Sunrise United Methodist Church Daybreak A new day is dawning... Church Office Debbie Barfield 919-303-3720 x200 M-F 9am - 4pm Sunday Worship 8:30 & 11:00am Saturday Worship 5:05 pm Pastor Tom Ext. 201 (m) 919- 884-6315 Sunday School all ages 9:50am Youth Minister Amie Stewart (m) 919-200-3217 Minister of Music & Arts Laura Garrett Ext. 208 Sábado Adoración en Español 7:00PM Pilar Adrianzen (m) 919- 815-5971 Stephen Ministry Tammy Lack 919--744-5735 Preschool Kim Sain Ext .204 2015 Volume 19 5420 Sunset Lake Road Holly Springs, NC 27540 919-303-3720 The Missions Committee has been considering international missions opportunities and has decided to explore the Rice and Beans Ministry in Costa Rica. We have the opportunity to join a team that is planning a trip to Costa Rica the week of July 25th through August 1st. The work will involve participation in the Rice & Beans Food and Prayer ministry and some construction work. If you would like to participate in this mission opportunity or want to learn more about it, contact Debbie O’Brien at [email protected] The goal at Rice and Beans is to go into all the world and make disciples of Christ. Because we study that Christ was always meeting people exactly where they were then calling them out into a faith that grew them and transformed their lives, we strive with each action that we do so that we will meet people where they are and help lead them into a faith of Jesus Christ. Meeting the needs of many people often begins with meeting their needs of hunger through the flesh, then meeting their spiritual hunger through the Word and Prayer. Rice and beans are a staple food of many South and Central American cultures, therefore they give a perfect avenue to meet many needs for families all across the regions. However, simply providing food for families is only the real beginning of what Rice and Beans is all about. (continued on p. 2) Inside Missions Opportunity p. 2 Music and Arts p. 3 Nurture News p. 4 Easter Egg Hunt p. 5 Children & Youth p. 6 Opportunities p. 8 Birthdays p. 10 Prayer Page p. 11 Throughout the year, various construction teams build new churches, houses, classrooms, and many other structures that enable the people of Costa Rica. Day camps are formed so that the children have the opportunity to do what children do best, play. The food bags help reach out to the local community in a passive way. We take members from the local churches with us on the food and prayer ministry to build relationships with the local community. We feel and believe the only way to change the world is to change ourselves first and then work on our local communities and neighborhoods . The food bags consists of 2 kilos each of rice and beans, 1 kilo masa and a bag of powdered milk. Many times the teams add bibles and other things for the children. Please prayerfully consider participating in this opportunity. Contact Debbie O’Brien at [email protected] for any questions. Special Easter Services are planned during Holy Week. Thursday, April 2nd at 7 pm Laura Garrett is planning a special Maundy Thursday service that will take us through the events of Jesus on his last night before crucifixion. Good Friday, April 3rd the Sunrise Youth will be offering an amazing spiritual encounter called The Stations of The Cross that begins at 6 pm. Then Easter Sunday, April 5th, we’ll join with Christians of all denominations in our Community Sunrise Service @ 6:30am hosted by Holly Springs United Church of Christ with a breakfast to follow. Daybreak Page 2 Music and Arts Ministries April 2015 * Maundy Thursday April 2nd Please join us at 7:00 p.m. for worship featuring: Dramatic monologues from Biblical characters who were close to Jesus in his final days on earth. * Footwashing ritual * Holy Communion *** Easter Sunday April 5th Celebrate Easter with joyful hymns and anthems. *** Sunday, April 19th Liturgical Dancers in both morning services Celebrate the Easter season with “These Feet Got Joy!” *** Sunday April 26th Kids’ praise ensemble will sing and JuBELLation, our handbell choir, will ring in both morning services. *** INSTRUMENTAL ENSEMBLE IS REGROUPING TO PLAY