April Newsletter - Netball New Zealand

April Newsletter
April 2015
Inside This Issue
Message from CEO
Community Netball
Coach Development
Umpire Development
Mystics Update
Upcoming Events
Message from Julie Paterson, CEO
I am sure you will all be relieved to finally have all of your planning and
preparation leading to the start of the netball season come to fruition. While I
am sure everyone is incredibly busy it is still a fantastic time of the year with
netball getting underway at every level of the game. Our staff team in the
Northern Zone are at our busiest time of the year with both the SKYCITY Mystics
season round robin season having only five more weeks to go (four more
games plus the bye - where has that time gone?!), as well as our community
staff supporting as many centres as possible to get ready for the season.
We were fortunate to re-gain Lion Foundation funding again this year, and this
has meant that we are able to support some new projects in both umpiring
and bench officials. Tia Winikerei (Community Netball Manager) will be able
to discuss detail with you, but we have allocated funding to provide support
and development to the bench officials and this year will be supporting
developing umpires to attend the U17 tournament.
Tia and I are also currently working on regional funding ideas and intend to
increase our share of the funding allocation in to netball wherever possible - to
support our drive to increase capability at all levels of the game.
I hope to see as many of you as possible at the SGM on Sunday and then stay
on to support the SKYCITY Mystics at their game on Sunday evening. While we
are still at the top of the NZ conference, we need to continue with as many
wins as possible to enable us we host the NZ conference final. We love having
your support to help us achieve that!
Julie Paterson
Community Netball
Welcome back. The month ahead is looking very exciting. Many Centres have already begun their winter grading competitions,
coaching courses are a flurry and the growth of the ANZ future ferns programme is evident in the number of centres seeking Zone
support to embed their junior competitions. Netball New Zealand announced the national partnership with ANZ for the junior
programme on April 23. See http://mynetball.co.nz/latest-news/177-my-netball/4468-anz-and-netball-new-zealand-launch-newjunior-netball-programme.html to read this announcement.
The community team welcome back Jo Hona. Jo has recently re-joined us and we are excited to have her back working with the
Far North netball communities.
Recently, we had the pleasure of travelling to the Far North. I thoroughly enjoyed this and want to acknowledge all those that
made time to meet with us. I will be up there again this month and look forward to seeing you many of you again.
The community team met recently to take stock of the past 12 months. It has been both humbling and exciting for me to see how
passionate they are about Netball. In the coming months we will be assessing how we can continue to work closely with you. Our
aim is to provide centres with the support you need to deliver quality netball experiences and competitions at all levels.
Finally, I want to thank you for your warm welcome and hospitality when I have visited. I am hoping that by the next newsletter I
will have visited everyone as least once. Take care and enjoy the onset of winter. It’s our signal that Netball is alive.
Tia Winikerei
Community Netball Manager
ANZ future Ferns
Pictures say a thousand words
Taster Day at AMI Auckland Netball Windmill Road venue.
Year 1 & 2 children enjoying their skill activities and then playing their first game of 4 v 4.
In the activity above the ball did come down and so did the rain, but that didn’t stop the Year 3 children from playing their first
game of 5 v 5 netball. Their smiles say it all!
Taster day at Hibiscus Coast Netball Centre
It was bright and beautiful at the Year 3 Taster Day. Lots of children, lots of action and more importantly lots of fun.
-Anne Nicholson
Grading has begun in some of our South Auckland Centres and this season promises to be interesting with a lot of player
movement between teams. Battling the environment was part of the grading rounds but the talent is abundant and will make
for exciting competition.
Coach Development in College’s is on the increase thanks to the influence of our Zone Coach Developer and Centre Netball
Development Officers. This is positive and provides the opportunity for student coaches to develop with confidence and help
build the coaching infrastructure in their schools.
The Zone continues to support local Centres and communities in South Auckland and the North with the delivery of ‘Active in
Schools’ Junior Netball Programme. Active in Schools is contributing to the increase of players at Junior level and the feedback
from participants and parents has been very positive and rewarding.
Mid North Netball Centres
Our Mid North Centres have been busy planning for their ANZ Future Ferns Netball Programs. We’ve had everything from Junior
Netball Holiday programs, Star helper and Yr3&4 coach workshops and Have a go days!! It’s been an awesome month of
I am now also working with Hibiscus Coast Netball Centre and Kaipara Netball Centre and look forward to working with the
respective committees. We’ve already done some Star helper & Yr 3&4 coach workshops with these centers and I look forward
to supporting them with their programs.
A few of our centers have also started planning and working out strategies for how they are going to run their Leadership
Program in 2015. WATCH THIS SPACE!!
