software Resource Portal Project
Objectives (cont.)
2.To assist each ASEAN member country in
reducing the learning curve in the adopting the
open source software.
3.To improve awareness of open source software
The 3rd Working Committee Meeting on The Establishment of ASEAN Open Source
Software Resource Portal Project
1. An Open Source Software Resource Portal
containing the sufficient and effective
knowledge gained from member countries to be
used for the process of learning and developing
the open source software.
To be continued
The 3rd Working Committee Meeting on The Establishment of ASEAN Open Source
Software Resource Portal Project
Outputs (cont.)
2.The diffusion of open source software in
member countries and non-member countries.
3.A study report of benefits and impacts of the
project to be provided at the end of the project.
The 3rd Working Committee Meeting on The Establishment of ASEAN Open Source
Software Resource Portal Project
Success Criteria
Success Indicators
1.During the first 3 years of the project,
Thailand will be responsible in providing and
administering a web Resource Portal
(collecting and sharing the data and
To be continued
The 3rd Working Committee Meeting on The Establishment of ASEAN Open Source
Software Resource Portal Project
Success Criteria (cont.)
Success Indicators
2.After the first three years, each member country
will take turn to manage and administrate the
website consecutively.
3.The annual meeting shall be arranged at least
once a year to report the progress of the project
and to discuss other open source software
collaborative matters.
To be continued
The 3rd Working Committee Meeting on The Establishment of ASEAN Open Source
Software Resource Portal Project
Success Criteria (cont.)
Success Indicators
4.The project is aimed to have a contribution
from India and all ASEAN members.
The 3rd Working Committee Meeting on The Establishment of ASEAN Open Source
Software Resource Portal Project
Success Criteria
Success Measures
1.The participation of all ASEAN members in
the project.
2.The sufficient and effective information in the
OSS Resource Portal provided by all ASEAN
The 3rd Working Committee Meeting on The Establishment of ASEAN Open Source
Software Resource Portal Project
WC Meeting Summary
The Kick-off Meeting on 20 July 2012, at
Furama Jomtien Beach Hotel, Chonburi,
– Participants: BR, KH, LA, MM, MY, SG, TH,
– Absence: ID, PH
– Key Output
Introduce the developing a resource portal
Set up the Project Working Committee
Discuss about the collaborative work plan
To be continued
The 3rd Working Committee Meeting on The Establishment of ASEAN Open Source
Software Resource Portal Project
WC Meeting Summary (cont.)
The 2nd WC Meeting on 9-10 April 2014, at
Kantary Hotel, Ayutthaya, Thailand.
– Participants: LA, MY, PH, SG, TH, VNA
– Absence: BR, ID, KH, MM
– Key Output
Introduce and demonstrate the portal
Review the project working plan
Discuss on project implementation and problems
The 3rd Working Committee Meeting on The Establishment of ASEAN Open Source
Software Resource Portal Project
Recall 2 WC Meeting
The Meeting acknowledged the
introduction, background and objectives of
the project proposal, including the progress
of the project and the demonstration of
the Portal, presented by Thailand.
To be continued
The 3rd Working Committee Meeting on The Establishment of ASEAN Open Source
Software Resource Portal Project
Recall 2 WC Meeting (cont.)
The meeting agreed on discussion issues as
1.Review and discussion on technical design
and function of the portal
2.Review and discussion on the collaborative
work plan
3.Discussion on the project logo
4.Discussion on problems and concerns
To be continued
The 3rd Working Committee Meeting on The Establishment of ASEAN Open Source
Software Resource Portal Project
Recall 2 WC Meeting (cont.)
1.Review and discussion
on technical design and
function of the portal.
Action line:
Thailand makes
modification according to
the discussion.
What to be done
Most of the tasks was carried out in
accordance to the decisions made in
the meeting except
- Data synchronization mechanism
(first try with Vietnam)
- Accessibility (partial)
- Local instance (need to clean up
code before open in Git)
- Implemented hosting (Use MySQL
because limitation of hosting)
To be continued
The 3rd Working Committee Meeting on The Establishment of ASEAN Open Source
Software Resource Portal Project
Recall 2 WC Meeting (cont.)
2.Review and discussion
on the collaborative
work plan.
What to be done
Revised project work
- The meeting agreed
on the revised project
work plan.
To be continued 17/22
The 3rd Working Committee Meeting on The Establishment of ASEAN Open Source
Software Resource Portal Project
Recall 2 WC Meeting (cont.)
Revised Project Plan
To be continued
The 3rd Working Committee Meeting on The Establishment of ASEAN Open Source
Software Resource Portal Project
Recall 2 WC Meeting (cont.)
3. Discussion on the
project logo
What to be done
- Designed 2 logos in the
concept as the meeting
Action line:
Thailand to design the
logo and suggest to all
partners for
(new design)
To be continued
The 3rd Working Committee Meeting on The Establishment of ASEAN Open Source
Software Resource Portal Project
Recall 2 WC Meeting Output (cont.)
What to be done
4. Discussion on
problems and concerns.
- Lack of resources:
budget, knowledge, and
human resource and
Sustainability of the
- To be discussed in the
3rd WC meeting.
Action line:
It would be discussed in
the next WC meeting.
To be continued
The 3rd Working Committee Meeting on The Establishment of ASEAN Open Source
Software Resource Portal Project
Recall 2 WC Meeting (cont.)
5. Others
What to be done
- To be held on 9-10 April
- The meeting agreed
that the next WC
meeting will be hosted
by Thailand.
To be continued 21/22
The 3rd Working Committee Meeting on The Establishment of ASEAN Open Source
Software Resource Portal Project
The 3 WC Meeting Agenda
to review the Open Source Software Resource
Portal functions.
to summarize the output of the project before
the project completion at the end of 2015.
to evaluate and conclude the project.
future of ASEAN OSS Resource Portal.
to provide recommendation to ASEAN SCMIT
and COST.
The 3rd Working Committee Meeting on The Establishment of ASEAN Open Source
Software Resource Portal Project