IN WORSHIP ON MAY 24TH. If you play a band or orchestral instrument and have at least one year’s experience, You are invited to play with us! Rehearsals are set according to the participants’ schedules, so times vary. See Laura Garrett to sign up. Daybreak Page 3 [email protected] Please welcome our newest members: David Grey Bailey & Carter 8:30 AM Service Joined Feb. 22 Heath Hayes & Kate Cornell ReFuel Service Joined March 7 Jeff & Angela DiNoto Sophia 11 AM Service Joined March 8 Angels in Aprons With love from Sunrise UMC Did you know? Since the inception of this exciting new ministry in February, 8 meals have been delivered. If you know of any one who would benefit from a meal delivered to them, please contact Lorie Hostetler: 919.614.6706 or [email protected]. 26 Valentine’s Day cards were sent to our college students An average of 10 cards each month are sent to members who are recovering from sickness, injury or other life events If you know of any members who could benefit from a card from our Care Card Ministry, please contact Mary Kay Calloway at [email protected]. Easter Egg Hunt Sunrise United Methodist Church th March 28 10am-11:30am Games & Crafts Music & Missions Egg Hunt Visit the Easter Bunny Bring Your Basket and Camera Sunrise United Methodist Church 5420 Sunset Lake Rd, Holly Springs, NC 27540 Contact us at: [email protected] Youth Ministry Schedule April 2: Maundy Thursday Worship – 7PM April 3 Stations of the Cross, youth-led service – 6-8PM April 5 Easter Sunday, no youth group April 11 Stop Hunger Now – 10am – 12pm at Sunrise UMC April 12 Confirmation Class, 12:30-4pm Youth Group, 5-7pm April 19 Youth Group Trip to Jarvis UMC April 24 Middle School Lock-in – 6PM – Sat, 4/25 at 8AM April 26 No Youth Group ASP Dinner and Auction, 5:30PM April 27 LOGOS Mission Monday Fireproof Schedule: April 5 -- No Rehearsal (Easter) April 12 -- 4:00 rehearsal for everyone April 19 -- 1:00 to 8:00 outreach to Jarvis UMC (more details to follow; if you can drive, please let Amie know!) April 26 -- 4:00 rehearsal for middle school only; 4:30 everyone Trip to Jarvis UMC - The youth group - and Fireproof - are invited to Jarvis UMC in Greenville, NC on Sunday, April 19th for fun, food, and fellowship with youth groups in Eastern NC. In order to make the trip, we need parents who are willing to drive and chaperone the event. Please contact Amie if you're willing to help! Middle School Lock-In - The Lock-in is scheduled for Friday, April 24 at 6PM, and ending Saturday, 4/25 - at 8AM! This "Divergent" themed event will involve lots of fun, food, and fellowship. RSVP to Amie by Sunday, April 5! Stations of the Cross Good Friday, April 3rd - During Holy Week, Good Friday is the day that we pray, meditate, and consider Jesus’ death on the cross for our sins. The youth are again organizing a special worship experience for this evening. This will be slightly different than last year’s journey. Your family, friends, and neighbors are invited to travel on a multisensory journey to the cross. The entire church will be transformed into an avenue for prayer. There will be 10 stations, all of which reenact the last few moments of Jesus’ life on earth. You will rotate through the stations in groups of 6 people. You can start any time between 6 and 8pm. The whole experience will take about an hour. ASP Auction Sunday, April 26, 5:30pm Mark your calendars for the annual ASP spaghetti dinner and auction on April 26 starting at 5:30pm. We will host a silent auction and live auction portion with proceeds going to support the Appalachia Service Project trip to Western North Carolina from July 12-18. For more information, contact Melanie Mangum ([email protected]). Daybreak Page 6 Children’s Ministry April 2: Maundy Thursday Worship – 7PM April 3: Stations of the Cross, youth-led service – 6-8PM April 5: Easter Sunday – Children lead Holy Communion April 12: Sunday School, Kids Music + Bible Club April 19: Sunday School, Kids Music + Bible Club April 26: Sunday School, Kids Music + Bible Club KidsMin Music - Sunrise is alive and actively providing opportunities for our children to sing and praise together. On