Following are some pictures from the Hibiscus Coast Netball Centre year 3 “have a go day”. Dawn and her team of leadership
girls were amazing to watch in action
- Trina Henare
Far North
Welcome back everyone! Our 3 northern centres are busy organising their seasons, all recently holding their 2015 AGM’s. Many
thanks to all the volunteers! It is great to see both Annie P (Mangonui) and Dallas W (BOI) re-elected and we welcome Wendy
Cribb (Kerikeri) as their new president.
Mangonui started their Senior Competition on Thursday 23rd April and both BOI and Kerikeri start next Saturday 2nd May. Please
visit your centre’s facebook or website page which has relevant information regarding senior and junior competitions; and the
new junior programme. You can also find up-coming coaching and umpiring module dates.
Julie, Hamish and Tia visited the Far North this month and we would like to thank you all for your welcome and the time you
made to meet with us.
-Jo Hona
Coach Development
Coaching modules are being delivered at nearly all the centres throughout the Zone for the up and coming season. If you are
a coach and you want to upskill, jump on to our website www.netballnorthern.co.nz and under ‘Events’, ‘Coaching Calendar’
there is information on where and when the next work shop is, this is updated regularly. Alternatively contact your local centre.
A big congratulations to the following coaches that have achieved their Community Coach Award (CCA):
Aimee Pooley
Christine Taylor
Dee Telfer
Louise Hartstone
Mo Matautia
Ravean Otene
Te Atawhai Ulutaufonua
Northern Wairoa
Tui Hutchinson
Northern Wairoa
If you have completed all the NNZ CCA Modules you need to get your centre to fill in the CCA Application and then send it
into me to ratify before I send it on to NNZ. The CCA Modules include: Player Centred Coaching, Skills Analysis, Team Building,
Communication and Managing Others, and Planning.
We are also working in tertiary education and recently 40 first year students majoring in sport from Unitec took part in a
coaching workshop. In Term 2 the plan is for these students to work with the Gladstone Primary School Year 5 & 6 students
coaching netball and running mini tournaments… We Love it!
-Tania Heap
Umpire development
The first three months of the 2015 season have been extremely busy from an umpiring perspective in the Netball
Northern Zone.
* All Coach/ assessor workshops have been completed with a total of 108 attending workshops. A big welcome to the
16 new coaches who have come on board the coaching bus for the Northern Zone.
* The Zone TID weekend was most successful with Debbie Shoebridge and Elaine Curtis working with our group of
young talented umpires
*Papakura Netball Umpires have organised workshops to assist their developing umpires
*Kaipara Netball Centre was assisted with their Beginner Umpire programme due to illness of their facilitator. Other
centres within the Zone are running similar programmes.
* Zone Performance Umpire Group had their final testing session with Chloe Mckenzie. She is a Strength and
Conditioning Trainer and has been working with this group with their fitness programmes during the off season
preparing them for what will be a very hectic 2015 season. They have really appreciated her import and assistance,
with all reaching improved fitness levels.
* Tanya McCarthy and Cory Nicholls have been appointed to officiate at the Trans Tasman Secondary Schools
competition to be held in Rotorua at the end of May.
CAT update workshop with 42 coaches involved
Debbie Shoebridge with the ZTID umpires
Zone Performance Squad thank Chloe McKenzie - Matt Davis, Rebecca Jeans, Christina Matthews, Tanya
McCarthy, Maru Delamere, Cory Nicholls, Chloe McKenzie, Lisa Stallard, Tania Fink, Amanda Mitchell
Raewyn Ronaldson working with Papakura Umpires
20 enthusiastic young umpires at Kaipara netball centre
-Jan Skilton
The Netball Northern Zone U23 squad has been selected and
started their campaign off on Sunday, April 19 with a team
building day. One of the activities the athletes had to complete
was the Tough as Nails assault course located at Waiatarua
Reserve. The course consisted of a 5km run with obstacles that
had to be negotiated around the reserve; it was a lot of fun but
also an incredibly challenging activity for the squad to go though.
Congratulations to the following athletes who have been
Jessica Shed (Panmure)
Anastasia Brake (Papatoetoe Rangers)
Tera-Maria Amani (Panmure)
Ajaay Savelio (Collegiate)
Chiara Semple (Collegiate)
Maia Wilson (MAGS Capil)
Eseta Augatavia (Carlton)
Elsa Brown (Mystics)
Maria Masei (Papatoetoe Rangers)
Samon Nathan (MAGS)
Meretini Fuimaono (MAGS Jakals)
Emma Iverson (Shore Rovers)
Chanel Dyer (Shore Rovers)
Grace Kukutai (Blockhouse Bay NC)
Nadia Loveday (Mystics)
Caitlin Reidstra (Panmure)
Toni Rinckes (Papatoetoe Rangers)
Paige Harwood (Panmure)
Alex McLeod-Smith (Commodores)
Holly Fowler (MAGS Capils)
Kat Coffin (Mystics)
Sulu Tone-Fitzpatrick- (Mystics)
-Hamish Barton
Mystics Update
The SKYCITY Mystics are back at home for the next three weeks, including a much anticipated bye round, following a
recent three weeks on the road. Over Easter Sunday, we faced the Magic in Rotorua where a tough game was
expected, and we came away with a Draw. Magic have made the semi-finals in every season of the ANZ
Championship and having won the title in 2012 we knew this was going to be a tough game.