Sunday mornings, at the beginning of Sunday school hour, our kids up through 2nd grade sing together with Meghan and Julia. At 3PM, the Guitar Ensemble provides instrument lessons. At 3:30PM, the Kids' Praise Ensemble joins for practice. We look forward to these young musicians offering their gifts on Sunday, April 26! MessEGGes to USO – The 3rd – 5th Grade Sunday School class worked over January and February to put together “MessEGGes” – plastic Easter Eggs filled with messages of God’s love and care. On Saturday, Rebecca and Diana Wyman and Charles and Carol Anderson went to the RDU USO to deliver these eggs for troops on the way through the airport. Sunday, 3/8, eggs were delivered to the Carillon for worship. These eggs will also be handed to Sunrisers on Easter Sunday, 4/5. Many thanks to the Anderson’s, Schindler’s, Wyman’s, and Atwood’s for leading our older children in spreading the Good News through eggs! Children’s Bible Club – ACTION! Parable Study for Tweens! Join with Carol in the Nursery for this new take on CBC! This drama study will allow our older kids to participate in skits to learn the parables. ➢ Parables of the Lost Apr. 12 ➢ The Unforgiving Servant Apr. 19 ➢ The Good Samaritan Apr. 26 Closing Ceremonies – Children’s Music and CBC! On Sunday, April 26 – the children will lead the Children’s Moment with their song – “Every Promise” as part of the God’s Promises study this spring. We’ll also have a celebration in between services during the Sunday School hour for all children. Many thanks to Carol Anderson, Jay and Laura Rabon, Tom Glossop, and all those whose tireless efforts serve our children through music and study! Stop Hunger Now – Saturday, April 11 at 10AM - Join the movement to end hunger in our lifetime! Help us reach our goal to package 10,152+ meals on April 11th. Working together we can create a world without hunger. Register at SunriseUMC VBS Leader’s Meeting - Sunday, 4/12 at 12:30PM. Fifth Grade Lunch – Sunday, 4/19 at Michelangelo’s. Calling all 5th graders! Let’s join for lunch after worship for pizza and fun. Looking forward to you all joining our youth group in the fall – and hope this is a fun time to talk about all that will come when you get to middle school! RSVP to Amie Stewart. VBS 2015 Save the Date! This year we will hold Vacation Bible School from June 22-26 in the evening for ages 4 through 5th grade. This year we will be exploring EVEREST – Conquering Challenges with God’s Mighty Power! Embark on an icy expedition where kids overcome obstacles with God's awesome power. Anchor kids in rock-solid Bible truths that will guide them through life's challenges. This is one of our biggest events of the year at Sunrise, with over 100 kids in attendance. To make it a success, we need over 60 dedicated volunteers! For more information about how you can help, please contact Becky Pearson ([email protected]) or Amie Stewart ([email protected]). Volunteer Meeting will be held on Sunday, April 12th at 12:30PM. Registration for children beginning NOW! Daybreak Page 7 OPPORTUNITIES Sunrise will once again host a Stop Hunger Now meal packaging event on April 11 at 10:00am. We will be packaging over 10,000 meals. This event will run 2 hours and will be held in the Sanctuary. There is no cost to participate, it is being funded by the Missions committee. This event is open to all ages. Stop Hunger Now's meal packaging events are a fun, hands-on way to make a difference and impact the lives of those suffering from hunger. A webpage has been created for our event and the URL (web link) is This webpage provides all necessary information. Registration is MANDATORY for all participants, as they are now requiring that volunteers acknowledge our waiver language in the sign-up process. If you have any questions please contact [email protected]. Daybreak Page 8 FRANgelism FRANgelism! What is it? A time of celebration at Sunrise UMC! It is coming to our Saturday evening and Sunday morning services April 25 & 26 and it is going to be big! Why, because FRANgelism is about us. It is our opportunity to invite Friends, Relatives, Associates and Neighbors to church so they too can experience the same love, grace, support and acceptance that defines our community of faith. It is about our desire to want others to know how special Sunrise is. April 25 & 26 is the weekend we will celebrate FRANgelism. Special services are being planned including a welcome reception between the services Sunday morning. During the time leading up to April 25 & 26, would you 1) pray that the Lord would place upon your heart the names of Friends, Relatives, Associates and Neighbors to invite to church? 