The following week, our team travelled to Wellington to face the MOJO Pulse at TSB Bank Arena. The SKYCITY Mystics
came home with a win from this game. Cathrine Latu celebrated her 100th ANZ Championship game – all of them
for the SKYCITY Mystics, at the conclusion of this game and became the third member of the current SKYCITY Mystics
team to reach that figures, joining Laura Langman and Maria Tutaia.
We then travelled across the Tasman to face the NSW Swifts. Unfortunately, this game was not to be ours and we
came home with our second loss of the season.
We also celebrated our super coach, Debbie Fuller’s involvement with the SKYCITY Mystics as she reached her 53 rd
game on Sunday evening during our game against the Queesland Firebirds.
Serena Guthrie’s desperation for the ball and lack of self-preservation has seen her quickly become a fan favourite.
Playing at Wing Defence, the England
international won the ANZ Championship’s Golden Bib award for her MVP
effort in our win over the Central Pulse. Laura Langman had won the Golden Bib, which is for the top player that
week in the league, in Round Three. Laura became the ANZ Championship’s most-capped player then (though
Irene van Dyk joined her on 108 matches later that round).
Sponsor Meet & Greet Function
Crowe Horwath, new partners to the SKYCITY Mystics, kindly extended an invitation to our family of sponsors, to join
them and the SKYCITY Mystics team for drinks and nibbles at their premises on 9th April. A large number of our
sponsors were able to attend and joined us for a thoroughly lovely evening. Many thanks to Crowe Horwath for
hosting us.
Media Update
It’s been nice to see our girls profiled in a range of places in the last month.
SKY Sport’s Netball Zone has run pieces on Serena, Sulu and Laura, while Tagata Pasifika gave some lovely
background on Temalisi. TVNZ got to know Serena and Kayla a bit better also, while The Crowd Goes Wild gathered
some wisdom from Laura (while also learning it wasn’t wise to trick a ref into thinking Cat had replayed a ball).
We touched on the girls’ links to their local communities – through media such as Millie in the Franklin County News,
Elsa in the Northern Advocate and Maria in the Western Leader – and the NZ Herald let people know that Sulu’s
genes were shared with the famous All Black prop Olo Brown (or Uncle Olo, as Sulu knows him).
It’s been a goal this season to highlight how much effort the SKYCITY Mystics players are putting in behind the
scenes. For that reason, we invited cameras into a gym session with the team at the Millennium Institute at the start
of April, where players such as Katherine Coffin & Serena Guthrie (pictured) ripped into their work.
Among the media highlights in April were the NZ Herald taking a look at what they termed the ‘Mystical
transformation’ of the team and various acknowledgements of Cat Latu’s 100th ANZ Championship game, including
a big feature in the Northern Advocate on their local girl.
There was plenty of debate in the press, sparked by Liz Ellis, around the fitness of the Kiwi teams. We’re confident that
our players are as fit as any in the competition – and our second half performances have generally been strong. So
we were happy to contribute to that conversation, which will continue while the Australians have the record in the
competition that they do.
Our month started with plenty of interest in the likes of Laura Langman and Noeline Taurua, heading into our match
in Rotorua against the Magic. This was a thriller, with Maria Tutaia tying the game after the final hooter – and then
spending time with TV3 the next day to share the experience. She also let Tony Veitch’s listeners into her world in a
major interview.
Debbie Fuller is popular with sport radio hosts, as her mix of insight, openness and warmth lends to some lovely
conversation. She was busy in April with various Radio Sport and Radio Live shows.
We hold at least one open media session each week and often invite the media to additional opportunities. One of
these extras chances was when a handful of the girls went to SkyCity’s Gusto restaurant to learn pasta making with
Sean Connolly. No, we didn’t deliberately set the fire alarms off – but it did make for some colourful TV. The story that
SKY TV’s Netball Zone ran was an especially good look at the occasion.
-Chris Tennant
Upcoming Events
Sunday 3rd May-
Northern Zone Special General Meeting, Trusts Arena 4pm
Sunday 3rd May-
Mystics vs Tactix, HOME 7.10pm
Monday 18th May-
Mystics vs Magic, HOME 7.40pm
Saturday 23rd May-
Mystics vs Steel, AWAY 4.10 pm
Monday 1st June-
Mystics vs Vixens, HOME 7.40pm