2) Be in prayer, not only for the people Lord provides but also for the wisdom, courage and peace as you prepare to share about Sunrise. 3) Bring the names of those you invite with you to church April 18 & 19 for a special time of prayer and commitment? The Evangelism Committee is developing information packets you can use to share with those you plan to invite. We will also be sending out helpful tips and notes of encouragement as we lead up to April 25 & 26. FRANgelism! We can make it big for Sunrise! We can make it big for the Lord! Blood Drive: Mark your calen- On April 19 we will receive a special offering to observe Native American Ministries Sunday. This offering will help develop and strengthen (Native American) ministries that pave the way for those who aspire to serve God’s church by making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Your gift will also provide scholarships for United Native American seminarians. dars for Monday, April 27. Appointment times will be between 3 and 7PM. Remember to bring a photo ID. Daybreak Page 9 Are You Ready To Unite With Sunrise? Empowering, Devoting, Transforming for Christ That’s where the Spirit is leading here at Sunrise, and you are invited to become a part of this growing congregation. You may join by a profession of your faith in Jesus Christ or by transfer of membership from another congregation where you have made that profession. To have a loved-one baptized, please speak with Pastor Tom as well. If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Tom: (m) 919-884-6315 or [email protected] WLFJ ministries is an Evangelical outreach to the needy community in Raleigh, N. C. and surrounding areas. Our goal is to minister to the spiritual as well as physical needs of those individuals we serve each week. Sunrise UMC volunteers on the 1st Friday of most months. You are welcome to carpool from the Sunrise parking lot on Friday, May 1st at 8:15 am. We return around noon. If you would like more information please contact Bob Holm at 267-5404. 1 Abby Schindler 2 Tom Gahagen 3 4 5 Kelsey Sain Hayden Bingham, Gretchen Bingham John Classen, Rachel Doherty, Johnny Francis, Ryan Willadsen 6 - 7 Collin Drummond, Beth Lewis, Riley Pearson 8 9 Samuel Guerrero - 10 11 Tommy Allen, Mitchell Lack, Cris Preble Courtney Kremer, Randy Peterson, Mary Jo Rose 12 13 Mike Barker, Shane Jarvis - 14 Logan Ash, Bryce Buck, Pat Haggard, Cady Smith 15 Elliot Barnes 16 17 18 Vic Hill Jackson Bingham, Chelsea Davis, Bailey Gray - 19 - 20 21 22 23 24 25 Jay Preble Lee Ripperger, Tracey Bailey Ryan Brummeyer, Joshua Johnson Angie DiNoto, Jack Lassiter, Bert Mileski Meredith Barkley, Rafael Guerrero 26 27 Conner Drummond, Bob Sydnor Mark Fredriksen, Rebekah Mangum, Mike Phillips Todd Lack - 28 29 30 Daybreak Page 10 Sunrisers Family & Friends Pat Causey Mike Gabbard (Jim Schofield) Franklin Floyd Cynthia (sister of Wayne Burkes) Larry Francis Dana (Janice Mustian) Bob & Janice Mustian Mona Sauls Shanklin family (David & Kathyrn Beard) Melissa (daughter of Carol Pridgen) Lois Smith David Williams (Becky Sloan) Jim White Mike Forbes family. Pastor Tom and family on the passing of his mother Carol. Remembering our loved ones who serve CARILLON FELLOWSHIP Sunrise shares the “Good News” with residents at the Carillon Assisted Living of Fuquay-Varina. (6516 Johnson Pond Rd.) Brent Ash Tommy Bice Tom Helms Andrew Burkes Peter Burkes Patrick Dunn Joseph Gahagen Andrew Gallion Colby Hammonds Christopher Jarvis Kyle Pearson Ben Rosado 9:45-10:45 :1st, & 2nd Sundays or 3rd Sundays, at 10am Daybreak Page 11
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